Quotation Explorer - 'Fix'

The people of the world have a fixed destiny. But the spiritually developed receive what is not in their destiny. - Idries Shah
There is a tragic flaw in our precious constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president. - Kurt Vonnegut
You cannot fix racism with more racism. - Christina Engela
As a business leader you have to ask yourself, Am I creating a consumer environment that is conducive to loyalty? If the answer is no, FIX IT! - Steve Maraboli
The most beautiful as well as the most ugly inclinations of man are not part of a fixed biologically given human nature, but result from the social process which creates man. - Erich Fromm
Those only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness: on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming at something else, they find happiness by the way. - John Stuart Mill
Dubstep makes me feel confused and my headache get fixed, from chillstep I get sad - That's my story! - Deyth Banger
He said he was going to fix everything and I believed him. But I believed him before and again some. And I guess I got lost in the resentment of disbelief. - Dominic Riccitello
Never regret on something you can fix. - Sam Houssami
Arianne had her feet up on the table, wearing a striped conductor's cap.Arriane was fixated on the game. A chocolate cigar bobbed between her lips as she contemplated her next move. Roland was giving Arianne the hawk eye."Checkmate, bitch," Arianne said triumphantly, knocking over Roland's king. - Lauren Kate
The thing is, it's very dangerous to have a fixed idea. A person with a fixed idea will always find some way of convincing himself in the end that he is right - Atle Selberg
Those who fixate on what could have been are bound to miss what already is. - Sara Secora
Reese, your books might not tell you this, so I will. Every heart has two parts, the part that pumps and the part that loves. If you’re going to spend your life fixing broken hearts, then learn about both. You can’t just fix one with no concern for the other. - Charles Martin
The need of man to wholly realize himself is the only fixed star. - Arthur Miller
One's life is not as fixed as one believes. Surprises may lie in store for you, the unexpected often tends to happen, sometimes bringing in its train the most delightful change in one's life or circumstances. - Elizabeth Aston
Gazing into his eyes, I was lost in their intensity. It was like looking into the bluest sky and carrying on to infinity. I felt mesmerised, hypnotised and transfixed all at once. - Pat Spence - Blue Moon
The human body is a tube and tank machine with an electrical system that is made up of trillions of cells and two fluids, which are designed to create and react to chemistry. While this machine can malfunction, malfunctions can be fixed. - Kevin W. Reese
The thought cross his mind that he ought to have married her and not gone rambling. If he had, he wouldn't be in such a fix. But he felt little fear; just an overpowering fatigue. Life had slipped out of line. It was unfair, it was too bad, but he couldn't find the energy to fight it any longer. - Larry McMurtry
There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so -now- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it. - Abraham Hicks
There was a photograph of Trout. He was an old man with a full black beard. He looked like a frightened, aging Jesus, whose sentence to crucifixion had been commuted to imprisonment for life. - Kurt Vonnegut
If someone’s beliefs are fixed and false, he or she can do anything to justify their beliefs. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Choose your thoughts, carve them in your mind and fix your gaze on them always. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Only the writers can change or fix the past by going back to edit old works - Munia Khan
Just being around her made me feel better. She had an amber shade aura to her that filled any cracks and brokenness I hadn't yet fixed. I could be myself around her, knowing full well she held on as I let go. - Hubert Martin
Shutting out all external objects, fixing the vision between the eyebrows, making even the inward and outward breaths, the sage who has controlled the senses, mind and understanding, who is intent upon liberation, who has cast away desire, fear and anger, he is ever freed. - The Bhagavad Gita
If you can fix yourself you can fix the problem===the cure u need is somewhere within you - Ikechukwu Joseph
When you eyes is fixed on the prize or reward.It gives you hope to stay focus until the vision is fulfilled. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When the Bible itself becomes irksome, inquire whether you have not been spoiling your appetite by sweetmeats and renounce them; and believe that the Word is the wire along which the voice of God will certainly come to you if the heart is hushed and the attention fixed. - F.B. Meyer
The past is something that can not be fixed, but sets an example to fix the present to better the future. - John Yang aka Private83
The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bull shit. - Richard Pryor
Education gives you the ability to know it. Intelligence gives you the capacity to fix it. Wisdom lets you know when to do it. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Life, at its best, is a flowing, changing process in which nothing is fixed. - Carl Rogers
You will never let go of the one thing that God keeps prompting you to fix. - Shannon L. Alder
I wondered if there was anything [the doctor] could do to to make the pain disappear and my arms work again. I wondered if I was going to get any worse than I already was. If so, I wondered if he could fix that, too. - Jennifer Starzec
Good design can't fix broken business models. - Jeffrey Veen
Most people in the world are Christ lovers. And then there are Christ haters. But all of them are fixated on Christ, and he perpetuates for ever. - Marilyn Monroe
I was always an unusual girl.My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean. - Lana Del Rey
A carpenter is hired- a roof repaired, a porch built. Everything that can be fixed. June, July, August. Everyday we hear their laughter. I think of the painting by van Gogh, the man in the chair. Everything wrong, and nowhere to go. His hands over his eyes. - Mary Oliver
You cannot fix a broken heart by pretending it's not broken.
