Quotation Explorer - 'Chapter'

Champions have the courage to keep turning the pages because they know a better chapter lies ahead. - Paula White
The purpose of this life is to worship Allah the only God who has no partners or associates.And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)Quran Chapter 51 verse 56 - Mahair Ashaboon
I'm the biggest critic of my own work, but sometimes you nail a chapter so good that you have to take a step back and admire that bitch. - R.D. Ronald
If anything viewed as negative has happened on your journey thus far, turn the page, create a new chapter, and write your own positive story. Then, bless humanity with the wisdom you have gained by traveling through the experience. - Molly Friedenfeld
Life is a book. When one chapter ends, the next one begins... - Scuro Chiaro - Photographer
The rig began shaking like caffeine withdrawal." --Opening sentence of THE FURY. "The duct-taped Buick swam north on Rush Street, hunting whores like a lesser white shark." --First sentence of Chapter One, THE FURY - Shane Gericke
A life is like a book of many chapters and topics. Which Chapter are is your life? - Elizabeth Adeniyi
Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life. - Elizabeth George
Yesterday is the history chapter in the book of life, isn't it time you turned the page? - Rob Liano
Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next. - Mie Hansson
Let'sss just kill him," said the shorter Ra'zac. "He has caused us much grief." The taller one ran his finger down his sword. "A good plan. But remember, the king's instructions were to keep them alive."-from Eragon, Chapter Title: The Ra'zac's Revenge. - Christopher Paolini
There is Story Behind every Smile and You Are My Favorite Chapter!! - Saima
For all my longer works (i.e. the novels) I write chapter outlines so I can have the pleasure of departing from them later on. - Garth Nix
Science is not a collection of facts. Nor is science something that happens in the laboratory. Science happens in the head. It's a flight of imagination beyond the constraints of ordinary perception. Columbus chapter -The Virgin and the Mousetrap - Chet Raymo
The deeper into this chapter in my life I get, the fainter the hum of crucifixion becomes. - Maggie Young
If we want know the meaning of existence, we must open a book: over there, in the darkest chapter, there’s a sentence written especially for us. - Pietro Citati
Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. - Thomas Jefferson
Anything that was created today were once an unknown insecurity far beyond the next chapter of your life! - Vishwanath S J
...but I guess it's better for people to shut up rather than rather than say something nasty. -ONE NIGHT @ THE CALL CENTER Chapter 1 page 22 - Chetan Bhagat
If life was a book; every day would be a new page, every month would be a new chapter, and every year would be a new series. - Elizabeth Duivenvoorde
You'll never get to the happily ever after if you don't move past the current chapter... - Carmen DeSousa
When the first book out my sister-in-law read it and we were chatting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and she said, "Oh my God, chapter six, sex and a murder," and her five year old wandered into the kitchen and said, "Sixty hamburgers? - Sara Sheridan
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
And to think I could be at home cleaning the cat box," Esther Charlemagne said. "Watching for a Peeping Tom is so much better."~ Chapter 2 The Night Shadow by - Cheri Vause
And if our love was a story bookWe would meet on the very first pageThe last chapter would be aboutHow I'm thankful for the life we've made.I Love You... - J.Hampden Jackson
Everyday you have a new chapter to write about your journey of life. As you write that chapter do it so well such that if others read it, you would still be proud of yourself. - Gugu Mona
The termination; final chapter of endless road. - Usha Cosmico
Religion is a monumental chapter in the history of human egotism. - William James
Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom. - Thomas Jefferson
(From chapter on Getting Started at Stanford).Go ahead, go to all your parties. Go ahead and go home to your families and friends every weekend. You are probably smarter than me. But it doesn't matter. While you are goofing around, I'm gonna be studying, and I'm gonna catch you. - Peter Rogers
...... I hate biochemistry because there is no chapter on roses. - Farooq A. Shiekh
If the final chapter of your life story is written by love, you are guaranteed a happy ending. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There is no force in Earth or Heaven above,No, not even the damned of Hell can stop relentless Love. ---Kari, The Valkyrie, Chapter Sixteen,Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Poem/Allegory - Douglas M. Laurent
I look at life as an adventure. Each new chapter brings new opportunities. - Michelle M. Pillow
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. - Edith Lovejoy Pierce
A Plan B life can be just as good or better than a Plan A life. You just have to let go of that first dream and realize that God has already written the first chapter of the new life that awaits you. All you have to do is start reading! - Shannon L. Alder
Soon we shall discover that the temple of all humanity is nothing less that the Temple of the Living God!" ~ Chapter One, "The Awakening" ~ Discovering the Bliss of your True Divine Reality - Linda De Coff
Hearts are like Books. You cannot understand one by flipping the pages or by reading the last chapter - Alok Jagawat
Helena had been standing by her window looking out to sea, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the picturesque scene of a small ship sailing into the harbor.She had not been able to think of anything other than Mikolas for days."From LONGING the 3rd chapter of TRUE LOVE - Destin Bays
There's not a woman in the book, the plot hinges on unkindness to animals, and the black characters mostly drown by Chapter 29.
