My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the heck she is. - Ellen DeGeneres
All I had was a dream and six million pounds.'Denholm, The IT Crowd - G. Linehan
I’ve memorized the best angles in the bathroom mirror from which to see how badly I’ve disintegrated. I truly do go from sixty to zero. - Kris Kidd
During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high. - Kurt Vonnegut
In my sixteen years, I have experienced heartbreak, tragedy and transcending love. In my thirteenth year, I moved to Westerly and experienced all three. - Jaycee Relic
I long ago came to the conclusion that all life is six to five against.
Each meditation should last hours - three, four, six hours. - Samael Aun Weor
A poet is a man who manages, in a lifetime of standing out in thunderstorms, to be struck by lightning five or six times. - Randall Jarrell
When I turned two I was really anxious, because I'd doubled my age in a year.I thought, if this keeps up, by the time I'm six I'll be ninety. - Steven Wright
You will do as you are told the second you are told to do it. Is that clear?''I'm not six mother, I think I can grasp standard sentences.' Whether I chose to pay attention to them however... - Heather James
If he had the earth for his pasture and the sea for his pond, he would be a pauper still. He only is rich who owns the day. There is no king, rich man, fairy or demon who possesses such power as that.Mentioned inSixty Days and Counting, by Kim Stanley Robinson - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sixty years is too brief a compass for man’s imagination. The incomplete joys of this world can never satisfy his heart. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty. - Ellen Glasgow
I have a problem about being nearly sixty: I keep waking up in the morning and thinking I'm thirty-one. - Elizabeth Janeway
Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train - Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still? - J. Paul Getty
We have trained them to think of the Future as a promised land which favored heroes attain-not as something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. - C.S. Lewis
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Is there a rehab center for Coke drinkers? I drink six to eight cans a day. - Carmen Electra
If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. - Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu
No religion, No race, No countries, Today we are human. - Sixeye
Seven times have I despised my soul: The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks. - Kahlil Gibran
In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce.
Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is. - William James
I think that at a certain age, say fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life good poets burn their early poetry, and bad poets publish it. Thankfully I gave up rather quickly. - Umberto Eco
Time after time during the next six months, he would put me together again. - H.W. Brands
Snyder: There are some things I can just smell. It's like a sixth sense."Giles: Well, actually, that would be one of the five. - Mutant Enemy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nostalgia dies in the pit of my throat from lack of exercise and I buried the word six feet under the pronunciation of hopeful tomorrows. - Taylor Patton
[ memorial at Paine Hall][He turned] the strait-laced Boston of sixty years ago [into] the enlightened Hub of today, . . . to 'destroy bigotry and uproot the evils of superstition. - Josiah P. Mendum
Only in math can you buy sixty cantaloupes and no one asks what the hell is wrong with you. - Charles M. Schulz
Love is not beauty, Love is not lust, Love is not body, Love is just. - Sixeye
I’m dazzled by your facility. In ten days you’ll have written six stories! I don’t understand it… I’m like one of those old aqueducts: there’s so much rubbish cogging up the banks of my thought that it flows slowly, and only spills from the end of my pen drop by drop. - Gustave Flaubert
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three - Elayne Boosler
Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples. - George Burns
Is it better to be the lover or the loved one? Neither, if your cholesterol is over six hundred. By love, of course, I refer to romantic love -- the love between man and woman, rather than between mother and child, or a boy and his dog, or two headwaiters. - Woody Allen
My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is. - Ellen DeGeneres
Before getting upset, always ask yourself: Will this even matter in six months, in a year, or in five years? if the answer is no, then let it go. - Robin Dabhi
Compassion is happiness. - Sixeye
Bravery and Stupidity are the same thing, the outcome determines your label. - Hayden Sixx
Nobody should be alone," Sissix said. "Being alone and untouched...there's no punishment worse than that. And she's done nothing wrong. She's just different. - Becky Chambers
I've got daughters. Nine years old and six years old. First of all, I'm gonna teach them about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them PUNISHED with a baby. - Barack Obama
Blessed be the meek, for they shall inherit six feet of the earth.
The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again.
