Quotation Explorer - 'Sooner'

There is hardly a political question in the United States which doesn't sooner or later turn into a judicial one. - Alexis De Tocqueville
The modern man is usually in a hurry to get to a destination from which he will sooner or later suffer from and at times complain about boredom. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don’t run from your feelings; sooner or later, they’ll catch up and throw you down." EL Meeting life on life's terms! - Evinda Lepins
We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better. - Walt Stanchfield
Religion holds the solution to all problems of human relationship, whether they are between parents and children or nation and nation. Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.
The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy. - Florence Shinn
Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. - William Shakespeare
If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner. - Tallulah Bankhead
The greatest legacy a father can leave for his children before he departs is PEACE, otherwise his properties will go in PIECES sooner that he dies. - Israelmore Ayivor
Pornography won’t be enough. Because it never is. Sooner or later, all niggers want to touch the real thing. All dogs want to smell and taste the true information. All artists want to make their fantasies reality. And everyone with a cock wants to use it to fall in love. - Peter Sotos
You can’t walk till the end on an active railway line and you can’t walk till the end on the road of lies, because sooner or later you collide with the truth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over.
Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who stop to consider the antithesis; that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable. - Primo Levi
my only complaints are two:that I didn't make myself readyfor you sooner in life, thatI can't give you better,Love you more. - Jan Beatty
Life is like a trek to the mountain top. Everyone will eventually climb to the top. Later, or sooner, doesn't matter. What matters is - the person who holds your hand and prevents you from falling, the one who is always there to ease the climb for you... - Mehek Bassi
There's nothing sooner dry than women's tears. - John Webster
Sooner or later, we all learn that our immortality is rooted not in our professional involvements and achievements, but in our families. In time, all of our wins and losses in the workplace will be forgotten. If our memories endure, it will be because of the people we have known and touched. - Harold S. Kushner
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so. - Bertrand Russell
All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day. - Evelyn Waugh
Lots of people lose themselves in love, it's no shame, they write songs about it. The hitch is you can't stay lost, sooner or later you have to get back to yourself. If you can't then love becomes your master and you're just it's dog.
No sooner have you feasted on beauty with your eyes than your mind tells you that beauty is vain and beauty passes - Virginia Woolf
Any form of art can be known only in deep silence, to be in silence is to be receptive - No sooner you become receptive, you become woman, it has nothing to do with gender, its a quality, which is why woman is epitome of Receptivity! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Remember, what goes around comes around, if you give out venom, sooner or later it will come back to poison you - TheEmoQueen
If We see in Everything something Positive a smile wil sooner be There then a tear, - Jan Jansen
Explain it as we may, a martial strain will urge a man into the front rank of battle sooner than an argument, and a fine anthem excite his devotion more certainly than a logical discourse.
There is a stream of things entering into being, and time is a raging torment; for no sooner does each thing enter our sight than it has been swept away, and another is passing in it's place, and that too will be swept away.
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library. - Jane Austen
I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest. - John Keats
To be a follower of the Crucified means, sooner or later, a personal encounter with the cross. And the cross always entails loss. The great symbol of Christianity means sacrifice and no one calls himself a Christian can evade this stark fact. - Elisabeth Elliot
Perseverance is everything. We all stumbled when we took our first steps yet we were running sooner than we realized, and then we couldn’t stay still. Why stay still now? - Rob Liano
Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you, sooner or later. - Enza Vita
Targets are achieved sooner out of need, than out of greed. - Amit Kalantri
Disconnect yourself from people who cannot add five to your ten words, because, sooner or later, you won't be able to say even a word. - Michael Bassey Johnson
How ever do we praise ourselves, our fancies are more giddy and uniform, more longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn, than women's are. - William Shakespeare
When you decide - follow it up with action as spontaneously as possible if not sooner because the quicker you reciprocate with the decision the sooner you shall see results. - Auliq Ice
Each of us must pay for the slightest damage he inflicts upon a universe created for indifference and stagnation, sooner or later, he will regret not having left it intact. - Emil Cioran
Life is all about Re-Inventing Yourself, so that you can rejoice every moment, just un-learn and let-go of the past and no sooner you do it, you stay afresh and are born again! - Ramana Pemmaraju
Every war of ideas turns violent sooner or later. - Marty Rubin
Fear not death for the sooner we die, the longer we shall be immortal. - Benjamin Franklin
Cheer up and dry your damp eyes,And tell me when it rains,And I'll blend up that rainbow above you & shoot it through your veins...'Cause your heart has a lack of color,And we should've known That we'd grow up sooner or later,'Cause we wasted all our free time alone. <3 - Owl City
But if she can marry blood, beauty, and bravery—the sooner the better. - George Eliot
A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.
