Quotation Explorer - 'Passages'

I read a lot of books. Here are the books I'm using for my 9/11 project. [Wright gestures to three six-foot-long shelves of books.] As I read them I highlight certain passages. Then I have an assistant write down each quote on an index card and note where it came from. - Lawrence Wright
When nothing else worked, we created a holistic, hand-tailored program that saved Pax's life. At Passages, he and I use what we learned in curing him to help other discover the roots of their addiction or alcoholism and break free. - Chris Prentiss
Life, like classical music, is full of difficult passages that are conquered as much through endurance and determination as through any particular skill. - Sheri Dew
The test of an author is not to be found merely in the number of his phrases that pass current in the corner of newspapers...but in the number of passages that have really taken root in younger minds.
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand. - Mark Twain
In certain kinds of writing, particularly in art criticism and literary criticism, it is normal to come across long passages which are almost completely lacking in meaning. - George Orwell
Love is begun by time; and that I see in passages of proof, time qualifies the spark and fire of it. There lives within the very flame of love a kind of wick or snuff that will abate it. - William Shakespeare
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