When it comes to sex, the most important six inches are the ones between the ears.
one captain, seizing the line-knife from his broken prow, had dashed at the whale, as an Arkansas duelist at his foe, blindly seeking with a six-inch blade to reach the fathom-deep life of the whale. That captain was Ahab. - Herman Melville
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. - C.S. Lewis
Six pillar advice for young people:Know thy Creator.Know thy sacred soul.Educate thyself.Don’t doubt your dreams.Pursue your passion.Never lose hope. - Laillah Gifty Akita
A nation is a detour of nature to arrive at five or six great men- yes, and then to get around them. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I've been writing poems since I was sixteen. Back then, poems were an obvious release for all the frustrations and anxieties associated with adolescence. Mostly, they were a way for me to impress girls, even though I never remember any girls being impressed. - Tony Magistrale
Examples is more forcible than precept. People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh.
Americans cannot realize how many chances for mental improvement they lose by their inveterate habit of keeping six conversations when there are twelve in the room. - Ernest Dimnet
How do you like that guy? Can't run six balls and he's President of the United States.
I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. - Rudyard Kipling
At sixteen I was stupid, confused, insecure and indecisive. At twenty-five I was wise, self- confident, prepossessing and assertive. At forty-five I am stupid, confused, insecure and indecisive. Who would have supposed that maturity is only a short break in adolescence? - Jules Feiffer
If you have sixty seconds worth of! - Chris Stevenson
It is not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish it after the age of six. - John W. Gardner
I got tired of feeling like Dracula. I wanted to see some daylight, and not just at six o’clock in the morning. - Kate Moss
This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. - Mark Twain
Facetiously is the only English word that has all six vowels in order, James Thurber declared. "Oh," replied copy editor Miss Gould, "What about abstemiously?"
Success has six holistic dimensions symbolized by: Heart, Mind, Body, Passion, Focus and Health. - Asoka Nimal Jinadasa
Suddenly I felt that determination well up, which had helped me to accomplish things in the past, even when I was only six years old. - Gisela Hausmann "Naked Determination 41 Stories About Overcoming Fear"
The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence. - H. L. Mencken
The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
If you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. You can't wait until you're sixty-five. - Morrie Schwartz
Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. - Horace Mann
It took six days from start to finish for the totality of Creation; but within three days He cut His schedule in half to save you. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery. - Charles Dickens
From ... the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. ... I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. - George Orwell
For any business decision, there are only two choices: action or inaction. The best option is to take action." - , consultants, iSixSigmaKaizen . In Quality Quotes, February 25, 2015, Knowledge Center, ASQ [ AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY] - Ramesh Lohia and Jack T. Parker
A book is an arrangement of twenty-six phonetic symbols, ten numerals, and about eight punctuation marks, and people can cast their eyes over these and envision the eruption of Mount Vesuvius or the Battle of Waterloo. - Kurt Vonnegut
It is only on the basis of the probable and the apparent that men bereft of a sixth sense are able to sit in judgment over other men. - Petrus Borel
From the age of six, I have known that I was sexy. And let me tell you it has been hell, sheer hell, waiting to do something about it. - Bette Davis
I was sixteen, and I honestly believed that I was due a love story. - Sara Barnard
The best lessons I’ve been taught is that you should definitely have a plan. Try to imagine yourself six months in advance, and always save your money. Because there are always going to be unintended expenses that are going to come up. Surprises always happen. - K. Guillory
Common sense tells us that the government's attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy. - Sarah Palin
I wash off the night in the water, my scrapes and aches numbed by the sea. My bones have become boughs, all scarred knees and gnarled kuckles. None of us are the same person we once were, since the human body replaces itself every seven years; there have been at least six different mes. - Philip Hoare
Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories. - John Wilmot
The same way that a tiny thought in our childhood can manifest thirty years later as an anxiety disorder, one tiny thought right now can manifest just six months from now as unconditional love and unshakable happiness. - Vironika Tugaleva
He (Kris Medlin) has a communication with a force in pitching that most of us can’t talk to. It’s an awareness; it’s a sixth sense. When he steps in and stares in to that catcher, that little man on his shoulder’s going to take over and tell him what to do. And he’s done it well. - Don Sutton
