Quotation Explorer - 'Manager'

An employee's motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager. - Bob Nelson
A good manager is best when people barely know that he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. - Lao-Tzu
As Harvard Business School professor Peter Bregman advises, 'Don't write a book, write a page...Don't expect to be a great manager in your first six months, just try to set expectations well. - Shawn Achor
Nowhere but in England are the papers so full of fascinating misbehaviour. There is always a scandal brewing, there is always a politician, village vicar or bank manager being pilloried, yet at the same time the country breathes a remarkable sense of order. - Geert Mak
The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who are still undecided. - Casey Stengel
Marketing is a fashionable term. The sales manager becomes a marketing vice president. But a gravedigger is still a gravedigger even when it is called a mortician - only the price of the burial goes up. - Peter Drucker
A knowledgeable manager can lend to the success of an organization "almost" as much as a poorly trained manager can damage it. - Mark W. Boyer
If your endeavors result in success of the company in a continuity of atleast a few years, you are a successful manager. If other companies followyour business approach, you are certainly an important manager withleader characteristics. - Eraldo Banovac
A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge. - Peter F. Drucker
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among his subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie Rose
No great manager or leader ever fell from heaven, its learned not inherited. - Tom Northup
The manager swiftly overtook him, sliding effortlessly past the skinny Englishman, with the practiced ease of someone used to slinking around ailing, despotic monarchs. - Tom Vater
I wasn’t always a demon.My name is Maggie Frew, and I grew up a simple human girl in suburban Iowa. I don’t carry a pitchfork, or have a forked tail. I’m not a creature from Hell. I’m a political campaign manager. Though, I guess some people might argue those are the same thing. - Patricia Murphy
What's the difference between the window manager and the computer club window manager? Well, one's supported software and the other isn't. Your guess is as good as mine.
Development in general doesn’t make you better employee or better manager. Development makes you a better human who is able to invest the best in you to add beauty and meaning to your life and the rest of the world. - Sameh Elsayed
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among her subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie L. Rose
Manager! Have brain - use it! - Gerry Geek
If I had to sum up in one word what makes a good manager, I'd say decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act. - Lee Iacocca
FINANCE, n. The art or science of managing revenues and resources for the best advantage of the manager. The pronunciation of this word with the i long and the accent on the first syllable is one of America's most precious discoveries and possessions. - Ambrose Bierce
An author who gives a manager or publisher any rights in his work except those immediately and specifically required for its publication or performance is for business purposes an imbecile. - George Bernard Shaw
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