Quotation Explorer - 'Relaxed'

If only my genitals didn't floatWhen I relaxed in the bathAnd we both looked down and we both agreedIt's stupid to be a man - Leonard Cohen
Adolescence isn't about relationships, its about dating. Its suppose to be relaxed, and fun. Isn't that what being a teenager is all about? - Raven Jayne
Very often, gleams of light come in a few minutes' sleeplessness, in a secondperhaps; you must fix them. To entrust them to the relaxed brain is like writing on water; there is every chance that on the morrow there will be no slightest trace left of any happening. - Antonin Sertillanges
The innate harmony that exists between mind and body is one of the secrets behind the amazing power of Shin-shin-toitsu-do, which is weakened by an inefficient use of the body. Our bodies must be strong, relaxed, and healthy to respond to our minds’ commands. - H.E. Davey
The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. - Dag Hammarskjöld
It always feels good and comforting to relax whilst there is work to be done but, it feels fulfilling to work hard, overcome slothfulness and challenges with tenacity and achieve your aim when you should have relaxed - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
No matter how you feel you have to actlike you are very popular with yourself;very relaxed and purposefulvery unconfusedand notlike you are walking through the sunshinesingingin chains. - Tony Hoagland
Observing Subjectively; Objecting subjection's intimately. The Sublime from the relaxed state of awe, hatches the state of beauty which flows through.As Above So Below,As Within So Without,The Monad of Experience. - Kevin John Kull
When tired, when bored, when happy, when unhappy, when night, when day, when cold, when hot, when nervous, when relaxed you always need music to fly into another dimension, the Dimension of Mindlessness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Choose joyful abundance in your heart and be unbounded, free, and relaxed. Be relentless with your choice and you’ll make your mark. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Reiki is the best vibration for helping someone to relax well and deeply. Relaxation is key to human health and recovery because it initiates our natural and innate healing abilities. It is when we are truly relaxed that true healing can take place. - Chyna Honey
Don't wait for people to dress your bed for you, do it yourself and you'll be glad to sleep and feel relaxed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
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