On the sixth day god created man,on the seventh day man created god.Now we are even. - A.J. Beirens
She took the bottom of her shirt and wiped the handles of the blades. He made a face.What was that for?Fingerprints. I’m not wastin’ time explainin’ to cops why six inches of steel went into a dumbass. - Randall Kenneth Drake
I read a lot of books. Here are the books I'm using for my 9/11 project. [Wright gestures to three six-foot-long shelves of books.] As I read them I highlight certain passages. Then I have an assistant write down each quote on an index card and note where it came from. - Lawrence Wright
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
Limit not to only five, when the divine gifts the supreme sixth; the sense of dance - Shah Asad Rizvi
Pain is knowledge, knowledge is to heal the future. - Sixeye
I can't picture in my mind three hundred and sixty thousand dollars... When I think of it, all I can see in my mind is a big nickel. - Harlan Ellison
In the sixties, the world was normal and people took acid to make it weird. Nowadays the world is weird and people take prozac to make it normal. - Unknown
I liked this girl in my sixth grade class. I dared her to kiss me -- but she didn't! - Justin Bieber
From my mother's sleep I fell into the State,And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.Six miles from earth, loosed from the dream of life,I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose. - Randall Jarrell
Music heals the soul, we kneel to the fallen. - Sixeye
At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since. - Salvador Dalí
It's not a sign of creativity to have sixty-five ideas for one problem. It's just a waste of energy. - Jan Kaplicky
Remember sixteen - when all the world was new and your life stretched before you like fresh snow waiting for your footprints. - Peggy Toney Horton
Don't let yourself forget what it's like to be sixteen. - Anonymous
One of the great mistakes that can be made by a man of my age is to get involved in athletic competition with children--unless, of course, they are under six. And even then, stay away from hide-and-seek. - Bill Cosby
My mother said my father had a drop of dragon blood.Two drops. That, or a cock six feet long. - George R.R. Martin
The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn't the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility. - John Lennon
There are very few professions in which people just sit down and think hard for five or six hours a day all by themselves. Of course it's why you want to become a writer — because you have the liberty to do that, but once you have the liberty you also have the obligation to do it. - Tobias Wolff
Endeavour to appreciate life while you experience it, for some will never experience life again, because they are six feet inside the grave. - Auliq Ice
It is quite natural and inevitable that, if we spend sixteen hours daily of our waking lives in thinking about the affairs of the world and five minutes in thinking about God and our souls, this world will seem two hundred times more real to us than God. - William Ralph Inge
The revolution lasted six minutes and covered one hundred an twelve meters. - Cordwainer Smith
Spend sixteen weeks in the jungle and you being to question your own sanity, especially when you are the one goading everyone else ahead. - Tahir Shah
Carcharadon carcharias. Six thousandpounds of muscle powering a hoopof butcher's knives. The only animalthat ate its weaker siblings in the womb.Immune from cancer. Constantly awake. - Mark Haddon
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. - Oscar Wilde
There is a growing suspicion that what the world needs now is a religion that will cover the other six days of the week.
They say there is six degrees of separation between you and another person. However, when people are praying for you there are only two degrees. - Shannon L. Alder
If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near forty. - Chris Rock
Comme l'on serait savant si l'on connaissait bien seulement cinq à six livres. ( How wise one might be if one knew thoroughly only some half of a dozen books - Gustave Flaubert
It's the place where my prediction from the sixties finally came true: "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." I'm bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is, "In fifteen minutes everybody will be famous." - Andy Warhol
If the novels are still being read in 50 years, no one is ever going to say: ‘What’s great about that sixth book is that he met his deadline!’ It will be about how the whole thing stands up. - George R.R. Martin
I wanted to explain so much to him at that moment, but you can't give a six-year-old the perspective of a 40-year-old, not really, so I gave him the short course. - David Skinner
Six foot six he stood on the groundHe weighed two hundred and thirty-five poundsBut I saw that giant of a man brought downTo his knees by love - Johnny Cash
Sexual intercourse began in nineteen sixty-three (Which was rather late for me) between the end of the Chatterley ban and the Beatles' first LP. - Philip Larkin
Harrogate saw them going along Blount Avenue Sunday morning. They wore outfits all cut from the same bolt of cloth and in the church pew standing six across they looked like a strip of gaudy wallpaper cut into those linked dolls madfolk pass their time in fashioning. - Cormac McCarthy
