Quotation Explorer - 'Pigs'

I refuse to believe all men are pigs and women competing whores.-ANASTASIA - Anastasia
Why try to have pigs flyWhen ducks already can - Ella C.
Once you come to terms with why you don't eat cats, dogs, monkeys, and dolphins, you will begin to understand why I don't eat cows, pigs, chickens, and lambs. - Edward Sanchez
Okay, now I know your yanking my chain. Pigs will fly before Blake would ask for our help." Rhoan"Better start ducking those flying piggies then, bro, because I'm totally serious." Riley - Keri Arthur
ANOINT, v.t. To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery. As sovereigns are anointed by the priesthood, So pigs to lead the populace are greased good. Judibras - Ambrose Bierce
Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals. - Will Rogers
If I do the right kind of a job, I don't know whether I am going to be here four years from now. -- John F. Kennedy (to Richard M. Nixon, right after the Bay of Pigs invasion, 1961). - John F. Kennedy
Pigs are horses. Girls are boys. War is peace. - Arundhati Roy
Gays, lesbians, straights, feminists, fascist pigs, communists, Hare Krishnas - none of them bother me. I don't care what banner they raise. But what I can't stand are hollow people. When I'm with them I just can't bare it, and wind up saying things I shouldn't. - Haruki Murakami
Pigs should not make friends with butchers. One must choose one's friends wisely. - Erik Pevernagie
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. - Sir Winston Churchill
In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward mobile. - Hunter S. Thompson
Critics are like pigs at the pastry cart. - John Updike
Aliter catuli longe olent, aliter sues. ("Puppies and pigs have a very different smell.")
What men call good fellowship is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter which lie close together to keep each other warm. - Henry David Thoreau
When you're given a brilliant child you polish her and let her shine. Pigs in Heaven - Barbara Kingsolver
I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. - Winston S. Churchill
I'd discovered that the range of beauty in breasts is wide; while one should never lightly say that a pair is ugly, one can easily say that a pair of breasts is beautiful. Hedgehogs are beautiful sometimes; so are baby pigs. - Mo Yan
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