Quotation Explorer - 'Engrossed'

I try to make the music give people a chance to become engrossed with what they hear enough to possibly experience things they've probably experienced on their own but don't normally let themselves go so as to feel them fully. - Oliver
A person with a large tuber of self-pride remains engrossed in the fear of, ‘Someone is going to insult me…someone is going to insult me’ or ‘From where can I get respect? From where can I get the respect? - Dada Bhagwan
Thought is actually something that is dead, it is not a living thing. If ‘oneself’ gets engrossed in what is dead, then it will become alive. - Dada Bhagwan
Moha (illusory vision) means new things keep arising, and one indeed sees new things; and he remains engrossed in them. - Dada Bhagwan
We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything, than when we are at play. - Charles E. Schaefer
I had no choice but to accept these voices and images as my gift. My ability. Their energy engrossed my music. I played passionately for them. To set them free. They were part of my life now. I didn't chose them, they chose me."...Elizabeth (DESCENDANT– chapter 2) - L.J. Amodeo
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