Quotation Explorer - 'Taller'

A man should be taller, older, heavier, uglier, and hoarser than his wife. - E.W. Howe
One can only hope that our horizons widen as we grow taller. - J.R. Tompkins
Most men do not mature, they simply grow taller. - Leo Rosten
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someone else on your shoulders. - Bob Moawad
Find the light. Reach for it. Live for it. Pull yourself up by it. Gratitude always makes for straighter, taller trees. - Al R. Young
Friends are hard to find. In a lifetime you only get a few. And when you find them, you always know them by sight and heart alone, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you know you have been blessed just to know them. - Ashley Rice
You're the right colour for the Angel of Death, Mister Cale. But a little short.' 'I could cut your head off and stand on it. Then I'd be taller. - Paul Hoffman
Let'sss just kill him," said the shorter Ra'zac. "He has caused us much grief." The taller one ran his finger down his sword. "A good plan. But remember, the king's instructions were to keep them alive."-from Eragon, Chapter Title: The Ra'zac's Revenge. - Christopher Paolini
If I had created myself, I would be taller, blond, and more well endowed, financially. I would have cast out spiders and bad-hair days. Therefore, and hence, I believe strongly in a Creator who not only gave me the gift, but the free will to create my own journey through life. - Audrey Conn
The human spirit holds remarkable strength, in times of adversity and pain, some stand taller after they've fallen proving that you can't measure a want, a desire or a dream on the logic of physical reality. - Nikki Rowe
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