Quotation Explorer - 'Durable'

We live in a world where a hut made of clay is more durable than brick buildings, because poverty doesn't allow it to be reconstructed. - Munia Khan
A great deal of what many Americans hold dear is nowhere written on those four pages of parchment, or in any of the amendments. What has made the Constitution durable is the same as what makes it demanding: the fact that so much was left out. - Jill Lepore
True love is durable and hard to find. - Auliq Ice
The most durable thing in writing is style, and style is the single most valuable investment a writer can make with his time. - Raymond Chandler
I've fixed my feelings into durable wordswhen they could have been spent on tenderness - BORGES JORGE LUIS
Wit is brushwood; judgment timber; the one gives the greatest flame, and the other yields the most durable heat; and both meeting make the best fire.
...it is a base thing to look to others for your defense instead of depending upon yourself. That defense alone is effectual, sure, and durable which depends upon yourself and your own valor. - Niccolo Machiavelli
The more I study the world, the more I am convinced of the inability of brute force to create anything durable. - Napoleon Bonaparte
Once you have hundreds of millions of dollars, it’s hard to know where to put it all. Art is transportable, unregulated, glamorous, arcane, beautiful, difficult. It is easier to store than oil, more esoteric than diamonds, more durable than political influence. - Nick Paumgarten
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. - C. S. Lewis
When you're eighteen your emotions are violent, but they're not durable. - W. Somerset Maugham
Love always hurts, Always. It’s what you do with it that makes it durable. - Athena Kamalei
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