Quotation Explorer - 'Destinations'

Neither death nor wisdom has a full stop. There are only commas-no destinations, only waiting rooms. - Devdutt Pattanaik
Love, happiness, peace - these are not final destinations. They are in every moment, every breath, everything. - Vironika Tugaleva
The longer a life, the challenge is not the distance between destinations, but the difficulty of travelling light. My soul’s a portmanteau packed full, one half filled with what was, the other with what is, what should be. - Jamie A. Hughes
Do not let others drive that vehicle, called life, for you. Grab that steering wheel and discover unexplored destinations. - Lakshmy Menon Chatterjee
That roads are for journeys, ma'am, not destinations - Margaret Landon
But the beauty is in the walking -- we are betrayed by destinations. - Gwyn Thomas
No matter how rich or poor you are, all life will come to a sudden halt to travel into two types of destinations; Heaven and Hell. - Callum Illman
Your intuition is the pilot's seat of your soul. If you don't trust it, you'll keep missing the most important of destinations in life. - Kaiden Blake
why do I sleep? Because I dream, and that is where I hear the best stories and find the hidden destinations of life. - Lori Kay
I, a woman, find wearing high heels agreeable only on the very rare occasion that (1) I will be ferried between destinations upon a palanquin or (2) I am going to a cocktail party and, at five feet two, don't want to spend the evening discussing the latest movies with somebody's nipples. - Lauren Collins
You create the possibility of reaching your desired destinations if you have the courage to begin your journey. - Debasish Mridha
If you have a strong wish to change than no one can stop you for achieving your destinations.. - Aditya Pandya
Mistakes and errors, destinations and journeys are all the same and are paid with pain. - Auliq Ice
No matter how rich or poor you are, all life will come to an halt with two types of destinations; Heaven and Hell. - Callum Illman
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