Quotation Explorer - 'Blend'

Those who understand the complexities of human nature know that joy and pain, ugliness and beauty, love and hate, mercy and cruelty and other conflicting emotions often blend and cannot be separated from each other. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
I may not always like at times, but life is a beautiful blend of joy, tragedy and dreams. If not for one, I could not have the other. - Paula Heller Garland
The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. - Adolf Hitler
Age is a timeless beauty. At each mile in my life journey, I am a distinctive blend of what I've experienced and the unique talents I was given to share with others. - Jeanne McElvaney
When you're finally up at the moon looking back on earth,all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you're going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can't we live together like decent people? - Frank Borman
Redheads. We’re a Limited Edition of Fascination. A Unique & Rare Blend of Awesomeness. - Stephanie Lahart
... Corellian curses being a synergistic blend of vulgarity, obscenity, and outright blasphemy that were the only things really worth saying when one was in the middle of being blown to monatomic dust. - Matthew Woodring Stover
The golden moments of your life blend in fulfilment with the deepest joy and love you share with your love ones. - Angelica Hopes
Cheer up and dry your damp eyes,And tell me when it rains,And I'll blend up that rainbow above you & shoot it through your veins...'Cause your heart has a lack of color,And we should've known That we'd grow up sooner or later,'Cause we wasted all our free time alone. <3 - Owl City
Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together. - Ovid
Even against the greatest of odds, there is something in the human spirit- a magic blend of skill, faith, and valor- that can lift men from certain defeat to incredible victory.
In the most surreal, the most joyful, the most beautiful, the most intense, the most alive moments of life, you are absorbed into the horizon which is at its most invisible, elusive, perfect blend of sky and sea. - Connie Kerbs
Weeds blend in; roses stand out. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I am a chaotic blend of all the worst traits. - Suzie Jay
It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusions begins. They blend - then they separate - Lind Goodman
The room was full with voices, loud music and beautiful people milling about everywhere. But all I noticed was her; beautiful, elegant and sitting alone in a quiet corner trying to remain unseen, to blend in, to become invisible, as if she actually thought such a thing were possible. - Tonny K. Brown
The blend of fiction, bigotry and jingoism became known as 'yellow journalism.' Later, the phrase was shortened to 'journalism.'
If you guys wanted to blend in, you shouldn't have send Dimples here. The way some of the women are staring at him, I might end up having to protect him instead. -Relentless - Karen Lynch
Dance means different things to different people. It is a blend of Nritta, Nritya and Natya. It is a poetic expression which tells stories to people, a subtle interfusion of drama in an otherwise classical pattern. - Shallu Jindal
Minimalism is a girl's best asset, blend tones, smudge hard outlines; if all else fails; Photoshop it. - Judith Chambers
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