Quotation Explorer - 'Ask'

To be honest, i know noting about religion, since the world was created thousand of years ago, am just 30 years of age, and have stopped asking questions about how things came to being, but the truth about what i know is that the truth does not exit because i know noting - lanre efizie
Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered. - Scott Westerfeld
The fool wonders, the wise man asks. - Benjamin Disraeli
God is simply a magnificent state of the mind, where the finite turns infinite. - Abhijit Naskar
Would I serve you or (Prince) Jon stolen goods? he asked. "No, don't answer me. - Tamora Pierce
Mind is the Alpha Mind is the Omega. - Abhijit Naskar
I ask myself every day am I an Adult?What is an Adult? To me an Adult is someone who can see the world for what it really is.And instead of giving up and trying to escape reality at every moment they can, they choose to continue on and use what is around them to help them succeed. - Michael Mano
Asking in prayer helps you to see your problem in the light of God’s power. - Elizabeth George
Get crazy in prayer. Ask for the seemingly impossible; then watch it happen. Do not make judgments on what you are worthy of. Save the practicality for other aspects of your life. - Pooja Ruprell
The reason some people put on a mask in not in their blood but it is in their fear that we judge them too soon. - Ameya Agrawal
​A sage sees no conflict between Science & Religion. - Abhijit Naskar
Sometimes there’s a fire in your life and you ask God,Lord, let me go around the fire. And God says, No.Then you ask, Lord, then let me go over the fire.And God says, No. Then you ask, Well Lord, please let me go under the fire. And God says, No. Go through the fire and I’ll be with you. - Lydia Thornton
It is one thing to believe and another to know. - Abhijit Naskar
The reason some people put on a mask is not in their blood but it is in their fear that we judge them too soon. - Ameya Agrawal
Sometimes when I'm faced with an atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there's a cook. - Ronald Reagan
One moment people should learn that they must find their answers not to ask but to find. In real life you can't always ask, if you are ask you show how much stupid are you really! - Deyth Banger
Then a begging brother in a tattered brown robe said a blessing on his sword, and a maid kissed his cheek. 'They are for me,' "Why?" He asked Pate. "What am I to them?" "A knight who remembered his vows," the smith said. - George R.R. Martin
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. - Victor Hugo
We were meant to survive because of our minds' ability to reason, our ability to live with frustration in order to maintain our virtue. We wore smiling masks while dying inside. - Anchee Min
An appeal is when you ask one court to show its contempt for another court. - Finley Peter Dunne
Do not hide behind any mask - Lailah Gifty Akita
Never fear to ask what you truly want. You will always get exactly what you desire. - Lailah Gifty Akita
It's awkward how some people refuse to be humans regarding their behaviours! Isn't that against God's will for he created them as humans? And yet, they at night hold hands up and ask God for forgiveness and to grant them their wishes; when he created animals sinless. - Mustafa SULTAN
There's isn't any slight of hand in Spirituality, everything you desire is right there for you to see. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If I wouldn't of spent so much time shooting spit wads at my English teacher I'd know how to punctuate good thing I normally write poetry. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
So, your kids must love the iPad? I asked Mr. [Steve] Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. They haven’t used it, he told me. We limit how much technology our kids use at home. (Nytimes article, Sept. 10, 2014) - Nick Bilton
A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and a task for life; he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair, the rest of his days. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself. - Ursula K. Le Guin
If I'd learned nothing else in my twenty-seven years on this planet, I'd learned that when someone gives you something totally unexpected and undeserved, you don't ask questions. - Jill D. Block
When you ask for assistance from your guides and the Masters of LightKnow that they already help you as much as they can.It is you who must come to meet them halfway. Do not ask them as if they had power to change your life.They only can guide you to be your own best guide. - Raphael Zernoff
I’m not even on drugs, I’m just weird. - Alex Gaskarth
One of the things everybody seems to want to ask writers is, "Where do you get your ideas?" When people ask me this, my usual response is, "Ideas are the easy part. The hard part is writing them down. - Patricia C. Wrede
I’ve been accused of being cold, snobbish, distant. Those who know me well know that I’m nothing of the sort. If anything, the opposite is true. But is it too much to ask to want to protect your private life, your inner feelings? - Grace Kelly
can I ask you a simple but complex question? Why are you still alive and living? - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Every broken heart has one time or another asked, "What is important to me now? - Shannon L. Alder
When you pray to God asking for something, make sure you are asking for the things that are driven by love and passion rather than the ones that are pushed by hate and anger. - Sameh Elsayed
It is our task, both in science and in society at large, to prove the conventional wisdom wrong and to make our unpredictable dreams come true - Freeman Dyson
[When asked what was the proper time for supper] If you are a rich man, whenever you please; and if you are a poor man, whenever you can. - Diogenes the Cynic
Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance. - Carl Sandburg
There is no force in the universe that can harm you, unless you allow it to. - Abhijit Naskar
You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me. - Strickland Gillian
Even in the fiercest battles the Butterflies and Bee's still kiss the flowers. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Opera?" Trelon asked tiredly, "What the hell is opera?" "I'll tell you what it is! It is the screeching of the death birds, that 's what it is!Capturing Cara (Dragon Lords of Valdier, #2) - S.E. Smith
He's an artist in London. We don't see him much."Tom gave him one of his quick, considering glances and asked, "Doesn't he live with you?""No," said Indigo, finally saying out loud what he had known now for a long, long time. "Not really. Not anymore. - Hilary McKay
I can't recall the sound of your voiceStill, I bring flowers and meet the skyask it to hold me, too. - Drew Myron
Ask a difficult question, and the marvelous answer appears.
If someone offers to furnish a sure test, ask what the test was which made the sure test sure.
One cannot remain the same. Art is a mirror which should show many reflections, and the artist should not always show the same face, or the face becomes a mask.
In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one. - Plato
All deities are external manifestation of humanity's internal divinity. - Abhijit Naskar
Oh, Eeyore, you are wet! said Piglet, feeling him. Eeyore shook himself, and asked somebody to explain to Piglet what happened when you had been inside a river for quite a long time. - A.A. Milne
The closer and more confidential our relationship with someone, the less we are entitled to ask about what we are not voluntarily told. - Louis Kronenberger
The most important question that we should ask is, How can I serve? - Debasish Mridha
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you.
You ask me why I do not write something.... I think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results. - Florence Nightingale
​Until your inner teacher wakes up, all worldly teachings are worthless. - Abhijit Naskar
The course of a life can be changed with some well timed, lovingly asked, honestly answered questions. - Lesley Sears
Never tell a mother how she has to raise her children and give no advice over their schooling, health or nutrition if you are not asked to. - Rossana Condoleo
What was I to you?" he asked. She didn't answer but turned and walked away. That's when he knew: Nothing or everything. - Donna Lynn Hope
If they ask you about me, tell them She was the only girl who loved me with honesty, and I broke her.. - Shahrazad al-Khalij
Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances. - Jay Leno
I agree with Abhijit Naskar that the path of tolerance is the only way—but it must be accompanied by continued pressure to break down barriers to access to information, so that our tolerance isn’t exploited to further the ends of totalitarian religious groups. - Daniel C. Dennett
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamp-post what it feels about dogs."[Time Magazine, October 31, 1977] - John Osborne
You don't choose your life; it chooses you. There's no point in asking why life has reserved certain joys or griefs, you just accept them and carry on. We can't shoos our lives, but we can decide what to do with the joys and griefs we're given. - Paul Coelho
If Man is stranger to his own research however, he starts redefining the life to cover up his err,and finally in his run, at his last hour,asks himself "What is this all about?" and lets his hour pass over. - Ajay Chandan
It may well be that we talk about sex more than anything else; we set our minds to the task; we convince ourselves that were have never said enough on the subject...where sex is concerned the most long-winded, the most impatient of societies is our own. - Michel Foucault
Freedom lies in the quest for it, and ends where people have stopped asking about it. - Anonymous
The concern of your brain is not to see the actual nature of reality, but to represent the reality to you in such a way that suits your needs. - Abhijit Naskar
I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do.-Greg - House
Selfie is like asking others to cast their likes on a own social media picture in liking or loving only and solely me. - Anuj Somany
A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. - Robert Frost
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. ("Kill them all. For the Lord knoweth them that are His." Supposedly said when asked by a Crusader how to distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics.) - Bishop Arnold of Citeaux
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. - Chinese Proverb
Asking forgiveness is not an admission of cowardice and of sin, It is to show that having inner peace is far more important than pride especially if they think that you have wronged them in any way. - Sun Fire Elements
Today, I went to sleep under a plum tree. There, I dreamed I was a butterfly, flying so pleasently. Then, I fell asleep, and the dream ended. Now- I have to ask myself - am I Zhuang Zi who dreamed of a butterfly? Or am I that butterfly, dreaming I am Zhuang Zi? - Zhuangzi
Don't envy my smile because it took me a lot of tears to get it. So when you see the glory, ask for the story. - Olawale Daniel
Is the question 'Why is it bad to do bad things?' the same as asking permission?
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy
When you wear a mask, you are not real. - David W. Earle
Before You Begin Writing Your Book, Ask Yourself A Very Important Question: What Kind of Results Do I Plan To Receive From Writing This Book? If You Say Money, Then Don't Bother Even Writing The Book. - Chris Mentillo
Depression's a mood killer. People crowding you, asking if you're okay. Deperssion; the world's worst thing. - TheKatAttack
Thinking is a human feature. Will AI someday really think? That's like asking if submarines swim. If you call it swimming then robots will think, yes. - Noam Chomsky
It has always been science versus fundamentalism, not science versus religion. - Abhijit Naskar
Desire, Desire, Desire!!!Desire to love.Desire to seek.Desire to ask. - Lailah Gifty Akita
[When asked why are numbers beautiful?]It’s like asking why is ’s Ninth Symphony beautiful. If you don't see why, someone can't tell you. I know numbers are beautiful. If they aren't beautiful, nothing is. Paul Erdős - Ludwig van Beethoven
We need to start asking ourselves, does religion make people narrow minded or open minded? - Unarine Ramaru
Memories are those endless treasures, which we can keep exploring till eternity and bask in their glory like a slow swinging hammock! - Balroop Singh
I pushed him against his Jeep, looked him dead in the eye and kissed him. He asked if he could come up, and I just walked up the steps and said, not yet. That was the moment I knew I loved him. - Dominic Riccitello
One kind of good book should leave you asking: how did the author know that about me? - Alain de Botton
There are no classes in life for beginners: right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult. - Rainer Maria Rilke
First, I thought, almost despairing,This must crush my spirit now;Yet I bore it, and am bearing-Only do not ask me how. - Heinrich Heine
There are fewer answers in the world than questions, and if you ask me now why that is so, I must tell you that there is no answer to that question. - Antonia Michaelis
Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Is life a multiple choice test or is it a true or false test?" ...Then a voice comes to me out of the dark and says, "We hate to tell you this but life is a thousand word essay. - Charles M. Schulz
If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud. - Émile Zola
The mere telling of how a need was met is often like telling of a need, which is asking crookedly instead of straight out. But this much I will say--with every fresh need has come a fresh supply. - Amy Carmichael
How do we change the world is the wrong question to ask or try to answer. We are never stagnant just and neither is the world. It's changing every moment of every day. The real question is how do we develop it. - Matthew Donnelly
My goal is simple. It is to take the human civilization with me on the path of sweet general harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
If you're selfish enough to kill yourself write your suicide note on the back of your will - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they. - Plutarch
When some of my friends have asked me anxiously about their boys, whether they should let them hunt, I have answered yes-- remembering that it was one of the best parts of my education-- make them hunters. - Henry David Thoreau
Roll in the snow.Shower in the rain.Bask in the sun.Weatherproof your soul. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
How does one become butterfly?' Pooh asked pensively.'You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar,' Piglet replied.'You mean to die?' asked Pooh.'Yes and no,' he answered. 'What looks like you will die, but what's really you will live on. - A.A. Milne
Maybe we should Create a 'Happy God Day' and make it the one day of the year you can't kill each other. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
You know you’re writing well when you’re throwing good stuff into the wastebasket. - Ernest Hemingway
Hana: What on Earth is a 'barbeque'? Hel: A primitive tribal ritual featuring paper plates, elbows, flying insects, encrusted meat, hush puppies, and beer. Hana: I daren't ask what a 'hush puppy' is. Hel: Don't.
You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. - Steve Jobs
The medical professionals should fight PTSD at every cost for those living in pain and the battles they've lost. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Where your fear is,there is your task. - C.G. Jung
Blessed be the ones that are free that have detached from possessions that can possess Thee. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
We can tell a lot about a creature's level of consciousness by understanding their perception of death. - Abhijit Naskar
You know, When does a girl asks you for a selfie ?When she got the solution to the biggest mathematical equation of this Society. - Balakoteswara Panchakshari
Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men. - Joseph Conrad
There's a very positive relationship between people's ability to accomplish any task and the time they're willing to spend on it. - Joyce Brothers
Unfortunately when I'm on my death bed I believe I'll be like most people and still looking for Jesus. And yes I've checked my sock drawer. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Education has multiple purposes, but learning how to ask essential questions and how to challenge dogma,tradition, and injustice in appropriate and constructive ways is its highest purposes. - Gregory S. Prince, Jr.
Now I check myself in the mirror."Why do women do that?" he asks."What?""Look yourself down like there's some problem needs fixing. You're better than fine. - David B. Ramirez
Man's main task is to give birth to himself. - Erich Fromm
My main task as an artist is to show you either what you have never seen before -- or to show you what you have seen countless times, in a way you've never seen it. - Mike Duron
I am not a teacher of humanity, I am merely servant of humanity. - Abhijit Naskar
When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it. - E.W. Howe
Love doesn't always curl your toes sometimes it takes a bite right out of your soul. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The great trouble with religion - any religion - is that a religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge those propositions by evidence. One may bask at the warm fire of faith or choose to live in the bleak uncertainty of reason - but one cannot have both. - Robert A. Heinlein
Why?"He stopped pacing and looked at her as if she'd just asked him to count every leaf on every tree in the Old Place. "Because... you're you. - Anne Bishop
Memorizing and regurgitating are not science. Real science is a constant investigation of the unknown. - Abhijit Naskar
Just go on reading, as well as you can, and be sure that when the children get the thrill of the story, for which you wait, they will be asking more questions, and pertinent ones, than you are able to answer. - Arthur Quiller-Couch
For Breakfast I like my coffee warm and cozy and my eggs funny side up. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Lots of ways to have your steak "Well done, medium rare, rare, bloody or fetch me a club". - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Her beauty is untouchable. - Erin Fall Haskell
E po, mirupafshim! Po me mbyt trishtimi, nga merzia. Seç kam nje brenge ne shpirt, Makar Aleksejeviç. As vete s'e di arsyen. E tille dite paska qene. Mirupafshim! - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend.
We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is. - Elisabeth Elliot
Asking questions will get you the performance you are after far more than dictating demands. - Dan James
Go to your bosom; Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. - William Shakespeare
Much talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about. - Saskya Pandita
You can overcome any obstacles by asking the right questions of the right people at the right time, then act on that advice with passion.
What kind of songs do you like? she asked."The ones that remind me of you," I said. - Faraaz Kazi
He asked me IF I MISSED YOU. I didn't answer and walked away keeping my eyes closed. And then shedding a tear whisper: So much - Elena ristic
Imagination Is the 1st step to writing the sequel to your life. Dare to believe and you’re sure to receive. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The only thing I’ve loved is nothing at all. The only thing I’ve desired is what I couldn’t even imagine. All I asked of life is that it go on by without my feeling it. All I demanded of love is that it never stop being a distant dream. - Fernando Pessoa
A man can sleep around, no questions asked, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes she's a tramp. - Joan Rivers
When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself. - Karen Blixen
How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? - John F. Kerry
There are times when God asks nothing of his children except silence, patience and tears.
When a man's girlfriend's parents ask him what it is that he does for a living: they’re not really concerned about him; they’re concerned about their daughter’s tummy. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The Christian religion asks us to put our trust not in ideas, and certainly not in ideologies, but in a God Who was vulnerable enough to become human and die, and Who desires to be present to us in our ordinary circumstances. - Kathleen Norris
The question of the stranger in a society which estranges everybody from it--while forcing everybody to assimilate their own alienation--takes cover under dubious and sinister masks. - Norman Manea
Are we willing to shun vain repetition and keep our prayers out of an unchallenging rut by asking God to make us more sensitive to our own sin? - John Pereira
You don't ask for all that you get. You don't get all that you ask for. That shouldn't stop you from working the hardest for what you wan't the most. - Shefali Batra
When people ask me why I am running as a woman, I always answer, "What choice do I have?"
The past wasn’t a guest you could ask to leave when you tired of its company. No, the past put up its feet and meant to stay. - Sonja Yoerg
Before we ask where the leaders are, we should look in a mirror and ask the person we see Why are you not leading? - Carlos Wallace
The problem is not religion or God. The actual problem is authoritarianism, mixed with the desire to angrily impose one’s personal apparently idealistic beliefs on others. - Abhijit Naskar
What is your motivation? When you drill down and ask, "What if there was zero ROI (of any form)?," you'll discover your highest and best use of time. - Richie Norton
To middle-class Americans who have paid a great deal for the last 12 years and from whom I ask a contribution tonight, I will say again... you're not going at it alone anymore - you're certainly not going first, and you're not going to pay more for less as you have too often in the past.
I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. - Ray Bradbury
Jasper set an intercepting course towards that Rhylonian Star Duster. Maybe we can catch them on their blind side.Doesn’t this ship have a cloak? Jaq asks.Miss Synergy, I don’t know what they teach now a’days at the Academy, but ships do not wear clothes. - Nathan Reese Maher
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O'Connor
But suicides have a special language.Like carpenters they want to know which tools.They never ask why build.Twice I have so simply declared myself,have possessed the enemy, eaten the enemy,have taken on his craft, his magic. - Anne Sexton
If you're brighter than a lightning bug, don't show your ass - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A person who is interrupted while performing a task takes 50% more time to complete it and make 50% more errors. - David Brooks
I want a man who's kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire? - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Seven times have I despised my soul: The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks. - Kahlil Gibran
If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down. - Laurie Helgoe
No one asked you to be happy. Get to work. - Colette
Crammed among the stacks of books in his room, the author treated literature as if each book were a window in a city of unstable skyscrapers, and he was the window-washer tasked with the impossible job of cleaning them all. - from Pageturner in 365 Tomorrows - Joseph Patrick Pascale
The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one's dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent. - W. Somerset Maugham
To give up the task of reforming society is to give up one's responsibility as a free man. - Alan Paton
Why do you believe in God?" the woman asked me in the busy corridor. I don't remember the answer I gave. It was probably too long and rattled in her ears. I wish I could go back and answer her again. "Because HE believes in me," I would say. Isn't that enough? - Donna VanLiere
We ought not to ask why the human mind troubles to fathom the secrets of the universe. The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the skies so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment. - Johannes Kepler
That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking, what's your vice and what brand of trouble does it lead to? - Neal Stephenson
One way or another, all humans are superstitious. - Abhijit Naskar
You are the individual and the entire Universe. - Erin Fall Haskell
We have to cease to think, if we refuse to do it in the prison house of language; for we cannot reach further than the doubt which asks whether the limit we see is really a limit. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Later, he would ask later who Attila was. Now he only wanted Belial's kiss. His heat. His passion. A quick gallop. Frenzied eternity. Insanity multiplied. A perfect, mind-numbing, bone-shattering small death. He wanted it all. Now. Now. Now. - Ciaran O. Dwynvil
When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice. - Marquis de la Grange
The first task of every author is to evoke emotion in their reader. You may laugh or you may cry; you may love me or you may hate me. So long as you feel something, I know that I'm doing my job. - V.L. Dreyer
[When asked by a student if he believes in any gods]Oh, no. Absolutely not... The biggest advantage to believing in God is you don't have to understand anything, no physics, no biology. I wanted to understand. - James D. Watson
However, in many instances we might be very wise to ask what the consequence of removing the consequence might actually be. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Ish #303 "It's a street food vendor! Stop asking for the health score rating. - Regina Griffin
It doesn't matter what Church you belong to. If you don't believe in yourself you're Already Damned - Stanley Victor Paskavich
asked himself In what country on earth would you rather live He first answered Certainly in my own where are all my friends my relations and the earliest and sweetest affections and recollections of my life. But he continued which would be your second choice His answer France. - Thomas Jefferson
I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: "What's an IQ?" - George Best
There are many places you need to be, but there is nowhere to reach. There are many people you need to see but no one to meet. And there are many contacts in your phone but no one to talk. There are many masks in your closet but no face to please. - Jasz Gill
Keep walking on the path of bravery. Keep walking on the path of your passion. Keep walking, and do not stop until you reach your goal. - Abhijit Naskar
I will follow anyoneAnd ask everyoneTo stand together as one nationAgainst the killing of innocent citizens - Widad Akreyi
Chase opened the mini fridge. Wanna drink? He asked.No thank you and you shouldn’t either.Oh I definitely need one, besides it numbs the hunger. He grabbed a few of the tiny bottles from the door shelf.Then by all means get your drink on. Samuel chuckled. - S.L. Ross
A few diaries could replace tons of self help books simply because their written in the first person... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them. - Anton Chekhov
After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one. - Cato the Elder
A little girl and her father were walking along in the evening. She was fascinated by the stars, and kept looking up at them, but made no comment until her father asked what she was thinking. She replied, "If the bottom side of heaven is so beautiful, how wonderful the other side must be - Francis Gay
Are people innately altruistic?" is the wrong kind of question to ask. People are people, and they respond to incentives. They can nearly always be manipulated--for good or ill--if only you find the right levers. ~ Levitt & Dubner, "Superfreakonomics - Steven D. Levitt
If you stay focused on one task or thought at a time you will less likely become frustrated. - Sheryl Campbell
If asked for an opinion we’ll say what we think. And by what we think I mean the answer that comes to our mind first, seems most logical and requires the least amount of effort to articulate, while getting us in the least amount of trouble. Really that’s what our communication boils down to. - Aaron Blaylock
Sharing one umbrella,We have to hold each other,Round the waist to keep together,You ask me why I'm smiling-It's because I'm thinking,I want it to rain forever. - Vicki Feaver
[When asked 'Given the chance, how would you change the world?']It's a big question. Getting rid of religion would be a good start, wouldn't it? It seems to be causing a lot of havoc. - Björk
Love is displacement of life and moments. People ask in gaping bewilderment, "am I in love? is this love? Is it real love?" No one has to ask, "Have I been fucked? - Glenn Hefley
There is a big difference between being centered and being self-centered - Lolly Daskal
Ask yourself this question: 'Will this matter a year from now? - Richard Carlson
Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness. - Thomas Carlyle
Nothing in the world is permanent, and we're foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we're still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence one would have thought it only sensible to make it the premise of our philosophy. - W. Somerset Maugham
The Kingdom of God is an earthly experience which manifests in an unearthly manner. - Abhijit Naskar
You should smile, look her in the eyes, and give her a small complement when you ask her out. - Auliq Ice
The moment we find the reason behind an emotion...the wall we have built is breached, and the positive memories it has kept from us return too. That's why it pays to ask those painful questions. The answers can set you free. - Gloria Steinem
What we should be asking is not whether we need a big government or small government, but how we can create a smarter and better government. - Barack Obama
In this universe, all we perceive is a virtual reality created by the neurons. - Abhijit Naskar
People will say,"there's heaven and hell", and they take it so serious that they look so sorrowful with penitence. I would rather ask them to show me the route that leads to heaven or hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
They ask - "How much money is too much money?"The answer always is - "A little more! - Anonymous
If I used a higher percentage of my brain I wouldn't of had to ride on the short bus. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision and a task are the hope of the world. - Inscription on a church wall in Sussex England c. 1730
Love and Divnity are both gifts from Nature, fraught with the highest bliss. - Abhijit Naskar
Don’t ask a yes or no question unless the person being asked can say no without hesitation. - Clifford Cohen
I want to bask deeply in the taste of his blood, in that flowing crimson filled with his feelings melted in it... - Matsuri Hino
Why poetry, you ask? Because of life, I answer. - Dejan Stojanovic
The purpose of education should be character-building. - Abhijit Naskar
It is our time, our task and our destiny - from "Opoponax Dreams - Genieve Dawkins
To befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business & corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day. - Theodore Roosevelt
When fear raises it's head, don't freak, look it in the eye, ask it its name and what it wants to teach you, then invite it to dance, pull it in real close and let it know that this is your life and your dance and you'll be taking the lead. - Les Dossey
It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding. - Kahlil Gibran
We cannot afford merely to sit down and deplore the evils of city life as inevitable, when cities are constantly growing, both absolutely and relatively. We must set ourselves vigorously about the task of improving them; and this task is now well begun. - Theodore Roosevelt
If you have to ask, ask for the ability to help others. - Debasish Mridha
Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
Never question yourself to satisfy the comfort of those living blindly by the false masks of life. - Nikki Rowe
If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads. - Anatole France
I asked tom if countries always apologize when they had done wrong, and he says, 'Yes, the little one does.' - Mark Twain
You know, people ask me. They say 'Dan, three years later do you really want to be drawing cat whiskers on your face?' but they don't understand. The cat whiskers, they come from within. - Dan Howell
Be naive and curious. That's all you need to become a scientist. - Abhijit Naskar
There’s usually more than one way to complete a task. I will not stay stuck in my ways. I will remain motivated and open-minded. - Izey Victoria Odiase
When you have given nothing, ask for nothing. - Albanian Proverb
It is really asking too much of a woman to expect her to bring up her husband and her children too.
Biggest tragedy of life is when God ask us to glorify Him for our sakes but we choose to glorify self for satan's good. - indonesia123
We throw stones though we live in glass houses,We talk shit like its a cross to bare.You're only relevant 'til you get older.Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer - Alex Gaskarth
Someone asked me when is my birthday?The poet inside me replied,"My birthday is on the last day of the year,It's 31st December my dear! - Anamika Mishra
A woman's apathy is far more devastating than her wrath. - Gasmaskman
If I could out run the Angel of Death I'd probably die from lack of breath! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
One can only ask to play as well as possible the notes one is given. - Peter Høeg
That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
She asked him, to name the monster that he is most afraid of always and looked into his eyes in silence. 'I see him every time whenever I stare into your eyes.' he replied. - Akshay Vasu
When your mother asks, "Do you want a piece of advice?" it's a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway. - Erma Bombeck
Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us. - Winston S. Churchill
if there is something to win and nothing to lose from asking a question then ask whatever it takes - W. Clement Stone
I asked her what a true story was because I thought that all stories were made up. She said a true story was called fact, and a made-up story was called ficton. Auntie May said a made-up story is a bit like telling lies, only the people who read them knew that already and so it didn’t matter - Rebecca Lloyd
I've often told people who ask if there is a God: Get around enough people with horses and see what happens. See how they survive in spite of all the things they do, and you'll become a believer! - Buck Brannaman
You know your children are growing up when they stop asking you where they came from and refuse to tell you where they're going. - P.J. O'Rourke
I sometimes ask these questions to myself: Are you chasing a dream just to prove that you can catch it? Will it really bring you happiness and fulfillment? Is it really your dream or just an illusion that you want to play on people's eyes? Isn't it time to forget it and embrace your real calling? - Jorge P. Guerrero
​Belief is personal, Knowledge is Universal. - Abhijit Naskar
As I sit down each day and think through how much my parents had to sacrifice in order to send me to school, it leaves me to ask myself at the end of each day what have I done for them today. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
Cause I'll know my weakness, know my voice. And I'll believe in grace and choice. And I know perhaps my heart is farce, But I'll be born without a mask. - Mumford and Sons
My fear is if i lower my mask will people accept me? - Tina J. Richardson
Sometimes a good exit is all you can ask for. - Sean Stewart
If I'd learned nothing else in my twenty-seven years on this planet, 'd learned that when someone gives you something totally unexpected and undeserved, you don't ask questions. (Dark City Lights) - Jill D. Block
Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here's one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population. - Jeffrey Tucker
He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked. - Voltaire
It’s never overreacting to ask for what you want and need. - Amy Poehler
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. - Helen Keller
The only way to know the answer is by asking questions. Religion tries to suppress the questions asking (curiosity) because it can threaten its own existence. The truth is out there, go ask for it! - Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
Life's greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most only live to follow directions and sometimes we end up totally lost. - Alex Gaskarth
The only thing worse than a Mexican Stand Off is a Peace Pact that Fails! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man and an ever bigger man to ask why he is laughing. - Jack Handey
i asked God to give me a love via synchronicity so when it was my time to allow someone into my heart ~ he entered my world, as if by magic. - Nikki Rowe
Life is not as easy as just picking a wild flower and calling it a rose,it is more tasking in the event that the very simple things on earth may overcome our finger's manipulative capacity and dexterity, that it cost us a lot - Toroitich William
A true friend is someone who knows what you want before you ask for it. - Vinita Kinra
And so people ask God for signs and wonders. Yet when signs are given and wonders are performed, most can't even see them! I therefore believe that it's not signs people should be asking God for; but you should be asking God for Sight! - C. JoyBell C.
