An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. - Laurence J. Peter
An economist is an expert who will know tommorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. - Laurence J. Peter
[Jesus] plan called for action, and how He expressed it predicted its success. He didn't say "you *might* be my witnesses," or "you *could* be my witnesses," or even "you *should* be my witnesses." He said "you *will* be my witnesses. - Charles R. Swindoll
Chaos... by its very definition cannot be controlled. Once introduced, all order and intention is rendered useless. The outcome of chaos can never be predicted. The only certainty it brings... is the devastation it leaves in its wake. - Emily Thorne
Of all the nasty outcomes predicted for women's liberation...none was more alarming than the suggestion that women would eventually become just like men. - Barbara Ehrenreich
Okay we both know... what happens... with sex... different places... different time... different date... different rooms... the biatch is still bitchy.... very bitchy as pitchy.... The agony - DOOOOOO YOU FEEL IT?- wE JUST PREDICTED THE FUTURE! - Deyth Banger
The faculty of art is to change events; the faculty of science is to foresee them. The phenomena with which we deal are controlled by art; they are predicted by science. - Henry Thomas Buckle
Since the end of human action, as distinct from the end products of fabrication, can never be reliably predicted, the means used to achieve political goals are more often than not of greater relevance to the future world than the intended goals. - Hannah Arendt