Quotation Explorer - 'Oxymoron'

Private property is redundant. "Public property" is an oxymoron. All legit property is private. If property isn't private it's stolen. - Gustave de Molinari
The phrase "domestic cat" is an oxymoron.
In many ways, the title American is an oxymoron because one may look it on the outside but not feel it on the inside. - Ciore Taylor
Small thinking and big dreams is an oxymoron - John Paul Warren
Ethical hacking!! Is it not an oxymoron? - Ankala V Subbarao
The notion of children being "kindergarten ready" is a bizarre oxymoron. It's like saying you have to know how to play the piano before you can learn how to play the piano. - Peter Campbell
The most formidable way to lead is to serve. And while the perplexing oxymoron of such a grinding statement absolutely cripples us, it birthed a Savior. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
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