Until Self-realization is attained; it is not worth having a fixed-view at any place, it is not worth having habitual-devotion at any place and it is not worth stopping anywhere. - Dada Bhagwan
A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience. - Naomi Wolf
It's tragic that extremists co-opt the notion of God, and that hipsters and artists reject spirituality out of hand. I don't have a fixed idea of God. But I feel that it's us - the messed-up, the half-crazy, the burning, the questing - that need God, a lot more than the goody-two-shoes do. - Mike Doughty
O cowardly amd tyrannous race of monks, persecutors of the bard, and the gleemen, haters of life and joy! O race that does not draw the sword and tell the truth! O race that melts the bones of the people with cowardice and with deceit! ("The Crucifixion Of The Outcast") - W.B. Yeats
CURSE, v.t. Energetically to belabor with a verbal slap-stick. This is an operation which in literature, particularly in the drama, is commonly fatal to the victim. Nevertheless, the liability to a cursing is a risk that cuts but a small figure in fixing the rates of life insurance. - Ambrose Bierce
The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity. - Marcel Proust
She was our guardian angel. Lucy saved us from mystery. Without her, our marriage would be ruined. Her disappearance created an open wound that we can't fix but the most devasting reality is probably the fact that her body will never be found. She is a living ghost in Wilmington, North Carolina. - Chloé Danielo
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu
It is very difficult to break free from the prison of conformity and fixed false beliefs without changing our level of consciousness and awareness. - Debasish Mridha
Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong. - Neil Gaiman
Sometimes we need someone to just listen. Not to try and fix anything or offer alternatives, but to just be there… to listen. An ear that listens can be medicine for a heart that hurts. - Steve Maraboli
I tried to gather all the pieces… I picked each one and fixed them so perfectly. No one could say that I was broken once, unless they see my hands, lacerated by the splinters of my heart. - Jasmine Kiyani
Never been more truthful then right now, looking at you fixes everything. - Holly Hood
Emotion is bad if it hinders the mind from thinking. Anemotion that opens the mind to contemplate severalaspects of things at once is better than one that fixesthought to an obsession. - A.C Grayling
In other words, we may, by fixing our attention almost fiercely on the facts actually before us, force them to turn into adventures; force them to give up their meaning and fulfill their mysterious purpose. - G.K. Chesterton
I tried to gather all the pieces… I picked each one and fixed them so perfectly. No one could say that I was broken once but they saw my hands, lacerated by the splinters of my heart… - Jasmine Kiyani
Nowadays, a simple faulty brake light traffic stop, can get a black person killed. It's better to fix the broken light bulb, then having to face and cooperate with a senseless police officer. - Anthony Liccione
I see a lot of people complaining about the things they can fix, and a lot of people being accepting of the things they cannot change. Maybe tragedy really is the catastrophic event, for the way people view their lives. I would rather be wise, than nieve. - Nikki Rowe
They are trying to make me into a fixed star. I am an irregular planet. - Martin Luther
I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson
Life is most transfixing when you are awake to diversity, not only of ethnicity, ability, gender, belief, and sexuality but also of age and experience. The worst mistake anyone can make is to perceive anyone else as lesser. - Andrew Solomon
If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever. - Dalai Lama XIV
Illusion is a false perception but delusion is a fixed false belief. - Debasish Mridha
Once a man gets a fixed idea, there's nothing to be done. - Anton Chekhov
People walk in the door because they need you to take care of them -- to feed them or fix them. - Wally Lamb
The ‘doctrines’ we get out of the true myth are of course less true: they are translations into our concepts and ideas of that which God has already expressed in a language more adequate, namely the actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. - C.S. Lewis
All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns. - Bruce Lee
The United States can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans... - Bill Clinton
Getting my legal situation fixed takes a bit longer than we all thought: twelve years to be exact. Not a big deal. Only most of my life. - Patricio Maya
It’s absolutely stupid that we live without an ozone layer. We have men, we’ve got rockets, we’ve got saran wrap FIX IT!!! - Lewis Black
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken... - Evanescence
