Quotation Explorer - 'Marked'

Humanity, let us say, is like people packed in an automobile which is traveling downhill without lights at terrific speed and driven by a four-year-old child. The signposts along the way are all marked 'Progress. - Lord Dunsany
No, Rae, the clocks won't chime again, these clocks have marked my fall." - Fletcher Green - Kimball Lee
And then they bid their final goodbye which marked the end of their story. And beginning of two new stories. - Crestless Wave
I'm not worried about the bullet with my name on it... just the thousands out there marked 'Occupant.' - Unknown
Death had marked his family with unbreakable black halos, until only two remained. - R.W. Patterson
How often have I painted a splendid picture of a journey marked by courageous ascents and daring desert crossings when all along all I’ve really been doing is running? - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Don't you wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work. - Gallagher
Thirty-nine years of my life had passed before I understood that clouds were not my enemy; that they were beautiful, and that I needed them. I suppose this, for me, marked the beginning of wisdom. Life is short. - Iimani David
A woman's life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience. - Wallis Duchess of Windsor
Whatever kind of seed is sown in a field, prepared in due season, a plant of that same kind, marked with the peculiar qualities of the seed, springs up in it. - Guru Nanak
The instinct of the thief is most strongly marked in the Skua tribe, and I am afraid that the mere love of thieving alone actuates them on many occasions. - George Murray Levick
If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison' it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later. - Lewis Carroll
The villagers marked the time in two ways: before the swamp and after. What came before was good. And all that came after was not. - Melanie Crowder
The tipping custom originated in England when small sums were dropped into a box marked T.I.P.S. --TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE.
WIDOW, n. A pathetic figure that the Christian world has agreed to take humorously, although Christ's tenderness towards widows was one of the most marked features of his character. - Ambrose Bierce
Generosity is also marked by doing what one says one will do. - Idries Shah
When well told, a story captured the subtle movement of change. If a novel was a map of a country, a story was the bright silver pin that marked the crossroads. - Ann Patchett
When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God. In fact, it might mean you're right in the center of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss. - Charles R. Swindoll
Not all races are run on a track. And not all finish lines are marked by ticker tape. - Toni Sorenson
If our church is not marked by caring for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, we are guilty of heresy. - Ignatius of Loyola
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