Quotation Explorer - 'Characteristic'

It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. - Henry David Thoreau
Where one does not do planning, it is all pure ‘discharge’. ‘Charge’ occurs where there is planning. Discharge is a natural characteristic. There is no pain in it. - Dada Bhagwan
The characteristic common to God and man is apparently that: the desire and the ability to make things. - Dorothy Sayers
To possess a rich life of wholeness that brings happiness into the soul; is to show loving and caring characteristic traits toward others. - Ellen J. Barrier
That which is not slightly distorted lacks sensible appeal; from which it follows that irregularity—that is to say, the unexpected, surprise and astonishment, are an essential part and characteristic of beauty. - Charles Baudelaire
We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness: it is always urgent, ‘here and now,’ without any postponement. Life is fired at us point-blank. - José Ortega y Gasset
The ability to focus attention on important things is a defining characteristic of intelligence. - Robert J. Shiller
Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western religion, rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western science. - Gary Zukav
Being passionate about something is the most beautiful characteristic you can develop. - Charlotte Eriksson
And when we describe it as I shall do, it becomes plain that imagination is a specifically human gift. To imagine is the characteristic act, not of the poet's mind, or the painter's, or the scientist's, but of the mind of man. - Jacob Bronowski
The main characteristic which is the proof of the indwelling Spirit is an amazing tenderness in personal dealing, and a blazing truthfulness with regard to God’s Word. - Oswald Chambers
Dependability, integrity, the characteristic of never knowingly doing anything wrong, that you would never cheat anyone, that you would give everybody a fair deal. Character is a sort of an all-inclusive thing. If a man has character, everyone has confidence in him. - Omar Nelson Bradley
Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistake of our own period. And that means the old books. - C.S. Lewis
The ability to make love frivolously is the chief characteristic which distinguishes human beings from the beasts. - Heywood Broun
Philanthropic people lose all sense of Humanity, it is their distinguishing characteristic. - Oscar Wilde
One of the characteristic problems of our time is how to close this gap between capabilities and foresight. - Edward Tenner
And for the sake of humility--a characteristic crucial to sacred questioning we might do well to confess that we're capable at any moment of such bad religion ourselves. - David Dark
Always think about the needs of others because being a part of a group isan essential characteristic of human nature. - Eraldo Banovac
Creativity is an amazing human characteristic, which is more connected with curiosity than with knowledge. - Eraldo Banovac
...capitalism is too important and complex a subject to be left to economists. Achieving a critical comprehension of it requires perspectives beyond those characteristic of modern economics. That is why this is a history not of economic ideas, but of ideas beyond the capitalist economy. - Jerry Z. Muller
It is characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. - Henry David Thoreau
If every age has its own characteristic doctrine, there are a thousand signs which point to Fascism as the characteristic doctrine of our time.
It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment. - Freeman Dyson
Akin to the idea that time is money is the concept, less spoken but as commonly assumed, that we may be adequately represented by money. The giving of money has thus become our characteristic virtue. But to give is not to do. The money is given in lieu of action, thought, care, time. - Wendell Berry
Adapting to changes represents an important characteristic of human nature, essential for the development of human society. - Eraldo Banovac
Though American scenery is destitute of many of those circumstances that give value to the European, still it has features, and glorious ones, unknown to Europe...the most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery is its wildness - Thomas Cole
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