Quotation Explorer - 'Transparency'

Transparency means to dedicate our thoughts and efforts to non privacy rules and not to defend negative intelligence ideas or surveillance programs. - Auliq Ice
There is no transparency, Marus. It can’t exist. Surveillance doesn’t go both ways. There are those who watch, and those who are watched; the powerful, and the powerless. - Celeste Chaney
nothing is more opaque than absolute transparency. Look--my feet don't hit the marble! Like breath or a balloon, I'm rising, I hover six inches in the air in my blazing swan-egg of light. You think I'm not a goddess? Try me. This is a torch song. Touch me and you'll burn. - Margaret Atwood
Writing is not lying, nor is it theft. It is a journey and search for transparency between one’s words and one’s soul. - Richard Flanagan
Despite its dark veins, the transparency of dragonfly’s wings assures me of a pure, innocent world - Munia Khan
Healing takes place when grievances are given ample and patient space to be acknowledged, when there is transparency and honesty, when everybody is given the chance to be heard, when nobody is excluded, when people can accept the energy of the conflict and use it as a major opportunity for growth. - Franco Santoro
Transparency is critical in public health and epidemics; laypeople become either effective force-multipliers or stubborn walls. - T.K. Naliaka
- My love is about 2/3rds as invisible as her love, and that sort of transparency isn’t really all that healthy in a relationship. - I chop trees down with my sharpened mustache, remember? Cloning works, but can lead you in the wrong direction.-Jarod Kintz and - Stefan D
Clarity in my cup. Transparency of my soul. Lucidity of myself. Elixir of the ages. Tea makes us all sages. - Dharlene Marie Fahl
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