The life I've livedWhat more can one ask forApart from a grand exitSlit of the wristTotal bliss - Nomzamo Nhlumayo
How different our standard is from Christ's. We ask how much a man gives. Christ asks how much he keeps. - Andrew Murray
When I was young I was amazed at Plutarch's statement that the elder Cato began at the age of eighty to learn Greek. I am amazed no longer. Old age is ready to undertake tasks that youth shirked because they would take too long. - W. Somerset Maugham
Who hurt you?" she asked, slicing through the two other conversations going on at the table. "He's dead," said Charles, his hand sliding up Anna's back reassuringly. "I killed him. If I could, I would bring him back to life so I could kill him again. - Patricia Briggs
ARE YOU CRAZY?" I ASKED. He gave me the same wordless look he always did when I asked that question. - Richelle Mead
He asked me for a light to light his cigarette, and by reason of unaware, it is he that really gave light to me, made me realize how much alike we all are, breathing the same air, beating the same red blood, separated through some fortune and shame in the way of humanity. - Anthony Liccione
God does not ask your abilityOr your inability.He asks only your availability. - Mary Kay Ash
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth - Oscar Wilde
The sun's rays don't bother me. No they cast down such a wonderful heat. Masking beauty, by a terrible fate. - Sara Quin
I can’t help but ask, Do you know where you are?She turns to me with a foreboding glare. Do you? - Nathan Reese Maher
Perfection is not to be attained, but to be pursued infinitely. - Abhijit Naskar
The earth makes a sound as of sighs and the last drops fall from the emptied cloudless sky. A small boy, stretching out his hands and looking up at the blue sky, asked his mother how such a thing was possible. Fuck off, she said. - Samuel Beckett
A'isha asked him: 'Does one come to Paradise only by the mercy of Allah?' He repeated three times over: 'No one comes to Paradise except by the mercy of Allah!' 'Not even you. Messenger of Allah?' she asked. 'Not even I, unless Allah enfolds me in His mercy. - Anonymous
Doubt unmasks the lie and illuminates the dark path to truth. - Jaime Tenorio Valenzuela
It is well to give when asked but it is better to give unasked, through understanding. - Kahlil Gibran
When someone asks you, A penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny? - George Carlin
Always ask, ‘Do you love me?’ before saying, ‘I love you. - Vinita Kinra
Don't judge people by their profession, otherwise you'll end up with more enemies than friends. - Abhijit Naskar
Maskini hajali wewe ni nani. Anajali utu ndani ya moyo wako. - Enock Maregesi
Think about it. Every time you fail at a task you've actually learned something new. The question is "what? - Iimani David
Was he he handsome?" she asked with a sly smirk."Very. He is still, I think.""The devil, they say, goes about in finery.""And if you believe Beelzebub is as cunning as he is attractive, then I think we have found him. - Nancy E. Turner
Colleges typically did not tell you that ninety percent of your education came after you hung the parchment on the wall. People might ask for a rebate. - Tom Clancy
Once you reach the brink of your will power, you have two options - either give up, or keep going. That decision decides whether you'll reach your goal. - Abhijit Naskar
An English writer telephoned me from London, asking questions. One was, ‘What’s your alma mater?’ I told him, ‘Books. - Malcolm X
Many people ask how to heal an aching heart. I ask in return how does one release the attachment to the aching? - Monika Zands
When I wake I ask myself, how much longer before they will just let me die?" - Tier, Clutch - J.A. Huss
Life expects us to challenge the status-quo YET it holds us responsible for ONLY what we can ordinarily do. Life doesn't ask us for too much; it says "to do more, expand your lens". Expand your skills, expand your tools, expand your mind. To do more, be more! - Asuni LadyZeal
My psychiatrist said I had charisma so at least I'm certified - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." - Charles M. Schulz
Three people were at work on a construction site. All were doing the same job, but when each was asked what thejob was, the answers varied. "Breaking rocks," the first replied. "Earning my living," the second said. "Helping tobuild a cathedral," said the third. - P. Schultz
Ask of your eyes to seeonly to seek love.Ask of your mouth to speakonly to utter words of love.Ask of your hands to feelif only to touch the lover. - Kamand Kojouri
There is absolutely no substitute for the best. Good food cannot be made of inferior ingredients masked with high flavor. It is true thrift to use the best ingredients available and to waste nothing. - James Beard
I never hear about dear Mike. I wrote Ellen Greene and asked about him and she replyed and never mentioned Mike but told me all about her roomatism. As if I cared about her roomatism. - L.M. Montgomery
She was asked to pour out everything she had, but all she had was an empty soul. - Akshay Vasu
Millions saw the apple fall, Newton was the only one who asked why? - Bernard M. Baruch
And my heart is breakingMy heart is lying on the floor in a pool of tearsI keep asking the same questions only to have them unanswered - Paula Heller Garland
The key to understanding if something is truly precious is to ask if we can hold it, for things truly precious cannot be held. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
All too often, we mask truth in artifice, concealing ourselves for fear of losing the ones we love or prolonging a deception for those we wish to expose. We hide behind that which brings us comfort from pain and sadness or use it to repel a truth too devastating to accept. - Emily Thorne
Is it just me or am I the only person that didn't receive an invitation to the Grand Ball so many call life? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Girl next to me at the baggage counter said she wrote her way to liberation. How did you handle first person narrative, I asked her. And said she knew the hole of depression, had been there. But I am out now, I escaped, I told her. 'You will fall into it again,' she said. Already I was sliding. - Kate Millett
Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Startwith what they know. Build with what they have. But with the bestleaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people willsay 'We have done this ourselves. - Lao Tzu
Good and evil are both within us. And when our primitive ancestors humanized these natural qualities of the mind, they got two completely opposite supernatural characters. One was the merciful lord almighty and the other was the wicked devil. - Abhijit Naskar
The funny thing is if in England, you ask a man in the street who the greatest living is, he will say Richard Dawkins. And indeed, Dawkins has done a marvelous job of popularizing Darwinism. But Dawkins' basic theory of the gene being the object of evolution is totally non-. Ernst W. Mayr - Darwinian
The man that is meant to love you will have a million questions about you, but none will ever ask your value. - Shannon L. Alder
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. - Oscar Wilde
A task which seems difficult, can be done with adequate training. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest, never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead is where we truely belong. - Alex Gaskarth
PRAY, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy. - Ambrose Bierce
Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.
Ask your neighbor only about things you know better yourself. Then his advice could prove valuable. - Karl Kraus
Hey, hey wait... wait... try again.... It works does it?? (What?? YOu are asking a question did you?? I'm talking about the problem which you had and something didn't work as well as far as I can see... So I will wait... wait... try now!) - Deyth Banger
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It matters what you think of yourself and what your children think. So if anyone is going to ask my advice, I'd say, do what is right for you and don't give a shit what anyone else thinks - Gwyneth Paltrow
One thing I have asked from Jehovah- It is what I will look for- That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, To gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah And to look with appreciation upon his temple. - New World Translation of the World Scriptures
People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly. - Brendan Francis Brown
Always ask yourself the question "Is this going to help get me to my goal or not? - Bob Proctor
Watch what you ask for you just might get it. - Marylin Schirmer
I ask myself: Are Defeats necessary ?Well,necessary or not, they happen.When we first begin fighting for our dream, we've no experience and make many mistakes.The Secret of life, though,is to fall seven times and to get up eight times ! - Paulo Coelho
If people call your work perceptible, be it in positive or negative terms, do ask them about what made them draw that conclusion. - Mohith Agadi
Philosophy's greatest task is to enlarge our sense of possibility. - Susan Neiman
Don't worry about it; only worry about how people like her breed. - Gasmaskman
Make sure your Belief system leaves room for you to Be Life! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
when you have no spirit to seize the day, find it behind the music, between the flowing leaves, beneath the sun rays, and just within yourself. Talk to yourself, be the best friend for yourself, and do not hesitate to ask God help - Maria Magdalena
People seldom change. Only their masks do. It is only our perception of them and the perception they have of themselves that actually change. - Shannon L. Alder
Three eggs two slices of toast a cup of coffee an episode of Mr. Ed. A Violin and a bowl of fruit what else does a man need? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
If you ask a tree how he feels to know that he's spreading his fragrance and making people happy, I don't think a tree looks at it that way. I am just like that, and it is just my nature to be like this. - SadhguruJV
I just tripped over a pair of shoes and almost fell down and broke my neck and no I wasn't wearing them. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Don’t ask a writer what he’s working on. It’s like asking someone with cancer on the progress of his disease. - Amy Lowell
All those windows, and not a cat in them. All that light to bask in, wasted. - Lissa Warren The Good Luck Cat
When asked whether or not we are Marxists, our position is the same as that of a physicist, when asked if he is a Newtonian or of a biologist when asked if he is a Pasteurian. - Ernesto Che Guevara
People keep asking me ...How to instantly become a better writer? It’s simple: Use "power words" and see for yourself. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
It's amazing that people actually get paid for what I'm doing on here for free. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The best self help book I've ever read was, The little Engine that Could. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Do you believe in an afterlife?" the gunslinger asked him as Brown dropped three ears of hot corn onto his plate.Brown nodded. "I think this is it. - Stephen King
People with too high an opinion of themselves get cut down; people with too low an opinion of themselves get pushed around.... - Lolly Daskal
I may not give you the forgiveness you're asking, but i'm giving you forever to make me forgive you. - JCrov
The children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most unloving ways - Russel Barkley
We live in a world where you can be put to death for your belief and shows how humanity judges in a dreadful motif. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life. - Euripides
The first rule when you are in a hole is to ask for a hand out! - Stephen Richards
In examinations the foolish ask questions that the wise cannot answer. - Oscar Wilde
Learning is retarded in conditions of high anxiety and low acceptance. For most tasks, people have the intellectual knowledge to perform well; they just have a hard time acting on what they know. - Tim Gallwey
I ask you men...what are you so afraid of? If I am equal to you in power, does that diminish you? - Rita Mae Brown
A writer looks at an issue and asks, 'What if this were to occur? Or what if that was thrown into the mix? What would that look like? - Venita Ellick
Yes, you may ask my name but only if you can tell me: are your thighs as fine as a fresh, crisp morning in early July? - Robert Clark
My question to the atheist is, do you want an atheist world or a peaceful world? And to the believer, do you want a religious world or a peaceful world? Religious orientation doesn't define peace, but the answer here may define one's true nature. - Abhijit Naskar
For every question, there is an answer. Where everybody fails is by asking the wrong question. - Richard Diaz
Reality is a changeless concept that only perception can mask. - Lionel Suggs
With change there is no task too hard for you. - Sunday Adelaja
You create your opportunities by asking for them. - Patty Hansen
Dare to ask questions and seek answers to the puzzles of life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A prayer/meditation a day, keeps the Doctor away. - Abhijit Naskar
When my children were little, always I had to explain things.Now they don't ask much more, have I become more stupid? - Hannu Vilponen
Merlin, do you mind?' It was the King who asked me, a man as old and wise as myself; a man who could see past his own crowding problems, and guess what it might men to me, to walk in dead air where once the world had been a god-filled garden. - Mary Stewart
Wonder at everything and ask, why?Love everything and wonder, why? - Debasish Mridha
Perform your task and I shall know you. Perform your task and your genius shall befriend the more. - Ogwo David Emenike
If living conditions don't stop improving in this country, we're going to run out of humble beginnings for our great men. - Russell P. Askue
She isn’t a dream... I let her body free but I have caged her mind inside my universe and uplifted her soul beyond thatShe had her life to fulfill till she comes back to the patient wolf... Her gentleman under the harsh mask of survival without her but for her - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Education is a relentless voyage of discovery. - Abhijit Naskar
It is the ultimate religion, through which all humans neuropsychologically morph into Buddhas, or Enlightened Beings. - Abhijit Naskar
A basket of ripe fruit is holier than any prayer book. - Marty Rubin
When I went to school every teacher had a BOARD of education. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all. - Henry Ford
The God that humanity so keenly seeks, lives within the human biology, yet they wander hitherto searching for it. - Abhijit Naskar
Last weekend a young man asked me how I remain so positive. It seems all the negativity in the world doesn’t affect you, he said. I had no more than a minute with the young man so I offered this: It’s all about where you choose to put your attention, and I choose to be happy. - Jason Mraz
The Sage was asked to define good manners? to which he replied, To bear patiently the rude ones. - Solomon ibn Gabirol
If life were fair, Dan Quayle would be making a living asking 'Do you want fries with that?' - John Cleese
Berjalanlah agar yang indah-indah menjadi terkenang. Melepaskan bukan berarti menghilangkannya. Melepaskan itu justru membebaskan untuk bisa memilih. Memilih bagian mana yang akan tetap tinggal dan mana yang akan pergi. - Andri Azis
If a religion asks one to kill another just because he or she follows not this ism, nor agrees with it; then, it's a hell-hole, worse than a prison. Run away, and far from it. As though your butt is on fire. And before you, yourself are imprisoned. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Priesthood, Imamhood, Pundithood often come hand in hand with tyranny. - Abhijit Naskar
Prayer is not about asking what you want, but what God wants. - Shannon L. Alder
Have you failed today? If not, you might not be trying hard enough. Failure is a part of growth, a stepping stone towards success. In its own right it is a small victory and should be celebrated as such. So I ask you again, have you failed today? - Shane E. Bryan
We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin. - André Berthiaume
J.P Morgan, when asked what the stock market will do, replied,
Millions say the apple fell but Newton was the only one to ask why. - Bernard M. Baruch
If you go to anybody and ask them, what is your dream life? They would say I want to sit by the TV all day. I want to play with my friends all day and they think that is the best way to spend their lives. They do not know that what they have just listed is not living life but wasting life. - Sunday Adelaja
There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?
He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning. - Danish Proverb
Neglect of women is the major cause for the society’s downfall. - Abhijit Naskar
Dreaming is the day job of novelists, but sharing our dreams is a still more important task for us. We cannot be novelists without this sense of sharing something. - Haruki Murakami
Let's be friends before lovers, don't ask to be my friend after you've broken my heart. - Jasmine Sandozz
If Congress refuse to listen to and grant what women ask, there is but one course left then to pursue. What is there left for women to do but to become the mothers of the future government? - Victoria Claflin Woodhull
At the center of each human heart is goodness, layered over with hurt, confusion, and mistaken ideas. Our task is to gently peel off layer after layer until the unfettered heart can shed its love upon the world. - Sue Patton Thoele
I ask of film what most North Americans ask of psychedelic drugs.
Also unfortunately, Congress is far too busy asking if baseball players are really as strong as they seem and trying to choke bankers with wads of cash to grant more funds to such trifling matters as the avoidance of space bullets, so they won't give NASA the money - Robert Brockway
Asking me why don't I think Gods exist, is one thing. But asking me why don't I "Believe" Jesus is real, is you pushing your luck. - Andrea L'Artiste
It is refreshing, and salutary, to study the poise and quietness of Christ. His task and responsibility might well have driven a man out of his mind. But He was never in a hurry, never impressed by numbers, never a slave of the clock. - J.B. Phillips
If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for. - Thomas Merton
We Neuroscientists have come a long way in proving that God is neither a Delusion nor an Almighty Being watching over life on Earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. I termed this state of attaining God, as 'Absolute Unity Qualia'. - Abhijit Naskar
The answer of life struggles in between two kinds of people- those who live to dreamand those who dream to liveAsk them the question about death if they can truly conceive - Munia Khan
Ask yourself this question: Of this had been a white child found dead in a black neighborhood, would they be knocking on every door? 'Yes, sir.' Searching high and low? 'Yes, indeed.' It this had been a white child, would they paint him as a sinner and not a saint? 'Lord, no... - Ravi Howard
Creativity connects me to my truest self and vulnerability. There is nothing more personally liberating, than reaching for my face and peeling off the social mask that hides my; shadow self, pain and weakness. When i produce from this place of truth, the results transform both creator and beholder. - Jaeda DeWalt
Only in math can you buy sixty cantaloupes and no one asks what the hell is wrong with you. - Charles M. Schulz
From midnight to 4: 00 AM is the loneliest time in the world. Because for those of us too sad to sleep, the only thing we have to look at is an empty bed, and the only thing we have to think of is every single person who didn't want to fill it tonight. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that a story. - Marty Rubin
Gerti didn’t ask for help. Miri swallowed and tried to calm her quavering voice. It was my fault. So it was. Now you all have learned that those who speak out of turn choose punishment for themselves and anyone they speak to. So if I speak to you, Tutor Olana, will you get the lashes? - Shannon Hale
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task. - Virgil
He waited for the mask to drop off, but at the same time he did not question her right to wear it. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Every true scientist is a philosopher, but not every philosopher is a scientist. - Abhijit Naskar
Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose further developments, a future - and also because we live as if our only task was precisely to have relationships with other people. - Albert Camus
Perfection is a faux. It’s a mask carved by our own poor esteem to hide who we really are and make others see what really isn’t us. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you originally asked for. - Cassandra Clare
He entered the city asked a blind man if he had ever heard the name Enkidu, and the old man shrugged and shook his head, then turned away, as if to say, ‘It is impossible to keep the names of friends whom we have lost - Herbert Mason
God changes His time because His goals and tasks change. - Sunday Adelaja
But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. 1 Peter 3:15 - Anonymous
Fortune does not change men, it unmasks them. - Suzanne Necker
The task for parents and teachers is not to teach, it is how to inspire the people of youth to find their desire to learn. - Hasse Jerner
To swim against waves is always an impossible task, but if you manage to do you will reach the shore where nobody even thought of. - Dr. Karan M Pai - Dr Karan M Pai
Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought. - Pearl S. Buck
Never be afraid to ask. The worst you'll get is 'No', but maybe you'll get a 'Yes'. - Roxanna Groceman-Borthick-Stockwell 1971
Why do you have bungee cords back here?" she asked."I'm dating again. - Maurice Pirelli
After your daily bread, if you ask God for anything, ask 'him' to make you right in the head. - Fakeer Ishavardas
We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us; and the more we gain, the more is our desire. The more we see, the more we are capable of seeing.
True love is 20 percent care and 80 percent understanding. - Abhijit Naskar
When asked, How do you write? I invariably answer, One word at a time. - Stephen King
It would be very heard, for example, a basketball owner, no matter how racist he was, to try to operate without Blacks. It would be suicidal. - Thomas Sowell
Having money will make you look enticing to women even if you are not a good-looking dude. Don’t believe me, go ask Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Jay-Z and the rest of the fugly men who have all the money and get all the fine women. - Rebecca Scott
Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. - Bible
Below the surface I lie dreaming,haunting images, in all colours and black.Sunlit sometimes there is no sun there.I keep the dream below the surface,the cracked mask absolute. - Wynand de Beer
Everyone is looking for approval and appreciation even when they ask for criticism. - Debasish Mridha
Before I start a project, I always ask myself the following question. Why is this book worth a year of my life? There needs to be something about the theme, the technique, or the research that makes the time spent on it worthwhile. - David Morrell
We wear the mask that grins and lies.It shades our cheeks and hides our eyes.This debt we pay to human guileWith torn and bleeding hearts…We smile and mouth the myriad subtleties.Why should the world think otherwiseIn counting all our tears and sighs.Nay let them only see us whileWe wear the mask. - Maya Angelou
The mask of art is the means through which corruption is spread. The mask makes vice seem beautiful, turns squalor and nastiness into glamorous thrill, seduces the onlooker into the game and leaves him or her with the corpse on his hands. - Jennifer Birkett
30 cents, two transfers, loveThinking hard about you I got on the bus and paid 30 cents car fare and asked the driver for two transfers before discovering that I was alone. - Richard Brautigan
The holy passion of Friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. - Mark Twain
If you hear that everybody is buying a certain stock, ask who is selling. - Anonymous
Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty. - Albert Einstein
Americans will not and should not respond to a political creed that cherishes the past solely because it offers an excuse for shutting out the hard facts and difficult tasks of the present. - Nelson Rockefeller
If you really want to know why atheists resent religion so much, try lying to someone for 10-20 years. If you don't have that kind of time, just ask my ex-wife. - Captain Perverto
Was that his name? I never had a chance to ask. He was too intent upon tearing out my throat for us to engage in idle chitchat. - John Connolly
Some day people will ask me what is the key to my success...and I will simply say, "good Karma. - K. Crumley
Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it. - Oprah Winfrey
Asking children to grow virtues hydroponically, looking only within themselves for guidance, is like asking each one to invent a personal language―a pointless and isolating task if there is no community with whom to speak. - Jonathan Haidt
Questions can either bond you or liberate!!! Its all depends on what you ask. - Harrish Sairaman
When asked what gift he wanted for his birthday, the yogi replied: I wish no gifts, only presence. - Author Unknown
Out of the seven billion people sharing the planet with her, not one of them knew what was going through her head. Not one of them knew she was lost. Not one of them asked. - Amy Zhang
Denial of the Self accomplishes nothing. - Abhijit Naskar
The rich eat life, the poor eat death; so what is the problem they ask? - Anthony Liccione
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart.I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask.I want to exorcise the demons from your past.I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart. - Matthew Bellamy
We are always afraid to ask because we aren't afraid of the answer but the feeling of rejection - Anna R.
After the dinosaurs, it is us the humans that have become the dominant species on planet earth. However, unlike the dinosaurs, we have become the rulers of this planet not by ferociousness, but by intelligence, even though we are no less ferociousness than them. - Abhijit Naskar
If the sales & marketing function is all about teamwork called ‘WE’, then how everyone in an organisation can be asked to achieve individual target and compel each one to say I. - Anuj Somany
When thinking about what to do next with your life, don’t ask yourself what you would succeed at, but what you would most enjoy failing at. - Clifford Cohen
Find the courage to ask yourself the questions your afraid to hear the answer to? Why... Because it's the only way you'll know which direction your truth lays. - Nikki Rowe
People ask me if I've ever been called a Nazi. I answer that no one has ever had dreams of being tied down and sexually ravished by someone dressed as a liberal.
When he followed the instincts which God had transmitted to him from his ancestry of beasts of prey, he called it sin and asked God to forgive him. - Bertrand Russell
Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. - Thomas Jefferson
... shunning all offers of help, all offers of the more practical... This was his task, he said, and it would be carried out alone. Penance, my brother reminded me, was a lonely place to be. - Sarah Winman
The essence of real creativity is a certain playfulness, a flitting from idea to idea without getting bogged down by fixated demands. Of course, you don’t always get what you thought you were asking for. - Vernor Vinge
Always ask the questions you want to, life is too short to know if you'll get a second chance to ask , and afterlife is probably too long to wonder what the answer may be. - Kaitlin Hollon
Religion is what gives a person hope to keep walking even in the darkest times. - Abhijit Naskar
Start each day asking, "How do I want others to feel?" Then act accordingly. - Jill Telford
I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career. - Gloria Steinem
Words of war, on a piece of paper. Where peace is torn off, crumbled and toss in the waste basket. - Anthony Liccione
Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy —the joy of being and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things is this going to accomplish today? - Salvador Dalí
I am merely an insignificant creature on a microscopic blue dot in the vastness of space. - Abhijit Naskar
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?' - Don Marquis
For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have. - Alex Gaskarth
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
Once we’ve savored the goodness of a hundred years until the final drop, only the fleeting memories of intoxication is left behind. Between you and me is it too much to ask for a bottle to begin with? - Xue Yun
You like economics, don't you?' I asked. 'Everyone should know the basics,' said the Princess. 'Lasting peace will only be brought about through economic means - we should be trading with the Trolls rather than fighting them. - Jasper Fforde
I never get writer's block. My secret...I have purring cats in surround sound while I write...best white noise on the planet." R.Rose when asked how she deals with writer's block. - R. Rose
If you haven't cried at least once while writing a chapter of your inspirational book, then you have to ask yourself if your're writing fiction. - Shannon L. Alder
Ask yourself the three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything. 1) Does this need to be said 2) Does this need to be said by me? 3) Does this need to be said by me now? - Craig Ferguson
The task of the theologian is to explain everything through God, and to explain God as unexplainable. - Karl Rahner
I hate and love. And why, perhaps you’ll ask.I don’t know: but I feel, and I’m tormented. - Catullus
What do people fear most about death? I asked the reb."Fear?" he thought for a moment. 'Well, for one thing, what happens next? Where do we go? Is it what we imagined?"That's big."Yes. But there's something else."What else?He leaned forward."Being forgotten," he whispered. - Mitch Albom
It's kind of like... It's kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there and the other player is there, and it's just the two of us and I put the other player's body in my van. And I am the winner. - Chris Onstad
There are those that wonder which is worse: Not being able to reach out or not having anyone to reach for. There are some that ponder which is the greater ache: Not being able to tell or not having anyone that cares enough to ask. Perhaps it’s not one person that is to blame, but both. - Donna Lynn Hope
Oh yes, even I cry. Just not over you. Who is "you?" The one who has to ask or the one who doesn't? - Donna Lynn Hope
You live in a society, that always demands you to have a label to define yourself. Now it's up to you, whether you choose man-made labels like 'religious' and 'atheist', or your innate natural label gifted by Mother Nature, i.e. 'human'. - Abhijit Naskar
Perhaps the reason we are unable to love is that we yearn to be loved, that is, we demand something (love) from our partner instead of delivering ourselves up to him demand-free and asking for nothing but his company. - Milan Kundera
It's rude to stare," said the troll. Its mouth opened with a little crest of foam, and shut again in exactly the same way that water closes over a stone. "Is it? Why?" asked Rincewind. How does he hold himself together, his mind screamed at him. Why doesn't he spill? - Terry Pratchett
The school of suffering never graduates any students, so ask God to teach to you the lessons He wants you to learn. - Warren W. Wiersbe
If you have to ask yourself if it's love, it's not. - Kate McGahan
You're not asking me for advice, you're asking me for permission. - Steve Maraboli
After I am dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one. - Marcus Porcius Cato
Do we not each dream of dreams? Do we not dance on the notes of lostmemories? Then are we not each dreamers of tomorrow and yesterday, since dreamsplay when time is askew? Are we not all adrift in the constant sea of trial and when all is done, do we not all yearn for ships to carry us home? - Nathan Reese Maher
My ego drives me nuts. It asks me to be competitive, creative, and smart. - Debasish Mridha
For some reason, when people meet me and find out I'm a writer they always ask if I write children's books. Um... please don't let your kids read my books. Well, unless your kids are in their 30s or something...then yeah, they're old enough. LOL - Michelle M. Pillow
If you put all of your eggs in love’s basket, joy will hatch. - Matshona Dhliwayo
After an access cover has been secured by 16 hold-down screws, it will be discovered that the gasket has been omitted. - De la Lastra's Corollary
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
Know the One - the Self, and you'll know the All. - Abhijit Naskar
One of the first signs of the beginnings of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one will only in time come to hate. - Franz Kafka
From Jeff Greenfield: "I once asked "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?" "An optimist," he said. "I have to be. - Elie Wiesel
Science ask facts and religion ask faith, humans are confused between life and death. - Santosh Kalwar
You ask me why I write. You might as well ask me why I breathe. I need oxygen to feed my body and ink to feed my soul. - Bryce Main
There is no limit to what your mind can achieve;ask King Solomon.There is no limit to what your heart can achieve;ask King David.There is no limit to what your soul can achieve;ask King Jesus. - Matshona Dhliwayo
By asking for the impossible we obtain the possible. - Italian Proverb
Desire is to ask for something in silence, without really wanting it, for having it wouldn't fill you as much as having desired it. - Isabella Trainini
The woman is the home. That's where she used to be, and that's where she still is. You might ask me, What if a man tries to be part of the home -- will the woman let him? I answer yes. Because the he becomes one of the children. - Marguerite Duras
So that was where we were in our relationship.Derwent’s scale ran all the way from wouldn’t piss-on-you-if-you-were-on-fire to would-kill-for-you-no-need-to-ask-twice. I was quite glad to be somewhere near the middle. - Jane Casey
Oneness is God. - Abhijit Naskar
When people have a hard task to do - one which stretches them - they become less concerned with trivial matters. - Idries Shah
Know what the best thing your true love can give you is? I asked him.What? said Dash.True love. - Levithan David
Some people use language as a mask. And some want to create designed language that appears to reveal them but does not. - Anne Deavere Smith
Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better. - Carl Jung
I am treating you as my friend asking you share my present minuses in the hope I can ask you to share my future pluses. - Katherine Mansfield
Household tasks are easier and quicker when they are done by somebody else. - James Thorpe
Never ask a question if you don’t know the answer.— Rhett - Rowena Cherry
Having all the answers just means you've been asking boring questions. - Joey Comeau
If you could see your perfect image in the mirror it would remove all your fear. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If you do not ask questions, how can you find the answers you seek? - Lailah Gifty Akita
You ask me why I do not write something....I think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results. - Florence Nightingale
Three simple rules in life: If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. - Anonymous
So it’s fate then? I asked with him so close my lips brushed the line of his jaw with each word, Us being together?Absolutely, Calvin said with a low growl. Then he lifted my chin, tilting my head back, and kissed me deeply.Who was I to argue with Fate? - E.J. Stevens
You may travel the whole world, but you'll not find true religion anywhere. Whatever there is, it is in your own mind. - Abhijit Naskar
The only quality that distinguishes the greats from the masses, is the unwillingness to give up. - Abhijit Naskar
You are educated. Yourcertification is in yourdegree. You may think ofit as the ticket to the goodlife. Let me ask you to think of analternative. Think of it as yourticket to change the world. - Tom Brokaw
He could offer only withness, but nothing else was asked. - Sara Pennypacker
The work of internal government has become the task of controlling the thousands of fifth-rate men
MESMERISM, n. Hypnotism before it wore good clothes, kept a carriage and asked Incredulity to dinner. - Ambrose Bierce
If a man says he is Christian, yet he has no problems knocking you up, having premarital sex or living in sin with you, then you have to ask yourself, What version of Christ does he believe in? - Shannon L. Alder
The person who has trust in divine justice is neither upset when treated unfairly, nor seeks his justice; on the contrary, he accepts the false accusations as if they were true, and does not try to convince others that he has been slandered; instead he asks to be forgiven... - Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain
Far from failing in its intended task, our educational system is in fact succeeding magnificently because its aim is to keep the American people thoughtless enough to go on supporting the system. - Richard Mitchell
I am not an advocate for religion. I only advocate for sweet general harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
Writing is both mask and unveiling. - E.B. White
If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it. - George Burns
I love Religion it's the cheapest place to buy Guilt, Fear,Sin and Doubt - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Some will wear masks their entire life because they care about what other people think, while others remove the mask to be who they truly are. The difference between the two is not the ability to trust others, but to trust in God. - Shannon L. Alder
I like talking about people who don't have any power and it seems like some of the least powerful people in the United States are the migrant workers who come and do our work and don't have any rights as a result. And yet we still invite them to come here, and at the same time ask them to leave. - Stephen Colbert
People are so cheap. Everyone wants quality, no one wants to pay for it. Here's the suburban dream-- to hire great workers who are such meek morons that they don't have the guts to ask for a living wage. - Joan Bauer
When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is any thing you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it. - Edgar Watson Howe
If I let a gust of wind or a sprinkling of rain turn me aside from the easy tasks, what preparation would such sloth be for the future I propose myself? - Charlotte Brontë
Your Maker has rescued you from the darkest corner of your own heart... What he asks in return is obedience. And the courage to do what is necessary. - Compton Gage
Never ask me to reach for the moon when all I want is to hold your hand." -- Fidelis O Mkparu, author of 'Love's Affliction - Fidelis O. Mkparu
(From Boulez, an authorized biography by Joan Peyser)At the chapel door he [a priest associated with a school Boulez attended] asked me if what he had been told was true: that Boulez no longer believed in God. I said it was... - Pierre Boulez
When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.' - Steven Wright
To stand on thebrink of what is coming, feeling eager, optimistic anticipation—with no feeling of impatience, doubt, orunworthiness hindering the receiving of it—that is the Science of Deliberate Creation at its best. - Ask and It is Given
There's one way to find out if a man is honest: ask him; if he says yes, you know he's crooked. - Mark Twain
Some people drip wax on themselves like a human chianti bottle to see if they feel anything….but getting a wicker basket to fit them is a fiasco - Josh Stern
There is no such thing as false or real hope. Hope is the brain's natural mood-stabilizer. And an illusory friend that gives hope and eases the struggle of one's daily life, is much better than all the living friends who just ain't bothered. - Abhijit Naskar
All systems of the society are meant to serve the mind, not the mind to serve the systems. - Abhijit Naskar
When Chuck Norris calls 911 it's to ask if everything is ok. - Oliver Oliver Reed
Some say that "there is no such thing as free lunch". And, I ask, why not? The joy of giving without expecting anything in return from a particular source is simply magic. - Ana Ortega
Behind every face lies a mask. Behind it lies another onion layer of mask. If you peel the skins, you may cry. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
If I say I'll help you I'll help you. If I say I'll kill you I'll kill you. Everything else is ripples of maybe. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The answer to why we exist does not exist, at least not where most of us look for it. We must look inward not out. We should not ask this question of life, but rather of ourselves - and then answer it. - Glenn A. Maltais
To tell others thatIt is a rumor Will not do. When your own heart asks How will you respond? - Gosen Wakashū
Asking someone to deny their own inner reality causes further rupture. - Elaine Margolin
To save your world, you asked this man to die:Would this man, could he see you now, asked why? - W.H. Auden
Let go, let go, let go,Just let it go,Let the tears come out,Stop fighting the tears back,Stop wearing different masks,Let yourself be seen,Let yourself be the real you, - Julie Jewels Smoot
We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks. - Woodrow Wilson
An inventor is a man who asks 'Why?' of the universe and lets nothing stand between the answer and his mind. - Ayn Rand
Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. - Fran Lebowitz
That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on your way to the pertinent answer.
