Quotation Explorer - 'Dimensions'

Thinking is human nature and the connection to spiritual dimensions - Vasilios Karpos
Never judge anyone as they have their own situation and different dimensions of looking at things and situations which you may not understand . . so Observe. - Rishi Bakshi
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions - Frantz Fanon
Ani saw herself clearly in that moment, as a face in darkness gains sudden dimensions in a flash of lightning - a young girl, a silly thing, a lapdog, a broken mare. - Shannon Hale
PICTURE, n. A representation in two dimensions of something wearisome in three. "Behold great Daubert's picture here on view -- Taken from Life." If that description's true, Grant, heavenly Powers, that I be taken, too. Jali Hane - Ambrose Bierce
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Unified thinking without borders in apparent dimensions can only be strengthened when focused collectively 'internally'. - AainaA-Ridtz
Our universe grants every soul a twin-a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit - And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love. - Julie Dillon
All dimensions are critical dimensions, otherwise why are they there?
A man's mind, stretched by new ideas, may never reurn to it's original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.
An answer gone unanswered will be answered in a parallel universe. Existence is classified in unrecorded dimensions. - Vishwanath S J
It doesn't matter what you think about consciousness, higher truths, or different dimensions - it's what you do and what you are that counts. - Belsebuub
History is an amazing presence--it is the place where vanished time gathers. While we are in the flow of time, it is difficult to glean its significance, and it is only in looking back that we can recognize the hidden dimensions at work within a particular era or epoch. - John O'Donohue
"The key to growth is the introductionof higher dimensions of consciousnessinto our awareness. - Lao Tzu
Some compilers allow a check during execution that subscripts do not exceed array dimensions. This is a help, but not sufficient. First, many programmers do not use such compilers because "They're not efficient." (Presumably, this means that it is vital to get the wrong answers quickly.)
Everyone operates out of a different dimensions of love. Love is undefinable from one person to the next. The vibration of Love is what truly brings us together. - Matthew Donnelly
My Solo Adventure #1- Bali: Imagination unlocked, escaping a cage drawn by a relentless life. Soul freed, reaching beyond the hidden dimensions of an uncertain universe. Thirst. Hunger. Rebirth. For forever we are greedy. - Abeer Allan
Enlightenment will be now the beginning, not the end. Beginning of a non-ending process in all dimensions of richness. - Osho
The only difference between a rut and a grave... is in their dimensions. - Ellen Glasglow
A mind is not weighed by its magnitude, but by the dimensions of its thoughts. - Anthony Liccione
Success has six holistic dimensions symbolized by: Heart, Mind, Body, Passion, Focus and Health. - Asoka Nimal Jinadasa
The lucky ones are those who take every opportunity and turn every life experience onto truth seeking adventure. They end up full filled with deeper dimensions of pleasure and spirit satisfaction.~Inspired by: Rania Rageh~ - Sameh Elsayed
If there are infinite dimensions then there would be infinite alternate realities and if there are infinite alternate realities we would exist in almost all of them that would make all of us omnipresent... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I would say time is definitely one of my top three favorite dimensions. - Randall Munroe
Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
When it is imperative to make a vivid offering towards life then a simulated introspection for all possible dimensions may be endured to establish a relationship with external world and world within - Amit Gupta
Art is not documentary. It may incidentally serve that function in its own way but its true effort is to open to us dimensions of the spirit of the self that normally lie smothered under the weight of living. - Jeanette Winterson
A book can transform your life and add new dimensions to the way you think. - Scholar Talks
True pillar of subtle light embrace humanity between dimensions, they are serene consciousness washing the pains of all soul's. - Dave Zebian
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