Quotation Explorer - 'Pasts'

From key signature to coda, from downbeat to the sound of life's final fermata, our pasts set the tone for all that was, that is, and that ever would be. - Jamie A. Hughes
One with true creativity can erase their one past, and replace it with an infinite number of pasts, creating new possibilities for the future. - Lionel Suggs
For me, the most interesting people seem to have the bumpiest pasts. I prefer to connect with someone who has experienced the struggles, battles, and casualties of life’s journey. There is beauty, wisdom, and truth to be found in the scars. - Steve Maraboli
The world tells us that our pasts define us, trapping us, isolating us and giving us little hope for change or betterment. I say our pasts design us for what's to come and gives us a platform to be heroes in the lives of others. - Shawn M Mcnamara
According to the strange mathematics of the god of mutual affinity, the shadows that clouded their pasts when united became only half as dense instead of darker. - The World And The Door - o.henry
Are we slaves of our pasts? or can we rise above it? - Hiba Fatima Ahmad
Women with pasts interest men... they hope history will repeat itself. - Mae West
Full of intrigue, tangled pasts, and raw emotions, [Gambling On A Secret by Sara Walter Ellwood] is guaranteed to keep you turning pages from start to finish and then wishing for one more chapter! - Carolyn Brown
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