Quotation Explorer - 'Fascination'

Flirting with the dark side has always had it's fascination. Because you learn, and there's wisdom there. Escpecially with the post-Freudian era with the young, the shadow is ninety percent gold. You hold treasures there that you need to learn about yourself to be a whole person. - Edward Herrmann
What is it about us lady authors and our fascination for the exclamation mark? - E.A. Bucchianeri
This fascination with computer models is something I understand very well. Richard Feynmann called it a disease. I fear he is right. - Michael Crichton
There is a fascination here that holds rich and poor, strong and weak captive,not with chains and fetters but by an almost touchable solace... - Barbara Woodall
Can we just be grateful for beauty & joy, fascination & tolerance, humour & love, nature & grace, and simply release any anger and pains? - Jay Woodman
Old books exert a strange fascination for me -- their smell, their feel, their history; wondering who might have owned them, how they lived, what they felt. - Lauren Willig
But fear and fascination are yokefellows, oxen out of step but pulling in the same direction... - Winston Graham
The curly red lines across the African deserts had the fascination of a magnet, and I hoped fervently that the pioneers who were writing their names over the blank spaces, would leave just one small desert for me. - Rosita Forbes
Redheads. We’re a Limited Edition of Fascination. A Unique & Rare Blend of Awesomeness. - Stephanie Lahart
I will go to my grave in a state of abject endless fascination that we all have the capacity to become emotionally involved with a personality that doesn't exist. - Berkeley Breathed
My fascination with history is as much about the present as it is about the past. - Sara Sheridan
As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular. - Oscar Wilde
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun. - P. G. Wodehouse
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