I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
In these few seconds Finn lived such a long time, that the marble fell back into the bottom of an exhausted world. - Neil M Gunn
As when, O lady mine,With chiselled touchThe stone unhewn and coldBecomes a living mould,The more the marble wastes,The more the statue grows. - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Books have that strange quality, that being of the frailest and tenderest matter, they outlast brass, iron and marble. - William Drummond
I do not know whether music knows how to despair over music, or marble over marble, but literature is an art which knows how to prophesize the time in which it might have fallen silent, how to attack its own virtue, and how to fall in love with its own dissolution and court its own end. - Jorge Luis Borges
Rather a thousand times the county jail than to lie under this marble figure with wings and this granite pedestal bearing the words "pro patria." What do they mean anyway? - Edgar Lee Masters
Life is made up of marble and mud. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Men have marble, women waxen, minds. - William Shakespeare
Convince yourself that you are working in clay, not marble, on paper not eternal bronze: Let that first sentence be as stupid as it wishes. - Jacques Barzun
Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor - Alexis Carrel
I really feel as if the things we create together are not things we devised, but things we discovered, as if, in some sense, they were always there in us, waiting to be revealed, like the figure of Mercury waiting in a rough lump of marble. - Raymond Joseph Teller
When my dad was young he shot marbles. When I was young I played Marble Madness on my Nintendo Entertainment System. - Kevin James Breaux
His eyes are covered by impermeable marble, a solidity that can never be breached. You think there is gold and warmth behind the facade of cold, but if only you could see your reflection in the marble. You would see how you burn, how brightly you glow, enough to incinerate anyone else whole. - Hubert Martin
nothing is more opaque than absolute transparency. Look--my feet don't hit the marble! Like breath or a balloon, I'm rising, I hover six inches in the air in my blazing swan-egg of light. You think I'm not a goddess? Try me. This is a torch song. Touch me and you'll burn. - Margaret Atwood
I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble. - Caesar Augustus
Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble. - Benjamin Franklin
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free.
What is the end of our revolution? The tranquil enjoyment of liberty and equality; the reign of that eternal justice, the laws of which are graven, not on marble or stone, but in the hearts of men, even in the heart of the slave who has forgotten them, and in that of the tyrant who disowns them. - Maximilien Robespierre
I saw an angel in the block of marble and I just chiseled until I set him free. - Michelangelo
Man is a marble piece; unlike Michelangelo's masterpieces, man is unconsciously carved and imperfectly shaped by the nature! - Mehmet Murat ildan