nothing is more opaque than absolute transparency. Look--my feet don't hit the marble! Like breath or a balloon, I'm rising, I hover six inches in the air in my blazing swan-egg of light. You think I'm not a goddess? Try me. This is a torch song. Touch me and you'll burn. - Margaret Atwood
What they don't understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you're eleven, you're also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one. - Sandra Cisneros
She is one of those ladies who is more beautiful at sixty than she could possibly have been at twenty. (how I hope someone says that about me someday)! - Mary Ann Shaffer
Books seem the most potent source: each one is the sum total of a life that can be inhaled in a single day. I read fast, so I'm hoovering up lives at a ferocious pace, six or seven or eight in a week. I particularly love autobiographies: I can eat a whole person by sundown. - Caitlin Moran
Dating is a man-made ideology: if having a lover was a prerequisite to living, one would either be in a relationship, or, six feet under. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
She looked him directly in the eye. A colleague of hers had once told her that eye contact with another person for more than six seconds without looking away or blinking revealed a desire for either sex or murder. - Lisa Genova
England was a cold, backward, rebellious little kingdom. It's king: Henry the Eighth, remembered principally for his six wives and the chicken legs clutched in his fat fists. - Kage Baker
Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the expiration date. World War I flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker said it all when he remarked, "I can give you a six-word formula for success: Thnk things through-then follow through. - John C. Maxwell
YEAR, n. A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments. - Ambrose Bierce
I am pushing you, even if it’s off a cliff, to create. Write that book, that song; pore over the concept of redecorating your life. I meet people all the time who say they’re not creative. Bullshit, motherfuckers, you are creative. - Nikki Sixx
I'm sixteen with what I hope will be a long life ahead, but I'm willing to give it up, to give anything to let her live, to let her make it through the night. - Travis Thrasher
Some men can love forever, some for six years, some for six months, and others for six hours. - Michael Bassey Johnson
A man of sixty has spent twenty years in bed and over three years in eating. - Arnold Bennett
They say you just stand over there, he'll say thank you and you walk back off and that's what I thought was gonna happen, but in my head, I had for five or six years known that he was gonna call me over. - Ellen DeGeneres
Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things — they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."[Six Questions for , Harper's Magazine, November 11, 2011] - Slavoj Žižek
Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn't learn of it for six months. - Bill Tammeus
Repentance is words, God forgives the kind. - Sixeye
ILLUMINATI, n. A sect of Spanish heretics of the latter part of the sixteenth century; so called because they were light weights -- _cunctationes illuminati_. - Ambrose Bierce
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
Ask five economists and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard. - Edgar Fiedler object is to show that the chief function of the child--his business in the world during the first six or seven years of his life--is to find out all he can, about whatever comes under his notice, by means of his five senses... - Charlotte M. Mason
And as we round the bend toward Ivy Cottage, he tugs my braid just the way he always has ever since I was six, and then he reaches down and takes my hand.Maybe sometimes dreams really do come true. - Heather Vogel Frederick
History is finite-there's only so much you can learn about a six square block historic district in New York City. (Dark City Lights) - Kat Georges
When the first book out my sister-in-law read it and we were chatting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and she said, "Oh my God, chapter six, sex and a murder," and her five year old wandered into the kitchen and said, "Sixty hamburgers? - Sara Sheridan
One changes, as a writer, fairly quickly; what you wrote six months or a year ago might not sound right anymore. - Keith Gessen
Wisdom of the Ages: "Brian Williams Week" Now that NBC is giving him a sixth month "leave" I wonder if he will be "Killing Time-In Saudi Arabia! - Matthew Heines
Libraries, museums, universities, everything we designed and built over six thousand years. Cities are more than the sum of their infrastructure. They transcend brick and mortar, concrete and steel. They're the vessels into which human knowledge is poured. - Rick Yancey
What drew her into O’Riley’s like a bee to honey was the six-foot, broad-shouldered, dark eyes, dark smile of Finn O’Riley himself. - Jill Shalvis
The bible divides mankind, god will decide our fate. - Sixeye
Inventions are not solely the making of material things, inventions are also the mental unleashing of ideas by a genuis with a sixth sense. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Your typical Six-year-old is a paradoxical little person, and bipolarity is the name of his game. - Louise Bates Ames
Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five. - W. Somerset Maugham
I stopped believing in Santa Claus at age six when my mother took me to see him in a store and he asked for my autograph.
Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. - Lewis Carroll
Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories. - John Wilmot
The act of nutrition is not a purely physiological event... The family meal is a formality that cultivates in us... a capacity for sharing, generosity, thoughtfulness, a talent for civilized conversation. - Francine Du Plessix Gray
As Harvard Business School professor Peter Bregman advises, 'Don't write a book, write a page...Don't expect to be a great manager in your first six months, just try to set expectations well. - Shawn Achor
Consumers presented with six choices on an item were twice as likely to buy as consumers overwhelmed with 24 varieties of the same item. - Sheena Iyengar
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster. - Isaac Asimov
You're overconfident, mysterious, dark, picky, edgy, cold and have sixty-nine more faults. That's why you're perfect. - TheDauntlessReader
You will learn more about writing from one hour of reading than you will in six hours of writing. - John McAleer
It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession. - Steven Magee
[representative government is] deciding once in three or six years which member of the ruling class was to misrepresent the people in Parliament, - Karl Marx
I want you back here now. I want you next to me now. I cannot believe that my family, your brother, all our friends, and an entire police force can't keep tabs on one twenty-six year old graphic designer who thinks he's fuckin' Batman.--Detective Sam Kage in A Matter Of Time (vol 2 or part 4) - Mary Calmes
Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth - a sense of humor.
ARREST, v.t. Formally to detain one accused of unusualness. God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh. _The Unauthorized Version_ - Ambrose Bierce
I would there were no age between sixteen and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest, for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting. - William Shakespeare
This is the sixth book I've written, which isn't bad for a guy who's only read two. - George Burns
Give second chances, third chances, but not a fourth, a fifth, a sixth and so on. Appreciate yourself and understand your worth – know it takes time for people to change, to become better. But know what you can take and what you deserve. - Dominic Riccitello
The Six Steps to Success: 1) Define Success 2) Devise a Plan 3) Execute and Overcome Adversity 4) Measure Results with Key Metrics 5) Revise the Plan 6) Work Hard - Ken Poirot
I was starting to hate my sixteenth birthday. A poufy white dress and a cake with roses made out of pink icing and awkward dancing with boys in awkward suits was starting to sound like a great alternative. Seriously. Sign my up, I wouldn't even complain. - Alyxandria Harvey
Man has six organs to serve him and he is master only of three. He cannot control his eye, ear or nose, but he can his mouth, hand and foot. - Leone Levi
I was born old and get younger every day. At present I am sixty years young.
Six Mudras are to be practised daily for 10 minutes.They are Jnana,Prithvi,Apana,Prana,Dhyana and ShoonyaVayu-by which health is enhanced and diseases can be prevented. - Suman K.Chiplunkar
Mia: I was sixteen when I first realized my mom was more concerned about my appearance than I was… I’ll be talking to my mom and realize she hasn’t heard a word because she’s studying my face to see if the foundation I’m using is a good match for my skin tone. - Mia Fontaine
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. - Shirley Temple Black
Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at twenty-six; we were of that disposition - Nick Hornby
If you know how to open doors with just a smile, you must need your teeth capped every six months - Josh Stern
A six mile meteorite cannot compare with a culinary cataclysm of this magnitude. - Michelle Franklin
Risk - If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he doesn't know how wide it is, he'll jump and six times out of ten he'll make it.
At Group L, Stoffel oversees six first-rate programmers, a managerial challenge roughly comparable to herding cats.
If you think something is boring, try doing it for two minutes. If you still think it's boring, try it for four. If you still think it's boring, try it for eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two, and so on and so forth. Soon enough you'll find that it's really not boring at all. - John Cage
The population explosion is the primary force behind the remaining six groups of critical global events [diminishing land resources, diminishing water resources, the destruction of the atmosphere, the approaching energy crisis, social decline, and conflicts/increasing killing power]. - Ron Nielsen
The best six doctors anywhereAnd no one can deny itAre sunshine, water, rest, and airExercise and diet.These six will gladly you attendIf only you are willingYour mind they'll easeYour will they'll mendAnd charge you not a shilling.-- Nursery rhyme quoted by , What the River Knows, 1990 - Wayne Fields