Asking storytellers to be genuine is like, asking a chain smoker to quit smoking . Habit of lying isn't easy to fix. Pretend as believing is like selling cigarettes. What else we could do, if we want them to be in our lives... - Heshan Udunuwara
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.
How many hearts must you break in order to fix your own? - Vanshicca Dhyani
So many men in my life have tried to fix me; they viewed me as a fiery being who is in need of taming - Mohadesa Najumi
Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. - Don Wood
I fixed my eyes on the larget cloud, as if, when it passed out of my sight, I might have the good luck to pass with it. - Sylvia Plath
Music has become my driving force behind my life, it to me, can fix bad moods, bad days, even bad people. It is the beat of my life. - Rian Dawson
A good intention but fixed and resolute - bent on high and holy ends, we shall find means to them on every side and at every moment; and even obstacles and opposition will but make us "like the fabled specter-ships," which sail the fastest in the very teeth of the wind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Vision and purpose fix our character. - Kishore Bansal
The deeper into this chapter in my life I get, the fainter the hum of crucifixion becomes. - Maggie Young
The only way to make a spoilt machine work again is to break it down, work on its inner system and fix it again. Screw out the bolts of your life, examine and work on yourself, fix your life again and get going. - Israelmore Ayivor
Spirituality is not about being fixed; it is about God's being present in the mess of our unfixedness. (Messy Spirituality) - Mike Yaconelli
It's much more efficient to build on a head-strong teen than to fix a broken-spirited adult. - Ace Antonio HallHall
You cannot fix a problem in the world unless you've already resolved the underlying conflict within yourself. - Auliq Ice
Illusion is whatever is fixed or definable, and reality is best understood as its negation… - Northrop Frye
If you don’t have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it? - Stephen King
The greatest way to ensure your company’s failure is to appoint leaders who see a divide between themselves and the team; who are more fixated on their elevated role than on the act of leading. - Steve Maraboli
God grant, if we must have two eyes, that they may be both clear ones, one the eye of faith wholly fixed on Christ, the other the eye of obedience equally and wholly fixed on the same objective! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I am constant as the northern star, of whose true fix'd and resting quality there is no fellow in the firmament. - William Shakespeare
Despite our battered exterior and in spite of the festering scars and rank filth that overlays it, there is underneath it all the pristine likeness of God Himself. And we would be wise to cast an eye not on the marred exterior, but to be fixed on the glorious interior. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
If every vampire who said he was at The Crucifixion, was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock . . . - Joss Whedon
My job as a Mind Body Spirit Coach is not to 'fix' people, it is to 'break' them and empower them to connect to their spirit and trust that they will be re-built slightly differently given a little time and patience. - Rebecca O'Dwyer - Centred Woman
So also in a marriage or in helping a teenager through a difficult identity crisis—there is no quick fix, where you can just move in and make everything right with a positive mental attitude and a bunch of success formulas. - Stephen Covey
It seems wise to spend time and energy on fixing the problems we see out there - but if we don't take a step back and see the OVERALL big picture - the real CAUSE of all of these results that we're focused on - our efforts will only go so far. - Dana Gore
It's ok to not like yourself sometimes, it just means there's something in you that needs "fixing". Love yourself to recognize these parts of you and watch yourself grow beautifully into the person you were meant to be. - Karen A. Baquiran
You can't BREED at a place where you can't BREATHE. Therefore, FIX yourself where you FIT. - Israelmore Ayivor
If you are so worried of things that can be fixed that you can't fix them. Just remember we came to this world without refactions. - Pedro A. Pérez Raymond
I've fixed my feelings into durable wordswhen they could have been spent on tenderness - BORGES JORGE LUIS
God is not supposed to fix the earth, he created man for that. - Sunday Adelaja
When we see things through our fixed, false beliefs, science becomes superstition. - Debasish Mridha
If my heart is set on pursuing real treasures, my mind must be fixed solely on the privilege of enjoying them and freed of the obsession of owning them. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The best way is not to fight it, just go. Don't be trying all the time to fix things. What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger. - Chuck Palahniuk
