Quotation Explorer - 'Crooked'

To think that two bodies, crooked by life into question marks, when encountering one another did not form a heart.. To do that, all we needed was to look each other in the eye. But you looked away. - Anna Jae
Don't show your inferiority by climbing a stunted tree, show your superiority by climbing the longest and crooked one. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The Word of God I think of as a straight edge, which shows up our own crookedness. We can't really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of Scripture. - Elisabeth Elliot
Your ultimate reason for staying in this crooked world is not to imitate its devastating physique, but trying do something about its ugly appearance. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Care for her. He was unworthy of such a gift. Unworthy of her blind trust and her sparkling, slightly crooked smiles, let alone her heart. But he wanted her, selfish fool he was and had always been. Care for her? Ah, God, she consumed him. - V.S. Carnes
All that is straight lies. All truth is crooked; time itself is a circle. - Friedrich Nietzsche
a crooked truth is far straight than a straight lie - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
You shall love your crooked neighbour, with your crooked heart. - W.H. Auden
The best way to show that a stick is crooked is not to argue about it or to spend time denouncing it, but to lay a straight stick alongside it - D.L. Moody
In countries where all the crooked politicians wear pin-striped suits, the best people are bare-assed. - Paul Theroux
The law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out. - Billy Sunday
No one ever died from sleeping in an unmade bed. I have known mothers who remake the bed after their children do it because there is wrinkle in the spread or the blanket is on crooked. This is sick. - Erma Bombeck
There's one way to find out if a man is honest: ask him; if he says yes, you know he's crooked. - Mark Twain
The desires of the heart are as crooked as corkscrews. - W.H. Auden
From timber so crooked as that from which man is carved, nothing entirely straight can be made. - Immanuel Kant
From such crooked wood as that which man is made of, nothing straight can be fashioned. - Immanuel Kant
It is possible to draw a straight line with a crooked pencil. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Okay, we didn’t work, and allmemories to tell you the truth aren’t good.But sometimes there were good times.Love was good. I loved your crooked sleepbeside me and never dreamed afraid.There should be stars for great warslike ours. - Sandra Cisneros
From the crooked timber of humanity, a straight board cannot be hewn. - Immanuel Kant
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey
I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains I looked to the children, I drank from the fountain There’s more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line And the less I seek my source for some definitive The closer I am to fine. - Emily Saliers
To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face - J.R.R. Tolkien
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