Why was it, she asked herself, that "animals can sometimes subdue their predatory ways in only a few months, while humans, despite centuries of refinement, can quickly grow more savage than any beast? - Diane Ackerman
There's a fine line between deserving and just desserts. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A psychologist said to me, there are only two important questions you have to ask yourself. What do you really feel? And, what do you really want? If you can answer those two, you probably can leave your neuroses behind you. - Harold Ramis
What?" I asked."Nothing," he said."Why are you looking at me like that?"Augustus half smiled. "Because you're beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence. - John Green
Sometimes time is all we have with the people we love the most. I ask you to slow down in life. To take your time, but don’t waste it…." THE LEGACY OF LUCY HARTE, out Jan 6th (Harper Impulse) - Emma Heatherington
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamp-post how it feels about dogs. - Christopher Hampton
To give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT direction is something only a fool would take upon himself. - Hunter S. Thompson
In old days, instead of asking a teacher, people looked at the dictionary to know the complete definition of teacher. Now Google becomes our teacher and to know about Google, people Google it. - Munia Khan
In Kolkata is a temple where the deity worshipped is Amitabh Bachchan. The daily aarti is performed to the chanting of the Amitabh Chaleesa. And people still ask, Could our mythological heroes be based on actual people who once lived? - Ashwin Sanghi
Parents often ask - how do I get my child interested in books and reading? One tried and true way that my late husband and I used was paying them to read. For each book that my sons read, we paid them $1. They soon developed a love for reading and forgot all about the money. Amazing but true! - Soraya Diase Coffelt
Maskini hufanya kazi kwa bidii kupata pesa. Tajiri hutumia pesa kupata pesa. - Enock Maregesi
Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece. - Pope John Paul II
Never give advice unless asked. - German Proverb
Be mindful of the link between action and outcome. Ask yourself: If I repeat today's action 365 times, will I be where I want to be in a year? - Guideposts Books
Why do you write strong female characters?Because you're still asking me that question. - Joss Whedon
Man, if you have to ask what it [jazz] is, you’ll never know. - Louis Armstrong
What if you find out at the end of life that you could have had all you ever wanted had you only asked for it?? - Kate McGahan
The real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions.
Heaven is full of answers for which nobody ever bothered to ask. - Billy Graham
Life is a beautiful thing. Plant it in the ground, and it blooms into opportunity, capice? - Gasmaskman
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. - Joseph Wood Krutch
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. - Dom Helder Camara
Though the immediate impression of rebellion may obscure the fact, the task of authentic literature is nevertheless only conceivable in terms of a desire for fundamental communication with the reader. - Georges Bataille
The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter-he's got to just know. - Will Rogers
When one attains self-knowledge, distinctions of race and religion vanish. - Abhijit Naskar
The very fact that we now design and manufacture robot companions for the elderly marks a turning point. We ask technology to perform what used to be "love's labor": taking care of each other. - Alone Together Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
Sometimes It feels like time is an evil clown that we always imagine. It gives you everything you ask for, and when you are about to happily embrace every gift that you have received it snatches away everything laughing and clapping at you, watching you fall on your knees and break into pieces. - Akshay Vasu
Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it! - Maya Angelou
Knowledge is worth nothing, until it is put to practice. - Abhijit Naskar
As consciousness expands, so does perception of self. - Erin Fall Haskell
Someone dying asks if there is life after death. Yes, comes the answer, only not yours. - E.L. Doctorow
i asked myself "what you wanna become" she replied "everything i am - shivangi lavaniya
If you don't ask the right questions, you don't get the right answers. A question asked in the right way often points to its own answer. Asking questions is the ABC of diagnosis. Only the inquiring mind solves problems.
Stock option plans reward the executive for doing the wrong thing. Instead of asking, 'Are we making the right decision?' he asks, 'How did we close today?' It is encouragement to loot the corporation. - Peter Drucker
Ask a deeply religious Christian if he'd rather live next to a bearded Muslim that may or may not be plotting a terror attack, or an atheist that may or may not show him how to set up a wireless network in his house. On the scale of prejudice, atheists don't seem so bad lately. - Scott Adams
On a visit to the space program, President Kennedy asked me about the satellite. I told him that it would be more important than sending a man into space. Why? he asked. Because, I said, this satellite will send ideas into space, and ideas last longer than men. - Newton N. Minnow
Don't ask for directions if you're not going to start the car. - Rob Liano
There is a difference between how you live your life, and what you do with your life. - Abhijit Naskar
There are many backstabbing friends who in your hard time will ignore you, without to ask something from them. You just are filled with sadness and they don't confide in you anymore. The downside of your hard time is being considered rude, negative, boorish and insistent. - Camelia C.
Ask yourself: 'Do I feel the need to laminate?' Then teaching is for you. - Gordon Korman
To conquer fear, you must become fear - you must bask in the fear of the BOOK... and men fear most what they cannot see- The Power of the Book is spiritual. - Compton Gage
Every scripture, no matter how ancient, must go through rigorous human scrutiny. - Abhijit Naskar
All the repressed emotions and subconscious desires in time lead to some kind of psychological or physiological breakdown, if kept unchecked. - Abhijit Naskar
We should ask God to increase our hope when it is small, awaken it when it is dormant, confirm it when it is wavering, strengthen it when it is weak, and raise it up when it is overthrown. - John Calvin
The flow of knowledge towards the mind should be moderated by the faculties of the mind itself, based on the acceptability of nothing but the mind. - Abhijit Naskar
My lover asks me:What is the difference between me and the sky?The difference, my love,Is that when you laugh,I forget about the sky - Nizar Qabbani
People often make very bad mistakes because people often don’t ask very simple crucial questions before their actions! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Do not allow the negative of the past to mask your sight. - Asa Don Brown
A parents wishes for their children shouldn't be to be as good as them but to surpass their own abilities and hopefully lead to a better world. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
And do I still have that look?" he asked."Yes just there," she kissed his eye. "The desire to love me is still there. If you look closely you can see mine for you, my tears never washed it away. - Racquel McDonnell
Life is a question asked by God about the way he exists. - Kedar Joshi
Pay attention, behavior speaks… While preacher are telling you to pray for abundance, they’re passing around a basket. - Steve Maraboli
It is also in the interests of the tyrant to make his subjects poor... the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting. - Aristotle
Get into the habit of asking yourself if what you are doing can be handled by someone else.
I dream of a planet where the science of the mind, brings the Bible, the Vedas, the Quran, and all other scriptures together and binds them with the golden twine of harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
Religious unity does not come so easily. It is not a piece of pie, which you can buy in the shop. It takes sincere efforts from every single human being on this planet. - Abhijit Naskar
Everyone should have a form of a diary it’s a great release Most people’s Diaries are called "My Diary" Mines called "Conversations with Me". - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Maskini hudhani tajiri ana tabia ya kuringa. Tajiri hupenda kuzungukwa na watu sahihi wenye mawazo sawa na ya kwake. - Enock Maregesi
In 1950, the [Gallup organization] asked high school kids, are you a very important person? Then 12 percent said yes. Asked again in 2005, 80 percent said, yes, I'm a very important person. - David Brooks
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions.
It is well to write love letters. There are certain things for which it is not easy to ask your mistress face to face, like money for instance.
We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. - Peter Drucker
We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art. - Henry James
Every thought we process in our minds represents two things to the subconscious; A question that will open a Pandora's box is being asked & A request is being made. - Auliq-Ice
The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. - Henry Kissinger
Question me now about all other matters, but do not ask who I am, for fear you may increase in my heart it's burden of sorrow as I think back; I am very full of grief, and I should not sit in the house of somebody else with my lamentation and wailing. It is not good to go on mourning forever. - Homer
A good pastor knows how to trust people and how to give them authority to fulfill all kinds of tasks. He tries to make himself unnoticed and unnecessary. Don’t be indispensable! - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
It is unrealistic to assume that if all goes well in a child's life, he or she will be happy. Happiness is not something one can ask of a child. Children suffer in a way that adults don't always realize under the pressure their parents put on them to be happy. - Adam Phillips
I don't believe any scientific field to be superior to another. - Abhijit Naskar
You know," Daddy said, "it's some that can live their whole life out without asking about it and it's others has to know why it is, and this boy is one of the latters. He's going to be into everything! - Flannery O'Connor
How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask-half our great theological and metaphysical problems-are like that. - C.S. Lewis
I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always tried to ask what I did not know. When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance. This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations - Winston S. Churchill
We keep asking where they have gonethose years we remember and wereach for them like hands in the night - W.S. Merwin
The gates of hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: But to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this the task and mighty labor lies. - Virgil
The boy was still looking at him. "Your family?" he asked.Salva shook his head."Me, too, " the boy said. He sighed, and Salva heard that sigh all the way to his heart. - Linda Sue Park
Help our response, Lord, not to be, "WHAT are You doing?!" Instead, give us the perspective to ask, "Lord, what would You teach? - Brian Eshleman
When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness' sake! - Harper Lee
Don't question what you don't understand unless you're asking questions seeking to understand. - Rob Liano
I have learnt that no amount of darkness can mask even the slightest glimmer of light. Find your light and drive out the dark. - Aisha Mirza
A ‘white’ kid that asks too many questions is called *curious.* A ‘black’ kid that asks too many questions is called *forward.* - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Whatever it is you ask for in prayer, believing you have received it, it shall be yours. - Jesus
It is no easy task to walk this earth and find peace. - Ronald Rolheiser
There is no such thing as 'God given scripture', 'the messenger of God' or 'the Last Prophet'. - Abhijit Naskar
The grace for each day is sufficient to accomplish a daily task. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Education means nourishing the mind and make it develop in order to see beyond the limitations of current social perception. - Abhijit Naskar
Please lift your snowy skies off my soul -Your diamond dreams slice through my veins - Else Lasker-Schüler
There are infinite ways for your mind to torture it's self. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Okay, now I know your yanking my chain. Pigs will fly before Blake would ask for our help." Rhoan"Better start ducking those flying piggies then, bro, because I'm totally serious." Riley - Keri Arthur
"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously. - A. A. Milne
Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian. - Robert Orben
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio. des fieri sentio et excrucior.I hate and I love. You may ask, why I do this. I do not know. But I sense that I do and it pains me. - Catullus
...life - whatever else it is - is short... maybe even if we're not always so glad to be here, it's our task to immerse ourselves anyway: wade straight through it, right through the cesspool, while keeping eyes and hearts open. - Donna Tartt
Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. - James Baldwin
The answers you get depend on the questions you ask. - Thomas S. Kuhn
Someone once asked me what I thought horror fiction did. What its purpose was . . . I replied that when I wrote horror fiction, I tried to take the improbable, the unimaginable, and the impossible, and make it seem not only possible--but inevitable. - Michael McDowell
Basically all the religions,sciences and powers of the world boil down to a simple truth. The Best Story Teller will win in the end! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When the deputies asked me if I needed anything, I told them I could use a cigarette. I don't smoke but it seemed like the thing someone handcuffed in the back seat of a police car should say. - Becky Crabtree
Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective. - Alexander William Gaskarth
YOu enjoy it, didn't you?YOu like it, didn't you?You are now smiling are you?(You are asking for what... So far I will say "Nothing, nothing --- Just my mistake...")...I know what you are thinking you want I to be your next victim! ( DON"T YA? :) :) :D) - Deyth Banger
The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. - Henry David Thoreau
If someone asks you that "Where do u want to see yourself 10 years from now down this line"?Well,i would like to see myself above the line,that should be your answer. - Sachin Panwar
Were it offered to my choice, I should have no objection to a repetition of the same life from its beginning, only asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to correct some faults in the first. - Benjamin Franklin
Our real Self does not ask questions, as it does not require answers. It is there, it is present Now. We are only able to find it if we forget about questions and submit to the Self, radiating its light in the Present! - Frank Wanderer
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains. - Titus Lucretius Carus
In the beginning the Poets and Philosophers taught the world to see. Then after that any form of education was no longer free. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Will you miss him Holly? he asked suddenly. [...] No, she said. I will not miss him. But her eyes told the real story. - Eoin Colfer
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that Jesus promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). - James C. Dobson
Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Find out what God's doing. It's already blessed. - Bono
When a man says to me, 'Let us work together in the great cause you have undertaken, and let me be your companion and aid, for I admire you more than I have ever admired any other woman,' then I shall say, 'I am yours truly'; but he must ask me to be his equal, not his slave. - Susan B. Anthony
I don't spend a lot of time asking "WHY?" Instead I focus on what I should do now or how I should react." (p.180) - Jeff Dixon-The Key To The Kingdom
I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
It may seem demeaning to the vanity of some individuals, but like all elements of the mind, God and all its correlated sensations of divinity are the majestic creations of neurobiology. - Abhijit Naskar
Instead of saying; "WWJD (What would Jesus do)?" I will be asking myself "WIDTM(Will I Do This Do Myself"Because Jesus said, "Love your neighbors as if you love yourself."So I will quote I will treat others as if I am treating myself - Temitope Owosela
Instead of pushing your self to work hard why not stop for a while and ask when do I stop - Subingsubing Dondy
As good surgical doctor works on a patient in the theater with varied kinds of surgical instruments, so a true leader also needs a clean bag of leadership characters that vary from task to task. One-way leaders are obvious failures! - Israelmore Ayivor
‎"You want more?" she asked a bit breathlessly. "Even after what we did?"His mouth took on a sardonic twist. "I'm afraid quantity usually matters for me . . ."--THE PRINCESS'S ASSASSINS - Emma Holly
If we ask the right questions, we can change the world with the right answers. - Ogwo David Emenike
One of my professors in college used to say As the wise man said, Do or do not, there is no try, but the advice columns generally say the opposite. If someone promises to try, and you're happy with that, don't push. It can backfire. You can get yourself in a lot of trouble asking for too much. - Jael McHenry
All women desire one simple quality in their partner, which is understanding. - Abhijit Naskar
Congratulations.You've just been demoted from the "pity" sector to the "apathy" sector.To check the validity of this offer you can ask if anyone cares.To cancel your subscription, go get a life.Thank you. - Sanhita Baruah
Do not repeat after me words that you do not understand. Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, for it will be an illusion and you will thereby deceive yourself. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. - A.W. Tozer
Tasks don't have to be high-impact to be worthy of high effort. Most things we do in any given day are relatively low impact. The cumulative impact of thousands of low-impact test is huge. These tasks can be transposed into worship. - John Piper
Most misunderstandings in the world could be avoided if people would simply take the time to ask, "What else could this mean? - Shannon L. Alder
The magic of each day lives in the unknown. It's waking up as one person, and accepting that when night falls, we may be someone else entirely. So, when you ask what my story is, forgive me----I'm not quite sure yet. - J. Raymond
A sense of accomplishment comes when you have completed the tasks for the goals you have set for yourself. - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Hopefully one day Wars will only be fought in movies. And may the best producer win! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Writers have two main problems. One is writer's block, when the words won't come at all and the other is logorrhea, when the words come so fast that they can hardly get to the wastebasket in time.
When you meet a dark angel don't you ever for one minute believe they are bad because they have faced the worst demons and lived to guide you through yours. It really isn't an easy job they have been asked to do, but then neither was standing on the front line during the war in heaven. - Shannon L. Alder
When we see a lonely fisherman, we ask where the boat is; when we see a lonely boat, we ask where the fisherman is! We love to see the good friends always together! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Foolish wise folk sneer at you; foolish wise folk would pull up the useless lilies, the needless roses, from the garden, would plant in their places only serviceable wholesome cabbage. But the Gardener knowing better, plants the silly short-lived flowers; foolish wise folk, asking for what purpose. - Jerome K. Jerome
The reason I don't Kill Myselfis because I know I can. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Before every action ask yourself. Will this bring more monkeys on my back. Will the result of my action be a blessing or a heavy burden? - Alfred A. Montapert
You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. - Winston S. Churchill
A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you. - Bert Leston Taylor
No one can wear a mask for very long. - Seneca
Nothing you become will disappoint me; I have no preconception that I'd like to see you be or do. I have no desire to foresee you, only to discover you. - Mary Haskell
In my early professional years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth? - Carl R. Rogers
Hendaknya kita mengukur ilmu bukan dari tumpukan buku yang kita habiskan. Bukan dari tumpukan naskah yang kita hasilkan. Bukan juga dari penatnya mulut dalam diskusi tak putus yang kita jalani. Tapi…dari amal (action) yang keluar dari setiap desah nafas kita - ابن قيم الجوزية
When you write by hand, you don't have the excessive freedom of a computer. When I write down something, I have to be serious about it. I have to ask myself, "Is this necessary at this point in the book? - Pat Conroy
I may be 65 tomorrow, but i have no plans to 'let go.My psychiatrist asked me the same thing. He said he wanted to give me a pill so I wouldn’t obsess so much over momentary things. I told him I don’t want a pill. I want an answer. - Yuvika Mathur
I asked myself one day, 'Would it be humane of me to completely destroy my mind and soul for the music?' I knew immediately that the answer was no, so I knew I had to. - Matt Borneman
Man and woman are the two wheels of society. If either one becomes defective, the society cannot make progress. - Abhijit Naskar
I dream of a world where Science shapes the structure of a society, rather than politics. - Abhijit Naskar
It is important to correct bad behavior one toe at a time. - Gasmaskman
For though I do not ask for aid, we need it. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Many call it the 1000 yard stare and can't realize the pain when PTSD takes us there - Stanley Victor Paskavich
To my own demise, I rarely ask why I’m hungry because I’m focusing all of my energies on getting fed. And if I persist in such a diminishing cycle, in all probability I will eventually starve to death because I have chosen to gorge myself on the very things that will keep me empty. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
When I asked him the meaning of life, Dr. Webb got very quit and then told me that life has no one meaning, it only has whatever meaning each of us puts on our own life. - John Corey Whaley
It's been long since thinking humanity has learnt that love is a majestic creation of the brain, yet that knowledge hasn't made love be deemed any less glorious. Then why should it threaten the religious believer to learn that divinity as well is a natural creation of the brain? - Abhijit Naskar
I cannot expect to perform the task with equal ability and success. - Martin Van Buren
Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I have been through. I said it's because no matter what, I am a survivor NOT a victim. - Patricia Buckley
One of the perils of life is to be asked a question which the wisest of them cannot answer. But a smile does the job. - R. N. Prasher
Islam doesn't ask you to cover your eyes, but to guard them. - Junaid Raza
Who ask don't getwho don't ask don't wantwho don't want don't getwho don't getdon't care - Merle Hodge
Whether you lay cold in the ground or warm in an urn the turmoils of life aren't a concern. For some this may be the perfect rhyme except for those you leave behind... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Please don´t drown into his fears, his concrete fists don´t let him again, break the bridge of your nose with his cruel born hits. Then disappear into that mask of misery. - Anthony Liccione
Your task is not to find the love, but to swim and dive in the love. - Debasish Mridha
I don't know where we should take this company, but I do know that if I start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, we will find a way to make this company great. - James C. Collins
Don't judge people by their religious, cultural, or professional background. Judge if you must, by their behavior with other people. - Abhijit Naskar
No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. - Leo Buscaglia
I oppose same-sex marriage but I would advance equal rights in employment for gay and lesbian people. I appointed a few judges who were gay and I had few people in my cabinet that I found out were gay. I never asked peoples sexual orientation. - Mitt Romney
Once you've charmed a girl and prove how mature and independent you are, just ask her out. - Auliq Ice
Is killing a known terrorist wrong? I ask this, did the terrorist allow any of his victims quarter? No, then allow him no quarter, and hoist the black flag. - T.R. Wallace
It is distressing how often we repeat ourselves. When we ask questions, we know the answers already. We've grown accustomed to horizontal communication, flatlining banalities and droning insignificance. - Louisa Hall
CAABA, n. A large stone presented by the archangel Gabriel to the patriarch Abraham, and preserved at Mecca. The patriarch had perhaps asked the archangel for bread. - Ambrose Bierce
You'll never understand how powerful your choices have been or are until the day you ask yourself why you made them. - Mduduzi Risimati Mbiza
The highest heaven is not in the sky, it is in the human mind. - Abhijit Naskar
Ask for a fish, and you only get one; ask for a net, and you can catch dozens. - Matshona Dhliwayo
My task is set before me, girl My mission clear and true There’ll be black knights and dragons, girl But I will always come for you… - Emme Rollins
A scientist shouldn't be asked to judge the economic and moral value of his work. All we should ask the scientist to do is find the truth and then not keep it from anyone. - Harmony Korine
Art is the proper task of life. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I used up most of my passions and energies during the years I've mentioned, and though I don't talk much about it, the chief thing I've asked from the world since then is to leave me alone. - James Hilton
Poetry is more than a form of art. It's a vibration and a pulsing heart. Whether it's sour or whether it's sweet. It can give you strength no one can defeat - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Asking storytellers to be genuine is like, asking a chain smoker to quit smoking . Habit of lying isn't easy to fix. Pretend as believing is like selling cigarettes. What else we could do, if we want them to be in our lives... - Heshan Udunuwara
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? - Scott Adams
I'm not a teacher: only a fellow traveler of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead - ahead of myself as well as you. - George Bernard Shaw
RANK, n. Relative elevation in the scale of human worth. He held at court a rank so high That other noblemen asked why. "Because," 'twas answered, "others lack His skill to scratch the royal back." Aramis Jukes - Ambrose Bierce
Are you thinking? Are you creating? Ask yourself whenever you feel boring? - Debasish Mridha
I was in a department store and the clerk came up to me and said "do you want to lay on the couch' I said "Where's your clip board? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious. - Edna O'Brien
Although I am an anarch, I am not anti-authoritarian. Quite the opposite: I need authority, although I do not believe in it. My critical faculties are sharpened by the absence of the credibility that I ask for. As a historian, I know what can be offered. - Ernst Jünger
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. - Sojourner Truth
And that's what I don't like about magic, Captain. 'cos it's *magic*. You can't ask questions, it's magic. It doesn't explain anything, it's magic. You don't know where it comes from, it's magic! That's what I don't like about magic, it does everything by magic! - Terry Pratchett
Here's a thought. You answer what I ask and I keep not killing you." - Antiope Flint - DREAMNASIUM - Geoffrey Thorne
The Soul’s doership has arisen due to ignorance. Because of this, the inner working components of antaskaran [mind, intellect, chitta and ego] have arisen, and so has the relative-self [prakruti]. - Dada Bhagwan
Pain wears no mask .it makes man humble. - Kishore Bansal
Tyler rounded the hood and opened the door. 'What?' he asked when she grinned at him. 'You've got a slide-over-here-honey seat!' His eyes crinkled with laughter. 'Well, what are you doing all the way over there? - C.H. Admirand
Unchecked pride evolves into swagger, a hypnotizing mask of insecurity that can and does compromise our ability to make progress and attain power. Pride stands in the way of forgiveness and a strategic approach to navigating a chessboard rigged to prevent pawns from becoming kings and queens. - Jason Whitlock
Real accomplishments do virtually nothing to serve me and they do everything to serve others. Anything less is nothing more than a meaningless task dressed in the deceptive finery of accomplishments. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Love is just a mask. All we search is a Comfort, Acceptance. Consolation. Affirmation. Assurance. Indulgence. Isolation. Absolution and Remission. - Sarvesh Jain
Courage is the ability to execute tasks and assignments without fear or intimidation. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Folks in Irihs might not be as welcoming as they were here. Resentment lingers.''So we're going to be in danger.''No more than any other day of your life. - Ashley Capes, The Lost Mask
Peace is preferable to war. But it’s not an absolute value, and so we always ask, What kind of peace? - Noam Chomsky
Ask. Trust. Give thanks. Simple right? - Dawn Gluskin
Tell them a lie big enough, they'll worship you as a sage. Tell them a truth big enough and they'll mock you. - Abhijit Naskar
If people ask me like who I would like to be I will say Like Larry Cohen, his movie with the Phone Booth, blowed my mind. - Deyth Banger
I place a mask on everyday showing I'm alright but am I? - Joyce Guo
When asked about which scientist he'd like to meet, said, "Isaac Newton. No question about it. The smartest person ever to walk the face of this earth. The man was connected to the universe in spooky ways. He discovered the laws of motion, the laws of gravity, the laws of optics. Then he turned 26. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Some people live a lifetime every second, others only a second in a life time with little happiness to find. Learn to seize each and every second and make your life divine! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When the Earth basks in the Sun's brilliance, you'll find me there with my arms spread wide and my face with a smile. - Saim .A. Cheeda
From my tears of happiness I have became a mountain of strength surrounded by a sea of Joy. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A red nose is the clown's mask and my moustache is mine. - Nuno Roque
There once was a young man from Lyme Who couldn't get his limericks to rhyme When asked "Why not?" It was said that he thought They were probably too long and badly structured and not at all very funny. - Anonymous
Self-knowledge is the greatest kind of knowledge. - Abhijit Naskar
All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks, in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Look within yourself and ask yourself honestly what you want to be. Throw away the idea that school is the only way to get educated. Anything can educate you. Understand this and look through all the possibilities. - Jellis Vaes
If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. - Nora Roberts
How very odd, to believe God gave you life, and yet not think that life asks more of you than watching TV.
​Have pleasure from the pursuit. - Abhijit Naskar
Ask Your Higher Self - Pamela Stadnyk
Our task is to carry the Lord's peace into every situation, into every duty. - Davis Bunn, Janette Oke
Envy is what makes you, when an aquaintance is lustily telling you that she's dating a Greek god of a guy, ask, "Which one, Hades?"
I understand why King Solomon asked for wisdom from God. For wisdom is like oil to a lamp, what would be the essence of having a lamp without oil in darkness?. - Gugu Mona
People ask me all the time, "Where do your ideas come from?" So, to clear up this question...I keep my ideas inside the mind of a tiny man who is tied up in my closet! - C.K. Webb
You don't buy all the clothes in the market. You choose slowly and carefully, asking the prices for each before buying. The same way you choose your friends, by looking into their lives carefully, before taking any as a companion, then dropping those that are not relevant. - Michael Bassey Johnson
​On top of the government-hierarchy you need an unpolluted group of scientists to give a nation the best direction. - Abhijit Naskar
In the non-dual state, God, soul and universe are essentially one absolute system which is all-pervading, uncreated, self-luminous and eternal. - Abhijit Naskar
Spiritual awakening is an identity shift. You are God! - Erin Fall Haskell
I asked the universe for serendipity and you walked through my door. - Nikki Rowe
Forgiveness is no easy task; it takes a lifetime of remembering to move on - LDarnell
In accordance with our principles of free enterprise and healthy competition, I'm going to ask you two to fight to the death for it.
The purpose of my work is not to educate people, rather it is to enrich human life with self-awareness. - Abhijit Naskar
If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify him. They would ask him to dinner, and hear what he had to say, and make fun of it. - Thomas Carlyle
I've always wondered how much can you do for your fellow man if your hands are constantly stuck together in Prayers for them? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Gain a modest reputation for being unreliable and you will never be asked to do a thing. - Paul Theroux
I don't assign myself to the names of any religious or non religious groups I prefer my actions and beliefs to be manic or marvelous just like me - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The kingdom of God is within the Self, for there is no God besides the Self. - Abhijit Naskar
You are always freed by your lucid knowledge and acceptance of your tasks. - Auliq Ice
We need faith and the mind of the Lord Jesus to recognize something of lasting value in even our most ordinary tasks. - Philip Yancey
Books may be the most valuable treasure of knowledge, but it is the human mind, that turns that knowledge into wisdom. - Abhijit Naskar
Ask five economists and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard. - Edgar Fiedler
We ask God to forgive us for our evil thoughts and evil temper, but rarely, if ever ask Him to forgive us for our sadness.