We have two alternatives: either we question our beliefs - or we don't. Either we accept our fixed versions of reality- or we begin to challenge them. In Buddha's opinion, to train in staying open and curious - to train in dissolving our assumptions and beliefs - is the best use of our human lives. - Pema Chödrön
At my time of life opinions are tolerably fixed. It is not likely that I should now see or hear anything to change them. - Jane Austen
The fractured self is not something that needs to be rectified fixed and made whole; by freeing thought of the blinkers of representation, the space of fracture, of multiplicity (as opposed to unity) becomes a powerful place and one from which the most radical ideas can emerge. - Ria Banerjee
When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world. In one world--the world of fixed traits--success is about proving you're smart or talented. Validating yourself. In the other--the world of changing qualities--it's about stretching yourself to learn something new. Developing yourself. - Carol S. Dweck
There's a profit attached to every problem. Find it, face it and fix it. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Maybe the reason nothing seems to be "fixing you" is because you're not broken. Let today be the day you stop living within the confines of how others define or judge you. You have a unique beauty and purpose; live accordingly. - Steve Maraboli
Sometimes we can spend too much time trying to fix our life that we forget to live. - Shannon L. Alder
The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action. There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for a particular ailment. - Bruce Lee
I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem inasmuch as I had no fixed ideas derived from long-established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right. - Henry Bessemer
Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
I'm afraid of time... I mean, I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of the quick judgements or mistakes everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots, not movies. - Ann Brashares
The waters of spirituality are forever changing and forever constant. Prejudice or fixed ideas can only weigh you down and remove you from the flow. - The Book of Metanoia (D. Williamsen) - Dannye Williamsen
103When we try to be something that we are not, we become the slave of a rigid, fixed mind, following a rule about how things have to be. The violence and the anger in us remain unnoticed, because we are caught in our pictures of how we should be. - Charlotte Joko Beck
Listening and showing you are there for someone is often more important than trying to find a "fix" for a problem. I wish there were more people who practice this. - Auliq Ice
It will be foolish not to get your heart broken, even once.For having a broken heart makes you realize the immense capability it possesses to mend and heal itself and to love far more intensely,with every affixed piece of it that was once broken and torn apart.. - Sanhita Baruah
Our crucifixes exhibit the pain, but they veil, perhaps necessarily, the obscenity: but the death of the God-Man was both. - Charles Williams
If in doubt,trust your instincts because either you are right or lack the bite to fix it right. - Asim kayani
Ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that's a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect - Rob Reiner
As no designation of good and evil can be absolute, neither can it be fixed; no law which is just now will be forever just, and no political institution designed to secure the good can remain the best means to that good. - Allen Wheelis
Don't cope with problems; fix them. - Amine A. Ayad A. Ayad
There are things that can be fixed with an apology and things that can't. - Otani Lovely Complex
We are never free when we imprison ourselves in the prison of our fixed, false beliefs. - Debasish Mridha
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! - William Shakespeare
Fixed stars govern a life - Sylvia Plath
It's hard to get motivated fixing a compile-time syntax error when you can buy a powder that turns a house into a monster. - Ryan North
Justice isn’t about fixing the past; it’s about healing the past's future. - Jackson Burnett
One cannot fix one's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy. - Jane Austen
Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, Or that the Everlasting had not fixed. His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! - William Shakespeare
It's amazing to me; when your mind is fixed on one thing, you forget everything. You forget to eat and drink and care. The only thing I could never forget was him. - Mercy Cortez
