Quotation Explorer - 'Destined'

The government cannot love you, and any politics that works on a different assumption is destined for no good. - Jonah Goldberg
To me he seemed one of those persons destined to failure of whom you wonder what purpose it can ever serve that they should have ben born. - W. Somerset Maugham
Distance and time might keep people apart, but the heart and mind will always stay connected by memories, miracles and the power of two unlikely souls that were destined to meet. - Shannon L. Alder
Most scars are destined long before they are experienced. Healing is however, a choice. - Shilpa Menon
Those who don't know history are destined to be tyrannized by it - Dean Cavanagh
Everybody starts the journey but not everybody completes it; and even those who reach the destined point reach there in different forms and they form different destinies. Be careful as you journey in life! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Chaos exists only in the moment. But Fate knows all. Every action and reaction. Since everything is destined, nothing is random... Chaos is only an illusion. - B.C. Sirrom
It is only the brave who win life’s rewards. Those who don’t overcome their fears are destined to fail at even the least things. - Kevis Hendrickson
Her heart is played like well worn stringsIn her eyes the sadness singsOf one who was destined of better things - Lang Leav
You'll change into what you were destined to be, when the world comes to end for you. - an
We come from long lines of people destined never to meet. - Miranda July
In your daily life, let your destined visions be farther than your gifted sight and your ultimate joy be vibrant than your demeaning worries. Think big, dream big. - Israelmore Ayivor
No.. You have wonYou can never loseI won't let you loseYou are destined to winYou are destined to live in prosperity ..and to tell you.. You have won my existence!! - Anonymous
Humanity is destined to explore, settle, and expand outward into the universe. - Buzz Aldrin, second man to walk on the Moon
Never ever allow your challenges to bring you down; we are all destined to succeed in life. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
No one destined is to know their own destiny untill it is to late - Joseph mcbrearty
Rewards are not simply given, they are earned. Each of your trials and tribulations increases your reward. You are destined for success and greatness beyond measure. So smile to increase your endurance and laugh in the face of adversity. - Carlos Wallace
There is always a moment in our lives when we are destined to fall the way we ever feared of. - Annie Ali
God provides something to you through somebody. Thats same God can give something to somebody through you. If you make yourself a greedy traffic on the way and deprive the final destined owner of what you supposed to keep provisionally, you make God upset. - Israelmore Ayivor
What are humans meant to do; why are we here? Are we a mutation on the earth destroying its host? Are we a cancer destined to kill what supports us? I think not. So exploring this question is a powerful exercise in meaning; what is the meaning of human existence? - David W. Earle
Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, it is our duty to furnish it well. - Peter Ustinov
Our lives are destined by the determination of our own principles. - Saleem Durrani
I think i should get love inked on my skin.Maybe that's the only way i am destined to keep it. - Anjum Choudhary
If a man is destined to drown, he will drown even in a spoonful of water. - Yiddish Proverb
We often settle for what's available and what's available isn't always great. You are destined to achieve greatness! - Farshad Asl
Although you and I have crossed each other, we two are destined by the heavens to be together. There will come a day when the two of us will join together to do great things. But until then, you must wait and endure any hardship and danger that may come your way. - Auliq Ice
No one is destined to meet our own destiny until it's to late - Joseph mcbrearty
Good isn't obsessed to win ButBad is destined to lose - Hemdiva Dev
People live in fear of bad being out to get them, when in reality, the bad side is there only to be in polar opposite proportion to the positive that you are destined to thrive in. Conquer the negative, and thrive in the positive. - C. JoyBell C.
It is always thus, impelled by a state of mind which is destined not to last, we make our irrevocable decisions - Marcel Proust
Sometimes I feel that I am destined for greater things, and then again sometimes I suspect that I am just an extra in an epic movie. - Shon Mehta
No one is destined for greatness. Everyone is just destined to express the greatness that already exists within. - Aunna Pourang
From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven, and when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, the streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from that united being. - Baal Shem Tov
If one is destined to go wrong, he will not believe the truth but will believe something else altogether. - Dada Bhagwan
Sometimes I feel I am destined for greater things, and then again sometimes I suspect that I am just an extra in epic movie. - Shon Mehta
If you are destined to become a writer, you can't help it. If you can help it, you aren't destined to become a writer. The frustrations and disappointments, not even to mention the unspeakable loneliness, are too unbearable for anyone who doesn't have a deep sense of being unable to avoid writing. - Donald Harington
If someone is destined to be with you, nothing can keep her away; if she is not, nothing can make her stay. - Matshona Dhliwayo
And was it his destined part / Only one moment in his life / To be close to your heart? - Ivan Turgenev
Our ideas are like boomerangs,when you throw them they are destined to come back. - Pradeep Chaswal
Let's be happy the way life takes shape, it is all decided and destined to be that way and we can't change anything unless we first change ourselves. - Auliq Ice
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never change yourself just because others don't accept you, the one who's destined for you will accept you the way you're; not that he doesn't find flaws, but it matters no more for he sees only the spark & magic in your eyes, making you feel special for the rest of your life! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Two seeds destined to grow in concert, planted together in the field of love.’ She took in a lungful of air and continued. ‘The sky cast wet buckets of dreams and desires, the roots took shape, and the leaves tangled as one. - Christina Lee
He felt, in a way so familiar as to be almost dreary, the chosen victim of the gods, the self-admitted traitor, the one destined for judgment. - Iris Murdoch
If you write in the Old World, and against it, your work must die, go missing, be veiled, before it can live the life for which it was destined in the New World. - Patrick Nowell-Smith
If your heart is pure nothing or no one can stop what God has destined for you. They can but for a moment slow you down, but God will make a way. - Spirit Rain
What if you are just destined to get hurt, to be helplessly stuck in a point of time you no longer want to be? Maybe life is all about trying to get up while you fall a little bit deeper in the pits of hell, each time you try not to... - Sanhita Baruah
The happiness of America is intimately connected with the happiness of all mankind; she is destined to become the safe and venerable asylum of virtue, of honesty, of tolerance, and quality and of peaceful liberty. - Marquis De Lafayette
If you were destined to be a poet, then you won't brainstorm for lines that rhymes. If you were destined to be a celebrity, then you shouldn't start searching for fans. If you are truly a god, then let others worship you! - Michael Bassey Johnson
If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life. - Israelmore Ayivor
Lack of communication has a way of clipping our wings, which keeps us from flying. When things are left unspoken, we forget that everyone is destined to share the sky together. - Shannon L. Alder
Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to. - Henry Van Dyke
It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to. - Steve Goodier
Don't be preoccupied with something that drags your mind downhill. Be someone who could be destined to shine and can have the ability reach ultimate goals for the future." - Saaif Alam
When in life you are destined great, but fated to a humble background, it always gets really worse before it gets really better. - Darmie Orem
Minority of people are destined for success while majority succeed because they are determined for success. Where upon, work hard in silence and let success make the noise . - Osunsakin Adewale
If two people are destined to be together, they will bump to each other and fall in love in the RIGHT PLACE and in the RIGHT time. - shielabsyou
Our lives can be compared to beautiful streams, which are destined to flow, grow in majesty to create wonderful features such as cascading waterfalls, and give nourishment and life to those in its path. - Inshan Meahjohn
At times, it almost felt like I was destined to take the trip, like all the people I met had somehow been waiting for me - Nicolas Sparks The Choice
We will never be more that we have been destined to be! - Sorin Cerin
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