...in the lexicon of the political class, the word "sacrifice" means that the citizens are supposed to mail even more of their income to Washington so that the political class will not have to sacrifice the pleasure of spending it.
I have a sack of hate mail that I want to respond to. One day, when I’m tired or tipsy, I will respond and tell them what I think. - Chris Colfer
Learning music by reading about it is like making love by mail. - Luciano Pavarotti
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting. - E.A. Bucchianeri
Now we have so many methods of communication: Land phone, Fax, Pager, Mobile phone, Texting, E mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...and the list keeps growing.......But Communication itself has not improved! - Ankala V Subbarao
The same bourgeois magic everywhere the mail train sets you down. - Arthur Rimbaud
But I had to think to myself that this was normal, because that was the attitude. I was 19 when I went to see my doctor and I was told it was all in the mind.[Author on being told her endometriosis was imagined pain, From Oct 2009 Daily Mail interview] - Hilary Mantel
He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
How can one not be fond of something that the Daily Mail despises? - Stephen Fry
[While writing history], I've kept the most interesting company imaginable with people long gone. Some I've come to know better than many I know in real life, since in real life we don't get to read other people's mail. - David McCullough
Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there. - Scott Adams