Quotation Explorer - 'Economics'

By philosophy, history, economics and science, all knowledge and wisdom, humanity may eventually arrive at the awareness of its own oneness.... Sudipta Das - Sudipta Das
...capitalism is too important and complex a subject to be left to economists. Achieving a critical comprehension of it requires perspectives beyond those characteristic of modern economics. That is why this is a history not of economic ideas, but of ideas beyond the capitalist economy. - Jerry Z. Muller
We want people to represent us in politics—and in love and economics too. When people represent us fully, they are ourselves and are not ourselves. When an object is simultaneously the same as and different from the person concerned with it—or considering it—aesthetics is there. - Eli Siegel
Economics without ethics is a caricature. Ethics without economics is a fairy tale. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
People are not embracing collectivism because they have accepted bad economics. They are accepting bad economics because they have embraced collectivism. - Ayn Rand
Justification for infidelity and dishonesty in all their manifestations lies in the marginal cost economics of just this once. - Clayton M. Christensen
We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Behavioral economics tells us that people often focus too much on the wrong things, and tend to focus on aspects of the job that are salient. So, for example, the pay is salient, especially the starting pay. - Alan Krueger
People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as ‘parasites’ fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by its host, one that can make its host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society. - Jason Read
We have always known that heedless self interest was bad morals, we now know that it is bad economics. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Once you understand the economics of the Austrian School and the philosophy of liberty in the tradition of Rothbard, you never look at anything not the state, the media, the central bank, the political class, nothing the same way again. - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
Many find in sex and economics the meaning of life and the reason of it all. The consequence of this is that the goal of life for many has become a relief of tension. - Sachindra Kumar Majumdar
One of the Great Rules of Economics According to If you are rich, you have to be an idiot not to stay rich. And if you are poor, you have to be really smart to get rich. - John Green
the euro, it seems, is stuck in a political no man's land trapped between two opposing world views. And the battleground is not economics, but ethics. - Martin Cohen
A fool believes that the society of the future will transcend the laws of economics. A person of reason hopes that it will finally learn to respect them. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could. - Rudiger Dornbusch
Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Mathematics brought rigor to economics. Unfortunately it also brought mortis. - Kenneth E. Boulding
Too large a proportion of recent "mathematical" economics are mere concoctions, as imprecise as the initial assumptions they rest on, which allow the author to lose sight of the complexities and interdependencies of the real world in a maze of pretentious and unhelpful symbols. - John Maynard Keynes
History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with economics. Vested interests have never been known to have willingly divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them. - B.R. Ambedkar
Mathematics has given economics rigor, but alas, also mortis.
Very much of the literature of economics strikes me as rationalization after the event. - John H. Williams
Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder. - John F. Kennedy
The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. - Henry Hazlitt
You like economics, don't you?' I asked. 'Everyone should know the basics,' said the Princess. 'Lasting peace will only be brought about through economic means - we should be trading with the Trolls rather than fighting them. - Jasper Fforde
And yet, troublingly, there is one difference between 'labour' and other elements [raw materials, machinery] which conventional economics does not have a means to represent, or give weight to, but which is nevertheless unavoidably present in the world: the fact that labour feels pain. - Alain de Botton
Economics has made good on its promise to deliver prosperity and democratic freedom to much of the world, but in doing away with the age-old problems of humanity, it has opened up a crisis of an entirely new variety. - Philip Roscoe
It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance. - Murray N. Rothbard
There is nothing as dangerous as an economist who only knows economics except the moral philosopher who knows no economics. - Peter J. Boettke
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