They say that the wages of sin is death. But after taxes its just a tired feeling really. - Paula Poundstone
The advancement of the arts from year to year taxes our credulity, and seems to presage the arrival of that period when human improvement must end. - Henry L. Ellsworth
The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. - Calvin Coolidge
The invention of the teenager was a mistake. Once you identify a period of life in which people get to stay out late but don't have to pay taxes - naturally, no one wants to live any other way. - Judith Martin
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. - H. L. Mencken
I'm proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is I could be just as proud for half the money.
Look, we play the Star Spangled Banner before every game. You want us to pay income taxes, too?
Ronald Reagan and George Bush pushed through programs that raised taxes on the middle class. I think it's time to cut them. And in my administration I'll offer a middle-income tax cut that will cut rates on the middle class. - Bill Clinton
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness... but only when you pay your taxes? That means your freedom is rented, leased, & not unalienable. - Steve Maraboli
We now in the United States have more security guards for the rich than we have police services for the poor districts. If you're looking for personal security, far better to move to the suburbs than to pay taxes in New York. - John Kenneth Galbraith
The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.
HOUSELESS, adj. Having paid all taxes on household goods. - Ambrose Bierce
We have to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share again. Their incomes went up in the 1980s and their taxes went down. We can't ask the middle class to pay more; their incomes went down and their taxes went up. - Bill Clinton
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling. - Paula Poundstone
Read my lips--NO NEW TAXES!
The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return. - Gore Vidal
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward. - John Maynard Keynes
Baseball is a skilled game. It's America's game -- it, and high taxes. - Will Rogers
There are only two things worse then an empty canvas: death and taxes. - Ragnar Tørnquist
Every decision, every single one, comes with a price to pay. It means you chose one thing over another, always. Whether you chose right or wrong, that cost remains constant. It's a permanent life tax. That's where taxes come from. - Hubert Martin
My feeling is this whole country is founded on the principle of 'if you are not hurting anyone, and you're not fucking with someone else's shit, and you are paying your taxes, you should be able to just do what you want to do.' It's the freedom and the independence. - Adam Carolla
The seven deadly sins ... Food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven milestones from man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the milestones are lifted. - George Bernard Shaw
Opportunity for all means making taxes fair. I'm not out to soak the rich. But I do believe the rich should pay their fair share. For twelve years, the Republicans have raised taxes on the middle class. It's time to give the middle class tax relief. - Bill Clinton
But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. - Benjamin Franklin
if we could tax Americans' cognitive dissonance we could balance the budget. The American people want all kinds of incompatible things, they're human beings, and they want high services, low taxes, and an omnipresent, omniprominent welfare state. - George F. Will
JUSTICE, n. A commodity which is a more or less adulterated condition the State sells to the citizen as a reward for his allegiance, taxes and personal service. - Ambrose Bierce
Baseball is a skilled game. It's America's game - it, and high taxes. - Will Rogers
Man is not like other animals in the ways that are really significant: Animals have instincts, we have taxes.
I make a fortune from criticizing the policy of the government, and then hand it over to the government in taxes to keep it going. - George Bernard Shaw
I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class. - Barack Obama
Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals. - Will Rogers
The subspace W inherits the other 8 properties of V. And there aren't even any property taxes.
You can’t tax business. Business doesn’t pay taxes. It collects taxes. - Ronald Reagan
A penny saved is worth two pennies earned . . . after taxes. - Randy Thurman
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward. - John Maynard Keynes
[George Bush] has raised taxes on the people driving pickup trucks and lowered taxes on the people riding in limousines. We can do better. - Bill Clinton
I'm not going to raise taxes on middle-class Americans to pay for the programs I've recommended. - Bill Clinton
Rights" are something made up by governments to make you feel like you're buying something with your taxes. - Stefan Molyneux
The avoidance of taxes is the only pursuit that carries any reward. - John Maynard Keynes
All [zoos] actually offer to the public in return for the taxes spent upon them is a form of idle and witless amusement, compared to which a visit to a penitentiary, or even to a State legislature in session, is informing, stimulating and ennobling. - H. L. Mencken
All the taxes paid over a lifetime by the average American are spent by the government in less than a second.
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em. - Will Rogers
Political figures who talk a lot about liberty and freedom invariably turn out to mean the freedom to not pay taxes and discriminate based on race; freedom to hold different ideas and express them, not so much. - Paul Krugman
We are not subjects of an autocratic King, but are citizens of the country contributing to the advancement of our people who pay taxes out of their hard earned income. - Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Let's tell the truth. Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did. - Walter Mondale