Quotation Explorer - 'Internet'

We know the people with techno-fear. They're there, on the computer, going; What... oh... oh... I... I've wiped the file? Oh damn. What... I've wiped all the files?? I've wiped the internet?!? Oh no... I don't even have a modem! - Eddie Izzard
The world can't get worse than this. Only more persons will become aware of the dust that works as rust in the most people's mind as the time passes and internet usage proliferates. - Anuj Somany
The Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by passing series of draconian laws and it seems we are exactly imitating the same with the freedom of the internet by passing Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill. - Arzak Khan
The Internet is the aggregate of human derpitude.Listening to the Internet without being confident you've found a well-curated garden relative to the area of concern is a bad idea. - Jeff Alexander
All of a sudden, we've lost a lot of control. We can't turn off our internet; we can't turn off our smartphones; we can't turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it's not God.[CNN interview (December 8, 2010)] - Steve Wozniak
I think the Internet is uniquely suited to this free market idea: that everyone on the Internet that exchanges the traffic back and forth, big or small, we all need each other. - Pete Ashdown
For reasons no one has yet explained, the Internet is at once riveting and a great killer of concentration. - Joseph Epstein
Have you ever been by yourself with no distractions? No radio, no TV, no internet, no mobile. Have you every been yourself in complete and utter silence? With no expectations and nothing else to do?Silence heals. - Ana Ortega
The internet can be many things, of course. Too often it's a cesspool of distraction, a place we indulge in the modern sport of snark and schandenfrende, building the case for our own bigotries, where we mock and thereby dismiss the suggering of others. - Strayed, Cheryl
Netiquette: The social code of network communication. Internet code of conduct based on the Golden Rule. Ethical philosophy of common rules. - David Chiles
If you ever start to feel too good about yourself, they have this thing called the Internet, and you can find a lot of people there who don't like you. - Tina Fey
À medida que a mídia convencional tradicional é substituída por uma imprensa personalizada, a internet torna-se um espelho de nós mesmos. Em vez de usá-la para buscar notícias, informação ou cultura, nós a usamos para SERMOS de fato a notícia, a informação e a cultura. - Andrew Keen
The Internet is the Petri dish of humanity. We can't control what grows in it, but we don't have to watch either. - Tiffany Madison
Don't believe everything you see on the Internet. - Abraham Linchon
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. - Peter Steiner
If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated? - Stephen Richards
It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet. - George W. Bush
TV takes away our freedom to have whatever thoughts we want. So do photographs, movies, and the Internet. They provide us with more intellectual stimuli, but they construct a lower, harder ceiling. - Chuck Klosterman
Information is nutrition, knowledge is nutrition, art is nutrition and they set us free. Internet is a great library, great library is a freedom within wisdom in this digital age - Baris Gencel
My favorite thing about the Internet is that you get to go into the private world of real creeps without having to smell them. - Penn Jillette
Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.
Right and wrong applies to internet interaction. It's #Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
In terms of the Internet, it's like humanity acquiring a collective nervous system. Whereas previously we were more like a [?], like a collection of cells that communicated by diffusion. With the advent of the Internet, it was suddenly like we got a nervous system. It's a hugely impactful thing. - Elon Musk
The very success of the internet itself is due to its openness, equality of opportunity and innovation. Platforms like Facebook itself would not have been created if Mr. Mark Zuckerberg was accessing the internet via free basics. - Arzak Khan
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the Internet has evolved into a force strong enough to reflect the greatest hopes and fears of those who use it. After all, it was designed to withstand nuclear war, not just the puny huffs and puffs of politicians and religious fanatics. - Denise Caruso
It's proper netiquette to send a lot of messages to matches on internet dating websites. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Paul Chiles
Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, very weird people were effectively isolated from all the other very weird people.But today, the internet makes it possible for very weird people from anywhere on the planet to get on the internet and talk to one another. - Caliban Darklock
I hope that, whatever happens within the publishing industry, because of the increased control writers have of their own careers, better sales information and the advent of the internet, that ultimately this change in our working environment will be a change for the better. - Sara Sheridan
Maybe the internet raised us, or maybe people are jerks. - Lorde
People with fewer economic resources have very limited opportunity for joining the global internet economy. - Arzak Khan
To hell with you. To hell with you and to hell with the Internet. - Ray Bradbury
It's doubtful that anyone with an internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction. - Jonathan Franzen
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. - Robert Wilensky
Show your netiquette, to become cyber friends with those you have met, on the internet. NetworkEtquette.net - David Chiles
The Internet Changed My Life. - Chris Mentillo
If my generation is remembered for anything, it will be as the last one that remembers the world before the Internet. - Lev Grossman