I have on my table a violin string. It is free to move in any direction I like. If I twist one end, it responds; it is free.But it is not free to sing. So I take it and fix it into my violin. I bind it and when it is bound, it is free for the first time to sing. - Rabindranath Tagore
He was good and then really good and then bad and then really bad, but since he was good I got lost in the thought that I could fix it. - Dominic Riccitello
A fixation with connecting with 'friends' online comes with the risk of disconnection with friends waiting for you to be present in the offline world. - Craig Hodges
Now I check myself in the mirror."Why do women do that?" he asks."What?""Look yourself down like there's some problem needs fixing. You're better than fine. - David B. Ramirez
When you blame others, what you are really saying is what is inside of you can’t be fixed, so you have no control of your own happiness. Therefore, you have made the conscience choice to give focus and fuel to a bad situation that will take you nowhere and give you nothing, but ignorance and pain. - Shannon L. Alder
Change is to focus all your energy not in fixing the past but in recreating the future. - Seal the Smile
It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that the Arab community and the Arab military forces will not be willing to pay it. - Moshe Dayan
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker's reflection. - Lady Gaga
The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one. - Brooks Atkinson
Every attempt to fix eternity is an escape from reality. I will be plaguing my days with moments and minutes. For ever is too far! - Rossana Condoleo
Don't ruin a good opportunity fixating on a bad one. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When you are in a fix, often the fix is in you. - Ashok Kallarakkal
Evolutionary biology is imperialistic, overtaking entire fields of endeavor simply by attaching the prefix bio or neuro -- to their names: bioethics, no comics, even, God help us, neurotheology. Its logic is deployed against helpless laymen as a bully's truncheon or an argument stopper. - Andrew Ferguson
Very often, gleams of light come in a few minutes' sleeplessness, in a secondperhaps; you must fix them. To entrust them to the relaxed brain is like writing on water; there is every chance that on the morrow there will be no slightest trace left of any happening. - Antonin Sertillanges
History is no more fixed and dead than the future. The past is no further away than the last breath you took. - Robin Hobb
Things can be fixed. Relationship CANNOT.Its like standing on a cracked glass plane, you might just adjust yourself for the time being but there will always be a fear of increasing the cracks, fear of falling through, fear of being destroyed. - Hanif Hassan Barbhuiya
Nature is a matchmaker and not a match-fixer, so it only inspires and not conspires. Therefore, a person befriends the people of his/her character only. - Anuj Somany
Even if I told you what scares me, you wouldn't understand how it feels.So just so you know, I've travelled roads I had no idea where they'd take me to.And maybe I don't know much about life and its horrors but trust me, I know enough.And I can fix everything, like I always have. - Simran.M.Anthony
When you feel that a relationship is not same as it was and it is lacking the old charm, love, and magic - give it some space. We often complicate things by wondering how to fix it. At times, just some space and unsaid love can heal even those wounds that are deeply engraved. - Nikita Dudani
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix
I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in the world is fixed. - Frank Deford
I wish i were a little girl again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken heart. - Julia L. Roberts
Empowered Women 101: The moment you ignore bad behavior, in order to win a person's affection you have not won anything, but a person that has behavioral problems. If you couldn't fix their behavior before you won him, why could you fix him now? - Shannon L. Alder
In order to fix it, you need a passionate anger about something that doesn't work well. - James Dyson
Climate Change is a bit like our advanced societies. Too late to "fix." The only choice left is that we adapt to what we've created. - Shilpa Menon
When I finally let someone into my narrow bed, the first thing I told her was what I could not do. I said, "I can't fix it, girl. I can't fix anything. If you don't as me to fix it, you can ask anything else. If you can say what you need, I'll try to give it to you. - Dorothy Allison
When one person attempts to fix it for the other person, the connection of acceptance is snapped and the sender and receiver miss an opportunity for understanding. - David W. Earle
I’m addicted to words. The only way to get my fix is to write and read. - K.D. Green
There's nothing so wrong that it can't be easily fixed or easily ignored. I just let things roll off.
