Quotation Explorer - 'Operations'

To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among her subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie L. Rose
Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. - Alfred North Whitehead
To be a manager, one must be able to manage her own relationship with the people around her, as well as the relationships among his subordinates. Just being perfect in paperwork and operations does not make one a good manager. - Sophie Rose
There is no reason to assume that the universe has the slightest interest in intelligence—or even in life. Both may be random accidental by-products of its operations like the beautiful patterns on a butterfly's wings. The insect would fly just as well without them. - Arthur C. Clarke
The art of leading, in operations large or small, is the art of dealing with humanity, of working diligently on behalf of men, of being sympathetic with them, but equally, of insisting that they make a square facing toward their own problems.
War like any other racket, pays high dividends to the very few. The cost of operations is always transferred to the people who do not profit.
If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist. - Norman Mailer
I hope we can continue to find ways to encourage integrity in all aspects of government operations - Ben Carson, M.D.
We all leave behind bits of loose thread. Old operations, old enemies. They pull at you, like memories of old lovers. - Daniel Silva
Conduct Covert UAV Operations Naked - The Covert Comic
Everyone needs a strong sense of self. It is our base of operations for everything that we do in life. - Julia T. Alvarez
fear in sooth holds so in check all mortals, because they see many operations go on in earth and heaven, the causes of which they can in no way understand, believing them therefore to be done by power divine. - Titus Lucretius Carus
Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them. - Alfred North Whitehead
All the blogs Christian,Military, Christian,Military, Operations Christians,Christ,Jesus,God,Prophecy and Ministry around the world.Warriors following Christ. - Martine Roddigase
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