If you haven't cried at least once while writing a chapter of your inspirational book, then you have to ask yourself if your're writing fiction. - Shannon L. Alder
I love when I finish reading a chapter that I wrote and my cheeks hurt from smiling and all I can utter is, 'Wow.' - Richelle E. Goodrich
You are the author of your success. Every day, you write another page to the chapter of success for you life. Practice at becoming an excellent person, at what you want to be best at. - Mark F. LaMoure
No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one! - C. JoyBell C.
Quote taken from Chapter 1: That's the idea. Listen, Frank, this one is different. She's a keeper." He let that part gel in me. "Get your head screwed on straight and move to Richmond. You hate it living in Pelham. - Ed Lynskey
You will, I am sure, agree with me that... if page 534 only finds us in the second chapter, the length of the first one must have been really intolerable. - Arthur Conan Doyle
It's never too late to start a new chapter of life, but question arise is it that easy to start a new beginning??? - Debolina
I never said I love you because I knew he would understand it differently. I loved him, and I still do, but it was as a chapter. It wasn’t as a fairytale ending. - Dominic Riccitello
Full of intrigue, tangled pasts, and raw emotions, [Gambling On A Secret by Sara Walter Ellwood] is guaranteed to keep you turning pages from start to finish and then wishing for one more chapter! - Carolyn Brown
I just inhaled kimchi ramen. Nose on fire. Next chapter may be obscured by tears. - MCM
What others see in you now is just a MILD chapter of you; the WILD version of your brand is yet to be visible. Just dare and will show up! - Israelmore Ayivor
You are not your past. You are the warrior that rose above it to become the example of someone who didn't survive, but thrived in creating the most beautiful last chapter of their life. - Shannon L. Alder
Evil takes only prisoners….Time takes none."From The Tenth, chapter 28. - Various
The first paragraph of my book must get me my reader. The last paragraph of a chapter must compel my reader to turn the page. The last paragraph of my book must ensure that my reader looks out for my next book. - Ashwin Sanghi
God is the Master Author of your life. He has written every page of your life story in His eternal book. It's up to you to turn up the pages and move on with the next chapter or just get yourself stuck in the same content over and over again."- Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
It is in the dark times that the light of friendship shines brightest. (The Walk - Chapter 19, Page 122 - Richard Paul Evans
Chapters - Life has many different chapters for us. One bad chapter doesn’t mean the end of the book. - Edenia Archuleta
Marriage: a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose.
We have the power of the pen to write the next chapter, and the privilege to author the page in whatever fashion we choose. Yet, seldom do we understand the power of the pen and the privilege of the page. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Every day you have a new chapter to write about your journey of life. As you write that chapter, do it so well such that when others read it; you would still be proud of yourself. - Gugu Mona
I had no choice but to accept these voices and images as my gift. My ability. Their energy engrossed my music. I played passionately for them. To set them free. They were part of my life now. I didn't chose them, they chose me."...Elizabeth (DESCENDANT– chapter 2) - L.J. Amodeo
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful. Praise be to AllahThe Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds: Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. (First Chapter from the Quran, Al Fatiha, which every Muslim prayer contains and begins with, but in Arabic) - Our Creator
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