Quotation Explorer - 'Carved'

I cannot forgive you. That day, if you had not refused, I would have given you a present. I would have carved my love in stone. - Conchitina Cruz
It is a cliche that human beings are fascinated by size--mountain peaks, high buildings, and whales. We are also amazed by miniatures--a flea on a mouse, a flea on a trapeze, the Last Supper carved on the head of a pin. - Rosamond Purcell
Perspective and perseverance are carved by time and constructed by wisdom. - A.D. Sams
The features of character are carved out of adversity. - Rick Barnett
What we learn in childhood is carved in stone. What we learn as adults is carved in ice. - David Kherdian
Walk the midway and hear the carnival barker.Come see the freak named after his deceased father.Come see the prince who wants to abdicate his throne.Come see the son whose name is carved on a gravestone. - Sherman Alexie
From timber so crooked as that from which man is carved, nothing entirely straight can be made. - Immanuel Kant
They surrounded me, bare me. Their fingers like tentacles and their desires like knives. Their fingers traced my secrets and their desires carved my skin. - Hubert Martin
Perfection is a faux. It’s a mask carved by our own poor esteem to hide who we really are and make others see what really isn’t us. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Carved deep into my veins but didn't bleedOverdosed on sleeping pills but didn't sleepWhen your heart is heavy, it gets increasingly harder to breatheClearly there's a GodBut why has he forsaken me? - Nomzamo Nhlumayo
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free.
I’ll never forget the magic of our Saturday nights. Special moments carved in my mind by you the sculptor of my love. Let’s dance the night away. Who needs music, when your heart already sings to me. - ~ Fidelis O Mkparu (2016), author of ‘Love’s affliction’
I've discovered that life doesn't always turn on the obvious things - people dying, marriages, all the stuff that gets carved on the tombstones - but little unrecorded things too. - Eve Chase
Man is a marble piece; unlike Michelangelo's masterpieces, man is unconsciously carved and imperfectly shaped by the nature! - Mehmet Murat ildan
What is carved on rocks were away in time. What is told from mouth to mouth will live forever. - Vietnamese saying
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water, flowing in and out with the tide. - Jeff Melvoin
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