Being at one with everything just means accepting that the future is always going to be unsure and learning to find ways to be okay with the uncontrollable sequence of events. - Mohadesa Najumi
The novelist defines the story with the following example: If you are told that the king died and then the queen died, that is a sequence of events. If you were told that the king died and then the queen died of grief, that is a story that he was interested. - E.M. Forster
A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand
The world is ruled by such dreams, dreams of impassioned hearts, and improvisations of warm lips, not by cold words linked in chains of iron sequence, --- not by logic. The heart with its passions, not the understanding with its reasoning, sways, in the long run, the actions of mankind. - William Kirby
The idea that one can go to the fossil record and expect to empirically recover an ancestor-descendant sequence, be it of species, genera, families, or whatever, has been, and continues to be, a pernicious illusion. - Gareth J. Nelson
Don't get caught in the trap of "Waiting". When I retire....When I get off work When I go that party this weekendWhen this happens then I can live.People miss the present and then wonder where time went. Allow life unfold in its divine sequence by being utterly present. - Matthew Donnelly
Genetic engineering was messy. To force a sequence of foreign DNA into a plant, you couldn’t just snip the desired gene from the bacteria and sew it on to the plant’s DNA sequence like an old woman working on a quilt. - Kenneth Eade
And now the sequence of events in no particular order. - Dan Rather
Writing a story or a novel is one way of discovering sequence in experience, of stumbling upon cause and effect in the happenings of a writer's own life. - Eudora Welty
We need creativity in order to break free from the temporary structures that have been set up by a particular sequence of experience. - Edward de Bono
Life is a random sequence of actions and reactions of people’s preferences and decisions they take to achieve their preferences. - Vivek Thangaswamy
A good novel is an indivisible sum: every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization. - Ayn Rand