You will know who truly loves you when you ask them to do an uncoventional favor. - Michael Bassey Johnson
If you're wrestling with some sort of decision, reflect for a moment and ask yourself, Am I being brave, or am I being safe? In the end, it depends on whether we think God can be trusted. - Gary Haugen
Love is like slamming into a wall of concrete and asking to do it all again once the rubble is cleared. - Alexandra Toscano
Substance of your belief has nothing to do with the size of the book you use or how often you open it. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The ultimate relationship is within thyself, knowing that all other relationships are a projection or a reflection of our ability or inability to love. - Erin Fall Haskell
If you have to ask what jazz is you will never know." - Louis Armstrong
India is still medieval. - Abhijit Naskar
If time were to take on human form, would she be your taskmaster or freedom fighter? - Richie Norton
Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today? - Peter Maher
If [you're asked] what you think, tell. If you have a preference, voice it. If you have a question, ask it. If you want to cry, bawl. If you need help, raise your hand and jump up and down. - Kristin Richter
Your life is a movie. You are the main character. You say your scripts and act to your lines. Of course you do your lines in each scene. There is a hidden camera and a director who you can ask for help anytime up above. - Diana Rose Morcilla
The great French Marshall Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, 'In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!' - John F. Kennedy
When asking for advice, search not for what is on the surface, Dig deeper, questioning what does this person believe in? - J.R. Rim
I’ve written for the waste basket so often that we’ve become friends. He writes too, but it’s mostly garbage. - Ryan Lilly
Forgiveness is a transformative act because it asks you to be a more empathetic and compassionate person, thereby making you better than the person you were when you were first hurt. - Kamand Kojouri
You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question. - Albert Camus
Then you have to be nothing. Want nothing. You can't have them-Kat or Annabel-if you need them. You're not a husband. You're not a father. You're a man with a task. Understand? - Greg Hurwitz
God will walk beside us in hell if he wants us to remember the type of the people he needs us to help. Our suffering is our training for the hardest job he could ask us to do. - Shannon L. Alder
When I interviewed at Yale, the admissions committee asked me why they should let me into the program. I looked at them unblinking and said, 'Because I'm going to change the world some day. And I'm giving you the chance to say, We knew her when. - Sarah Thebarge
Champagne morning, sleepless grin, setting off and settling in. Today feels good. - Alex Gaskarth
It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin. - Dave Barry
Philosophy lets you imagine the infinity, and Science makes you get there. - Abhijit Naskar
All of a sudden, we've lost a lot of control. We can't turn off our internet; we can't turn off our smartphones; we can't turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it's not God.[CNN interview (December 8, 2010)] - Steve Wozniak
Fasten and hold knowledge and then protect it." He was asked that how couldit be fastened, and he replied: "by writing and scribing it - Anonymous
Plenty are the tastes and plenty are the paths. - Abhijit Naskar
The greatest religion you can ever have throughout your entire existence, is Love. - Abhijit Naskar
The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, 'Is there a meaning to music?' My answer would be, 'Yes.' And 'Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?' My answer to that would be, 'No.' - Aaron Copland
Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art. - Tom Stoppard
Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be. - Og Mandino
Don't write in to ask whether I would prefer Gingrich to Clinton. Ask, rather, whether Clinton prefers Gingrich to you. Go triangulate yourself. - Christopher Hitchens
Once when asked how I would like to be remembered, I answered, "As someone who opened doors. - Dave Brubeck
But nothing in India is identifiable, the mere asking of a question causes it to disappear and merge into something else. - E.M. Forster
Whatever the questions that trouble you just get up and ask, don't let them suffocate you. Because questions not asked will stay questions unanswered. - Mansi Soni
The perfect person isn't what you're being asked to be, but a beautiful soul will suffice. " ~ - Roy Hale
I’m not holding myself out as a model, but I do believe that we in America can ask more of children than we typically do, and they will not only respond to the challenge, but thrive. - Amy Chua
This is not Education. It is a process of manufacturing computation devices that look like Homo sapiens. - Abhijit Naskar
With the glorious flames of compassion in your heart, embrace the goodness from all religions. - Abhijit Naskar
A story is not a thing. A story is an act. It only exists in the brief moment of its telling. The question you must ask is what a story has the power to do. The truth of something you do is very different from the truth of something you know. - Matthew J. Kirby
It was our first date and I asked what his favorite movie is. He asked if I’d judge him, but instead of judging him I just loved him. - Dominic Riccitello
Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked. - Lord Chesterfield
For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. - Rainer Maria Rilke
Nothing makes your sense of humor disappear faster than having somebody ask you where it is.
Before you make a decision, ask yourself this question: will it result in regret or joy in the future? - Rob Liano
Mr. Trask, do you think the thoughts of people suddenly become important at a given age? Do you have sharper feelings or clearer thoughts now than when you were ten? Do you see as well, hear as well, taste as vitally? - John Steinbeck
People who don't respect the time you spent with them, don't know they have lost the gift of good memories. - Aditya Bhaskara
The more you keep your religious beliefs concealed from others, the lesser religious conflicts occur in the society. - Abhijit Naskar
They asked me why I loved him, and I said: Because he doesn’t remember how to love himself. - Frauke Heyde
Successful people are very lucky. Just ask any failure.
To the extent you expand your consciousness is the extent to which you experience being divine. - Erin Fall Haskell
Any other iron on you? he asked impatiently.Just my tongue stud.His look was a mixture of curiosity and horror.I’m kidding, you idiot. Let’s go. - Kiersten White
I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. - Steve Jobs
Dreams don’t always have to exist while the sun’s down and your eyes are shut. - Alexander William Gaskarth
We will lower the tax burden on middle-class Americans by asking the very wealthy to pay their fair share. Middle-class taxpayers will have a choice between a children's tax credit or a significant reduction in the income tax rate.
Nikmati nyanyian pagi sendu ini. Mari kembali ke masa yang hanya bisa kita kenang itu dengan menumpang rindu. - Rohmatikal Maskur
If you value your words, people will not ask you to make any promises. - Amit Kalantri
I've admired a lot of people in my life time and some of them were actually alive. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits. - G. K. Chesterton
I think that it's important for scientists to explain their work, particularly in cosmology. This now answers many questions once asked of religion. - Stephen Hawking
Bring light to the ignorant, but more light to the educated, for the vanity of education makes modern humans more ignorant than the ignorant. - Abhijit Naskar
I despise common sense. I’ve seen the world from every possible angle. This cruel, ridiculous, beautiful world. - Lacie Baskerville Pandora Hearts
I believe in my mask-- The man I made up is meI believe in my dance-- And my destiny - Sam Shepard
Don't pluck a rose's petals and then ask the rose why it is sad. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3 2021 NIV
When did the world begin and how?"I asked a lamb, a goat, a cow:"What's it all about and why?"I asked a hog as he went by:"Where will the whole thing end, and when?"I asked a duck, a goose, a hen:And I copied all the answers too,A quack, a honk, an oink, a moo. - Robert Clairmont
Somebody once asked me if I made a lot of money, I said I made enough. He then asked why do it, if I'm only making enough. And I said I don't do what I do to be rich in my wallet, I do what I do to be rich in life. - Lisa Abu-Bakr
We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it. - Sir Winston Churchill
If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.
Why are they like that?' I asked Cico. We skirted Blue Lake and worked our way through the tall, golden grass to the creek.'I don't know,' Cico answered, 'except that people, grown-ups and kids, seem to want to hurt each other - and it's worse when they're in a group. - Rudolfo Anaya
In 1980 candidate Reagan asked whether we were better off than we had been 4 years earlier. In 1992 we will be asked whether we expect our children to live better than we do. - Frank Levy
Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new. - Og Mandino
When we make judgements we're inevitably acting on limited knowledge, isn't it best to ask if we seek to understand, or simply let them be? - Jay Woodman
There are a lot of questions I keep asking myself about why I do comedy. I guess I laugh to keep from crying. And I guess if you ever get me crying, I might not stop. This is the way I look at tragedy or else I'll cry. - Bob Newhart
While it is good to apologize and ask forgiveness from God, it’s just as important (perhaps more so) to extend it towards the person you wronged. Becoming a better person or trying to make amends with the universe only works when you start with the one you owe it to. - Donna Lynn Hope
I started thinking about little kids putting a cylindrical peg through a circular hole, and how they do it over and over again for months when they figure it out, and how basketball was basically just a slightly more aerobic version of that same exercise.
Do you believe in magic?," she asked. "I believe in you," he said. "And you're the closest thing to magic that I've found. - J.M. Green
Horror. I can't manage it. I become--well--horrified. Self-help books have a similar effect. When asked, "Any literary genre you simply can't be bothered with?" - (By the Book: Writers on Literature and the Literary Life from the NYT Book Review, by Pamela Paul) - Emma Thompson
I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question. - Harun Yahya
Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. - Thomas Paine
You'll notice you don't have both feet on the ground when you don't have any friends around - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Live, share and learn the art of true deep listening. The main keys are honesty and humility.Cultivate good filters in the mind. Conquer and tame the ego. If words and actions pass from your lips, sights and tapping words in the keyboard, don't forget to ask first, "Is it true, necessary and kind? - Angelica Hopes
I believe if I Piss God off one more time. I'll be eligible to win a free Bible - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Dare to exercise rational thinking. - Abhijit Naskar
What should a good children’s book be like? If you ask me, I can tell you after thinking long and hard: It must be good. - Astrid Lindgren
It's bad to grow old before your time. It's worse to not grow at all within your mind, - Stabley Victor Paskavich
When asked why I don't believe in God I reply, quite simply, "vaginas". - Robert Clark
Do you pray for the senators, Dr. Hale?' someone asked the chaplain. No, I look at the senators and I pray for the country. - Edward Everett Hale
Indeed, if their wristbands asked them the question: What-Would-Jesus-Buy—well now, that could very well revolutionize the Christian church in America. - Geoffrey Wood
Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed. - Baltasar Gracian
People often write me and ask how I keep my wood floors so clean when I live with a child and a dog, and my answer is that I use a technique called Suffering From a Mental Illness. - Heather Armstrong
Shred the fake mask of humility into pieces. And put on the mask of arrogance if needed. - Abhijit Naskar
It often is better to ask an ancient Hebrew goatherd, instead of a so-called expert like myself, about the meaning of a particular, biblical story. - Richard Gist
I do not take advice or listen to the words of hypocrites or beings that are not self-realized. It's nothing personal. I am simply no fan of beings that try to sound wise, while trying to mask their imbecility. - Lionel Suggs
The problem with setting goals is that they can be limiting. Perhaps we're asking for something good when God's will is that we be given something great. - Marianne Williamson
As for my next book, I won't write it till it has grown heavy in my mind like a ripe pear; pendant, gravid, asking to be cut or it will fall. - Virginia Woolf
Always remember when it comes to family arguments and disputes. "Blood is thicker than anger. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Your most important task as a leader is to teach people how to think and ask the right questions so that the world doesn't go to hell if you take a day off. - Jeffrey Pfeffer
Look at your own behaviors and ask yourself, Would I want to be my friend??? - Ted Rubin
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t. - Erica Jong
Weary of myself, and sick of asking What I am, and what I ought to be, At this vessel's prow I stand, which bears me Forwards, forwards, o'er the starlit sea. - Matthew Arnold
If I was asked to write a poem about her. Every word I use would end up, being her name. And it would still sound so beautiful and breathtaking to me in the end. - Akshay Vasu
Mozart liked to write letters while on the loo. He wrote, "I think it only fitting to write while shitting." This gave me the idea of, "I think it only fitting to read while ..." Who says men can't multitask? - Peter Rogers
Vanye: You're asking me to kill you.Luthiel: I'm asking you to save her. - Robert Fanney
When it comes to mental illness most of the diagnoses are similar or the same yet they can never display how we individually go through our pain. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Ask yourself...If I walk a tight rope,will I fall ,If I shake my balance of thought will it deter me and if I stay focused will I succeed?.~bns - Bluenscottish
It's amazing to me that we humans have the intellectual capacity to ask deep questions and to devise methods for learning how the universe works and how its contents evolve with time. - Alex Filippenko
Berani tanpa disertai kesabaran akan membunuh anda.Ambisius tanpa kesabaran dapat memusnahkan karier yang paling menjanjikan.Berjuang meraih harta tanpa kesabaran akan mengamblaskan milik yang sudah ada. - Og Mandino
When asked what's more important, praying or reading the Bible? I ask, what's more important breathing in or breathing out? - Russ Scalzo
I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day. And I have asked to be where no storms come. - Joan Didion
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires. - Abhijit Naskar
All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. - Martin Luther
When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask if I'm leaving. - Steven Wright
If you want to determine if your thoughts are from the enemy or from God, ask yourself, 'Are these thoughts I’d choose to have? - Stormie Omartian
My daughter asked if the boogie man was scary. I said, "Not as scary as the boogie woman. - Randy Kagan
Why does anybody do anything?" Mimi asked impatiently. "Most of the time we don't know--any of us. - Madeleine L'Engle
It’s important that you keep asking God to show you what He wants you to do. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. - Stormie Omartian
Give a man a mask, and he'll tell you deeper and darker truths. But he'll also be more abusive, unaccountable, and demonic. - Cory Duchesne
True religion must raise to work at the bar and the bench, on the couch and on the streets, in the cottage of the poor man and in the penthouse of the entrepreneur, with the fisherman that is catching fish and with the students that are studying. - Abhijit Naskar
If a women ask for respect instead of earning it then they are weak. - Swapnil Kumar
I often asked Laplace what he thought of God. He owned that he was an atheist. - Napoléon Bonaparte
Old age is catching up with me, or am I catching up with it? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
One day I asked God to move the mountain ahead of me, but he said no because he wanted me to experience the joy of being on a mountain top. - Gugu Mona
If you want to find missing children put their photo's on Soda Cans, beer cans and cigarette packs and you'll increase the odds by millions some people are lactose in tolerate. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer. - Ed Cunningham
When asked why you include Jesus in everything, remind that person that, after all, He included you in everything! - Mary Kate
Tomorrow is not a day. It's an attitude. It's a symbol of the human spirit's desire to keep getting better. It's that curious mind that asks 'what's next'?Tomorrow is not ushered in by the cock's crow. Tomorrow dawns when today is better than yesterday...when we create something new. - Sola Kosoko
The wheel of life has many spokes yet so few people ever leave the hub. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
If you have to ask for their attention, you're better off without it. - Ali. B. Moe
My quotes are being used in other authors creations. To be recognized while I'm alive has surpassed my expectations - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Find mentors to help you out. Always be on the lookout for friendly allies, willing to help and support you. Be willing to help others out too, when asked. What goes around, comes around. - Mark F. LaMoure
Pleasure and Pain participate equally in mounding character. - Abhijit Naskar
Why do you write meaningless philosophy? you asked. Because it gives meaning to life, I whispered with deep empathy. - Debasish Mridha
Can you feel it? I asked her...my heart beating so hard, so strong that wants to get out of my chest, and travel trough the distance just to feel your heart beating so close to join on a single rhythm. - Elkin Salcedo
Be careful when you ask Karma for something that you have always wanted. When I was young, I asked to be surrounded by beautiful women. Now I have a wife and four daughters. - James Hauenstein
Most times when folks ask for advice, they already know what they should do. They just want to hear it from someone else. - Jeannette Walls (Author)
She starts to cry. 'It's just so terrible,' she says.'Which part?,' I ask.'Being human. - A.M. Homes
When I sit down to write I actually ask myself, 'Who do you want to be today?' - Richelle E. Goodrich
The job of the writer isn't to answer questions. The job of the writer is to ask the questions for which there are no answers. - J.M. Porup
Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. - C.S. Lewis
Truth doesn't pay homage to creeds. Creeds must adjust themselves to be compatible with the truth. - Abhijit Naskar
I would have gone to bed with him that night. If he had asked. If he had come and kissed me. Not for his sake, but for being alive's. - John Fowles
Organize your life the way God wants it to be. When you pray, ask God for counsel on matters and you will get the wisest advice directly from heaven - Sunday Adelaja
Without even knowing, humanity actually worships not an Entity, rather a mental state. - Abhijit Naskar
The frog in the well knows nothing more grand than its own tiny well. - Abhijit Naskar
The task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity. - Maria Montessori
I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams. - H.P. Lovecraft
If a man asks me for my loyalty...I will give him my honesty.If a man asks me for my honesty...I will give him my loyalty! - John Boyd
Today I asked Chloe to be my girlfriend,and she agreed. I sank my teeth into her neck and drank from her jugular in the library at lunchtime. She's agreed to join me as a vampire and she's moving in next week.April Fool! - Tim Collins
If they ask you how rich you are, tell them to look inside your heart. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Self-leaders do not look for followers because they are busily pursuing their influencial dreams that followers will trace and ask for. Followers look for influence and that can be obtained from self-leaders. - Israelmore Ayivor
I can ask for cigarettes in every language - David Bowie
Until Africa changes it's Mindset - It will forever be a "basket case" looking for international support, funding and charity.We need to Rethink Innovation - Tony Dovale
Being intellectually perfect is a very easy task, but being experiential perfect is the very tough task, needs very much courage and equanimity. - - Abhinav Rajput
Just a simple prayer today, for those who are sick or going through darkness of any kind. Dear God, we ask that you place your healing hands on the shoulders of our friends and loved ones, who are suffering and relieve them of these hardships, in Jesus name. Amen. - Ron Baratono
If worries begin, then realize that the task at hand is going to be disturbed and if worries do not occur, then know that the task will not be disturbed. Worries are obstacles to the work. - Dada Bhagwan
The task of teaching has never been more complex and the expectations that burden teachers are carried out in antiquated systems that offer little support—and yet, teachers are finding success every day. - Tucker Elliot
Women who seek advice from single women about getting a man is like asking a homeless man how to be rich. - Habeeb Akande
You can’t ask authentically and gracefully without truly being able to accept No for an answer. Because if you’re not truly willing to accept No for an answer, you’re not really asking, you’re demanding you’re begging. At least, that’s how I’ve come to understand asking. - Amanda Palmer
The first question I ask myself when something doesn't seem to be beautiful is why do I think it's not beautiful. And very shortly you discover that there is no reason. - John Cage
When God gets us alone through suffering, heartbreak, temptation, disappointment, sickness, or by thwarted friendship - when He gets us absolutely alone, and we are totally speechless, unable to ask even one question, then He begins to teach us. - Oswald Chambers
​Have faith in yourself. That’s all you need to succeed. - Abhijit Naskar
For all the normal people who make fun of the mentally ill it's spelled K.A.R.M.A. and it's pronounced your days coming, Bitch! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett
And if the day I die they ask me just how heaven was, I'll be glad I spent it with you. - Brian Logan Dales
There are pearls in the deepest fathoms of the Self, but to get them you will have to go through unimaginable perils. - Abhijit Naskar
If you want to know the value of a year, ask the student who was in the final year of his university education, when the lecturers went on strike and the school ended up closing for a year. - Sunday Adelaja
She leaves my side and heads deeper intothe apartment singing, —if the spirit tries to hide, its temple far away… acopper for those they ask, a diamond for those who stay. - Nathan Reese Maher
Maskini huamini unahitaji pesa kupata pesa. Tajiri huamini utapata pesa kwa kutumia pesa za wengine. - Enock Maregesi
If you are facing a new challenge or being asked to do something that you have never done before don’t be afraid to step out. You have more capability than you think you do but you will never see it unless you place a demand on yourself for more. - Joyce Meyer
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where’s the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. - Steven Wright
The aphorism "If you want something done, ask a busy woman" is in direct acknowledgment of the efficiency boot camp parenthood puts you through. - Caitlin Moran
I worked for a menial’s hire,Only to learn, dismayed,That any wage I had asked of Life,Life would have willingly paid. - Jessie B. Rittenhouse
It is better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission. - Grace Murray Hopper
Humility is the nearly impossible task of being more concerned with our own sins that we are with the sins of others. - Trevor hammack
I would rather go swimming with great white sharks than wade in romance 'cause I can never find the courage to ask her to dinner or even to dance. - Adam Young (Owl City), The Yacht Club
Of all the days dropped in time's pocketThis day will seek acknowledgement with a child's shy asking, because the love between us used no word uncommoner than coffee, and was never traced by graphs of huge emotion. Yet some fancy will recall this day hallowed past recognition. - Vassar Miller Bagatelle
When asking about ones age the question asked is how old are you.I would hereby like to advocate rephrasing this as - how young are you? - Amit Abraham
Be sure not to turn your life into a series of tasks which must always be performed... I know it can seem appealing to live in a state accomplishing things, always succeeding, always getting things done. But consider this. A whole life lost. A sacrifice to your fragile sense of order. - Kevin Hooyman
The mere thought that she was alone and surrounded by books gave her a near-sensuous thrill. As she looked around her room, dark escaper for the slash of light near her lamp, and saw the vague outlines of her books, she asked herself 'Have I not the whole world? - Andrew Wilson
Asking, "If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking, "If there is no master, whose slave will I be?" If your purpose of life is to submit as a slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom who should detest. - Dan Barker
A person that has more intelligence than education always makes his own grade! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
One of the really tough things is figuring out what questions to ask. Once you figure out the question, then the answer is relatively easy. - Ashlee Vance
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. - Abhijit Naskar
I guess the all and all answer in life is what Facades you want to believe in the most. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Take a giant drink of natures endless stream let it spout from your mouth in words so serene. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
'Whom are you?' he asked, for he had attended business college. - George Ade
At the end of the day, the questions we ask of ourselves determine the type of people that we will become. - Leo Babauta
Sve je to maska.Toliko povrsno, toliko nezrelo od nas.Ali sta cemo, ne mozemo se izboriti sami sa sobom, pa se borimo jedan protiv drugog.Uzivamo u tome, uzivamo u obostranom gubitku. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Some say God exists outside creation if in fact he did breath in Adams nostrils he became part of humanity and creation. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I am reminded of the professor who, in his declining hours, was asked by his devoted pupils for his final counsel. He replied, 'Verify your quotations.' - Sir Winston Churchill
Asking is the first level of prayer. - Sunday Adelaja
You can worship God twenty four hours a day but your destiny depends on the cards he lets you play - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Every answer asks a more beautiful question - e e cummings
The way we can replenish our memories is to look back at textual information that we have either written or read before. If that method is accomplished, we can comprehend and complete tasks that require us to use more critical thinking. - Saaif Alam
Even though it is common knowledge in our field of Neuroscience, I take immense pleasure every time I realize that our perception of the whole universe emerges from the activity of the little specks of jelly inside our skull. - Abhijit Naskar
Her grandmother had once told her that one of life's best lessons was not being afraid to look foolish -- to just ask the question. - Melissa Senate
Live your life without ever having to ask, 'What if? - Ken Poirot
As a business leader you have to ask yourself, Am I creating a consumer environment that is conducive to loyalty? If the answer is no, FIX IT! - Steve Maraboli
Weh I was a kid I prayed every night for a bike until I figured out that that's not the way that God works, so I stole a bike and then asked him for forgiveness. - Emo Phillips
On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world. - Henry David Thoreau
Today, I don't want to ask for anythingI just want to give thanks for Everything I already have. - Nikki Rowe
hapIf you're brighter than a lightning bug, don't show your ass - Stanley Victor Paskavci
So often we focus on finding answers to life's mysteries...when in reality, a wiser approach is to start asking better questions, and more of them. - Dana Gore
From now on when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I planned to say, Amnesiac. - Sue Monk Kidd
...Okay... probably now you have read all my books up to now..., you have check out everything what I have and you are asking what more???Check out horror and try to understand it! - Deyth Banger
Yeah, well, what are you going to teach me next...how to take over the world? I asked sarcastically.Good idea! Sampson exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.No, bad idea! I stressed.See? You are learning, Sampson said. - Jennifer Priester
I asked you to dare to dream, there is no price tag in dreaming. - Andrew Eggelton
Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? Expediency asks the question - is it political? But conscience asks the question - is it right? There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, popular, or political; but because it is right.
Don't let anyone take your power by influencing what you do.... sure ask for advice when you are still deciding, but once you are sure what you want to go for, don't let anyone deflect you. It is YOUR choice to make and to follow through. - Jay Woodman
The needles they poke you with leaves a hole that closes in. But unkind words can make a hole that will never mend. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. - Viktor Frankl
When someone is giving you their theology, their God words, you should listen hard and be very gentle. The time to deliver your God words is when you are asked. - Gordon Atkinson
If you want the truth, ask a child. - French Proverb
Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. - Laura Bush
When someone you loved finds no flattery in the gift you gave them then you must ask yourself, "What was worth loving? - Shannon L. Alder
Is anything illegal here?' Addison asked.'Library late fines are stiff. Ten lashes a day, and that's just for paperbacks.'There's a library?''Two. Though one won't lend because all the books are bound in human skin and quite valuable. - Ransom Riggs
Men ask for a rainbow in the cloud; but I would ask more from Thee. I would be, in my cloud, myself a rainbow -- a minister to others' joy. My patience will be perfect when it can work in the vineyard - George Matheson
You must be careful when you ask people whether they’re happy; it’s a question that can upset them a great deal. - François Lelord
It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic. - W. Somerset Maugham
I thought: This is what the living do. And I swooned at the ordinary nature of the task and myself, at my chapped hands and square palms, at the way my wrists bent and fingers flexed inside this living body. - Dee Williams
Smile, ask, listen, provide, thank" then "take time out to have fun & renew yourself" but "always dream up more questions". - Julia Woodman - Jay Woodman
Biology without selfishness, is nothing but fiction. - Abhijit Naskar
A girl yesterday during my program asked me a question; Sir, Why is this world an Unsafe place? And i had confusion not clarity... No answers - Dinesh Kumar
When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions. - George S. Patton
If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs. - Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
What do we any of us have but our illusions? And what do we ask of others but that we be allowed to keep them? - W. Somerset Maugham
Purpose drives the process by which we become what we are capable of being. - Lolly Daskal
Speak the truth do not become angered and give when asked, even be it a little. By these three conditions one goes to the presence of the gods. - Gautama Buddha
You will never know just how thrilled my heart is to behold such a throng of people; especially as they have gathered to pay tribute and love's greatest honor to loved ones who, today, are basking in the sunshine of God's heaven. - Reverend Ada Slaton Bonds
A Multitasking Timex Sinclair
The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again. - John Maynard Keynes
Seek a man that doesn't ask you to prove your love. Seek a man that will prove God's love. - Shannon L. Alder
True friendship is a house where we can take off our masks. - Debasish Mridha
A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules. - Anthony Trollope
I don't know which I hate most my bills or the money I pay them with... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The Self, when finite, is Human and when infinite, is God. - Abhijit Naskar
She represents something about the corporate world that repel me, some deep coldness masked as relentless cheerfulness. - Barbara Ehrenreich
Why people become writers??It's logical, they don't have what to do and they are bored and they want to show people a new world. So they create it!Why people watch films??Because they want to feel the taste of the reality!Everything is logical, think before you ask! - Deyth Banger
Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're giving none away.