Freud, one of the grand masters of narrative, knew that the past is not fixed in the way that linear time suggests. We can return. We can pick up what we dropped. We can mend what others broke. We can talk with the dead. - Jeanette Winterson
I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves. - Louise L. Hay
Some things just can't be put back together. Some things can never be fixed. Two broken pieces can't make a lot of anything anymore. But at least he had the broken pieces. - Jamie Ford
Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way… - Paul Arden
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road. - Dag Hammarskjold
Hope is a mistake. If you cant fix what's broken, you will go insane. - Mad Max Fury Road
Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments: love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove : O, no! it is an ever fixed mark. - William Shakespeare
When you slip up and let yourself back into old, toxic patterns of thinking, forgive yourself before you try to fix yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
Fix this sentence: He put the horse before the cart.
The turtle lives 'twixt plated decksWhich practically conceal its sex.I think it clever of the turtleIn such a fix to be so fertile. - Ogden Nash
RITE, n. A religious or semi-religious ceremony fixed by law, precept or custom, with the essential oil of sincerity carefully squeezed out of it. - Ambrose Bierce
The eye fixed on Christ sees clearly, succumbing to neither pride nor inferiority, because it is not concerned with the self at all. - Andree Seu World Magazine
A terrorist is the most foolish and naïve. He is drunk with fixed false beliefs that killing his neighbors will result in going to heaven. - Debasish Mridha
t takes great courage to stand up against your fixed, false beliefs. - Debasish Mridha
I am not a fan of the magical quick fix in any fiction, including fantasy, scifi and comic books. Unless Dr. Who is involved, and then only because we get to use the phrase 'Timey-wimey wibbliness' which, I'm sure you'll agree, there are not enough occasions to drop into ordinary adult conversation. - Chris Dee
What an absurd thing it is to pass over all the valuable parts of a man, and fix our attention on his infirmities. - Joseph Addison
Obsessions and fixations are not really my field. All I know, when the mind really grabs hold of something, look out. - Martin Sage and Sybil Adelman
The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is because vampires are allergic to bullshit. - Richard Pryor
Medicine directly to the disease doesn't work, rather, the root cause needs to be diagnosed! Similarly the evil deeds of Man can never be fixed unless the evil heart behind it, is fixed at the first place! - Ajay Chandan
Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it. - Michel de Montaigne
What a beautiful fix we are in now; peace has been declared. - Napoleon Bonaparte
My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death. I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave. - Stonewall Jackson
The very fact of having fixed conclusions to strive for in orthodox belief does not render the Christian philosopher dogmatic but rather intellectually fruitful, willing to take and follow reason further than the putatively undogmatic unbelieving philosopher - Gregory B. Sadler
If it ain't broke, dont fix it.
