Quotation Explorer - 'Discern'

How shall a man judge what to do in such times?''As he ever has judged,' said Aragorn. 'Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear...It is a man's part to discern them, as much in th Golden Wood as in his own house. - J.R.R. Tolkien
There is timing in the whole life of the warrior, in his thriving and declining, in his harmony and discord. Similarly, there is timing in the Way of the merchant, in the rise and fall of capital. All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this.
To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discern who is a fool, than to discover who is a clever man.
... From want of foresight men make changes which relishing well at first do not betray their hidden venom, as I have already observed respecting hectic fever. Nevertheless, the ruler is not truly wise who cannot discern evils before they develop themselves, and this is a faculty given to few. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Book sense makes sense because someone has gone through it before and able to share it with you. Your job is to listen and discern. - Germany Kent
In order to discern truth in our hearts, we must unpack the lies". HS/el - Evinda Lepins
She dried her tears, and they did smileTo see her cheeks’ returning glow;Nor did discern how all the whileThat full heart throbbed to overflow.With that sweet look and lively tone,And bright eye shining all the day,They could not guess, at midnight loneHow she would weep the time away. - Emily Brontë
People's behaviors are messages, not a diagnosis because I can no longer discern the world's version of insanity. - Shannon L. Alder
When we feel unsafe with someone and still stay with him, we damage our ability to discern trustworthiness in those we will meet in the future. - David Richo
We do not see the world through a window, but through a mirror. Everything we discern is comparatively held to the vision with which we see ourselves. - LeeAnn Taylor
To paraphrase Lucretius, there's nothing more useful than to watch a man or woman in times of contagious deadly disease peril combined with his or her assumptions of financial adversity to discern what kind of man or woman they really are. - T.K. Naliaka
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. - Carl Jung
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of being. - Carl Jung
It’s not in the book or in the writer that readers discern the truth of what they read; they see it in themselves, if the light of truth has penetrated their minds. - Augustine of Hippo
Part of our work as faithful Christians is to learn how to discern when, and by what means, to resist authority. - The Liberty Book
Who taught you how to discern the Truth? Was it a big liar or a little liar or no liar at all? We cannot expect honesty from those we deal with if we don’t even know how to tell when we’re being lied to. - A. Antares
I personally cannot discern a shred of evidence for ‘[intelligent] design.’ If 97% of all creatures have gone extinct, some plan isn't working very well! - Irven Devore
Every reader finds himself. The writer's work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what, without this book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself. - Marcel Proust
To find one’s purpose is to discover one’s worth, discern one’s direction, wholly dedicate oneself to the journey, and forge an unbending determination that I will not leave the world the way I found it. This week's blog outlines the finding of our purpose. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability to ever discern any truth, and this is often derived from a sort of frenzy by way of their own masked prejudice. - Criss Jami
Maybe she will be broken forever. but if it is so, she will adorn it with radiant elegance; and all that man will ever discern is her effortless grace and the softness of her smile. - Terry A. O'Neal
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains. - Titus Lucretius Carus
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being. - C.G. Jung
In order to discern truth in our hearts, we must unpack the lies". - Evinda Lepins
Hence, you see your faith, you see your doubt, you see your desire and will to learn, and when you are induced by divine authority to believe what you do not see, you see at one that you believe these things; you analyze and discern all this. - Augustine of Hippo
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