Quotation Explorer - 'Swung'

Toward dawn we shared with youyour hour of desolation,the huge lingering passionof your unearthly out cry,as you swung your blind headtowards us and laboriously openeda bloodshot, glistening eye,in which we swam with terror and recognition. - Stanley Kunitz
Manny has swung with many men, but many men never seen Manny's blissful swing. - Anthony Liccione
Sturm, Swung, Wucht - Erwin Rommel
I was miserable, of course, for I was seventeen, and so I swung into action and wrote a poem, and it was miserable, for that's how I thought poetry worked: you digested experience and shat literature. [from "Mingus at the Showplace"] - William Matthews
And they danced with laughter and tears. They swung each other round and round, the first and last time in years. - Hubert Martin
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