If a man does his best, what more is there to ask for? - George S. Patton
Each life involves an essential errand; not simply the task of survival, but a life-mission embedded in the soul from the beginning. - Michael Meade
I said to my professor, "Why mourn the death of presidents, or anyone for that matter? The dead can't hear us." And he asked me if I believed in heaven. I said no. And then he asked if I had no faith in God. I said, "You have it wrong. It's God who has no faith in us. - Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey)
Everything that humans have achieved until now, were once merely an imagination in someone’s head. - Abhijit Naskar
A Christian sits in his or her well and thinks that the whole world is his or her well. The Jew sits in his or her little well and thinks that it is the whole world. A Muslim sits cooped up in his or her tiny well and believes it to be the whole universe. The same goes for a Hindu and all others. - Abhijit Naskar
Sometimes all you need is one person with a guilty conscience to come forward and do the right thing. Often, the miracle you need resides inside of yourself, when you humbly ask for forgiveness. - Shannon L. Alder
Some kid asked what a dilemma is. And I replied: When a starving man has to choose between a plate of food, and, a roll of toilet paper. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Sementara pena hampir kering untuk tinggalkan rasa.Untaian frasa memori masih saja mampu merasuk. Hidupkan kembali impian sang lelaki mimpian. - Rohmatikal Maskur
My father told me that it is only a mad man that keeps bushy hairs. I asked him, "what about the great men with bushy hairs?". He replied, "education had made them mad, so study to be wise and sane. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I like life, it's wonderous and chaotic and somewhere in the middle I've created a safe place to do my thing in the world ~ I can't ask for much more & I am already so thankful when everything I got - Nikki Rowe
As long as you have a Cell Phone you're never alone - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When I get to Heaven I just know I'm going to forget my toothbrush. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Sir Winston Churchill
The difference between a man and a woman is whether to ask for directions. - Edward Harris
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world. - Annie Lennox
You don't ask what a dance means. You enjoy it. You don't ask what the world means. You enjoy it. You don't ask what you mean. You enjoy it. - Joseph Campbell
It is necessary for the future scientists interested in the field of Neurotheology, to have a bit naïve approach towards the whole idea of God and religion beyond the conventional labels of religion and atheism. - Abhijit Naskar
So many wish for magic so many beg for fame, but if you could manifest anything you want life would be a boring game. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
My parents won’t let me have a motorcycle, but they give me all the guns I want. I asked them for a motorcycle last Christmas and they told me I’d only kill myself. They got me this twelve-gauge instead. - Scott Thompson
Awaken your mind from the deep sleep of ancient mysticism and make it self-conscious - power will come, glory will come, goodness will come and everything that is excellent will come. - Abhijit Naskar
GreenHollyWood asked me "How I sleep?", after all, after this horror and terror. The truth is that I close the one eye 1-2 seconds go and then the other... and I sleep. To to don't forget, if we will be friends I enjoy the horror..., I like to see myself scared!? - Deyth Banger
Sometimes a step back or away from an idea, task or project brings even more perspective, insight and clarity. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Moterys nustekeno daug gerų vyrų - Henris Činaskis
When it's all over and the dust from our Ancestors bodies and our own settle from the four winds only then will we see that we were here! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When I finally let someone into my narrow bed, the first thing I told her was what I could not do. I said, "I can't fix it, girl. I can't fix anything. If you don't as me to fix it, you can ask anything else. If you can say what you need, I'll try to give it to you. - Dorothy Allison
You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. - Nancy D. Solomon
​Through ignorance a common man considers his own religion to be the best and makes much useless claims, but when his mind is illuminated by Self-Knowledge, all sectarian quarrels disappear. - Abhijit Naskar
Research suggests that people are typically unaware of the reasons why they are doing what they are doing, but when asked for a reason, they readily supply one. - Daniel M. Gilbert
When I tell, I inform. When I ask, I transform. - Todd Stocker
Choosing the right career is the most difficult task for a person who is multi-talented and versatile. Because its hard to decide what field to go into, when you are good at too many things. - Saad Salman
Entrepreneurs don’t ask for permission. They act per a mission. - Ryan Lilly
Remember to have a little faith. When you die, I believe, God isn't going to ask you what you published. God's going to ask you what you wrote. - T.M. McNally
​A carefully constructed structure of education is supposed to smoothen the pursuit of knowledge, instead of restricting the flow of knowledge. - Abhijit Naskar
How to "change the world" in two words: S.T.A.R.T. N.O.W.1. START - Serve. Thank. Ask. Receive. Trust.2. NOW - No Opportunity Wasted - Richie Norton
Have you wondered what our ego is?Our ego is a reflection of our life conditioning.It is no more than a mask (of our outer surface).It is not the inner of who we truly are and what we can truly be. - Alice Bacon
Isn't it the task of the Holy Spirit to introduce some madness and intoxication into the world? Why this propensity for balance and safety? Don't we all long for one moment of raw risk, one moment of divine madness? - Ron Rolheiser
In life the faster u learn the better! U won't ask much of....& u won't allow Ur brain to suck any crap - Wilson M Rubaihayo
The silver flask called to him.Blue Coyote Motel - Dianne Harman
AIM, n. The task we set our wishes to. "Cheer up! Have you no aim in life?" She tenderly inquired. "An aim? Well, no, I haven't, wife; The fact is -- I have fired." G.J. - Ambrose Bierce
Hope keeps dreams alive through the prayers of those who never give up. They are able to pursue their dreams with confidence and reach their goals.For every one that asks receives, and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8 words of Jesus Christ - Ellen Jean Barrier
Mission accomplished' I said.Pudge my friend we are indefuckingstructable. - John Green, Looking For Alaska
The only way to set yourself free is to meet each new challenge relatively. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
My exploration of the biology of beliefs has taught me universal tolerance. - Abhijit Naskar
You can't keep dancing with the devil and ask why you're still in hell. - Kynna Claire
One of underestimated tasks in nonfiction writing is to impose narrative shape on an unwieldy mass of material. - William Zinsser
if somebody ask me to chose my home in the whole world i would chose your arms - pooja bagul
Prayer is the most powerful resource we have in this life; yet, many only turn to it as a last resort. When unbelievers pray for repentance of sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, prayer is the spiritual dynamite that obliterates the darkness and despair of a sin-soaked soul. - Franklin Graham
To ask to be forgiven is in part to acknowledge that the attitude displayed in our actions was such as might properly be resented and in part to repudiate that attitude for the future; and to forgive is to accept the repudiation and to forswear the resentment. - Peter Frederick Strawson
I've been playing the game of life for over 52 years now and I don't feel one day younger or older than I am. Maybe its I just don't feel - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of all the lambs he's digested, and I've been reading all my life. - Giorgos Seferis
When they speak of Hell there's something they miss there's a worse place to be and it's called the Abyss. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Sebelum ngegalauin perasaan si doi naik atau turun ke kamu, alangkah lebih baiknya ngegalauin imanmu yang masih naik turun. Sebelum mencari yang terbaik untuk kamu, alangkah lebih baiknya menjadi lebih baik dari hari kemarin. - Rohmatikal Maskur
Alcohol's been keeping depression alive and well for over ten thousand years. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. - Erica Jong
If I ask you, are you conscious right now? You'd go right ahead and tell me - yes. That's because your conscious mind is constructing an awareness in you about everything around you. And underneath that operation of your conscious mind, there are billions of neurons working in proper harmony. - Abhijit Naskar
The past, which as always did not know the future, acted in ways that ask tobe imagined before they are condemned. Or even simplified. - Paul Fussell
People ask whether there is Hell. Yes, there is Hell: Hate is Hell! - Mehmet Murat ildan
When the lord gives a human a life to live with and all the things they need, why do the humans give back the money to the lord ? Are humans that crazy ? Or do we have a mask of saying it out instead of delivering what is called as mankind ? - Rakesh Akuthota
God forgive me for what I've done. God forgive me for what I will do, and forgive me for what I can't do because my religion won't let me. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Within the madness of my subliminal mind often brilliant thoughts are aligned. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Somebody once asked me if I have anything like faith, and I said I have faith in the narrative. I have a belief in a narrative that is bigger than me, that is alive and I trust will work itself out. - Joss Whedon
Management, a science? Of course not, it's just a waste-paper basket full of recipes which provided the dish of the day during a few years of plenty and economic growth. Now the recipes are inappropriate and the companies which persist in following them will disappear. - Leon Courville
Meditation is the brain's way to exercise. - Abhijit Naskar
Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you'll be surprised at how little you have. - Ernest Haskins
People are always asking me what my lyrics mean. Well I say what any decent poet would say if you dared ask him to analyse his work: if you see it, darling, then it's there. - Freddie Mercury
Was it hard?" I ask.Letting go?"Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real. - Lisa Schroeder
The way you separate Reality from Imagination is the number of bandages you have to use. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The difference between a beginning teacher and an experienced one is that the beginning teacher asks, "How am I doing?" and the experienced teacher asks, How are the children doing? - Esmé Raji Codell
Do not smoke without asking permission or sit so near (as in a train) that the smoke might annoy. - Amy Vanderbilt
Be sincere to nobody else, but yourself. - Abhijit Naskar
A transaction between joy and task-fulfilment is much more productive than between money and work - Priyavrat Thareja
If you want your Demons to go away quit using the words they taught you to say - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Teach the children compassion and empathy, for all creatures are born selfish. - Abhijit Naskar
To explain God after merely reading the scriptures is like explaining the city of New York after seeing it only in a map. - Abhijit Naskar
If somebody asks you where you are going, tell him you are going to everywhere, because future is a path going to everywhere! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Do you believe in magic?" she asked. "I believe in you," he said. "And you're the closest thing to magic that I've found. - John Mark Green
The never-ending task of self improvement. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The life that I have lived was no more than a mask covering the real me. What has happened was not to kill me but to reveal me. - E'yen A. Gardner
The sound was like a gentle breeze of joy on a warm summer day. It wrapped around his senses and his heart. That was the moment, and he knew he’d be telling her about it fifty years from now when she asked him when it was that he knew that he loved her. - Grace Willows
We try so hard to make ourselves lovable, and yet each layer of this mask puts another wall around us a wall that keeps love out. - Vironika Tugaleva
I’ll never second guess the things that I have done. I’ve got too much left to say and too much to become. - Alex Gaskarth
I sat and reflected on the situation I had facedI needed answers to the questions I still, didnt have the courage to ask...But I need to know,How was this to be apart of my destiny? - Nikki Rowe
Respect yourself and the whole world will respect you. - Abhijit Naskar
My teacher asked my favorite color. ... I said ‘Rainbow’.... and I was punished to stand out of my class. - Saket Assertive
Duty has a trick of behaving unexpectedly -- something like a heavy friend whom we have amiably asked to visit us, and who breaks his leg within our gates. - George Eliot
Science without Philosophy leads to chaos. Philosophy without Science leads to nowhere. Only together they can construct a better world. - Abhijit Naskar
He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes; for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one. - Alexander Pope
The very first few days when you actually start having symptoms of falling for someone special, are the days of heavenly bliss and unreasonable madness. - Abhijit Naskar
Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. - Erich Fromm
We have to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share again. Their incomes went up in the 1980s and their taxes went down. We can't ask the middle class to pay more; their incomes went down and their taxes went up. - Bill Clinton
I enjoy sharing my books as I do my friends, asking only that you treat them well and see them safely home. - Ernest Morgan
Prayer is the key that opens heaven; the favors we ask descend upon us the very instant our prayers ascend to God. - Augustine of Hippo
Mentally I can die, Emotionally I can cry, Physically I can sigh, Spirituality I can fly. If I just try. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
You know how it is -- you get older, you get wiser, you start to ask yourself 'is it any use being able to summon creatures of the nether deeps when I could be watching BBC 4? - Kate Griffin
If we knew all the answers, we won’t ask questions. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Somehow creationists keep us naturalists in track to some extent. They are the representation of human stupidity at its extreme. And we need some stupidity in the society for true intellect to be adored. - Abhijit Naskar
Sometimes I need a place to ask myself impossible questions. - Davis Bunn
Personal Responsibility is when an individual volunteers to be in charge of duties, tasks and is ready to see to its fulfilment - Sunday Adelaja
Daily ask yourself: "Considering what I'm doing now, what would be a better, superior choice for me to do, to advance my plans for success? - Mark F. LaMoure
Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them. - Leo Tolstoy
A lot of people ask me if I were shipwrecked, and could have only one book, what would it be? I always say, "How to Build a Boat. - Stephen Wright
Crammed among the stacks of books in his room, the author treated literature as if each book were a window in a city of unstable skyscrapers, and he was the window-washer tasked with the impossible job of cleaning them all. - From "Pageturner" in 365 Tomorrows - Joseph Patrick Pascale
If your children asked you about your honesty with God, Let them look at the pictures with the person you married and was the reason they're alive...and they will understand. - RSCruz
Our task and challenge as human beings is to appreciate, in the same instant, both the infinite significance and absolute insignificance of life. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Aunt Elizabeth said, 'Do you expect to attend many balls, if I may ask?' and I said, 'Yes, when I am rich and famous.' and Aunt Elizabeth said, 'Yes, when the moon is made of green cheese. - L.M. Montgomery
There is no such thing as Hardcore Philosophy or Hardcore Science. Real Science and Real Philosophy do not destroy each other, they simply fulfil and enrich each other. - Abhijit Naskar
A writer may not know the way at first; but if he endeavors to complete his task, he carves a path with his story, a knowledge shortcut. - Susan J. McIntire
Solitude helps the soul remember that life andwork have two completely different meanings. It remindsus that we were created for greatness in relationship withothers, not task lists and spreadsheets. - Angela L Craig
Shouldn't we also ask ourselves what the consequences are of scrambling to provide the "most" of everything to our children in a world of fast dwindling resources? - John Taylor Gatto
Make a little effort to give up your insignificant quarrels and eventually a better world will follow. - Abhijit Naskar
All men, if they work not as in the great taskmaster's eye, will work wrong, and work unhappily for themselves and for you. - Thomas Carlyle
Do something: be it good or evil, if they ask why you did it, tell them you're different. - Michael Bassey Johnson
When of a gossiping circle it was asked, "What are they doing?" The answer was, "Swapping lies." - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you're perceived to be by others. - Edward L. Flom
The question, "Who ought to be boss?" is like asking "Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?" Obviously, the man who can sing tenor. - Henry Ford
Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone. - Abhijit Naskar
I'm half way to Heaven and half way to Hell with each breath I take in this mortal shell. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Someone burns your beloved scripture in front of you, yet you are not bothered even the slightest bit. That's when you know, you have achieved divinity. - Abhijit Naskar
And we ask ourselves, if there is a God, how can this happen? Better to ask, if there is a God... must it be sane? - Lucien LaCroix
The historian's rightful task is to distil experience as a medicinal warning for the future generations, not to distil a drug. - B.H. Liddell Hart
Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one bothered to ask.
A humble learner of today becomes a strong leader of tomorrow. - Abhijit Naskar
When I have flash backs from PTSD I wish my mind came with a delete key. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Want to do something noble and courageous while you're on this Earth treat the mentally ill like they have some worth. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Start small and keep going. - Abhijit Naskar
Knowing your purpose on earth is simple, but the task here is to bring about the success of your destiny. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22) - Matthew Bible
Ask counsel of both times-of the ancient time what is best, and of the latter time what is fittest. - Sir Francis Bacon
If I were asked to define Motherhood. I would have defined it as Love in its purest form. Unconditional Love. ~~ - Revathi Sankaran
Be a critical thinker too sometimes. Look in to your heart and give your self permission to ask your mind and question the teachings that doesn't resonate with the wisdom of your soul. - Angie karan
Follow what you love!...Don't deign to ask what "they" are looking for out there. Ask what you have inside. Follow not your interests, which change, but what you are and what you love, which will and should not change.
Rich people don't elicit much sympathy.It is not about how to save, invest, spend, hide and give away money, but unmasking the true nature of money, how it works.Be the one to create the system that supports the kind of society we desire for ourselves and the future generation. - Prince Akwarandu
End the eternal battle of beliefs once and for all. If you are a believer, love your fellow non-believer for all the good things he or she has to offer. And if you are an atheist, then love your fellow believer for all the positivity he or she possesses. - Abhijit Naskar
Thank God I was hit by a truck. It seems that God was trying to get my attention for years but I was so stubborn it took knocking me square out of my body to see him for myself. Next time I will be way more specific when I ask for help to slow me down. - Monika Zands
When someone asks me what a song is about, it’s like, I feel like I might ruin it if you ask me that. I feel like I did my best to explain the song in the song on its own terms as a song. - Kyle Morton
I ask myself, who do i trust? Then i answered, No-one - donwayne
Rahasia itu, Nduk," kata Eyang lagi, "seperti kain lurik. Kita pakai di badan kita seperti ndak apa-apa di permukaan, tetapi hangatnya menyelimuti tubuh. Itu akan membuat kita ora tergantung kepada siapapun. Jangan mudah takut. - lasksmi pamuntjak
The toughest question has always been, "How do you get your ideas?" How do you answer that? It's like asking runners how they run, or singers how they sing. They just do it! - Lynn Johnston
She was asked, What do you see in him?Taken aback, she replied, What does he see in me?Others too wondered why she chose him not as handsome as the others, not one with a lot of possessions or even status, but little did they know, as little minds go, that she chose the one who wanted her most. - Donna Lynn Hope
Be the woman who falls so deeply in love with herself that nothing can stop her from loving all of life! - Erin Fall Haskell
Sometimes God asks us to take a step before he confirms the course. - Todd Stocker
We can get the task done without being paid. - Lailah Gifty Akita
...if you ask me whether or not I'm an atheist, I wouldn't even answer. I would first want an explanation of what it is that I'm supposed not to believe in, and I've never seen an explanation. - Noam Chomsky
To save your world you asked this man to die; Would this man, could he see you now, ask why? - W. H. Auden
Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit! - Mihail Bulhakov
To save face, it's better not to ask sex from the ex, but to give everything the axe. - Anthony Liccione
She asked me why I am not answering her questions. I looked at her with love and kept silent. Silence is my best answer for her intriguing questions. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes, you have to shot block a friend's prayer because she's asking God to bless an obviously bad dating relationship. - jonathon acuff
And by knowing what we fear, don't we know what we care about, how we are measuring our worth, what success looks like?" I asked. So isn't fear helpful, then? - Patti Digh
An individual who has in his mind that he can accomplish a certain task is far more likely to succeed than the individual that has it in his mind that he will fail. - Daniel Willey
To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age - Isaac Newton
Do you think people love having jobs, Sylvia asks Peter in because they offer a condoned but false responsibility that masks, for at least eight hours a day, true responsibility? - David Bajo
First know the Self and then talk of social reformation. - Abhijit Naskar
Aubrey - "Apparently she wears a black leather catsuit and a golden mask."Irene - "Any details on the mask?"Aubrey - "I think people are usually too busy looking at the black leather catsuit. - Genevieve Cogman
Belief is indeed psychologically important for the human mind of general population, but that belief should be nicely compatible with scientific reasoning, otherwise that belief turns into prejudice, which is never beneficial to the human life. - Abhijit Naskar
When I was a kid I loved wall paper it added a lot of fiber to my paint chips. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
There is no need to lose weight for some one because only those ask you to lose some weight who can not afford your likeings - Navjyot Kaur
Sometimes you should ask yourself if the world would be a better place without your existence, then you would know if you are on the right path or not. - Gugu Mona
The Bible is not religion, nor are the Vedas. The Torah is not religion, nor is the Quran, or any other scripture on earth. - Abhijit Naskar
Smatram da je jedan od najlakših načina ulaska na vrata Dženneta čistoća prsa prema muslimanima. - محمد حسين يعقوب
..mengoleksi itu seperti dahaga, dan memiliki satu buku lagi tidak memuaskan dahaga untuk memiliki buku lainnya. - Allison Hoover Bartlett
Do not ask, "Is is possible?" rather, "Is is worth what it will require of me to make it happen? - Toni Sorenson
You ever wake up in the morning and kiss the mirror and say "HELLO BEAUTIFUL" if not you have the wrong connection with your reflection. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Did we really come all that way?" She asked. "Time flies when you're scared out of your mind." He answered. - Nights Raven
you're quite wrong there, Collie. One does miss sex. The body has a life of it's own. We do miss what we haven't had, you and I. Biologically. Ask Sigmund Freud. It is revealed in dreams. The absent touch of warm limbs at night, the absent - Muriel Spark
People are afraid of change. Change is inevitable to life. Change actually has the mask of pushing us out of comfort zone. Every time we learn, go through life experiences our perception/Emotional chemistry is changing. Embrace change because we are becoming a more polished version of ourselves. - Matthew Donnelly
Ask God for what you desire. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Emancipation from suffering is your birthright. - Erin Fall Haskell
So much is asked of parents, and so little is given. - Virginia Satir
Opportunity arises when a seemingly impossible task is met with an improbable solution. - Jeffrey Fry
​The purpose of a scientist is not to present blunt facts to the people. It is to present the facts in a manner that's most suitable and beneficial for the whole humanity. - Abhijit Naskar
-What do you hate most? he asks.-A lie. And you?-Ownership, he says. When you leave me, forget me. - Michael Ondaatje
The romanticism of struggle is over. What remains are the utterly naked facts. The cult of personality and its collapse. Rethinking of everything. The masks are off (the mask of religion, the mask of heroism…). - Sonallah Ibrahim
There's one way to find out if a man is honest-ask him. If he says, "Yes," you know he is a crook. - Groucho Marx
There is no beast or beauty.There is no task or duty.There is only you. - Debasish Mridha
Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told anyone how I was being treated. Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. - Rudyard Kipling
It is only the man that has done his best that qualifies to ask for God’s protection and blessings. This message must return to our pulpit. - Sunday Adelaja
Today's my birthday On mans scale 53 is a life more than 1/2 over. On the infinite scale of an eternal being I am just a cell of life that has forever to go! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When I was twenty-something, I asked my father, When did you start feeling like a grownup? His response: Never. - Shannon Celebi
If you don’t act now, the day is not far, that this beautiful planet of yours, which you call home, shall be turned into a dry barren wasteland by the blood-sucking fundamentalists. - Abhijit Naskar
I ask of literature precisely those things of which I feel the lack in my own life. - James Branch Cabell
People keep asking "Jacob or Edward?" when the really important question is "Diamond Dave or Sammy? - Ysabeau S. Wilce
Without asking anybody’s advice I turned myself insane sitting under the same sun and the same clouds. - Suman Pokhrel
The fastest and easiest way to accomplish any task is to do it with minimum breaks and pauses. - Amit Kalantri
It is the storyteller's task to elicit sympathy and a measure of understanding for those who lie outside the boundaries of State approval. - Graham Greene
When it comes to texting the power of you thumbs compel you - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. - Phillips Brooks
Everywhere I go, I am asked if I think university stifles writers. My opinion is that it doesn't stifle enough of them. - Flannery O'Connor
Never be afraid to ask. The worst you'll get is 'No' but maybe you'll get a 'Yes'. - Roxanna Groceman-Borthick-Stockwell
If you ask me what remains to be known in the future, I’ll say, ‘Memorize all the world’s encyclopedias.’ Once you do that, forget all that fancy junk and rake the leaves else I’m gonna take a stick to you, boy. - M.C. Humphreys
I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her. - Ellen DeGeneres
People ask for criticism, but they only want praise. - W. Somerset Maugham
Pathology can indeed cause experiences of the Kingdom of God, but not all God experiences are caused by pathology. - Abhijit Naskar
When Mother Nature speaks, even the Gods hold silence. - Abhijit Naskar
Your teacher might be a child who takes you by the hand and asks you a question that you hadn't considered before, and your answer to the child is your answer to yourself. - Wayne W. Dyer
You’re asking me? The Whack-O from loony town! she snapped at him. - Beth Bares
To love life is to love all of it. - Erin Fall Haskell
don't believe on anything that someone asked you to believe in when in the first place they don't believe in. - Jinnul Jr.
I ask not for any crownBut that which all may win;Nor try to conquer any worldExcept the one within. - Louisa May Alcott
​Soul neither comes from somewhere, nor does it go somewhere. - Abhijit Naskar
Total Enlightenment is 'Vision without Purpose'. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When in trouble, run to God. When in pain, dwell in His presence. When you don't know what to say or do, ask God and for every moment praise God. He is always by your side! - Gift Gugu Mona
When I meet a man I ask myself, 'Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?' - Rita Rudner
It is our task in our time and in our generation to hand down undiminished to those who come after us, as was handed down to us by those who went before, the natural wealth and beauty which is ours. - John F. Kennedy
Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water. - Alison Gopnik
A Spiritual Samaritan lives knowing that if we were to leave this world tomorrow, we were the best humans we could be and we touched the lives of as many souls as possible. We are not asked to be perfect. We are asked to make a difference. - Molly Friedenfeld
If I ask a woman if she has suffered sexual harassment, could this be considered sexual harassment?
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "compared to what?" - Sydney J. Harris
When people ask me how I am I tell them......"I'm present - Matthew Donnelly
All of a sudden, we’ve lost a lot of control,’ he said. ‘We can’t turn off our internet; we can’t turn off our smartphones; we can’t turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it’s not God… - Steve Wozniak
How do you start you ask? You start by starting. - Rick Ward
I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced, vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open. - Dean Ornish
When a person asks a queer person why they like the things they do, you can't help but think that it's a little rude for them to be asking, because there is no answer, we were just born that way. Just like straight people, you were born the way you were born. So leave it. - Mekiah Johnson
It is the task of radical thought, since the world is given to us in unintelligibility, to make it more unintelligible, more enigmatic, more fabulous. - Jean Baudrillard
What are you good at?" asked the owner."Going after what I believe in." That was the only possible reply; she had spent her life in pursuit of what she believed in. The only problem was that she believed in something different everyday. - Paulo Coelho
Only he who asks the question, will be able to hear the answer. - Ali Ezzat Bigovich
Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfill his destiny. - Paul Tillich
Aren't I enough for you?' she asked.'No,' he said. 'You are enough for me, as far as a woman is concerned. You are all women to me. But I wanted a man friend, as eternal as you and I are eternal.'(Women in Love) - D.H. Lawrence
Ask very little but ask of everyone. - Michael Lerman
Do little things now; so shall big things come to thee by and by asking to be done.
I'd ask [God] why he keeps trying to kill us all with disease, pestilence, and natural disasters. I'd ask why 99% of all species there ever were are now extinct -- if God works in mysterious ways, that way is mysteriously genocidal. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Before reacting to any conflicting situation in life. Ask yourself a simple question: "You want to be happy or you want to be right? - Aditya Ajmera
Progress belongs to the Askers; the smarter the question, the lesser the guessing. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Behavior speaks... When you need money, the church tells you to pray. When the church needs money, they pass around a basket. - Steve Maraboli
I am always a perfect gentleman. If you ever want me to not be a perfect gentlemen, you’ll have to ask and not be crying when you do. - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
When I played Lady Day, I took Aba onstage with me as a joke. He started singing—in tune!—and the audience loved it., when asked what tricks her poodle did. - Eartha Kitt
Why do people always expect authors to answer questions? I am an author because I want to ask questions. If I had answers, I'd be a politician. - Eugène Ionesco
Has it tortured you as much as it's tortured me?" He asked. "Don't call it torture when it's self-inflicted. You always have a choice. - Donna Lynn Hope
Despise no new accident in your body, but ask opinion of it… There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic. A man’s observation, what he finds good and of what he finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health. - Francis Bacon
Blazing? Droplets of thoughts can soothe it all. Don't feel depleted. Bask in the residue. That remains! - Deeba Salim Irfan
The text-book is rare that stimulates its reader to ask, Why is this so? Or, How does this connect with what has been read elsewhere? - J. Norman Collie
Anyone who is considered funny will tell you, sometimes without even your asking, that deep inside they are very serious, neurotic, introspective people. - Wendy Wasserstein
and if i asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself? - Anonymous
Every scientific fulfillment raises new questions; it asks to be surpassed and outdated.
I had a million questions to ask life, and they were all answered by one word: love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The creative person basically has two kinds of jobs: One is the sexy, creative kind. Second is the kind that pays the bills. Sometimes the task in hand covers both bases, but not often. This tense duality will always play center stage. It will never be transcended. - Hugh Macleod
If you ask too many questions, you will find no answers, only more questions. - Monica Fairview
A true writer is someone the gods have called to the task. - Robert Louis Stevenson
When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to hear '27 months.' 'He's two' will do just fine. He's not a cheese. And I didn't really care in the first place. - George Carlin
The world needs the kind of education by means of which character is formed, strength of the mind is increased and the human intellect is expanded beyond its own limits. - Abhijit Naskar
Biologically speaking, you are the child of Mother Nature, and neurologically speaking, you are the heirs of immortal bliss. - Abhijit Naskar
People will ask you the question 'how is life treating you?' But my question is 'how are you treating life?' On that your happiness rests - Rasheed Ogunlaru
He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas. - A. Lee Martinez
The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge. - Abhijit Naskar
Horror is the removal of masks. - Robert Bloch
The new world will be a place of answers and no questions, because the only questions left will be answered by computers, because only computers will know what to ask - James Cameron
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. - John Lennon
I only know everything if you ask the right questions. - Doc Coleman
Well, first I would ask them if they had read the Bible; then I would ask them if they had understood it. - Jürgen Moltmann
Know how to ask. There is nothing more difficult for some people, nor for others, easier. - Baltasar Gracian
Religion, as it is generally taught all over the world, is said to be based upon faith and belief, and, in most cases, consists only of different sets of theories, and that is the reason why we find all religions quarrelling with one another. - Abhijit Naskar
If the father cannot, the son will finish the task. - Idries Shah
Every human being has divinity encased within its spirit and it is the task of its creator as well as itself to set it free. No human being is an end product, every being still breathing is a creation still under creation. - Toni Sorenson
God's people are the stage upon which His forgiveness becomes visible. They are never more authentic than when they ask for forgiveness and forgive others. - Matt Chandler
That's the thing about being a former fat camp champ: when asked if I'd change my past if I could, I always answer no. The pain of being an overweight kid, the humiliation, make you think twice before ever cutting anyone else down. - Stephanie Klein
You can’t spend your whole life holding the door open for people and then being angry they didn’t thank you. Nobody asked you to hold the fucking door - Unknonwn
The Owl goes who, who, the Dove goes coo, coo, humans go you! You! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I come from a long line of body snatchers, probably the top-notch body snatchers in America. No make that the world. Some people might think it's gross digging up bones or corpses, but who asked them? It's no big deal, but then I've been doing it since I got out of diapers. - Minda Webber
No Scripture comes from any Supreme Creator. - Abhijit Naskar
Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time. - Terry Pratchett
Before people complain of the obscurity of modern poetry, they should first examine their consciences and ask themselves with how many people and on how many occasions they have genuinely and profoundly shared some experience with another. - W.H. Auden
I'm going to enjoy this.What? I asked. Hell? - J.X. Burros
There was no telling what people might find out once they felt free to ask whatever questions they wanted to. - Joseph Heller
​Blind faith may be healthy for the individual mind, but it is not religion. - Abhijit Naskar
The weakness was the first feature, the other what will do if I was this character? One of the best questions ever I have asked, it's one great from it comes another and another... - Deyth Banger
Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. - Thomas Paine
All are one unless and until they are asked to work together to achieve a noble goal one. - Anuj Somany
Ten minutes of meditation a day, keeps the psychiatrist away. - Abhijit Naskar
When a woman didn't enjoy it, she leaves early in the morning. Those who had a nice time will wait until the sun comes out, requests breakfast and taxi money. In the morning that lady requested breakfast and taxi money. You don't ask for taxi money from somebody who raped you. - Julius Malema
To the extent to which your consciousness is limited or expanded, is the extent to which you experience being divided or divine. - Erin Fal Haskell
What I'm asking you to entertain is that there is nothing we need to believe on insufficient evidence in order to have deeply ethical and spiritual lives. - Sam Harris
Have a dream or vision? Keep striving toward it, never give up on it, pray about it and ask God to bless it. And no matter who doesn't believe or understand it, it's because it’s not for them, it's for YOU. - Pauline Seaport
Before you make a decision, ask yourself this question: will you regret the results or rejoice in them? - Rob Liano
You will never get the same from people you expect, Better ask to god he will give you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything - Paul karan
Each day I wake up with a naive perspective of life and universe, and walk towards understanding a little more about the true nature of human perception with all its vivacious nuances and behavioral expressions. - Abhijit Naskar
Ask a true scientist a very profound question on his science, and he will besilent. Ask a true religious person a very simple question on his religion, and he will be frenzied. - Kedar Joshi
To create a free society is not to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all people to abandon aggression, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that aggression is ever legitimate. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Golden Arches' are the gateway to the afterlife. - Gasmaskman
Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.
Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive... then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
I'm starting with the man in the mirror,I'm asking him to change his ways;And no message could have been any clearer,If you wanna make the world a better place,Take a look at yourself, and then make a change! - Michael Jackson
Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Why me?", then a voice answers "Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up. - Charles M. Schulz
A great many people have come up to me and asked how I manage to get so much work done and still keep looking so dissipated. - Robert Benchley
You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. - Franz Kafka
A handful of lion-hearts can wake the whole world up. - Abhijit Naskar
I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks. - Sarah Grimké
To imbibe so much quiet is to become the music inside it. - Aditya Bhaskara
I stood in the isle thinking about my future, while the man next to me complained, but when I asked him what his dream was he never answered. - James Jean-Pierre
Be the woman who is remembered for living life to its fullest! - Erin Fall Haskell
This has always bothered me. If "Change" is the only constant how can we have absolutes? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The best thing you can ever have is peace of mind, it is a basking fire to keep a cold heart in warmth, and a fortified confidence to be proud of. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Not asking questions: Giving up on your dreams: Settling for less than you deserve causes you pain, a pain owned by the majority. Be among the few who are inquisitive, forge plans to chase their dreams and take intentional action to live the life aligned with their potential. - Tony Curl
Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not. - George Bernard Shaw
People wears a mask of lie so they look attractive , so be careful - Muhammad Saqib
If we defy the odds and ask, GOD will defy the odds and answer. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. - Joseph Conrad
Ask me no reason why I love you; for though Love use Reason for his physician, he admits him not for his counsellor. - William Shakespeare
During each encounter, ask yourself: How does this incident bring greater awareness into my life? - Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy
PTSD in its rawest form is a death sentence which causes many veterans and others to execute themselves in hope to be free. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A Writer is Actor, Creator, Director & Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything. - Nirav Sanchaniya
Since the future is unknown, nobody can really know where he is going! When asked, tell them you know not where you are going! You can only say where you wish to go! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Many people in this world want you to follow them blindly, no questions asked , they wanna control your fate, your heart, soul & thoughts, I tell you...Follow your heart , listen to what it has to say . - sami abouzid
Master: When a human being asks 'WHO AM I?', the honest answer is eternal silence.Disciple: Do we make noise to feel that silence, Master? - Saurabh Sharma
You said, 'They’re harmless dreamers and they’re loved by the people.' 'What,' I asked you, 'is harmless about a dreamer, and what,' I asked you, 'is harmless about the love of the people? Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams. - Tennessee Williams
The task of the artist today is to defend feeling against the machine. - Marty Rubin
Harmony and Peace do not rise from any church, temple, mosque or synagogue. They can only rise from individual human conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
Moose are the squirrels of Alaska. - Tim Moon
It is raining in my heart.Humanity is shedding a tear.I asked, Who is suffering?Is it my mother?Silence.No answer.Everyone has a mother,And she always suffers.Why as a child do we let our mothers suffer?I could not get an answer. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
I'm not here to win the rat race of materialism. I am here to experience the depths of my soul in form. - Erin Fall Haskell
Questions are places in your mind where answers fit. If you haven't asked the question, the answer has nowhere to go. - Clay Christensen
After all, when you come across the word prothalamium and find it means a preliminary nuptial song and a yaffle is a green woodpecker-well, I ask you! You cannot let matters rest there-or can you? Peradventure you will develop into lexicomaniacs. - E. Norman Torry
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph. - Shirley Temple
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. - Chinese Proverb
We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us. - Stephen Covey
A Christian must worship the Self as Christ, not Christ as Christ. A Muslim must worship the Self as Mohammed, not Mohammed as Mohammed. A Hindu must worship the Self as Krishna, not Krishna as Krishna. - Abhijit Naskar
In school one learns to ask stupid questions of life. - Marty Rubin
Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress. - Kiera Cass
Occasionally during the day, ask yourself: "How am I doing today and what can I do to do a better job? - Mark F. LaMoure
I often find human behavior amusing. Like having a full refrigerator of food to eat yet buying fast food instead. If you learn to conquer the two big "N" words. Niceties vs Necessities. You might actually have some funds for the hard times that come. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
... Gunpei Yokoi, asked his boss, 'What should I make?' Nintendo chief executive Hiroshi Yamauchi replied, 'Something great.'Game Over Nintendo's Battle to Dominate Videogames - David Sheff
The historian, on the contrary, cannot experiment and can rarely observe. Instead, the historian has to collect his own evidence, knowing, all the while, that some of it is useless and much of it unreliable." -Professor Charles Homer Haskins - Jill Lepore
We must not just be in the world and above the world, but also of the world. To love it for what it is... is the only task. Avoid it and you are lost. Loose yourself in it, and you are free. - Henry Miller
Every reader can live One Thousand and One Lives; every fiction author can have One Thousand and One Masks, and their talent can have One Thousand and One Facets. - Lara Biyuts
These Days, Keeping Anything "Simple" Is The Most "Complex" Task To Do.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that. - George Carlin
Anytime you feel like you don't have any work to do, just look around. Look for what God had started doing and ask for his permission to assist him in doing it. - Israelmore Ayivor
God always has a reason for what you are asked to endure. - Jim George
A call to embrace democracy is the worst insult to a society that is still alien to civilisation. It is like being asked to dance to the tune of mob justice. - Newton Gatambia
He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions. - Confucius
The task of the artist at any time is uncompromisingly simple to discover what has not yet been done, and to do it. - Craig Raine
Most of the modern human society has nearly lost the faculty of observing the internal mechanism. - Abhijit Naskar
It is our duty and our joy to communicate our hearts to each other. Words assist us in this task. - Kate DiCamillo
Lest I keep my complacent way I must remember somewhere out there a person died for me today. As long as there must be war, I ask and I must answer was I worth dying for? - Eleanor Roosevelt
More times than I can remember I look around and I ask why the hole I’m in looks so strangely familiar. Probably because it looks a whole lot like all the other ones I dug before I got around to digging this one. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If words allow themselves to be handled, it is with the help of infinite carefulness. One has to welcome them, listen to the, before asking any service of them. Words are living things closely involved with human life. - Paul Nougé
When we want a man to do something for us, we are asking for his investment and commitment- however big/small....Show our commitment first by doing something to add value to the relationship. Something he perceives as value. - Renee Wade
A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing. - Joey Adams
Be inquisitive. Open your eyes, open your minds to things you don't necessarily know even exist. I think that's an important part of learning and growing. The more [you]'re willing to ask, the more {you}'re going to get out of it. - Jay Rinaldi
In reality, though, the first thing to ask of history is that it should pointout to us the paths of liberty. The great lesson to draw from revolutions isnot that they devour humanity but rather that tyranny never fails to generatethem. - Pierre Trudeau
Don't ask me what it means; ask me what it felt. - Jill Telford
OFFENSIVE, adj. Generating disagreeable emotions or sensations, as the advance of an army against its enemy. "Were the enemy's tactics offensive?" the king asked. "I should say so!" replied the unsuccessful general. "The blackguard wouldn't come out of his works!" - Ambrose Bierce
Cowardice asks: Is it safe? Expediency asks: Is it politic? But Conscience asks: Is it right? - William Punshon
Immortality is the new twenty! - Erin Fall Haskell
A journey of 1000 miles starts with asking God for guidance & protection... 'a single step' is secondary! - Mwirigi LG
I don't know, and have no intention of finding out. IQ is like dick size - if you have to measure, you're way too invested in it. And both are gauche to discuss in polite company. (Upon being asked his IQ on Quora) - Adrian Lamo
If you have more cavities than you have teeth you've led a 'Sweet' life. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Their lips were too thin to ask forgiveness, and their minds too mean to understand love. - Jane Yolen
There is no God besides the Self. One who knows the Self, knows God. - Abhijit Naskar
Loving someone isn’t a hard task, it’s not a chore, you don’t wake up one day and decide to break their heart because you got all hot and bothered, that doesn’t happen! he boomed. - Holly Hood
When you're lost, admit it, and ask for directions. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Worrying is like praying for crap! - Erin Fall Haskell
To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery. - John Churton Collins
Give neither advice nor salt, until you are asked for it. - English Proverb
An employee made a mistake that cost the company $10 million, he walked into the office of Tom Watson, the C.E.O., expecting to get fired. Fire you? Mr. Watson asked. I just spent $10 million educating you. - Adam Grant
You may be biggest coward & looser of the world if you can't even ask for the things that you need the MOST & want it anyway. - Ridhdhesh Jivawala
I wish every day could be Halloween. We could all wear masks all the time. Then we could walk around and get to know each other before we got to see what we looked like under the masks. - R.J. Palacio
You'd be surprised how difficult it is to ask alms of a stranger when you've never done it before, what a psychological barrier separates the honest man from the panhandler. ("Dusk To Dawn") - Cornell Woolrich
The more we thank God, the less we ask of him. - Ron Brackin
I followed her into the library. The pale light from our chamber below dissipated in the room, but I could still make out my heart leapt at the sight row after row, shelf above shelf, floor to ceiling, a city of books. Speck turned to me and asked, Now, what shall we read first? - Keith Donohue
You know that things aren't going well for you when you can't even tell people the simplest fact about your life, just because they'll presume you're asking them to feel sorry for you. - Nick Hornby
(When asked what he thought of Western civilization): 'I think it would be a good idea. - Mahatma Gandhi
What I hate??? You ask me??? Go and fuck off... You are asking from what am I afraid??? ... For cry it on loud... - Deyth Banger
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live. It is asking other people to live as one wishes to live. - Oscar Wilde
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions" Discard 2 - Lois Charles
In order to attain extraordinary greatness, first you need to be drowned in the deepest fathoms of helplessness, misery and heartache. - Abhijit Naskar
He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it. - Dante Alighieri
The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. - Mark Twain
The distance between what you know and don't is your mission.The distance between what you do and should is your task.The distance between what you say and ought is your responsibility.The distance between who you are and should be is your assignment. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I think war is a crime. If you don't believe me, ask the infantry, ask the dead. - Michael McCormick (Vietnam Veteran)
A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check. He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off? - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Darling, don't be silly, your whole future is ahead of you. All you have to do is go out there and ask for a part- something small and reasonable just to start with. From there, no one can stop you. Don't feel bad about anything you've done, and for God's sake, have fun. - Anna Godbersen
You can easily miss out on the joy of today by worrying about the what if’s of tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so bask in the joy of the day and tomorrows what if’s will take care of themselves. - DeWayne Owens
You ask why I love you. For this: You are a minute of quiet in a loud shouting world. - Gabriel Gadfly
When man meets himself upon the reflexion of the mirror, it is always advisable to ask the question "Who are you?". If an unsatisfactory answer comes forth, then one must delve into the far reaches of Self and understand why he failed to answer this simple, yet transcending question. - Pablo Andrés Wunderlich Padilla
When Roseanne read the first script of mine that got into her hands without being edited by someone else she said, 'How can you write a middle-aged woman this well?' I said, 'If you met my mom you wouldn't ask'. - Joss Whedon
​Belief is exclusively a matter of personal domain. It has nothing to do with reality. - Abhijit Naskar
Every relationship that has hit a crossroads has asked, What is it that you want from me? - Shannon L. Alder
Science fiction is very well suited to asking philosophical questions; questions about the nature of reality, what it means to be human, how do we know the things that we think we know. - Ted Chiang
If I give you and apple and ask you, What is that?You reply, An apple.How do you know it’s an apple.Because it just is.How did it get to be an apple?It came form an apple.Exactly. So when I ask you, ‘What are you?’ You can honestly say, ‘I am a child of God because I came from God. - Toni Sorenson
Some Churches are heated and cooled 365 days a year. As homeless soldiers lay in alleys and bushes quite near. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I don't mean to pry, but saving people is my calling. Yours vigilantly, The Masked Avenger - Craig Silvey
Ask any dreamer, it's not an easy road, But to them; they never questioned, what they'd always known. - Nikki Rowe
Carrying the weight of a conditioned mind leaves little opportunity for the questions you should be asking. - RJ Clawson
We have come to a point in time where using common sense, speaking factual truths and asking honest questions have been deemed radical behavior. While in turn, manipulation, thoughtlessness and dishonesty is often rewarded and rules the day. - Gary Hopkins
A library is more precious than a bank. - Abhijit Naskar
Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something, and it is only such love that can know freedom. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
People say to me so often, 'Jane how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem peaceful,' and I always answer that it is the peace of the forest that I carry inside. - Jane Goodall
People want to know how I know so much. But trueth is .Inlife I have asked more questions than the answers I gave. Its good to ask when you dont know something. Than to assume you know to find you dont know anything. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
140 karakter kali 10 twit per hari, kalikan lagi seminggu. Sudah berapa halaman naskah yang kau dapatkan, Duhai? - Ali Zaenal
If you ask what's your problem, most people won't be able to tell, yet they live miserable lives. - Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
Never follow anybody who hasn't asked "why". - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Mankind, not womankind, has slaughtered more humans in the name of God and Religion than for any other reason. - Abhijit Naskar
To get thine ends, lay bashfulness aside; Who fears to ask, doth teach to be deny'd. - Robert Herrick
I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand
It is not through fighting the opposition that will win you dignity. It is when you fight the fear in yourself that asks you why you don't feel you have it, regardless if you win or lose. - Shannon L. Alder
Loyalty, trust, we both know those don’t exist toward others in our world. We prize ourselves above all others. To deny that would make you the biggest liar there is." - Marko Delacroix - Alaska Angleini (Lure (Marko Delacroix series))
She knows there are traps everywhere that can make her cry, she knows the way she dies a little every time someone asks her for change and she doesn't give it to them means that she's too soft for this world or perhaps just for this city, she feels so small here. - Emily St. John Mandel
Someone had given my daughter a doctor's kit. Carefully, she takes her own temperature, places the pressure cuff around her arm. Then she takes the cuff off and examines it. "Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up?" I ask her. She looks at me oddly. "I'm already a doctor," she says. - Jenny Offill
What's up?" [asked Ford.]"I don't know," said Marvin, "I've never been there. - Douglas Adams
A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: 1. What am I trying to say? 2. What words will express it? 3. What image or idiom will make it clearer? 4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? - George Orwell
Dare to contradict the scientist, not because of your scripture, but because of your own rational thinking. - Abhijit Naskar
To ask for advice is in nine cases out of ten to ask for flattery. - John Churton Collins
Getting straight with your money is as complicated as a trip to the grocery store:You need a comparison shop, add and subtract, stick with a plan, and ask questions- nothing more. - Elizabeth Warren
We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain. - Charles Bukowski
Watch an Ant, Watch the bees, feel wind move the leaves. Touch your smile above your chin from the glorious world we all live in. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, "Certainly I can!" - and get busy and find out how to do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
When solving a "panic" you must first ask yourself what you were doing that could possibly frighten an operating system.
I have confidence that my prayers are answered because I sought God's will before I asked. - Davin Whitehurst
I am an Author a person who plays with words so they can dance in the minds of others - Stanley Victor Paskavci
Once the lotus of your inner divinity gets full-blown and you reach the mental state where all the religious giants of human history experienced the all-encompassing sense of godliness, the exuberance of the human mind turns infinite. - Abhijit Naskar
when they asked me : why you still you use this old photo?my answer : photo? it's not a simple photo, it's a cover of a book that i can remember his story, page by page. - Nabil TOUSSI
The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul.
No Bible, Quran or Veda can give you religion. - Abhijit Naskar
When things don’t add up, either you don’t have a calculator or you forgot to use commonsense by simply asking. - Shannon L. Alder
Every man is subconsciously promiscuous, but it is the conscious mind that keeps those primordial urges in check. A healthy brain creates a healthy mind, which keeps your relationship strong, safe and healthy. - Abhijit Naskar
​Many times your emotional feel-good state or frustrated state is woven into dreams with the use of picture-metaphors. - Abhijit Naskar
Indoctrination is dangerous. - Abhijit Naskar
It will always be foolish to ask a cheater if they would ever cheat on you. - Dennis Adonis
I asked my publisher what would happen if he sold all the copies of my book he'd printed. He said "I'll just print another ten. - Eric Sykes
For he who sees a need but waits to be asked is already set on cruel refusal. - Dante Alighieri
God will answer you prayers better than you think. Of course, one will not always get exactly what he has asked for....We all have sorrows and disappointments, but one must never forget that, if commended to God, they will issue in good....His own solution is far better than any we could conceive. - Fanny J. Crosby
The whole hard work in achieving any goal is not in the means of achieving greater heights, but in the courage in fulfilling the simple yet daunting tasks. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Unless people are convinced about what you are asking them to do, they are not going to make it happen. - Ravi Kant
Nothing surely is as potent as a law that may not be disobeyed. It has the force of the water drop that hollows the stone. A small dainty task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules. - Anthony Trollope
Experience, derived from scientific investigation, led to all the scientific literature in history. Likewise, experience, derived from religious transcendence, led to all the religious scriptures in history. It's never the other way around. - Abhijit Naskar
Nimewapa watoto wangu kila kitu katika maisha isipokuwa umaskini. Lakini bado wamenishinda. - Enock Maregesi
Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139 - Hugh Howey
Two questions form the foundation of all novels: "What if?" and "What next?" (A third question, "What now?", is one the author asks himself every 10 minutes or so; but it's more a cry than a question.) Every novel begins with the speculative question, What if "X" happened? That's how you start. - Tom Clancy
Spirituality is to Religion, what Love is to Marriage. Spirituality is an emotional state of the mind, just like Love, while Religion on the other hand, is a social construct, quite like Marriage. - Abhijit Naskar
Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed--Ask for more strenght! - Sheng-yen
With every step you take ask yourself, what do I really want? - Unarine Ramaru
​Pass on bravery and wisdom to the future generations, not some ragged traditions and baseless cowardice. - Abhijit Naskar
Please don't ask me to remember things that are going on around me... I have a dozen other lives I do that for every day in my head. - Jennifer Byars
All words are masks and the lovelier they are, the more they are meant to conceal. - Steven Millhauser
Love should mean, never having to ask, "Do You Love Me"? - Cory Stallworth
One who knows the Self, knows God. - Abhijit Naskar
If only one generation takes action in raising their children as humans, rather than raising boys and girls, the future human civilization shall get rid of the sinister phenomenon of misogyny sooner than you can imagine. - Abhijit Naskar
As a teacher, his task was not to make policy but to follow the policy made by the Department. - Earl Lovelace
Don't ask me what it means; ask me how it felt. - Jill Telford
Instead of asking why they left,now I ask,what beauty will I createin the space the no longeroccupy? - Rudy Francisco
Instead of others, ask yourself, Are you really okay? Check on yourself like this and do a warm Goodnight to yourself. - Jang Jae Yeol, Its Okay That’s Love
I was asked once why I write poetry. I said, why do you breath? - Shannon Lynette
Man has made some machines that can answer questions provided the facts are profusely stored in them, but we will never be able to make a machine that will ask questions. The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer. - Thomas J. Watson
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams. - Og Mandino
If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before. - J. Loren Norris
you ask me a question I'll give you an answer…but don't look at me when I say something you don't want to hear. - Turcois Ominek
If Molly had not been so entirely loyal to her friend, she might havethought this constant brilliancy a little tiresome when brought intoevery-day life; it was not the sunshiny rest of a placid lake, it wasrather the glitter of the pieces of a broken mirror, which confusesand bewilders. - Elizabeth Gaskell
like all other living creatures, I am the descendant of survivors, so the fear in my head is the voice of my ancestors whispering their accumulated wisdom. - David George Haskell
When people ask me what it is that I want to achieve in life, I always tell them that I want to be able to make positive change in spite of all the issues that the world faces today. - Omar Al Busaidy
When someone is hurt andwe hear ourselves saying"I don't understand, why"PAUSEAt the pause, ask "What am I missing here ?"At the pause, stop judging, stop reacting,get curious and believe their hurt stateAt the pause, tap into their heart and mind.Now see how this pause transforms the conversation. - Wordions
Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks. - Isaac Watts
When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves he is not a man of action. Action is a lack of balance. In order to act you must be somewhat insane. A reasonably sensible man is satisfied with thinking. - Georges Clemenceau
I asked, how is knowledge found? 'You must learn how to read, little sister,' he said. - David Mitchell
Heri kuwa maskini kwa miaka mingi duniani na kuwa tajiri wa milele mbinguni kuliko kuwa tajiri kwa miaka mingi duniani na kuwa maskini wa milele ahera. - Enock Maregesi
God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew what was happening, and what Mystery, transformation, God and Grace will eventually ask of us, we would either try to take charge or stop the whole process. - San Juan de la Cruz
Who were these people, these specially selected tenants? They were mothers and fathers and children. A dressmaker, a secretary, an inventor, a doctor, a judge. And, oh yes, one was a bookie, one was a burglar, one was a bomber, and one was a mistake. - Ellen Raskin
When someone hurts you over and over, ask yourself, WHY DO YOU LET THEM? - Karen Gibbs
How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? - John Kerry
Cinta itu sejatinya membebaskan. Bukan memenjarakan. - Abdul Rakan
You’ll feel afraid at times. You’ll feel weak at times. But remember, fear and weakness are not your enemies. They are forms of evolutionary wisdom in the face of danger. Take some time to assess the situation and shake the weakness and fear off your limbic system. - Abhijit Naskar
he philosophy of Islam will be shown in terms of the modern philosophy, and if there are imperfections in the old ideas then they shall be removed. My task is merely constructive, and in this construction I shall take into consideration the best traditions of Islamic philosophy. - Muhammad Iqbal
Sorry, am I being rude?" she asks."I'm used to saying whatever is on my mind. Mom used to say that politeness is deception in pretty packaging - Veronica Roth
The only certainties in life are time and change. The question you must ask yourself: is now the time to change? - Doug Pedersen
When did you stop caring? he asked.When did you start noticing? she replied. - Lang Leav
Desire, ask, believe, receive. - Stella Terrill Mann
Ask the poor. They'll tell you who the christians are. - Mahatma Gandhi
Kalo gue bener-bener mencintai lo, gue juga harus belajar melepaskan lo.... - Good Fight - Christian Simamora
Regardless of all our pretenses, deep within, we are still unconsciously the same old cave-people. - Abhijit Naskar
The author of true, real and rare wisdom is God; ask Him! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When you're a writer, the question people always ask you is, "Where do you get your ideas?" Writers hate this question. It's like asking Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen, "Where do you get your leeches?" You don't get ideas. Ideas get you. - Connie Willis
She had a flower tattoo on her wrist; "What does that mean?" he asked her. "Absolutely nothing," she said, "it's just a flower. - C. JoyBell C.
No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.
Ask questions from your heart and you will be answered from the heart. - Omaha Proverb
God is not an Almighty Being watching over life on earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness. - Abhijit Naskar
How could I ask for a better friend? Someone who gives me a backup plan. Instead of someone who makes me the backup plan. - Sarah Mylnowski
Real religion begins where the tiny cocoons of belief systems end. - Abhijit Naskar
I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. - Jackie Robinson
Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense. - Arnold Bennett
What-what do you want?" Annabeth asked, trying to maintain a tone of confidence.The voice cackled maliciously.'To curse you, of course! To destroy you thousand times in the name of Mother Night!'"Only a thousand times?" Percy murmured. "Oh, good...I thought we were in trouble. - Rick Riordan
The young, free to act on their initiative, can lead their elders in the direction of the unknown... The children, the young, must ask the questions that we would never think to ask, but enough trust must be re-established so that the elders will be permitted to work with them on the answers. - Margaret Mead
I've heard many say "I'll sell my soul to the Devil"in hopes of gaining money, power or fame.Why do they think that they have that much worth over any other person?And the Devil if there is one wouldn't simply wait for them to condemn themselves on their own - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. - C.S. Lewis
The highest creed is Universal Acceptance. - Abhijit Naskar
If you knew the power within yourself to be truly happy, to be truly whole, then you would never ask another to become the image you desire for yourself, in order to be happy and whole. - Stephen Richards
Be inquisitive. Open your eyes, open your minds to things you don't necessarily know even exist. I think that's an important part of learning and growing. The more [you]'re willing to ask, the more [you]'re going to get out of it. - Jay Rinaldi
Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask 'how', while others of a more curious nature will ask 'why'. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information. - Man Ray
The existence of true religion is predicated on the practice of goodness. Goodness is Godliness. There is nothing else. Religion lies in practice, not in bookish theories. - Abhijit Naskar
Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions. - Primo Levi
There is not such thing as false or real hope. Hope is the brain's natural mood stabilizer. And an illusory friend that gives hope and eases the struggle of one's daily life, is much better than all the living friends who just ain't bothered. - Abhijit Naskar
A child fish asks mother fish, 'Mother, why cannot we live on the Earth?' Mother fish replied, 'Dear… it is not the place for fish, it is the place for selfish - Santosh Kalwar
Maskini ana mawazo ya kupata pesa bila kufanya kazi. Tajiri ana mawazo ya kupata pesa kwa kufanya kazi. - Enock Maregesi
Scientific understanding of nature, doesn't make a person religious or atheist. I​t makes a person liberated of all labels. Moreover it makes a person kind and understanding. - Abhijit Naskar
And the person who says that the only way to please them is to restrict options for others is, if you ask me, the one who deserves it least. And that’s my opinion, expressed as politely as possible. - David Gaider
Our task is not multiplying the number of our church members but making people happy - Sunday Adelaja
Only until all human beings begin to recognize themselves as human beings will prejudice be gone forever. People ask me what race I am, but there is no such thing as race. I just answer: "I’m a member of the human race. - Amelia Boynton Robinson
Ask many questions. Life is a learning process. You are learner. Seek answers to the puzzles of your life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The highest wisdom is to know that you know nothing. - Abhijit Naskar
It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready. - Sarah Kay
Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes. - Randy K. Milholland
Power does not ask permission.Power does not take permission.Power does not need permission. - Amit Kalantri
People do not change. It is just that they change the masks they wear and the acts they put on, with new costumes, new dialogues and new settings.That is human nature. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
You are asking me questions I cannot answer. All I ask is that you do not fear Avanti’s judgement and that you live your life from this point, as if it were the only life you had. Make the most of each day you live, make every moment count.’~Elden RothDeathsworn Arc 4: Rise of the Archmage - Martyn Stanley
Advice saves you time. If you ask anyone over fifty, which is more important, time or money, they will ALWAYS tell you time. - Douglas Copeland
It is an awesome tragedy in this life that, when asking what a person is and they reply doctor or lawyer or engineer, we don't say "Well thats a nice little hobby, but why don't you take up writing or painting or music? - D.A. Botta
Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, what do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is always the right one. - Layne Beachley
Do you ever see someone doing something cool and you say to yourself, "I could do that" ... And then you don't? Ask yourself, why not? Honestly, why not? You really may not have a reason to do it, but if you'd regret not doing it? That's a whole other story. - Richie Norton
If you ask God for love,He may give you someone to forgive.If you ask God for patience,He may give you someone to bear. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Hope is the privilege of the weak. - Gasmaskman
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed. - Maria Montessori
I say in speeches that a plausible mission of artists is to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked if I know of any artists who pulled that off. I reply, 'The Beatles did'. - Kurt Vonnegut
If you can persist your originality at every situation without masking your face, undoubtedly you are an achiever! - Nelson Jack
Lord, teach me to be generous;Teach me to serve you as you deserve;To give and not to count the cost;To fight and not to heed the wounds;To toil, and not to seek for rest;To labor, and not to ask for reward - except to know that I am doing your will. - Ignatius of Loyola
Morning tide makes a great companion when you don't want to be around people. It soothes and comforts and doesn't ask for anything. - Anna Banks
During any experience placed before us, we can stay in alignment with positivity, truth, and goodness by asking the question: What would honor and love do here? - Molly Friedenfeld
A friend is someone that asks, 'how are you,' and really wants to hear the truth. - Tonny K. Brown
Assumptions can be dangerous, JUST ASK!! - Harrish Sairaman
Reap your harvest. (Benefits) You have been sowing seeds on good soil. (Working Hard) Your garden is overflowing abundantly.(Successful) Now is the time for you to fill your basket with the fruits of your labor. (Savings). Prepare your soil for new seeds. (Investments) - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Religion is a natural phenomenon of the human mind, but today, in the hands of theoretical bloodsucking religious preachers it has become a lifeless mockery. Now is the time that you take back religion from those intellectual idiots and place it where it belongs, in the temple of your inner cosmos. - Abhijit Naskar
The more you learn the biology behind your every action, emotion and behavior, the better you become at accepting others the way they are. - Abhijit Naskar
Authentic prayer changes us, unmasks us, strips us, indicates where growth is needed. - Teresa of Avila.
My identity is not it, which given by the community. my identity is my natural mask. - MH Mahdi
Before you ever clasped your hands to pray God was already within your heart to stay. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
They call good evil and evil good. There are those who are so easily offended that they lose their ability to ever discern any truth, and this is often derived from a sort of frenzy by way of their own masked prejudice. - Criss Jami
Let us never be afraid of innocent joy; God is good and what he does is well done; resign yourself to everything, even happiness; ask for the spirit of sacrifice, of detachment, of renunciation, and above all, for the spirit of joy and gratitude. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
When asked for the details of an ideal date, I answered, "I want him to take me to a book store, so he can see just how happy I can be. - Camille Cabujat
Aren’t autobiographies born in a question we ask ourselves: how did I get to this point? Don’t we look back over the path and tell ourselves a story? This is how it happened. This is who I am. - Frederick Weisel
Certainly, it’s wise to ask for counsel in whatever you endeavor to do. There is safety in that. But when the asking comes from a place of dependence, it is unhealthy. - Suzette Hinton
​You are only limited by your imagination. - Abhijit Naskar
Don't you dare try to die again without asking my permission! - Shungiku Nakamura
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. - Helen Keller
Just imagine, among 8.7 million species, only one has become smart enough to ponder over the meaning of life. This simple evolutionary fact itself implies the gravitas of human life. - Abhijit Naskar
Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. - Mother Teresa
Did you know that true love asks for nothing? Her Acceptance is the way we pay. - Stevie Wonder
Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. - John Stuart Mill
There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself while crafting a mask of perfection. - Vironika Tugaleva
Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing? - Kamand Kojouri
Oh sky...I won't ask so much as to become the sun or the moon, just one of the stars in between... - Lucia Jang
The teacher pretended that algebra was a perfectly natural affair, to be taken for granted, whereas I didn't even know what numbers were. Mathematics classes became sheer terror and torture to me. I was so intimidated by my incomprehension that I did not dare to ask any questions. - Carl Jung
Nobody wants great things for you. They all want you to be something they deem important for them. - Abhijit Naskar
Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed. - Coco Chanel
A government which is not liked by the artists is certainly a bad government, because artist sees very well what is behind the masks! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Maskini hutamani mambo mazuri ya wakati uliyopita. Tajiri hutamani mambo mazuri ya wakati unaokuja. - Enock Maregesi
I should’ve died with my parents… than live in this world, I say, my voice is faintHe asks, Why choose to die if you can live this world? He chuckled.I gave him a faint smile and say, A world so hateful, some would rather die, than be who they are. - Alyanna Mallari
I have a book of poetry I believe many should read but in each verse you'll discover it wasn't written for greed. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Charm is deceptive, Wise is sly, having talent is impressive and that puzzles you why. I, but not you, know the mask that I wear. Like how a master knows its masterpiece which is unknown to the world. - Red Delachina
Leadership begins by asking how you can make things better? - Jeffrey Fry
Mind and Soul are one and the same thing. - Abhijit Naskar
There are three qualities that make someone a true professional. These are the ability to work unsupervised, the ability to certify the completion of a job or task and, finally, the ability to behave with integrity at all times. - Subroto Bagchi
Misery teaches you more than joy. - Abhijit Naskar
And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. - John F. Kennedy
When you have mental illness it's common to be shunned by your family or friends it wouldn't happen if they knew the pain you were in. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
He saw her red eyes filled with tears of anger. "Tell me why this rage?" He asked holding her in his arms. "Why do you fence for yourself so much?She sighed and muttered, "Because all I really want is nothing but to be proved wrong. - Sanhita Baruah
The information received from dreams is truly the greatest guidance anyone could ever ask for." The Giant Compass - Dr. Teresa L. DeCicco
I used to give advice, and no one wanted it. Now I give suggestions and everyone asks for more. - Monika Zands
The question to always be in your inner dialogue, asking yourself...is it kind? - Eileen Anglin
Your Personal identity created by the experiences of the past, simply floats on the awareness field of the mind, while all the important tasks of life, is performed by the subtle strings of the spirit. - Roshan Sharma
It is your attitude at the beginning of a task that determines success or failure.
