Anger is a revenge that can never be controlled. - Nadair Desmar
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the next generation of children by their corporate controlled governments. - Steven Magee
A good way to do econometrics is to look for good natural experiments and use statistical methods that can tidy up the confounding factors that Nature has not controlled for us. - Daniel McFadden
The man of integrity who is true to self and to God will choose the right whether or not anyone is looking because he is self-driven, not externally controlled. - Tad R. Callister
If you're not scared or angry at the thought of a human brain being controlled remotely, then it could be this prototype of mine is finally starting to work. - John Alejandro King
The social system is taking on a form in which finding out what you want to do is less and less of an option because your life is too structured, organised, controlled and disciplined. - Noam Chomsky
Reality is based on, and controlled by, our thoughts. - Christine Rice
Like too much alcohol,self-consciousness makes us see ourselves double, and we make the double image for two selves - mental and material, controlling and controlled, reflective and spontaneous. Thus instead of suffering we suffer about suffering, and suffer about suffering about suffering. - Alan W. Watts
I think it's a shame that something as creative and vital to the nature of the human species as story-telling is largely controlled by the soulless cretins known as publishers. - Piers Anthony
Quality has to be caused, not controlled.
Behind the facade of elected government are a bunch of corporate controlled gangsters running the country. - Steven Magee
Feedback control is certainly not controlled feedback. - Mussadiq Abdul Rahim
The faculty of art is to change events; the faculty of science is to foresee them. The phenomena with which we deal are controlled by art; they are predicted by science. - Henry Thomas Buckle
The medium is the message, the message is encrypted, and the encryption key is controlled by NSA. - The Covert Comic
I enjoy controlled loneliness. I like wandering around the city alone. I’m not afraid of coming back to an empty flat and lying down in an empty bed. I’m afraid of having no one to miss, of having no one to love. - Kuba Wojewódzki
The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes. - Saul Steinberg
The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies. - Robert Conquest
Controlled anger leads to positive action. - Todd Stocker
Well we've left behind the 200X's, and we move onto the 20XX's. Maybe that will finally make us feel like we're living in the future, rather than a media controlled slave state where an iPhone is worth substantially more than a human life. Happy new year. - Yahtzee Croshaw
I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them. - Tony Benn
If you have any doubts that we live in a society controlled by men, try reading down the index of contributors to a volume of quotations, looking for women's names. - Elaine Gill
Even in societies where words are often strictly controlled, messages diverse never die. Resembling seeds scattered here and there, they find all manner of cracks and crevices to root. - William E. Jefferson
Shutting out all external objects, fixing the vision between the eyebrows, making even the inward and outward breaths, the sage who has controlled the senses, mind and understanding, who is intent upon liberation, who has cast away desire, fear and anger, he is ever freed. - The Bhagavad Gita
It may be a man's world, but men are easily controlled by women. - Ashly Lorenzana
We kept our heads down and did our jobs. We controlled the only thing we could, which was the show. We did the thing. Because remember, the talking about the thing isn't the thing. The doing of the thing is the thing. - Amy Poehler
Western women have been controlled by ideals and stereotypes as much as by material constraints. - Naomi Wolf
But in terms of "psychological" time, most of us are still living in centuries past, stirred by ancient grudges, controlled by obsolete prejudices, driven by buried fears. - Sydney J. Harris
A dream becomes a reality as a result of your actions, and your actions are controlled, to a large extent, by your habits. - John C. Maxwell
I have learnt through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
What's the world's greatest lie?... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. - Paulo Coelho
if you can't control yourself, you will be controlled by others—choose your master. - Rick Julian
The more you concentration on God, the longer your conversation with him lasts and the holier his consacration will be on you. Let your communication with him be controlled by your committment. - Israelmore Ayivor
He who cannot agree with his enemies is controlled by them. - Chinese proverb
When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators. - P. J. O'Rourke
Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to be controlled by good people, by people who love you. - Orson Scott Card
The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love. - Bernard Kelvin Clive
If a person's mind is controlled by forces of revenge and jealousy, it cannot express love & sympathy. And even if they show love and sympathy to others it will yield no good result. The thought will not be reflected in love but in hate. - Virchand Gandhi
If you do not control your circumstance, you will be controlled by your circumstance. The choice is yours. - Tami B Harriott
It may be that the old astrologers had the truth exactly reversed, when they believed that the stars controlled the destinies of men. The time may come when men control the destinies of stars. - Arthur C. Clarke
Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled. - Noam Chomsky
If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote. - Genereux Philip
Chaos... by its very definition cannot be controlled. Once introduced, all order and intention is rendered useless. The outcome of chaos can never be predicted. The only certainty it brings... is the devastation it leaves in its wake. - Emily Thorne
Temptation is not to be feared, but controlled. - Deborah Brodie
When the media is controlled by people who runs the world, you are only going to get news that they want you to know. They will paint anther's man country's hero a tyrant, a dictator or a murderer and favor the next just to divide and conquer the people. - Henry Johnson Jr
Assuming what people want is about as controlled as using fireworks to start a fire. - Criss Jami
The rule is that when one’s mind is controlled in a specific subject, he can control the other person’s mind in that subject. - Dada Bhagwan
Controlling people do not like to be controlled. Controlling people do not like to have their agendas obstructed. - Traci Lawrence
The breath I take, the thoughts I think, the emotions I develop, the blood I circulate, the neurons that are wired, everything is completely controlled and has a deep meaning behind it. My soul is enlightened. - Magith Noohukhan
The power of touch. Life is controlled by such a facet manipulated by Man. All are knowledgeable of its boundaries, most are negligent. - Brian Vihlen
The idea of losing control is one that fascinates controlled people such as ourselves more than almost anything. - Donna Tartt
Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled. - William Blake
The distance a goldfish swims is not controlled by the bowl. - Les Coleman
Either we are running ‘from’ what we fear or running ‘to’ what we fear. The former is a choice controlled by fear, the latter is an action inspired by it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Changes are inevitable and not always controllable. What can be controlled is how you manage, react to and work through the change process. - Kelly A. Morgan