Quotation Explorer - 'Intimately'

The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other. - Alexis de Tocqueville
I would be dreadfully remiss not to think that God would painstakingly craft something an intimately ingenious and inexplicably intricate as my life, and that by virtue of such sheer brilliance I should not examine it with the greatest precision and unleash it with the fullest abandon. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
I could crawl inside the lyrics and know each note intimately. They would claw at my soul, until I could no longer fight the emotions that took me to a place I couldn't experience. But, it was the possibility that made every verse a heart filled prediction and every beat a direction to follow. - Shannon L. Alder
Perhaps a book becomes a classic in proportion to how broadly its characters can be scavenged, how many readers find within it something they experience as desirable or even intimately necessary. - Janna Malamud Smith
The happiness of America is intimately connected with the happiness of all mankind; she is destined to become the safe and venerable asylum of virtue, of honesty, of tolerance, and quality and of peaceful liberty. - Marquis De Lafayette
Theology is speaking about God while in the very presence of God. We are intimately engaged with the subject of our study. - Michael F. Bird
Human rights violations are nit accidents; they are not random in distribution or effect. Rights violations are, rather, symptoms of deeper pathologies of power and are linked intimately to the social conditions that so often determine who will suffer abuse and who will be shielded from harm. - Paul Farmer
If a writer stops observing he is finished. Experience is communicated by small details intimately observed. - Ernest Hemingway
There should be no separation between spontaneous work with an emotional tone and work directed by the intellect. Both are supplementary to each other and must be regarded as intimately connected. Discipline and freedom are thus to be seen as elements of equal weight, each partaking of the other. - Armin Hofmann
I find, by experience, that the mind and the body are more than married, for they are most intimately united; and when one suffers, the other sympathizes. - Lord Chesterfield
A person is an objective entity, which as a definite subject has the closest contacts with the whole (external) world and is most intimately involved with it precisely because of its inwardness, its interior life. - Pope John Paul II
I believe having a great diversity of teachers is harmful and confusing for a young mind, in the same way I believe that it is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially - Donna Tartt
The kiss intimately relates to the most primitive kind of human contact, which can satisfy all of our needs, like: feeding, enjoying pleasure, tasting, wanting, rejecting, everything we associate with love. - Mabel Iam
I believehaving a great diversity of teachers is harmful and confusing for a young mind, in the same way I believe that it is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially - Donna Tartt
The world talks to the mind. Parents speak more intimately; they talk to the heart. - Hain Ginott
Observing Subjectively; Objecting subjection's intimately. The Sublime from the relaxed state of awe, hatches the state of beauty which flows through.As Above So Below,As Within So Without,The Monad of Experience. - Kevin John Kull
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