Just move to the Internet, its great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green
I sense an insatiable demand for connectivity. Maybe all these people have discovered important uses for the Internet. Perhaps some of them feel hungry for a community that our real neighborhoods don't deliver. At least a few must wonder what the big deal is. - Clifford Stoll
The Internet is the best and worst thing to ever happen in this lifetime. - Andrea L'Artiste
Communication land lines are going to be around for a long time, the internet runs on them, as do the wireless cell phone towers. - Steven Magee
The Internet has no such organization - files are made available at random locations. To search through this chaos, we need smart tools, programs that find resources for us. - Clifford Stoll
Write a little. Read a little. Dick around on the internet. Post something to Pinterest or Facebook. Text a friend. Write some more. Curse it because it's shit. Write some more. Repeat. - Katrina Monroe
Netiquette is overdelicate because kids use the internet. Adult content forms are triplicate, ASL. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect. - Esther Dyson
The big corporations are suddenly taking notice of the web, and their reactions have been slow. Even the computer industry failed to see the importance of the Internet, but that's not saying much. Let's face it, the computer industry failed to see that the century would end. - Douglas Adams
Every good writer I know needs to go into some deep, quiet place to do work that is fully imagined. And what the Internet brings is lots of vulgar data. It is the antithesis of the imagination. It leaves nothing to the imagination. - Jonathan Franzen
Dedicandote estos versos, una pulsera vieja, con tu nombre al reverso.I dedicate these verses, an old bracelet with your name on the back. - INTERNET
I think that the Internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. - Milton Friedman
Taken together the Internet reads like the grandest character-driven novel humanity has ever known. Not much plot though. - Victor LaValle
Sooner or later the Internet will become profitable. It's an old story played before by canals, railroads and automobiles. - Paul A. Samuelson
Just because we grew up with the Internet, we think that the Internet is all grown up. - Patrik Svensson
Follow your Netiquette. Practice proper internet etiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
People always knock what's new but I love the modern Internet, where cleverness is currency. Social media is a cleverness meritocracy. We're living in it. - Alexei Maxim Russell
The internet and online communication is the window into your world - but real life, in person communication / connection is the door. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
TV cookery is very like internet porn - the overwhelming majority of its audience will never ever get to act out what's happening on screen. - skint foodie
The Internet is still in its infancy. When it reaches adulthood, the Internet will change how we live and work. - Kambiz Mostofizadeh
Long Live the '90s" Internet Explorer - http://www.goodnet.org/articles/856
Stop treating internet like it's a different thing and start focusing on what you actually want your society to look like. - Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi
Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how important that man thinks he is, everyone else knows that he's not important anymore, and the Internet decides these things, here in the modern age. - Alexei Maxim Russell
I can't blame modern technology for my predilection for distraction, not after all the hours I've spent watching lost balloons disappear into the clouds. I did it before the Internet, and I'll do it after the apocalypse, assuming we still have helium and weak-gripped children. - Colson Whitehead
If your kids are the generation Y there are only two things you parents are worried about..What your daughters are uploading on the internet and what your sons are downloading from the internet - Joshua Siranjofu
No one could have imagined the effects the Internet would have: …there’s a vast new intimacy and accidental poetry, not to mention the weirdest porn. The entire human experience seems to unveil itself like the surface of a new planet." JG Ballard, 2004 - J.G. Ballard
The Internet doesn’t love you or need you but your family does. - James Chartrand
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone. - INTERNET
Isn't it funny how we all will end up? Best friends today, communicating via internet tomorrow. Crush today, dancing at their weddings tomorrow. - Manasa Rao Saarloos
All of a sudden, we’ve lost a lot of control,’ he said. ‘We can’t turn off our internet; we can’t turn off our smartphones; we can’t turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it’s not God… - Steve Wozniak
Solving Criminal case with wasting time on Internet ,And your Future Cases will Pending Untouched Till the End and you never realize that. - Yaganesh Derasari
What, exactly, is the Internet? Basically it is a global network exchanging digitized data in such a way that any computer, anywhere, that is equipped with a device called a modem can make a noise like a duck choking on a kazoo. - Dave Barry
They told me adventures were over, so I got off the internet and got on a plane. They told me kindness was a thing of the past, so I spent a year helping others in need. They told me love was dead, so I fell into it. Head over heels. - Abby Lass
Getting your first review is like getting your teeth whitened. You hope it doesn’t hurt as much as they say on the internet and you also hope it will leave you with a blinding smile. - Kathy Parks
Netiquette brings the World together through the Internet for the Information Age. It's all data. NetworkEtiquette.net - David Chiles
Science... internet... and women have one in common all end up as biatch.... So it's very bitchy, when they don't stop talking. - Deyth Banger
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