Have you ever been homesick for someplace that doesn'tactually exist anymore? Someplace that exists only in yourmind? - Jenny Lawson
In the fullness of artistic life there is, and remains, and will always come back at times, that homesick longing for the truly ideal life that can never come true. - Vincent Van Gogh
Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground. - Judith Thurman
Homesickness is. . . absolutely nothing. Fifty percent of the people in the world are homesick all the time. . . You don't really long for another country. You long for something in yourself that you don't have, or haven't been able to find.
We are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known - Carson McCullers
I am a citizen-at-large, of everywhere and nowhere, so sometimes I get pretty homesick. - Rich Benjamin
I'm always homesick for the journey, I had once written in ink speckled script, adding almost as an afterthought, ...no matter what it may hold. - S.C. Barrus