Quotation Explorer - 'Comedian'

Imagine the Creator as a low comedian, and at once the world becomes explicable. - H. L. Mencken
I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately. - George Carlin
I'm lucky I'm a comedian, 'cause otherwise my life would just be a series of undocumented low points. - Kyle Kinane
When you battle with your conscience and lose, you win. -, comedian and violinist (1906-1998) - Henny Youngman
I don’t think being a comedian gives you any fucking insight into what makes people laugh. - Craig Ferguson
God is a comedian playing to an audience that is too afraid to laugh. - Voltaire
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. - Voltaire
As a comedian, the more you commit the sin of stupidity, three essential things happen to your life:~people applaud you incessantly.~love you more than their parents.~give you a daily bread. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A person should not crack a joke regularly until he is making money out of it like a comedian, else most people around him are most likely to treat him like a crack only. - Anuj Somany
Creator: a comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh. - H. L. Mencken
A person who can feel the pain of the underprivileged people can always be a true, stand-up comedian; most performers do not stand up to this standard and yet, surprisingly, many are popular. - Anuj Somany
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