Common sense tells us that the government's attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy. - Sarah Palin
Mathematics is life: the workings (process) is more important than the answer (proof/product). A wrong process cannot make a right product. - Dele Ayo Bankole
Dreams show what a person takes to eternity—not a heaven but a chaos. Dreams provide a doorway that opens to the inner world of oneself. They show the intricate workings of the mind in ways that cannot be avoided or hidden. - Belsebuub
Can women imagine anything finer than to experience centuries and millennia with the beloved husband in a cozy home in reverent attention to the inner workings of creative motherhood?
Judge not; the workings of his brainAnd of his heart thou canst not see;What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,In God's pure light may only beA scar, brought from some well-won field,Where thou wouldst only faint and yield. - Adelaide Anne Procter
The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next we see in them the reflection of the divine image. - Charles W. Chesnutt
A writer is dear and necessary for us only in the measure of which he reveals to us the inner workings of his very soul. - Leo Tolstoy
Reality is the manifestation of the inner workings, carried out by the supreme powers. Whatever you think and do right now, either positive or negative is working on your behalf because you are a co-worker of the divine. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Success in whatever format it prevails is founded on how deeply we master the inner workings of our minds. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
They say dreams are the windows of the soul--take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts. - Henry Bromel