Quotation Explorer - 'Vibe'

Your words don't match your vibe, & im trusting my gut this time. - Nikki Rowe
When you love more than you receive, you create a positive vibe that enhances the beauty of this earth. - Debasish Mridha
It is always better to understand a person’s nature by own vibe than how people describe him/ her. - Anuj Somany
Never stop the vibe of parenthood. It just makes you see life in a more meaningful level. - Karl Gornal
People who are 'ready' give off a different vibe than people who aren't. Animals can smell fear; maybe that's it. The minute you become ready is the the minute you stop dreaming. Suddenly it's no longer about 'becoming'. Suddenly it's about 'doing'. - Hugh Macleod
Your vibe creates your tribe. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
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