Quotation Explorer - 'Outlines'

Minimalism is a girl's best asset, blend tones, smudge hard outlines; if all else fails; Photoshop it. - Judith Chambers
Actually, all education is self-education. A teacher is only a guide, to point out the way, and no school, no matter how excellent, can give you education. What you receive is like the outlines in a child’s coloring book. You must fill in the colors yourself. - Louis L'Amour
The mere thought that she was alone and surrounded by books gave her a near-sensuous thrill. As she looked around her room, dark escaper for the slash of light near her lamp, and saw the vague outlines of her books, she asked herself 'Have I not the whole world? - Andrew Wilson
The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face. - Jim Bishop
For all my longer works (i.e. the novels) I write chapter outlines so I can have the pleasure of departing from them later on. - Garth Nix
To find one’s purpose is to discover one’s worth, discern one’s direction, wholly dedicate oneself to the journey, and forge an unbending determination that I will not leave the world the way I found it. This week's blog outlines the finding of our purpose. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Outlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers who wish to God they were writing masters' theses. - Stephen King
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