Ain't never seen a ski trip fix a marriage. - Laura Moncur
Relationship Time to Aloneness." Having a companion fixes you in time and that of the present, but when the quality of aloneness settles down, past, present and future all flow together. A memory, a present event, and a forecast all equally present. - John Steinbeck
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose -- a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
The chief reason for going to school is to get the impression fixed for life that there is a book side for everything. - Robert Frost
Off, end this lies it's not awesome. Please take this crap, second very clever and smart, but I want to add suffix (-ass), it's very suitable, isn't it? - Deyth Banger
We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves. - Leonora Carrington
Rhianon, he said, hold my hand, Rhianon.She did not hear him, but stood over his bed and fixed him with an unbroken sorrow.Hold my hand, he said, and then: why are your putting the sheet over my face? - Dylan Thomas
Human Nature is not a problem that can be fixed by rules and regulations. All solutions to the existing problems must be based on how people behave, not on how we think they should behave. - Kirk Chisholm
Everything is useful which contributes to fix in the principles and practices of virtue. - Thomas Jefferson
Advice for a long and happy life - never tell a writer you have fixed their work. Ever. - C.S. Woolley
MySchool not OurSchools. In the basic logic of policy, there is now no difference between Labor and Liberal/National parties. The unchallenged assumption of national and state policy is that whatever problem exists, market logic can fix it. - Raewyn Connell
Rarely do I truly understand the disease which ails me. Therefore, rarely do I truly understand the fix that would cure me. And so maybe I should truly contemplate how rarely I recognize that God understands both. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
You can’t fix who you are on your own, but God is in the business of transforming broken girls into beautiful trophies of His grace. - Paula Hendricks
Some pieces couldn't be glued back together. Some people weren't for fixing. Sometimes, the only thing to do was burn the whole fucking world down and start again. - Abigail Haas
I don’t fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves. - Louise L. Hay
Do not fixate on the odds against you but on victory ahead of you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Chuck Palahniuk
Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks - Waqar Ahmed
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose- a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.
After getting myself relatively educated in the area of national transformation, I have come to discover that it makes better sense to look at what I could do to fix the problems of the society rather than blaming others for what is wrong in the country. - Sunday Adelaja
We often confuse determination with its evil twin: fixation. While determination is our ability to stand our ground while pursuing our goals. Fixation, on the other hand, is an unhealthy attachment to an ideal. - Venugopal Gupta
Fix your eyes on what you believe and not what you see. - Chris Burkmenn
Most of us are living in a prison of our fixed, false beliefs and never try to find the door to get out to see and feel the beauty of life, even when the door is wide open and welcoming. - Debasish Mridha
The rules of life are nothing that cannot be fixed. - Shannon A. Thompson
The world is getting too small for both an Us and a Them. Us and Them have become codependent, intertwined, fixed to one another. We have no separate fates, but are bound together in one. And our fear of one another is the only thing capable of our undoing. - Sam Killermann
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering - Jancee Dunn
There is a measure in everything. There are fixed limits beyond which and short of which right cannot find a resting place. - Horace
Aside from velcro, time is the most mysterious substance in the universe. You can't see it or touch it, yet a plumber can charge you upwards of seventy-five dollars per hour for it, without necessarily fixing anything. - Dave Barry
Other people can’t cause us to be impatient unless we let them do so. In other words, others don’t make us impatient. We make ourselves impatient, through our expectations and demands, fixated attachments and stuckness. - Lama Surya Das
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. - William Faulkner
Reflect carefully on this, for it is so important that I can hardly lay too much stress on it. Fix your eyes on the Crucified and nothing else will be of much importance to you. - Teresa of Ávila
I thought I could fix almost anything, but then she was more than broken. - Tushar Chauhan
Unfortunately, humans have a long history of trying to fix their engineering mistakes with more engineering mistakes! - Steven Magee
Another vindication I had is the fact that I believed the Christian message and the gospel of the kingdom is good enough to fix the world’s problems - Sunday Adelaja
It is this mythical, or rather symbolic, content of the religious traditions which is likely to come into conflict with science. This occurs whenever this religious stock of ideas contains dogmatically fixed statements on subjects which belong in the domain of science. - Albert Einstein