Ask a woman if she’s ambitious and she’ll look at you as if you just asked whether she sticks pins in puppies for fun. Ask a woman if she’s competitive and she’ll look at you as if you suggested that she’s a hooker. - Gina Barreca
Infinite and finite are both mental constructs. - Abhijit Naskar
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah , through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer. The Women 4 :1 - Quran
The best journeys in life are those that answer questions you never thought to ask - Rich Ridgeway
Of all the questions I have asked my readers this is the most important: What would you do if you weren't afraid? When you finally give wings to that answer then you have found your life's purpose. - Shannon L. Alder
Deep inside of you is a 'Guru' with the wisdom of the entire Universe! - Erin Fall Haskell
Religious faith as a whole induces various health benefits in the general population through complex biological processes. - Abhijit Naskar
People often ask me where I stand politically. It's not that I disagree with Bush's economic policy or his foreign policy, it's that I believe he was a child of Satan sent here to destroy the planet Earth. Little to the left. - Bill Hicks
Let’s form a committee tasked with exploring why committees are so ineffective. Then we’ll stand-back and watch it argue and self-destruct. - Ryan Lilly
When people say they're too busy, ask them If they'll have time to die, and see If dead's gonna give a damn. - Michael Bassey Johnson
For this is Wisdom; to love, to liveTo take what fate, or the Gods may give.To ask no question, to make no prayer,To kiss the lips and caress the hair,Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flowTo have, -to hold -and -in time, -let go! - Laurence Hope
You will always be the answer, when somebody asks me what I'm thinking about. - Lisa Brooks
Sometimes new opportunity means new opposition. Not everything God asks us to do will be comfortable. - Joyce Meyer
Dreams has no limitations.Never give up on your dreams.Dream your dreams and ask God's help.Anything is possible. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Human beings don’t necessarily exist inside of (or correspond to) the neat racial, gendered or national boxes into which we often unthinkingly place them.It’s a mistake to ask literature to reinforce such structures. Literature tends to crack them. Literature is where we free ourselves. - Mohsin Hamid
Don't study science. Play with it. - Abhijit Naskar
The spiritual journey is an adventure of exploration that gradually starts to open up before us when we are ready to begin asking the questions, Who am I? and Who are you? - Mac MacKenzie
While explaining God to his granddaughter Daska, Horace Dade Ashton said, 'God was everything she breathed and walked on, everything that lived, everything she saw, touched, and felt. God was in every one of us. - Marc Ashton
Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. - Charles Caleb Colton
Niebo jest wtedy, jeśli możemy z daleka patrzeć, jak męczą się inni, a nas to nic a nic nie obchodzi. - Marek Hłasko
Your most important task is not to achieve a goal but it is to improve yourself every day. - Debasish Mridha
Osborn was a founding partner of the advertising agency Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn (BBDO), but it was as an author that he really made his mark, beginning with the day in 1938 that a magazine editor invited him to lunch and asked what his hobby was. Imagination, replied Osborn. - Susan Cain
Tsze-Kung asked, saying, 'Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life?" The Master said, "Is not Reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." - Confucius
When a wise woman speaks, her words are gracious. Ask God to help you find words that speak life to those around you. - Stormie Omartian
When in pain and sorrow, you ask why God allows bad things to happen to good people, remember God allowed His Son, the best of us, to suffer the most so that Christ would have the ability to heal us. - Leslie G Nelson
There are no boundaries concerning your passion for education. No harm done, no offense given! Those who take education as an ass-suffering task makes it so because they have a phobia for alphabets. - Michael Bassey Johnson
At times, look back towards your ancient days, drink deep from the eternal fountain of wisdom long gone, and then look ahead. - Abhijit Naskar
One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once 'The Unnecessary War'. - Winston S. Churchill
Asking a parent not to be a parent is like asking the sun not to be hot or snow not to be cold. - Lesa Howard
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions. - Claude Lévi-Strauss
They asked a wise man: Why don’t we ever hear you backbiting and slandering?He said: I’m still not happy with myself to start with others. - Ahmad Musa Jibril
Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and ThouBeside me singing in the Wilderness -And Wilderness is Paradise enow. - Omar Khayyám
Known for leaving, she asked me who I would consider sticking around for. I said, "The one who asked me to and meant it. - Donna Lynn Hope
You will never get the same from people you expect, Better ask to god he will you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything. - Paul karan
And afterwards, if you had asked any of the survivors how they had managed it, they would not have been able to tell you. It was as if those days in the forest, the escape to the city, had passed in a trance. The mind creates an alternative state. - Aminatta Forna
A person obsessed with ultimate truth is a person asking to be relieved of money. - Robert B. Laughlin
The causal, abstract, binary, holistic, and reductionist functions of the human brain all help you to process the enormous amount of information coming into our brain from the external world every day. - Abhijit Naskar
don't ask for opportunities door , knock on that door and smash it..لا تسأل عن باب الفرص ، اطرق ذاك الباب وحطمه - Hicham LM Kamelionaire
Prayer is not mere wishing. It is asking with a will. . . . It is energy. We turn to an active Giver; therefore we go into action. - P.T. Forsyth
Your task is not to find a job but to find what makes you happy and do it with all your love. - Debasish Mridha
My Dad once told me: you will retire only in your grave! ; I wish he is alive to ask him when I will retire searching for my grave! - Hisham Fawzi
How do you choose your books?' my friends had asked. Less than a week into my project, I can now tell them the beginning of the truth. I don't always choose the books, I'll say. Sometimes the books choose me. - Sara Nelson
There is a system alright, but the actual element of education has long gone. - Abhijit Naskar
The reason you are suffering now, Is because you judged wrongly people whom you should be asking help from. You have judged them based on your own personal past experience and others you have shame them and look down unto them because of your pride. - De philosopher DJ Kyos
If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.
The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there. - John Buchan
When you try to cast doubt on the relationship of two true lovers.You'll find a bond that you'll never discover - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. - Lemony Snicket
When you're having a depressive surge painful memories can start to emerge. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?' - Sidney J. Harris
Evolutionarily speaking, love is all about procreation. - Abhijit Naskar
A ghost who has only a lay knowledge of the subject will be able to keep asking the same questions as the lay reader, and will therefore open up the potential readership of the book to a much wider audience. - Robert Harris
Over there!" "Where?" Enna asked in mock panic "Do you see something? - Shannon Hale
God uses imperfect people for impossible tasks - John Paul Warren
I conceive the essential task of religion to be "to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind". - Robert Millikan
Truth at last cannot be hidden. Dissimulation is of no avail. Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge. Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun. - Leonardo da Vinci
Don’t ask me to apologize for holding up a mirror. If you don’t like what it’s reflecting, take accountability and change it. - Steve Maraboli
Radical Edwards's profile? He's a seven-foot tall ex-basketball pro hindu guru drag-queen alien.-Jet Black, from the Cowboy Bebop anime script - Keiko Nobumoto
Modern humans are taught from the childhood that they are weak and sinners. Teach them that they are embodiment of glory and children of immortal strength. Eventually a society full of bravehearts will rise. - Abhijit Naskar
When everything is at its worst, your mind just throws it all into the wastebasket and goes to Florida for a little while. There is a sudden electric what-the-hell glow as you stand there looking back over your shoulder at the bridge you just burnt down. - Richard Bachman
Our children may learn about the heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves the architects of the future. - Jomo Kenyatta
The habit of giving up when the present task is half finished and try something else is one of the chief causes of failure. - Christian D. Larson
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose? - Don Marquis
She can wear a veil, an eye mask, even a potato sack over her head - it doesn't matter. True beauty never fades; it radiates the kind of glow, that makes you turn your head and look, same way you unconsciously look for the stars, when the night is dark. - Veronika Jensen
The only impossible task is the one which we fear to begin. - Debasish Mridha
I've been asked a lot for my view on American health care. Well, 'it would be a good idea,' to quote Gandhi. - Paul Farmer
They ask little, for they know it is little they will receive for all their asking, but what little is so dear, as it always is to the autumn-hearted who know life is pitiful and infinitely sweet. - William Alexander Percy
Our mental blocks are more formidable than the physical ones. Bob Marley said it when he asked us to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. You first think what you become. The physical starts from the mental and the spiritual. - Nana Awere Damoah
Count the cost of everything.Rather than asking someone, "How much does this cost?" Ask yourself, "What is my value? - Deborah Brodie
You are the most important person in the world. Every single of you. Don’t let anybody tell you differently, okay?, - Alex Gaskarth
The optimist sees the glass as half full, the pessimist as half empty. What I see is water that can save someone's life. - Abhijit Naskar
There is a scientific explanation behind everything. Finding it depends on whether you give in to the much simpler supernatural explanation. - Abhijit Naskar
I ask you to look both ways. For the road to a knowledge of the stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom has been reached through the stars. - Sir Arthur Eddington
Finding the stewardess, Bly asked her about the monkey. The stewardess replied drily, "We have met." Bly was now alarmed to see that the stewardess's arm was bandaged from wrist to shoulder."What did you do?" she asked. "I did nothing but scream," the stewardess replied; "the monkey did the rest. - Matthew Goodman
Psychics, astrology, tarot cards - all these mystical non-sense are signs of a weak mind. Whenever such garbage starts grabbing hold of you, seek the help of a physician or therapist. - Abhijit Naskar
[asked if his suicide attempt was a cry for help]No. I told no one. You only cry for help if you believe that there's help to cry for. - Wentworth Miller
If we dare to ask, GOD will dare to answer. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
If you don't have the confidence to ask, you will never have the confidence to convince. - Amit Kalantri
But I, when I undress meEach night, upon my kneesWill ask the Lord to bless meWith apple-pie and cheese. - Eugene Field
When asked, 'What is more important: praying or reading the Bible?' I ask, 'What is more important: breathing in or breathing out? - Russ Scalzo
The Universe is always delivering to us what we need for a spiritual awakening. - Erin Fall Haskell
Learn to be true to yourself, and everything good will follow. - Abhijit Naskar
We don't need to tolerate each other. We need to accept each other. - Abhijit Naskar
‎Pick ten strangers and stick them in a room, and ask them which of us they feel sorrier for - you or me - and we all know who they'll choose. - Jodi Picoult
I normally don't do requests. Unless, of course, I have been asked to do so. - Victor Borge
I do have a funny perception of mine I'd like to share. Being basically a lifetime poet. I've had many people say "I don't like poetry" But they'll listen to song after song that rhymes on the end in couplets Just a thought... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party when the masks are dropped. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Quite surprisingly the majority of religious and spiritual practices actually diminishes your brain’s ability to act out of rage and fear. - Abhijit Naskar
It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself. - Eleanor Roosevelt
It never hurts to ask. Unless you ask for hurt.
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. - Groucho Marx
A mask can hide you from others, but not from yourself. - Marty Rubin
Random line from BURNING DARKNESS: Fonda Raine stepped out of the back end of a month in hell a hardened warrior, ready to undertake the most important task of her life: kill Eric Aruda. - Jaime Rush
Scandal is great entertainment because it allows people to feel contempt, a moral emotion that gives feeling of moral superiority while asking nothing in return. - Jonathan Haidt
To love life is to love all of life; the suffering, the joy, the pain, the magnificence...all of it! - Erin Fall Haskell
I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol lowering drugs for the rest of their lives. - Dean Ornish
I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions. - Lou Holtz
Whether they give or refuse, it delights women just the same to have been asked. - Ovid
Life is a gift; value it.Life is a trial; endure it.Life is a journey; complete it.Life is a test; pass it.Life is a task; fulfill it.Life is an opportunity; use it.Life is a moment; enjoy it.Life is a mission; accomplish it. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Don't assume, ask. Be kind. Tell the truth. Don't say anything you can't stand behind fully. Have integrity. Tell people how you feel. - Warsan Shire
I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, Mother, what was war? - Eve Merriam
Sometimes, instead of being hurt, you should look at betrayal as a gift. It makes it that much easier to sweep it up and toss it out with the rest of the trash. And why is that you ask? Because trash starts to stink...and when it does, it has no more value in your life. - Donna Schoenrock
It is pretty simple - mind is a part of life - consciousness is a part of mind - God is a part of consciousness. - Abhijit Naskar
If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.
Leaving town I sat next to a senseless and beautiful boywho asked where I live.His unwashed hair or the way his eyes were just eyes…the soul is a tiring thing. You can have it.I don’t know what you mean’s what I told him.It’s more simple than that. I’m just passing through. - Alex Dimitrov
People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It's like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song. - Michael Jackson
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. - George Carlin
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining. - Jef Raskin
Erase those negative tapes playing in your head. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you forget. He can cast your hurt in forgetfulness. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
I always ask myself one question: what is human? What does it mean to be human? Maybe people will consider my new films brutal again. But this violence is just a reflection of what they really are, of what is in each one of us to certain degree. - Kim Ki-duk
My soldiers ask of me, why surrender a military advantage in the field ... I could not answer. - General Douglas MacArthur
No one will give a damn about you and your excellence unless you give a damn about yourself. - Abhijit Naskar
You are both the worshipper and the worshipped. - Abhijit Naskar
You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need - Nisargadatta Maharaj
​Let your pretence of arrogance grow big as a Dinosaur, so that the fake intellectuals start to realize their true inferiority in front of you. - Abhijit Naskar
people ask to much because they live in their own reality. not what reality really is. - Rob Lyon
I remember calling the council's cemetery department to ask about body decomposition in different soil types. Once they had verified that I was a novelist and not a sicko, they were extremely helpful. - Sara Sheridan
When life gives you lemons ask it for sugar and water too. Otherwise your final product would be some acidic lemon juice! - priyavrat gupta
Religion is an experience, not a bunch of doctrines. - Abhijit Naskar
We don’t ask any people to throw away any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more. What if all the world should embrace this Gospel? They would then see eye to eye, and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the desire of my whole soul. - Joseph Smith Jr.
If you're searching for something out in the world to bring you happiness, wealth or love, then you are in for a tough journey. The key to success is never out there, but rather within. It is merely a side effect of awakening the divine within! - Erin Fall Haskell
At least three times every day take a moment and ask yourself what is really important. Have the wisdom and the courage to build your life around your answer. - Lee Jampolsky
Ask a deeply religious Christian if he’d rather live next to a bearded Muslim that may or may not be plotting a terror attack, or an atheist that may or may not show him how to set up a wireless network in his house. On the scale of prejudice, atheists don’t seem so bad lately. - Scott Adams
You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear thorough the search. - Rick Riordan
Homosexuality is neither a sin, nor an anomaly or a disease. It is an evolutionary variation. - Abhijit Naskar
Everything that God created is potentially holy, and our task as humans is to find that holiness in seemingly unholy situations. When we can do this, we will have learned to nurture our souls. - Rabbi Harold Kushner
Hearts aren't handcuffs and people aren't prisons. When you feel it's time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission. - Beau Taplin
If you are happy, don’t analyse your happiness, don’t ask questions and don’t even think about it; just live it to the fullest! - Mehmet Murat ildan
And you asked why people always expected you to smile in photographs. And I told you it was because they hoped that in the future, there would be something to smile about - pleasefindthis
Should I ask everyone the question that should not have been asked? Or should I turning up to the sky be answering the question that’s not been asked? - Suman Pokhrel
Kila kipato kina mashetani yake, mengine mazuri na mengine mabaya, lakini mengi ni mabaya. Wakati mwingine maskini ahitaji pesa, pesa anaweza kushindwa kuidhibiti, anahitaji paa na kuta nne kujisetiri yeye na familia yake. - Enock Maregesi
In a relationship, it is not what you ask and receive that delights. It is receiving what you wanted but never asked - Srividya Srinivasan
I am, a shadowthat grows longer as the sunmoves, drawn outon a thread of wonder.If I bear burdensthey begin to be rememberedas gifts, goods, a basketof bread that hurtsmy shoulders but closes mein fragrance. I caneat as I go. ("Stepping Westward") - Denise Levertov
If a believer demands that I, as a nonbeliever, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect, but for my submission. - Flemming Rose
What would be frightening about me jumping out of the bush wearing a pig mask is not the sudden surprise, not me, and not the pig mask, but that the ordinary world had split open for a moment to reveal some possibility never previously considered. - Peter Straub
The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend. - Chuck Palahniuk
Not to be cheered by praise, Not to be grieved by blame, But to know thoroughly ones own virtues or powers Are the characteristics of an excellent man. - Saskya Pandita
Where would you be without etymology'? Lea asked sarcastically.'I think I might find words a little less interesting,' said Mr Ruche. - Denis Guedj
The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask from books, but to go to God in prayer, and obtain divine teaching. - Joseph Smith Jr.
Would you have left a guy being beat up to go find a teacher?' I asked.My father, he wiped his hand across his face, and what was left behind was a smile.Really, a smile.'Not in a million years,' he said. - Gary D. Schmidt
Neuron is to Consciousness, what D.N.A. is to Life. Thus, Biology of Mind is to the twenty-first century, what Biology of Life was to the twentieth century. - Abhijit Naskar
Channelling is your higher self streaming through in a version your limited mind can accept. There is no such thing as a separate entity, only the perception of it. You are all of it! - Erin Fall Haskell
Time spent in assessing one's self, is the time spent best. - Abhijit Naskar
bapanya tlh melepaskan belut yg licin itu, dan anknya baru shj meloncati nasib, merebut pendidikan! - Andrea Hirata
Things remain paranormal, as long as we scientists don't reveal the underlying physical processes. - Abhijit Naskar
There are just two directions in life, the one which is safe but boring, and the other which is delicate but exciting. Now ask yourself, which path will you go? - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame. - Dan Quayle
My hope for the future, not just in the music industry, but in every young girl I meet…is that they all realize their worth and ask for it. - Taylor Swift
Sometimes life ask you a question, but you couldn't find answer in any book. You have to create answer yourself. - Salman Mansuri
Confidence is the beauty, kindness is the charm, style is the uniqueness and fashion is the mask. - Debasish Mridha
When the world asks "what was it like?" Only the photographer can say "See! - Mark Denman
Asked in 1919 whether it was true that only three people in the world understood the theory of general relativity, [Eddington] allegedly replied: 'Who's the third? - Arthur Stanley Eddington
Science and Religion are two vividly different realms of the human mind. They work differently at the molecular level, but the purpose of both is alleviation of the mind from the darkness of ignorance. - Abhijit Naskar
When things get too complicated, it sometimes makes sense to stop and wonder: Have I asked the right question? - Enrico Bombieri
I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of shit. I try to put the shit in the wastebasket. - Ernest Hemingway
The woman whose behavior indicates that she will make a scene if she is told the truth asks to be deceived.
Kwa mwanamke wa kuoa natafuta hasanati. Akiwa mbaya atakuwa mzuri. Akiwa maskini atakuwa tajiri. Akiwa gumbaru atakuwa msomi. Akiwa mshamba atakuwa mjanja. Akiwa mjinga atapata maarifa. Nitampenda zaidi kwa mazuri kuliko mabaya. - Enock Maregesi
Never ask questions you don't want the answer to. - Pantea Konn
If wisdom were on sale in the open market, the stupid would not even ask the price.
When you point to the moon, what do you see in front of your finger; Your task is to feel, not to think, when you can understand that the lesson will be learned. - Bruce Lee
What if, I never tire of asking, we said 'Secret Council' instead of the archaic and therefore cuddly 'Privy Council'? - Christopher Hitchens
Un, kad es paskatos uz rietiem, kāds roku man uz pleca liek : " Mums šajā dzīvē visa pietiek, mums tikai laika nepietiek. - Imants Ziedonis
Never put a single thought of weakness in the flourishing minds of the children. Fill them up with vigour and compassion, for their character will define the future of the entire human species. - Abhijit Naskar
The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
I may be a famous writer but when white people clinch to their wallet and stare at me with scorn I need to ask my skin why. - Daniel Marques
If you think you would need to change the world, think of your death and the size of your casket before starting to believe in your thoughts or else you are a loser. - Auliq Ice
When someone gives you advice, just ask them to give it in writing and they will either keep mum or will run from there. - Amit Kalantri
The Sufis advise us to speak only after our words have managed to pass through three gates. At the first gate we ask ourselves, Are these words true? If so, we let them pass on; if not, back they go. At the second gate we ask, Are they necessary? At the last gate we ask, Are they kind?
In every era, humanity produces demonic individuals and seductive ideas of repression. The task of statesmanship is to prevent their rise to power and sustain an international order capable of deterring them if they do achieve it. - Henry Kissinger
Today you will envy the blessings of another, or you will bask in the wonder of the amazing grace you have been given. - Paul David Tripp
If we were able to distill all human experience to its essence, it would be a question on the lips of a man named Jesus. As he asked Peter, he asks all mankind, "Who do you say that I am?" "Our idea of God," observed Thomas Merton, "tells us more about ourselves than about Him. - Ron Brackin
Never tell evil of a man, if you do not know it for certainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then ask yourself, 'Why should I tell it?' - Johann K. Lavater
Selling eternal life is an unbeatable business, with no customers ever asking for their money back after the goods are not delivered. - Victor J. Stenger
Because we are the only women who are mothers of men." Gorgo: when asked by a woman from Attica why Spartan women were the only women in the world who could rule men. - Gorgos
It is reasonable that everyone who asks justice should do justice - Thomas Jefferson
If you want to consume the cream of Christ's philosophy, then don't read the Bible, read Tolstoy. - Abhijit Naskar
In the terms of 'Mental Illness' Isn't stable a place they put horses that wish to run free? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I love reading I know it’s very important and I respect anyone that is patient enough to do it. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
We ardently desire to take down our masks and say to the world, This is who I am…and I am okay. This is simple…not easy. - David W. Earle
The only human disease is amnesia. - Erin Fall Haskell
The world is a woven basket. Every stitch counts. - A.D. Posey
I was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope -- an impotence, in short; and that to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.
Believe what you believe and it will be, believe what others believe and they will consume you! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I was asked the other day in which era I would choose to live. As a historical novelist, it comes up sometimes. As a woman I'd have to say I'd like to live in the future - I want to see where these centuries of change are leading us. - Sara Sheridan
If wild my breast and sore my pride, I bask in dreams of suicide, If cool my heart and high my head I think "How lucky are the dead. - Dorothy Parker
The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized, that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it? - John Lennon
Nothing you become will disappoint me; I have no preconception that I'd like to see you be or do. I have no desire to forsee you, only to discover you. You can't disappoint me - Mary Haskell
You can't live with literary characters no matter how much you might like to. You can have them as imaginary friends that you can call up when you need to. One of the tasks of art is to provide people with companions. - Henning Mankell
Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. - Albert Camus
Cease to ask what the morrow will bring forth. And set down as gain each day that Fortune grants. - Horace
Don't ask of your friends what you yourself can do. - Quintus Ennius
Water and a bubble on it are one and the same. The bubble has its birth in the water, floats on it, and is ultimately resolved into it. Likewise, your consciousness is born in your brain, goes through various states in your lifetime and ultimately resolves into the brain. - Abhijit Naskar
People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking that their faults are always present to other people's minds, as if they believe that the world is always contemplating their individual charms and virtues. - Elizabeth Gaskell
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
A person ought to be always cautious of what s/he asks for from God because everyone has to invariably pay the price in proportion to the preciousness of the prize from HIM. - Anuj Somany
How can a question be answered that asks a lifetime of questions? - Norman Maclean
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us - Henry Stanley Haskins
Ask questions. Seek answers, knowing you’ll never have all of them. And that’s okay. Sometimes curiosity is its own reward. - Michael Holbrook
There is an intentional disregard for human health and safety in many government agencies that are tasked with protecting it. - Steven Magee
The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith. - José Saramago
I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did? - Mother Teresa
Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask for in prayer. - Mary Baker Eddy
And did you think that such a guest Would in thy hall take up his rest? --High gifts ask diviner guess: Not to be conned to tediousness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men.Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers.Pray for powers equal to your tasks.Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. - Phillips Brooks
For some reason I was reluctant to ask anybody what had happened. I hate being the person who always doesn't know what's going on and has to ask somebody; it always seems like everybody else knows what's going on. This is a clear low-status marker, and I resisted it. - David Foster Wallace
What I wear on and off stage is my mask. You see, a mask doesn't hide you, it exposes you. - Nuno Roque
I'm just an insomniac struggling for a night where I don't dream of you anymore. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
You see, I have a policy about honesty and ass-kicking, which is, if you ask for it, then I have to let you have it. - Taylor Mali
If words are not music, they have failed your song. - Aditya Bhaskara
No gift unrecognized as coming from God is at its own best: therefore many things that God would gladly give us, things even that we need because we are, must wait until we ask for them, that we may know whence they come: when in all gifts we find Him, then in Him we shall find all things. - George MacDonald
Start each day asking, "How do I want others to feel?" Then act accordingly. xo - Jill Telford
Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house. - Jewish Proverb
When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life.
When I finally applied logic to Religion that was when I quit paying after life insurance and quit going - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I decided to do the easy task of changing situations and conditions by being a hero, than staying back to do the difficult task of changing people by being just a man. - Amit Kalantri
If we ask, we should also be prepared to give. - Stephen Richards
I cannot stress how important and effective it is to leverage the principles of S.T.A.R.T. - Serve. Thank. Ask. Receive. Trust. - Richie Norton
You have not got birth here neither you will get death....only thing you will get here is experience. - Kapil kumar Bhaskar
Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us. - Theodore Roosevelt
We mustn’t just simply pray, but rather ask God about His desires and plans. This is the prayer of enquiry - Sunday Adelaja
No sublime wisdom asks to be worshipped or served; the greatest and the most honourable masters are those who refuse to have slaves! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Only our imagination has the power to create the world you want and whatever gives you true joy. Beware of those who tell you to face reality and let go of your imagination. All they may truly ask for is that you shift your imagination from what you want to what they want. - Franco Santoro
So, why do you write these strong female characters?Because you’re still asking me that question."[Equality Now speech, May 15, 2006] - Joss Whedon
Poverty is a dish best served with Potato Soup. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
And is often the case with faith, I thought I was being asked a favor, when in fact I was being given one". - Mitch Albom
Accomplish your tasks by one step at each time. Don't cut your coat according to your elder brother's size. Dream big, but start small; do what you can do at a time. - Israelmore Ayivor
Essentially prayer and meditation are one and the same thing. - Abhijit Naskar
Limitations can only be undone by the mind that created them. - Erin Fall Haskell
Let go of your worries and focus only on the task at hand.The future will be what it will,and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true. - Christopher Paolini
The more you believe, the more you doubt. The more you doubt, the more you ask questions. Knowing that questions left unanswered is the best proof for your belief. - Sandra Chami Kassis
I am treating you as my friend, asking you to share my present minuses in the hope that I can ask you to share my future plusses. - Katherine Mansfield
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. - George Eliot
Earth should suspect a man who has no tears of compassion and eject into the outer space until he learns humility. Outer space and death might be of the same origin, where one chances upon egolessness just before lifelessness. Earth only asks for egolessness. - Adam Kovacevic
Stop nourishing other people’s ideas and beliefs in your life. Take up your own idea and endeavor to accomplish it. - Abhijit Naskar
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later. - Mitch Hedberg
For a nation to be truly great, she must first identify her national values, enumerate her virtues and formulate her value system. But the most tasking of all these is to develop a culture in her people, that will best represent the proclaimed value systems of the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful. - Swami Vivekananda
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. Dom Helder Camara one of the great prophets of Christian "Liberation theology". - Dom Helder Camara Archbishop of Recife in Brazil
Maskini hufundisha watoto wake jinsi ya kupambana na maisha. Tajiri hufundisha watoto wake jinsi ya kuwa matajiri. - Enock Maregesi
Ask yourself at least once a week: "Am I on the right track to achieve my goals at this time? Am I doing the right things that I need to be doing? - Mark F. LaMoure
You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. - John J. Plomp
Somedays I ask myself why do I spend hours in the gym, then I look in the mirror and think "Damn I look good! - Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
We must not wait for favours from Nature; our task is to wrest them from her. - Ivan Michurin
In the world of miracles, you ask the impossible. - Gavriil Stiharul
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. - Oscar Wilde
Do not ask directions from the people around you. Ask directions from the person who called you. - Bo Sánchez
Awakening into the God state makes all the perceptual limitations of the mind disappear, just like a bucket of muddy water turns crystal-clear once poured into the ocean. - Abhijit Naskar
If I could catch a Star and hold it in my hand. I would illuminate those whose life is not so grand. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
No one asks poor people if they want war. Nor had anyone asked these poor people if they wanted to die of thirst and exposure on the coastal sea, or if they wanted to be robbed and raped by their own soldiers. - Viet Thanh Nguyen
Fear is a state of mind. There is nothing real about it. Welcome it in, 60 seconds passes, and as your guest politely ask it to leave. It will leave every single time!! - Christopher Saleh
If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know. - Louis Armstrong
She breathes Hope in and out.When asked Why ? She said becausehope gives me"that" in tomorrowwhich "The Today" refused. - Wordions
I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. - Helen Keller
Religion comes not where reign fundamentalism and authoritarianism. - Abhijit Naskar
There is freedom waiting for you,On the breezes of the sky,And you ask "What if I fall?"Oh but my darling,What if you fly? - Erin Hanson
Be your own Guru. - Abhijit Naskar
The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. Because of the artists, who are self-selected, for being able to journey into the Other, if the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found. - Terence McKenna
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. - Shirley Temple Black
if only people stopped acting like they've been asked to donate a lung every time somebody asks for something the world would be a better place - Alina Radoi
Never ask an elf for help; they might decide your better off dead, eh?" (Orik) (Eldest) (Page 207) - Christopher Paolini
A mask is what we wear to hide from ourselves. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
, when asked how to strike a better balance between family, work and self-realisation says: "You need the intention, good scheduling, and you have to be creative. If you don't find time to practice, one of the three is missing. - Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel
Presenting a rational argument to a person who has forsaken the use of reason is like asking a vegetarian to eat a cheeseburger. - Michel Templet
The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing. - Henry S. Haskins
Because the golden egg gleamedin my basket once, though my childhoodbecame an immense sheet of darkening waterI was Noah, and I was his ark,and there were two of every animal inside me - Mark Doty
Man is the master of Woman" - this statement may have been a glorious fact of primitive life in the wild, but it is nothing but an obnoxious stain on psyche of the thinking humanity. - Abhijit Naskar
Morality exists in the neurons as a natural sensation. Religion only tries to codify it. - Abhijit Naskar
Emotion doesn’t arise from the dreams, rather your deepest emotion orchestrates your dream. - Abhijit Naskar
Isn't it a shame that some people's 'weaknesses' can be so strong. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Don’t ask why people keep hurting you. Ask yourself why are you allowing it to happen. - Robert Tew
I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception. I asked this girl to sleep with me and she said 'no'. - Woody Allen
I fell for you.You fell for me.Our friendship was just meant to be.I asked if you loved me, and you said you did.The next day you said that you wish you never did.I fell apart that very day, begging you to stay.You said no and pushed me away.Now this very day im glad you didnt stay - Emma Taylor
I don't ask for the meaning of the song of a bird or the rising of the sun on a misty morning. There they are, and they are beautiful. - Pete Hamill
When first asked if he would grant an interview with TIME, Greene responded by asking a question of his own: 'Does the candidate get paid? - Michael Scherer
I forgive, but I also learn a lesson. I won’t hate you, but I’ll never get close enough for you to hurt me again. I can’t let my forgiveness become foolish. - Tony Gaskins
Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. - Mahatma Gandhi
Do not ask God the way to heaven; he will show you the hardest one. - Stanislaw J. Lec
The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him? - Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear God,I asked that you clear my mind of any negative thoughts so my heart can run free; so I may look at the world with a clearer understanding of your beautiful creation. Cleanse my heart dear God so I may always look through the wonder light you shine upon us. In Jesus name Amen. - Ron Baratono
My continuing passion is to explore strange industries, to acquire new knowledge and ask many questions, to boldly learn something I did not know before. - Boripat Lebel
Quite possibly, the purpose of the universe is to provide a congenial home for self-conscious creatures who can ask profound questions and who can probe the nature of the universe itself. - Owen Gingerich
The greatest humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves... - Paulo Freire
If you should die before me, ask if you can bring a friend.