Sooner of later that which is now life shall be poetry, and every fair and manly trait shall add a richer strain to the song. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sooner or later in life, we will all take our own turn being in the position we once had someone else in. - Ashly Lorenzana
Sooner or later everything will turn to dust - except love - Rasheed Ogunlaru
My brain tends to take the scenic route. Things come to the forefront of my mind sooner or later, it just takes time. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We watch the sky, we watch it alive and we watch it die, looking for signs. We live like wind, with hope in wings that we will get there, never sooner or never later, but at a right time. - Anthony Liccione
No sooner was the wound given than the remedy was provided and revealed. - Matthew Henry
Between natural ability and education choose natural ability, as it will keep you happy and will fetch you the glory sooner. - Amit Kalantri
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few. - Pythagoras
Nothing like a lot of exercise to make you realize you'd rather be lazy and dead sooner. - Randy K. Milholland
But no sooner had morning broken than he took hold of his whip and ceremoniously stepped out to address his slaves. Each blow was liberating, it was like unshaking proof of the great lie of God’s existence. - Juhani Peltonen
We don't know that we don't own or owe Anything (In mathematical terms we are sifar), so keep walking as long as your legs are moving towards the infinite. Your own Ego is the only obstacle in this journey, earlier you get rid of it sooner will you find the infinite peace. - AnkitMishra
Difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper. Life always whispers to you first, but if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you'll get a scream - Oprah Winfrey
You are going to get over it sooner or later so get over it now. - William James Moore
Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough. - George Bernard Shaw
Sooner or later on this journey, every traveller faces the same question: Are you a human intending to be a god, or a god pretending to be human? - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
The sooner, the better; it’s for a man to understand that a woman often can’t and at times doesn’t want to realize her mistake, so it is senseless to expect from her to apologize first ever to him. - Anuj Somany
Sooner or later suffering will find you, It's better you find it first. - Imran Bughio
The sooner you make your first five thousand mistakes the sooner you will beable to correct them. - Kimon Nicolaides
The wisest men tell us that everything, sooner or later, changes. And all change commences with a specific moment. We say to ourselves, "I won't do this again, I must become different." And we succeed--eventually. - Frank Delaney
What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner.
Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. - Bern Williams
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I’d sooner go to Middle Earth. - George R.R. Martin
I always have a fear of loosing Love ones. Even if I don't want to see this happen, I will have to face the bitter truth sooner or later. - Ahmed Falah
That we must all die, we always knew; I wish I had remembered it sooner. - Samuel Johnson
Following the rules only takes you so far, sooner or later you have to forget them and play by your heart. - G.J. Walker-Smith
You will make a perfectly rational mistake: You will assume that sooner or later the paradigm you are presently practicing (which has been mostly successful) will solve all the rest of your problems. - Joel Barker
Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing, sooner than war. - Homer
Sooner or later the Internet will become profitable. It's an old story played before by canals, railroads and automobiles. - Paul A. Samuelson
Sooner or later sin makes its claim on a person. - Sunday Adelaja
Remain assiduously stubborn with your positive thinking, sooner or later the world around you will give up and let you have your way - Carl Henegan
This I do know beyond any reasonable doubt. Regardless of what you are doing, if you pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward. - Zig Ziglar
Attending a funeral would leave the average person insane, if they truly believed that sooner or later they are also going to die. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Ordinary folk prefer familiar tastes - they'd sooner eat the same things all the time - but a gourmet would sample a fried park bench just to know how it tastes. - Walter Moers
Every problem has a solution. You may not see it in front of you, but, sooner or later, a solution will appear before your eyes. - Ubaldina M. Gibbs
The moments that we have with friends and family, the chances that we have to make a big difference in the world or even to make a small difference to the ones we love, all those wonderful chances that life gives us, life also takes away. It can happen fast and a whole lot sooner than you think. - Larry Page
In Kilanga, people knew nothing of things they might have had - a Frigidaire? a washer-dryer combination? Really, they'd sooner imagine a tree that could pull up its feet and go bake bread. It didn't occur to them to feel sorry for themselves. - Barbara Kingsolver
There's a sin, a fearful sin, resting on this nation, that will not go unpunished forever. There will be a reckoning yet. . . there's a day coming that will burn as an oven. It may be sooner or it may be later, but it's a coming as sure as the Lord is just. - Solomon Northup