The essence of real creativity is a certain playfulness, a flitting from idea to idea without getting bogged down by fixated demands. Of course, you don’t always get what you thought you were asking for. - Vernor Vinge
You can fix anything but a blank page. - Nora Roberts
Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything. - Mary Hemingway
I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible. - William James
I am in a profession that has succeeded because of its ability to fix. If your problem is fixable, we know just what to do. But if it’s not? The fact that we have had no adequate answers to this question is troubling and has caused callousness, inhumanity, and extraordinary suffering. - Atul Gawande
I don't like a kind of workshop that is about editing--I don't want to sit there and be an editor. I don't want to tell someone how to "fix" a poem. - Natasha Trethewey
The world is broken he said, how will you fix it? I don't think anyone can fix it but we can teach ourselves & eachother to focus on the good and the important and maybe little by little this place won't feel so heavy. - Nikki Rowe
Usually, we believe that our pain is a misfortune that needs to be fixed, but in fact, all pain (physical, mental, and emotional) is a necessary step towards becoming conscious. - Mada Eliza Dalian
Some may call me a vigilante. I think i've got problems to fix. - Matt Hilton
Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind. - Leonardo da Vinci
If it isn't broken don't try to fix it - Jenetta Haim
people say I'm running back to the thing that broke me, yeah he did, but I picked myself back up, now it's about fixing him. - Mya Waechtler
Before he sets out, the traveler must possess fixed interests and facilities to be served by travel. - George Santayana
Don't try to fix the past,try to build the future. - christos Stavrou
If a policy is wrongheaded feckless and corrupt I take it personally and consider it a moral obligation to sound off and not shut up until it's fixed. - David H. Hackworth
Pleasure, ecstasy, they cannot seem to bear: their escape from it is in violence, in drinking and fighting and apparently inescapable----And so why should not their religion drive them to crucifixion of themselves and one another? he thinks. - William Faulkner
Humanity suffers because most of us are living in our prison of fixed, false beliefs and we don't want to get out of it. - Debasish Mridha
The most important and most difficult thing that you can change is your fixed false beliefs. - Debasish Mridha
Deciding to commit yourself to long term results rather than short term fixes is as important as any decision you'll make in your lifetime. - Anthony Robbins
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
How can you follow your heart, unless you know why you have allowed it to be empty for so long and didn't have the courage to fix it? - Shannon L. Alder
Fortunately, the second-to-last bug has just been fixed.
I'm not a big fan of inspiration. I'm too old to sit and wait for the muse to give me a little kiss... I write a lot, and I'm not afraid to make mistakes or to write badly. I can alsways fix something weak and dull. But I can't fix a blank page. - Ron Koertge
My job as a coach isn't to 'fix' people it is to 'break' them and empower them to connect to their spirit and trust that they will be re-built into a new improved version given a little time and patience. - Rebecca O'Dwyer Centred Woman
The problem was I always took the blame. But he was wrong. But I thought me taking the blame could fix it. - Dominic Riccitello
Sometimes we need someone to just listen. Not to try and fix anything or offer alternatives, but to just be there… to listen. An ear that listens can be medicine to a heart that hurts. - Steve Maraboli
I find people with depression are like a broken clocks, and clock maker after clock maker will try to fix you, but sometimes time itself is the answer. - isaac andrews
Become a fixer, not just a fixture.
Soulmates are those people who will enter your life, fix it when it is broken, fill it when it is empty, and shower it with love when it is in drought. These people are not perfect, but they make every bit of your life, perfect for you. - Dhie S.
Broken things can be fixed and healed. Nothing is too difficult or too dirty to clean. - Marika McCoola
The environment acts more strongly upon the individual life the less fixed and strong this individual life may be. - Maria Montessori
We can't fix, only support each other to process, manage, transform, make life-journeys in own way. - Jay Woodman
Practice mercy and forgiveness throughout as a lesson that symbolizes the love shown through his crucifixion. - Unarine Ramaru
A strong woman will automatically stoptrying if she feels unwanted. She won't fix it or beg, she'll just walk away. - chocolate socrates
Treat marriage like a diamond necklace; if broken, fix it, but do not throw it away. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit. - Abbie Hoffman
Be proud to act like a normal human being. Keep daylight hours, get a regular job, and mix in the company of people with a fixed sense of right and wrong.The Abstainer's Handbook (second edition, p. 89) - Matt Haig
I told you 'bout the fool on the hill I tell you man he livin' there still Now here's another place you can be Listen to me Fixin' a hole in the ocean Tryin' to make a dovetail joint Look into a glass onion.
God is not coming to fix any nation. The most he could do is to raise up a man or a woman who would take responsibility to fix the nation. - Sunday Adelaja
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