Religion is to be realized, not read or taught. - Abhijit Naskar
In every aspect of our lives, we are always asking ourselves, How am I of value? What is my worth? Yet I believe that worthiness is our birthright. - Oprah Winfrey
When people hurt it is because they feel they are going to lose something. The questions to ask is: What? - Shannon L. Alder
Belief, Faith, and God do not ask you to follow them blindly. Choose it with all your heart! - Nikita Dudani
I will not say, as the beggars at our door used to do, ‘I’ll never ask anything of Him again;’ but, on the contrary, ‘He shall hear oftener from me than ever,’ and I will love God the better, and love prayer the better, as long as I live. - Philip Henry
When asked for advice on how to write a short story, Carlos Cortés responded, No advice. Every writer has to exorcise his own demons. - Carlos Cortés
What," "how," "when," etc are all questions more or less common to religion and philosophy. But to ask "why" is a transgression in religion, and this inquiry has undoubtedly taken the heaviest tolls on intellect. - Raheel Farooq
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with. His mind was created for his own thoughts, not yours or mine. - Henry S. Haskins
Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune. - Walt Whitman
It is a tragedy of modern life that the light of truth scares the society much more than the darkness of ignorance. - Abhijit Naskar
In some of our life projects we just never sit down to ask ourselves where we need to be going with it and so our 'ship of the project' wanders at the dictates of the waves rather than directed by the motor of our purpose - Gbenga APAMPA
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Past success secures future failure if we continue to bask in its glow for too long - Faisal Khosa
When we think we're multitasking we're actually multiswitching. That is what the brain is very good at doing - quickly diverting its attention from one place to the next. We think we're being productive. We are, indeed, being busy. But in reality we're simply giving ourselves extra work. - Michael Harris
The task of the right eye is to peer into the telescope, while the left eye peers into the microscope. - Leonora Carrington
The Lord listens to the pryers of those who ask to be able to forget hatred, but is deaf to those who want to flee love.
People ask without wanting to know. - Barbara Kingsolver
…love is by definition freeand if he choose to gowhen I would have him stayperhaps I'll die a bitbut I'd rather sothan taste his absent minded kissand lie uneasy in a masked embrace - Lenore Kandel
If you want to breed something, breed bravehearts, not soulless racehorses. - Abhijit Naskar
When someone asks you a question and you don't know the answer just yell, 'Figure it out!'
If origin defines race, then the entire human race is African. - Abhijit Naskar
Une âme, un seul cœur. One soul, one heart. - Marko - Alaska Angleini (Lure (Marko Delacroix series))
An expert knows all the answers - if you ask the right questions.
A devil on being caught for his evil thought and wrong doings gets the help sought of his buddies asking them to go into public with a mask of a civil to rebuke him first virulently and later on revoke all allegations and aspersions cast on him to give him a clean chit. - Anuj Somany
Finn smiled and blew half her brain cells. You going to teach me how to have fun, Pru? he asked in that low, husky voice. - Jill Shalvis
There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions. - Charles Proteus Steinmetz
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement. - Søren Kierkegaard
You may have tangible wealth untold. Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be -I had a mother who read to me - Strickland W. Gillilan
The questions you don't ask are just as important as you do. The questions you ask show what you understand, and ones you don't show what you know. - Murad S. Shah
Education is the greatest manifestation of the innate potential of human mind. - Abhijit Naskar
The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When you are asked to love everybody indiscriminately, that is to love people without any standard, to love them regardless of whether they have any value or virtue, you are asked to love nobody. - Ayn Rand
Don't let lack of sexual communication get in the way of your pleasure any longer. Dare to ask the questions that will make sex so much more enjoyable, boost passion, and facilitate a deeper connection and intimacy in your relationship. - Miya Yamanouchi
I'd rather write poetry than watch TV it allows me to share the wide screen in me. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Never confuse belief with knowledge. - Abhijit Naskar
Every morning is bright, beautiful, and gorgeous like the sun, but we can't see it because we are blinded by day to day tasks. - Debasish Mridha
The wild is where you find it, not in some distant world relegated to a nostalgic past or an idealized future; its presence is not black or white, bad or good, corrupted or innocent... We are of that nature, not apart from it. We survive because of it, not instead of it. - Renee Askins
Can you, at a minimum, objectively step back—throw out the stereotypes, ditch the conformity, set aside the religion—and ask yourself, why? Why Jesus? - William Thrasher
O God! I ask You for the means to do good, to avoid evil and to love the poor.
I got the bill foe my surgery. Now I know what those doctors were wearing masks for.
I can't really tell how old I am, only that I'm too young to wonder if I asked the right questions in the past, and too old to wish the future will bring me all the answers. - Gabriel Bá
Heri kuishi kama maskini mwenye pesa nyingi kuliko tajiri mwenye mifuko iliyotoboka, kuliko kusema mbele za watu kwamba pesa haijakupa furaha. Wengi hupata jeuri ya kusema hivyo kutokana na umaskini wa watu wanaowazunguka. - Enock Maregesi
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me? - Brian Tracy
I have my welcome mat turned around backwards so when people leave they think they’re going to a better place. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Must a name mean something?" Alice asked doubtfully.Of course it must," Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh; "my name means the shape I am - and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost. - Lewis Carroll
Everybody put on masks, including you and me. We all wear masks. - Ama H. Vanniarachchy
Maskini hutengeneza pesa kwa kufanya kazi asizozipenda. Tajiri hutengeneza pesa kwa kufanya kazi anazozipenda. - Enock Maregesi
We know the meaning so long as no one asks us to define it. - William James
I lie without a mask, thus I am an honest man. - Lionel Suggs
The most important question I ever asked a priest was where are the Bingo Dobbers at? - Stabley Victor Paskavich
One of history’s most useful tasks is to bring home to us how keenly, honestly and painfully, past generations pursued aims that now seem to us wrong or disgraceful. - John Carey
If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you, you have not found your place. - Orison Swett Marden
Even God would say"Finish the task you have undertaken". He would never recommend breaking her mother's heart, damaging her parents' lives. "Your mother and then your mother and then your mother," the Prophet had said, "and then your father." But what about her own life? What is to become of that? - Ahdaf Soueif
I often ask to what place I am running, for if I am unable to identify that place it is likely that I am running in a circle of the most circular sort. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
He’s always asking: ‘Is that new? I haven’t seen that before.’ It’s like, Why don’t you mind your own business? Solve world hunger. Get out of my closet. - Michelle Obama
Yet even then the music has still a quality stern and implacable, deliberate and without passion so much as immolation, pleading, asking, for not love, not life, forbidding it to others, demanding in sonorous tones death as though death were the boon, like all Protestant music. - William Faulkner
Chuck Palahniuk asked which is worse: Hell or nothing. Here is my answer: Of course nothing! Because even in Hell, there is hope! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Genius is not the one who gives answers, it's the one who asks the questions. - Saurabh Gupta Earth5R
Don't ask to borrow unless you intend to repay them. - Mark Romagna
You are not blamed for your unwilling ignorance, but because you fail to ask about what you do not know.... For no one is prevented from leaving behind the disadvantage of ignorance and seeking the advantage of knowledge. - Augustine of Hippo
You will never get the same from people as you expect, Better ask to god he will give you more than that, Because in his world ego and attitude doesn't mean anything - Paul karan
If you ask an Irishman for directions, he might be quick to answer, Well if I were going there, I would not start here. - Steve Stockman
If you ever have trouble sounding condescending, ask a UNIX user to show you how it's done. - Scott Adams
Entering a cell, penetrating deep as a flying saucer to find a new galaxy would be an honorable task for a new scientist interested more in the inner state of the soul than in outer space. - Dejan Stojanovic
When you ask God for a gift, Be thankful if he sends, Not diamonds, pearls or riches, but the love of real true friends. - Helen Steiner Rice
To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality. - Naomi Wolf
Everyone in a decadent society, Lorrain urges, is guilty. Everyone loves masking murder and everyone takes masochistic pleasure in the risk of discovery and punishment. - Jennifer Birkett
When asked my advice as I stroll through the town,A good lady knows how to take a political assassin down. - Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
An open flask of industrial liquid gas that is venting into the indoor environment should be thought of as the same as a smoldering fire, as they both create a dangerous oxygen deficient environment for the human. - Steven Magee
You are doing the best you can, and that best results in good to yourself and to others. Do not nag yourself with a sense of failure. Get on your knees and ask for the blessings of the Lord;then stand on your feet and do what you are asked to do. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Never trust books on the question of whether or not to trust your rational thinking. Trust your rational thinking on the question of whether or not to trust the books. - Abhijit Naskar
The ability for anyone in our generation to self-amuse has sadly been bred out of our species. - Kim Askew
Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. - Orson Welles
Having been engaged rather a lot of times, was asked whether a lady should give back the ring. Her answer?"Of course dahlink, but first, you take out all the diamonds. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
I'm here on this Planet for Give Love to Others, why They are Here I not Ask and Don't Know. - Jan Jansen
Love has no contingencies, no expectations, no ideals. Love is a gift to thyself, the experience of divinity in full expression. - Erin Fall Haskell
Don't be afraid to express to the world about how you feel... Ask Donald Trump. - Chris Mentillo
When I was small I felt like a Superhero as my father threw me up in the air.Now after reaching this success peak I unmask - Real Superhero made me Superhero! - Hasil Paudyal
As prayer without faith is but a beating of the air, so trust without prayer [is] but a presumptuous bravado. He that promises to give, and bids us trust His promises, commands us to pray, and expects obedience to his commands. He will give, but not without our asking. - Thomas Lye
Dalí painted melting clocks. I suppose if he'd asked around first, quizzed people if they wanted to see a picture of a melting clock, the answer might have been something obvious, like 'Clocks don't melt!' But, lucky for us, Salvador didn't care what anyone else thought. You use what moves you. - Laura Ruby
Don't just conform; ask questions.Don't just believe if it isn't your truth.Don't follow dogma; it is blindness.Just love; don't kill to go to heaven. - Debasish Mridha
It is commonplace to talk as if the world "has" meaning, to ask what "is" the meaning of a phrase, a gesture, a painting, a contract. Yet when thought about, it is clear that events are devoid of meaning until someone assigns it to them. - Dean C. Barnlund
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not. - Deepak Chopra
Sometimes people ask why I'm so willing to give out #free copies of my books and the answer is pretty simple. Money is not why I write.So why would I keep someone from enjoying that because they can't afford my book? If your in the arts for money your picking the wrong job. - Adam Snowflake
Never question the conviction of a scientist, based on mere scriptures. - Abhijit Naskar
People always seem so shock and horrified when they find out some one committed suicide. They then always ask the How? What I want is not the How? But the Why? And maybe then, we can prevent it. - Kumoriko
People ask me how am I doing in life instead of how hurt am I by the life. - Nadair Desmar
The intrinsic and extrinsic heart is always at odds, so which heart is yours? For one will bask in true joy, while the other lives in self-loathing misery. - Joel T. McGrath
The masks. that men have as faces, the outward shells they hold up for others to see while their minds shift in hidden directions." Discard 2 - Lois Charles
Here's to adrenaline. Here's to dramatic abandon of protocol. Here's to treasured pain and purple rain. Here's to chasing our souls, burning across to sky. Here's to drinking the ash as it falls, and not asking why. - Virginia Petrucci
I was a little cross.I ask pardon. If I do get up a little temper I have no sufficient time to keep it up. - Abraham Lincoln
Yet if I was asked to do this again - in fact, if I was ever asked to repeat any of my experiences - I'd have to say, fuck it, bring them on. I've no regrets.This is what it means to be alive. - John Barrowman
Sigmund Freud once said, "What do women want?" The only thing I have learned in fifty-two years is that women want men to stop asking dumb questions like that. - Bill Cosby
Unpredictability is beauty of life. Struggle makes it interesting and worth living.अनिश्चितता जीवन का सौंदर्य है। संघर्ष इसे रोचक और जीने के लायक बनाता है। - Bhaskar Sharma
The only thing better than a happy Heart is a clear mind to keep it pumping. Cleanse yourself from within and you’re bound to win. - Stabley Victor Paskavich
, But the streets need cleaning, brother," Gromph said. "That is why the gods gave us magic, brother," Jarlaxle replied in the same smug tone. "To perform the mundane tasks of life. - R.A. Salvatore
In his voice resonated the timbre of a man who thinks he has convinced himself of an idea, but masks his own doubt by laboring to persuade others. - Katherine Howe
Maskini mwenye pesa nyingi ni tajiri bahili. Tajiri mwenye mifuko iliyotoboka ni tajiri badhiri. - Enock Maregesi
Fairytales are healthy for the children. As they grow up, the magical thinking wears off, but the fairytale-induced creative brain circuits stay forever. - Abhijit Naskar
Dan Masih saja aku melihat indahnya dunia bukan dari luasnya hamparan biru yang terbentang dilangit, melainkan dari lingkaran hitam beralaskan putih, sebut saja itu matamu - Muristianto
A private organisation often inducts a new person treating him like a king, then it immediately ties him with string , clips his wing and asks him to fly as much as he can and even dance & sing to entertain the top brass who continues to sting him. - Anuj Somany
May living your truth set you free! - Erin Fall Haskell
The book-learned preacher who carries the badge of authority, is by no means religious. - Abhijit Naskar
Without religion or God, what is the meaning of life?" Is like asking, 'Without shoes, what is the meaning of feet'. - Andrea L'Artiste
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
Before getting upset, always ask yourself: Will this even matter in six months, in a year, or in five years? if the answer is no, then let it go. - Robin Dabhi
An atheist's response to a creationist asking 'what if' there was a God,That would be quite an unsettling thought. - Anonymous
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs. - Christopher Hampton
She was in awe of all his work. 'How do you do it?" she asked.He smiled and said, 'By loving you. - Kamand Kojouri
I could watch him do this until morning never asking questions and never interrupting his work. I worship quietly his intense focus and attention to detail and then, out of no where, I realize the inconvenient, inappropriate truth: ‘I love this man… and it has swallowed me. - Jennifer Elisabeth
To learn how to do, we need something real to focus on not a task assigned by someone else, but something we want to create, something we want to understand. Not an empty exercise but a meaningful, self-chosen undertaking. - Lori McWilliam Pickert
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell youDon't go back to sleep!You must ask for what you really want.Don't go back to sleep!People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,The door is round and openDon't go back to sleep! - Jalaluddin Rumi
Min aska kommer sprida värme. - Leon Noips
You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. - Franz Kafka
One of the advantages of being a captain is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it.
We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?
I Love Spirituality it reminds me of the Old Quaker Oats Commercial. "Nothing is better for thee than me"! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Not many people get every single thing they want plus all the things they didn't think to ask for in the same day. - Stephenie Meyer
We have to serve ourself many years before we gain our own confidence. - Henry S. Haskins
Think, ask, pray and the right decision will find your way. - Farid F. Ibrahim
When an idea for solving a problem suddenly presents itself, ask yourself if all circumstances related to the problem were properly analyzed. - Eraldo Banovac
Why does truth carry such a dreadful face? Why does subjugation carry such a happy mask? It becomes sad when people understand that they can lead a better life as long as they bow their heads, ignoring the truth. - Lionel Suggs
In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. - Margaret Thatcher
[Paul] has no intention to instruct the Christian community about the task and responsibility of government. His entire concern is with the responsibility of the Christian community towards the State. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
But what would happen if I put on the ring? the boy asked.There is only one way to find out. - Jef Murray
God generously helps to those who try to do their best without asking God’s help! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you don't have a plan, you will never find enough time to finish a task. - Debasish Mridha
Any time you pull down a fence, always ask why it was put there in the first place.
What I now ask of you is considered treason - Onni Pernu
The person who asks a lot of questions has room for their faith to grow. - David McGee
I am an Author a person that plays with words that dance in the minds of others - Stanley Victor Paskavich
You think I wanted to fall for you? I stayed away from you! I gave him the chance to be with you! But there’s another part of me that asks what if? What if you’re not supposed to be with Ren? What if you were supposed to be the answer to my prayers? Not his! - Colleen Houck
I didn't know when I told God that I wanted to be a mother that I needed to be more specific. Instead of asking to be a mother of my own children, I now realize that I was given the responsibility to be a mother to all of God's children. - Monika Zands
Ask anyone; possibly ninety-five percent of our wishes have come true. The unfortunate part is, we all overlook that, and regret all our lives and torment ourselves for not getting the other five percent. - Love, Life, and Logic
It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
The idea of selling out is not so much a dollar amount, but are you sacrificing the service to the customers. You have to ask yourself, 'Are you betraying your users?' - Jesse Sanchez
The highest price you can pay for a thing is to ask for it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If someone asked you what color the sky is, what would you say? - Shey Stahl
If a person takes comfort in his or her faith upon divinity in times of distress, then who the hell am I to say, that the person is delusional. - Abhijit Naskar
People ask, "Are you important enough for me to love you?" But they've got it all wrong. When you love someone, you make them important. And the same thing happens to you. You don't love them because they're important; they become important because you love them. - C. JoyBell C.
When you leave a port, ask yourself two questions: What mark you have made on that port and what have you learned from that port? - Mehmet Murat ildan
If there are infinite dimensions then there would be infinite alternate realities and if there are infinite alternate realities we would exist in almost all of them that would make all of us omnipresent... - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I know you won't miss me, I know you won't even bother to ask how i am without you? But still my heart will always call for you, my mind will always think of you because I love you and I will miss you that every moment that I stay without you. - Patel Ayesha
A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett
Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after hisor her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste - Derric Yuh Ndim
What we are at this very moment, is determined by the sum total of all our experiences till this moment. - Abhijit Naskar
Praying is the time to ask and meditating is the time to listen. - Gabrielle Bernstein
We don't ask a flower any special reason for its existence. We just look at it and are able to accept it as being something different from ourselves. - Gwendolyn Brooks
Slap a mask on a drunk and you're going to have trouble. It's like having a live reenactment of anonymous forum comments. - Randy K. Milholland
Never waste your precious time in discussing the good and bad qualities of others. - Abhijit Naskar
Falsafa ya Usawa kwa Watu na Vitu Vyote ya Yin-Yang ya Kichina ni falsafa inayotumiwa na Wachina, kujifunza sanaa ya mapigano na kutengeneza madawa ya asili, na magaidi wa madawa ya kulevya wa Amerika ya Kusini na Kaskazini kusaidia watu waliosahauliwa na serikali zao. - Enock Maregesi
Make me, dear Lord, polite and kind, To everyone, I pray.And may I ask you how you find Yourself, dear Lord, today? - John B. Tabb
Some poems are written great, some poems are written swell. But then there are poems that could win a prize in Hell. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Patience triumphs over everything. - Abhijit Naskar
I was out of salt so I threw pepper over my left shoulder for luck and the poor guy behind me almost sneezed himself to death. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Don't live by my words, don't die by them, chew them slowly digest them, and smile if they give nourishment to your soul. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The seeking face that does not alter when presented with peace and reason, must bask in its wearer's prideful ignorance. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
War is war and Hell is hell, and if you ask me, War is a lot worse. - Alan Alda
My medication must be wearing off I'm starting to think my jokes are funny. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Science transcends the personal domain of beliefs. You can see the grace of Science in every direction of the human universe. - Abhijit Naskar
I wish I could find MY books listed on GOODREADS - DODGING JOE, THE WOMAN WHO WOULDN'T EXPLAIN, THE BITTER GRAPES - ll available through Amazon and Createspace - - Saaskia Aark-Bennett
During my mental illness, thank God, my grandma was my human rescuer and angel, she ask me to stop taking the medication, leading to the recovering. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When I listen to you, Godwhen I do what you ask me to,I am like a treeplanted by a river,a tree full of fruitwith leaves that are always green. Ps 1(paraphrased) - Marie-Hélène Delval
You asked me to be an open book. As I've already told you, I am. Anything you need to know about me can be found. Don't confuse me, a paperback, with a book on tape. - Darnell Lamont Walker
A friend once said his father use to say "I don't want to be a millionaire I just want to live like one" if we could all be so lucky. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The dangerous enemies of your species are fundamentalism, intolerance, separatism, extremism, hostility and prejudicial fear, be it religious, atheistic or political. - Abhijit Naskar
He asked, "What makes a man a writer?" "Well," I said, "it's simple. You either get it down on paper, or jump off a bridge. - Charles Bukowski
Most are constantly asking for more, but with that comes more responsibility and most aren't willing to or able to handle that. Greatness comes at a cost and requires an investment. If you don't want the work.... you don't want the prize. - Randa Manning-Johnson
I imagine good teaching as a circle of earnest people sitting down to ask each other meaningful questions. I don't see it as the handing down of answers. So much of what passes for teaching is merely a pointing out of what items to want. - Alice Walker
I love and I hate. How can this be, you ask in vain. I know not, but I feel it to be so and am wracked with pain.
Jean Paul Sartre says in "No Exit" that hell is other people. Well, our task in life is to make it heaven. Or at least earth. - Alan Alda
God never asked us to meet life's pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demands that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest. - Charles R. Swindoll
In your usual state of consciousness, there is a separate quale experience of everything you observe. But when you transcend into the domain of absolute divinity, all your qualia get mixed up. - Abhijit Naskar
It is the ultimate religion, through which the son, the Father and all elements of the universe become unified. - Abhijit Naskar
Faith is a natural evolutionary trait of the human mind, selected by Mother Nature as an internal coping-mechanism. - Abhijit Naskar
Ya got cigarettes? she asks. Yes, I say,I got cigarettes. Matches? she asks.Enough to burn Rome. Whiskey?Enough whiskey for a Mississippi River of pain. You drunk? Not yet. - Charles Bukowski
It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Two sodium atoms are walking along the street when one stops and says, "Oh my God, I think I've lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" asks the other sodium atom. "Yes," replies the first sodium atom, "I'm positive." - Anonymous
The searing light of morningAsks unwelcome questions,Fragile hopes soon blistered by daylight. - Scott Hastie
As a general rule...people ask for advice only in order not to follow it; or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it. - Alexandre Dumas
Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem. - W. Somerset Maugham
A piece of art, when completed, encapsulates its own reality. As its architect, the artist’s task is to craft it well enough that the reader believes in its existence and is willing to enter, explore, and engage based on the artist’s version of the truth, even if that truth is artifice. - Kate Kearns
Give humanity a mask and he will tell you is life, take that mask away and he will tell you another's. - _Encry
Prayer is knowing that what I ask for is always far bigger than what I could ever articulate, but it is never too big for God to understand nor is it ever too vast for Him to deliver. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Lunar Eclipse doesn't that sound like a car you can only drive at night? - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there is no other. - Ayn Rand
To the degree we give power to anything outside ourselves we become powerless - Erin Fall Haskell
I can understand what person are you by asking you three questions "What do you read?", "What type of music do you listen?" and "What you watch!" - So next time be aware of this! - Deyth Banger
If I were asked for a one-sentence sound bite on religion, I would say I was against it. - Salman Rushdie
Cracks in our souls help us bear the overwhelming imperfections of the world. They're not our flaws. Kindness knows this. - Aditya Bhaskara
Ask not for a lighter load but for broader shoulders - Jewish Proverb
One of the most difficult tasks confronting philosophers is to descend from the world of thought to the actual world. Language is the immediate actuality of thought. Just as philosophers have given thought an independent existence, so they were bound to make language into an independent realm.
He hadn't realized that life speaks with a voice to you, a voice that brings you answers for the questions you continually ask of it, had never consciously detected it or recognized its tones until it now said something it had never said to him before, which was "yes". - Douglas Adams
Should you wish to pursue the infinity of truth, you must make yourself humble as ashes and vigorous as the wind. - Abhijit Naskar
If you want the answer—ask the question. - Lorii Myers
I didn't ask for average and i won't settle for it - Fearless Motivation
The dream is yours… why are you asking others to validate or nourish it? Your journey must be self-propelled. It must be fueled from within. - Steve Maraboli
Melepaskan pengampunan bagi orang lain akan membebaskan diri Anda dan orang lain dari rasa bersalah. - Robert Siahaan
As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task.
I stopped believing in Santa Claus at age six when my mother took me to see him in a store and he asked for my autograph.
I love belief it can move the pallet on a Ouija board or put a man into space. The problem that we have is the wrong beliefs we can't erase. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
and I ask myself and you, which of our visions will claim uswhich will we claimhow will we go on livinghow will we touch, what will we knowwhat will we say to each other. - Adrienne Rich
The Spartans do not ask how many but where they are. - Agis II of Sparta
Cigarette smoke when i didn't ask for it. Never when I did. - Ifra Asad, "The Ostrich Effect" Songs of my Selfie
Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m all right? I say.No, I’m pretty sure you’re not all right.He shakes his head. I’m going to ask you not to make any decisions until we’ve talkedabout it. - Veronica Roth
Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers. - Leigh Hunt
Live every single moment of your life, for the one thing that is most precious to you. - Abhijit Naskar
I suddenly asked my master Caeiro, Are you at peace with yourself? and he answered, No, I’m at peace. It was like the voice of the earth, which is everything and no one. - Álvaro de Campos
You can put all your eggs in one basket if God has told you to. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I never ask perception about me to anyone but mirror, it never lies. - Chandan Sharma
I’ve known people that the world has thrown everything at to discourage them...to break their spirit. And yet something about them retains a dignity. They face life and don’t ask quarters. - Horton Foote
I am always chilled and astonished by the would-be writers who ask me for advice and admit, quite blithely, that they "don't have time to read." This is like a guy starting up Mount Everest saying that he didn't have time to buy any rope or pitons. - Stephen King
Let's take off the masks and get real so we can get it right with God. - Undena Y. Leake Jackson
Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch. - Orson Welles
Asking for blessings,receiving blessings, becoming a blessing,becoming a source of blessings - Paul Gitwaza
I long ago developed a very practical smile, which I call my "Noh smile" because it resembles a Noh mask whose features are frozen. Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want; you can imagine how often I've relied on it. - Arthur Golden
I like Kindness it's something the Government can't tax and it's free to give away that will return to you some day - Stanley Victor Paskavich
When I am asked, "What do you think of our audience?" I answer, "I know two kinds of audiences only--one coughing, and one not coughing." - Arthur Schnabel
We have become, by the power of a glorious evolutionary accident called intelligence, the steward of life's continutity on earth. We did not ask for this role, but we cannot abjure it. We may not be suited to to it, but here we are. - Stephen Jay Gould
There are questions I'm still not wise enough to answer, just wise enough to no longer ask. - George Jones
Now when you say staring, are you including yourself in this assessment? I recall you taking in the view on several occasions.""For the last time, I was not staring at you." I was a terrible liar. "Now, if you're done, I'd like to finish asking my question. - Stacey O'Neale
It is most difficult, in my mind, to separate any success, whether it bein your profession, your family, or as in my case, in basketball, fromreligion. - John Wooden
I am asked and I’m speaking to young Canada now are there rewards in public life? There are not monetary but there is a tremendous satisfaction in being able to say I tried, I stood. - John G. Diefenbaker
But without wisdom, imagination is like a cruel taskmaster. - William Paul Young
All life is in vain, for Death makes a nonsense of pain. - Gasmaskman
Men do not change. They unmask themselves. - Germaine de Staël
whey you ask about Love to Everyone,That's the Day when you are felling in Love - Yaganesh Derasari
Rain makes me feel less alone. All rain is, is a cloud- falling apart, and pouring its shattered pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only thing that falls apart . It makes me feel better to know other things in nature can shatter. - Lone Alaskan Gypsy
My goal is not to have everlasting fame, it is simply to write the stories that are asking me to write them and to share them with the people that want to hear them. - Elizabeth Hernandez
Be sceptical, ask questions, demand proof. Demand evidence. Don't take anything for granted. But here's the thing: When you get proof, you need to accept the proof. And we're not that good at doing that. - Michael Specter
Lenin only believes in the revolution and in the virtue of expediency.'One must be prepared for every sacrifice, to use, if necessary, every stratagem, ruse, illegal method, to be determined to conceal the truth, for the sole purpose of accomplishing, despite everything, the communist task'. - Albert Camus
Ask advice only of your equals. - Danish Proverb
Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew. - Saint Francis de Sales
And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy
Believing without questioning is an insult to the human conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
We must unceasingly ask for [perseverance] by making use of the means which God has taught us for obtaining it: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, frequenting the sacraments, association with good companions, and hearing and reading Holy Scripture. - Francis de Sales
If you could observe every thought in your brain the magnitude of it's vastness would drive you insane. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The only way to consistently perform at your potential is to ask: Am I better than I was yesterday? - Chris Matakas
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