What will a child learn sooner than a song? - Alexander Pope
Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended. - George Bernard Shaw
If only one generation takes action in raising their children as humans, rather than raising boys and girls, the future human civilization shall get rid of the sinister phenomenon of misogyny sooner than you can imagine. - Abhijit Naskar
The sooner I learn to forget myself in the desire that He may be glorified, the richer will be the blessing that prayer will bring to myself. No one ever loses by what he sacrifices to the Father. - Andrew Murray
After all, that was a main purpose of science: to make things of all kinds happen sooner than they otherwise would. - Robert Aickman
The great lie can only be defeated by the New World Order. The sooner the New World Order is established by the institutions of the world, the sooner the suffering caused by the lie will end. - Compton Gage
The sooner you decide that it is alright to believe the opposite of what the masses do, and that it is alright to trust the universe, and you choose to be happy rather than be right, the sooner you will be happy. - Malti Bhojwani
Some of us make it out. But the game is played with loaded dice. I wish I had known more, and I wished I had known it sooner. - Ta-Nehisi Coates
You will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you willrealize that nowhere seems like home anymore. - Shinji Moon
This imputation of inconsistency is one to which every sound politician and every honest thinker must sooner or later subject himself. The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion. - James Russell Lowell
Without a doubt the greatest injury of all was done by basing morals on myth. For, sooner or later, myth is recognized for what it is, and disappears. Then morality loses the foundation on which it has been built.
From ... the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. ... I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. - George Orwell
The only thing I regret about my past is the length of it. If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner - Tallulah Bankhead
A woman who gives any advantage to a man may expect a lover -- but will sooner or later find a tyrant. - George Gordon Byron
There is only as much space, only as much time, Only as much desire, only as many words, Only as many pages, only as much ink To accept all of us at light-speed Hurrying into the Promised Land Of oblivion that is waiting for us sooner or later. - Dejan Stojanovic
If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison' it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later. - Lewis Carroll
Sincerity is like traveling on a plain, beaten road, which commonly brings a man sooner to his journey's end than by-ways, in which men often lose themselves.
Never marry someone who doesn’t love the movies you love. Sooner or later, that person will not love you. - Roger Ebert
What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner. - Colette
The heart of vegetarians is healed sooner than those of flesh-eaters. - Virchand Gandhi
The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place. - Havelock Ellis
This is the extraordinary thing about creativity: If just you keep your mind resting against the subject in a friendly but persistent way, sooner or later you will get a reward from your unconscious. - John Cleese
Never speak ill against someone else. You can't know what life holds for you. The ill you speak against someone else may find you sooner than you think. Speak blessings not curses. It's what I told my son. It's what I'm telling you. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You'd better make friends with Time, because sooner or later it will catch up with you. - Eleanor Brownn
Don't worry about the future, sooner or later it's the past. If they say the feeling's gone then it's time to take it back. - Meat Loaf
...so I think writers are made and not born. But what you choose to write is buried so deeply inside it's like lodestones inside you and sooner or later you come near something that you're supposed to be doing with your life and it's like a magnet. It attracts. - Stephen King
Sooner or later that which is now life shall be poetry, and every fair and manly trait shall add a richer strain to the song. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs.
Tell me, Mr. Bennet, how can we amuse you during your visit? Do you hunt? Lady Catherine was spooning her turtle soup, blowing delicately to cool it.I am certain an animal would sooner die of laughter than gunshot wound if I even made the attempt. - Karen V. Wasylowski
He was a wonderful man. And when a man is that special, you know it sooner than you think possible. You recognize it instinctively, and you're certain that no matter what happens, there will never be another one like him. - Nicholas Sparks
Only in hindsight can we see that out fears and worries were unwarranted, that insecurities and doubts were just illussions, or that we should have taken a risk or dared something new sooner. - Ellyn Spragins
One who is seeking the truth sooner or later finds a woman. - Sergey Vedenyo
War is unlike life. It's a denial of everything you learn life is. And that's why when you get finished with it, you see that if offers no lessons that can't be bettered learned in civilian life. You are exposed to horrors you would sooner forget. - Robert Graff
Moments of kindness and reconciliation are worth having, even if the parting has to come sooner or later. - Alice Munro
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