Quotation Explorer - 'Prediction'

It's the place where my prediction from the sixties finally came true: "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." I'm bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is, "In fifteen minutes everybody will be famous." - Andy Warhol
I could crawl inside the lyrics and know each note intimately. They would claw at my soul, until I could no longer fight the emotions that took me to a place I couldn't experience. But, it was the possibility that made every verse a heart filled prediction and every beat a direction to follow. - Shannon L. Alder
Anarcho-capitalism is not by definition libertarian. It is rather a prediction, not a definition. - David D. Friedman
A mathematician is an individual who believes that prophesying that his dog will die if he deprives it of food constitutes a prediction. - Bill Gaede
They believed that prediction was just a function of keeping track of things. If you knew enough, you could predict anything - Michael Crichton
The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its prediction and then disappears. - Bill Vaughan
I couldn't tell fact from fiction, Or if the dream was true My only sure prediction In this world was you. I'd touch your features inchly. Beard love and dared the cost, The sented spiel reeled me unreal And I found my senses lost. - Maya Angelou
Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. - Niels Bohr
Just because a prediction is true, doesn't mean that it is not false. - Lionel Suggs
Hope is not a prediction of the future, it's a declaration of what's possible. - Yogi Bhajan
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