Quotation Explorer - 'Wants'

A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.
An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said.An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated. - Madalyn Murray O'Hair
There's nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the world a better place. - Banksy
I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.
And the victim must have been broken and must remain so, so that the externalization of evil is possible. The victim who refuses to assume this role contradicts society's simplistic view. Nobody wants to see it. People would have to take a look at themselves. - Natascha Kampusch
Everyone wants the sun let shine, and the neighbor's grass is always greener, so it is better to mow it ourselves. - Jan Jansen
He wants you for parts. - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
I have found that everything wants to kill you. For some things, like fast food, or riding a bike, it just takes longer. - Devin J. Monroe
People try to say suicide is the most cowardly act a man could ever commit. I don't think that's true at all. What's cowardly is treating a man so badly that he wants to commit suicide. - Tommy Tran
If you fall into troubles, it is not that you did something wrong. It is because the universe wants to prepare you for a better life by making you strong. - Debasish Mridha
If love wants you; if you've been melted down to stars, you will love with lungs and gills; with feathers and scales; with warm blood and cold. - Anne Michaels
Destination is, ideally, where one should stop; and ideally, one should not stop. Practically, destination of a great man is where he wants to stop; of a common man, where he has to. The one ends with Will, the other with Reason. Morality is always pursued, never reached! - Raheel Farooq
The Adversary, of course, simply wants them to lay down their sins, guilt and all, and follow Him. But this type holds on to their sinfulness and their guilt for it, because otherwise, they’d have no relationship with Him at all. And, of course, no relationship can be based on guilt and survive. - Geoffrey Wood
Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature --- and another woman to help him forget them. - Helen Rowland
I'd rather live a life I truly love by spending my time doing things I love and have that be my only life rather than devote myself to someone who can't be proven exists at all that wants our time and our love more than our virtues simply just so I can live again - Anonymous
In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it. - Ernst Fischer
Satan wants you to die, but Jesus wants you to live. - Fritz Chery
When a woman wants your attention, she uses her smile. When she wants your wallet, she uses her charm. When she wants your heart, she uses her touch. When she wants your soul, she uses her kiss. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The things that one most wants to do are the things that are probably most worth doing. - Winifred Holtby
We need words from heaven. Too many words come from the human heart and not from heaven. God wants prophets who will bring words from heaven that will change things on earth. - Terry Collins
He had allowed the advertisers to multiply his wants; he had learned to equate happiness with possessions, and prosperity with money to spend in a shop. - Aldous Huxley
Larry: She doesn't want to be happy.Dan: Everybody wants to be happy.Larry: Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy they couldn't be depressed anymore. They'd have to go out into the world and live. Which can be depressing. - Patrick Marber
A person has three choices in life. You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can tread water and let the tide sweep you away, or you can swim with the tide, and let it take you where it wants you to go. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Respond with love even when someone wants to hurt you. - Debasish Mridha
[He] was a brilliant man. People tend to become wary of individuals like him because their brilliance reminds them of their own mediocrity. Envy is a blind man who wants to pull out your eyes. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
A person who wants to know everything eventually comes to a stage where his/her curiosity of knowing everything comes to an end and that is the stage of Enlightenment. - Sangita Pareek
one big problem and a great paradox in the arena of life is the problem of where or how a person is now and what, who and where he wants to be or have tomorrow. Had it not be this problem, we would have been relaxing all day long - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The Truth Is That Existence Wants Your Life To Become A Festival Because When You Are Unhappy, You Also Throw Unhappiness All Around. - Osho
You are priceless— fearfully and wonderfully made. God shaped and modeled you in your mother's womb. God created you in his own image. You were created, redeemed, and are deeply loved and valued by God. Therefore, the man who wants to be involved with you should have to count the cost. - Michelle McKinney Hammond
Everybody hates lie but nobody wants to hear the truth. - Anurag Bhatt
You can't leave footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time?
No one really wants you, they only want the idea of you. - J.V. Constable
The heart knows the immensity it wants to achieve, but it is limited. - Nadia Scrieva
I want to be alone... with someone else who wants to be alone. - Dimitri Zaik
I just want a friend who gets me and then wants to keep me—flaws and all. - Toni Sorenson
You know, I think it's important to keep a balance in things. Yeah, balance, that's the right word. Cause the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything. Of course, the one who wants too little from life, might not get anything at all. - Thomas Angelo
Love wants Love. - Auliq-Ice
listen, God is not some little genie or a vending machine. And is not just worth it because he makes your life all better, but He's with you. God wants so much more for your life than fine - Jim Britts
You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic. - Lewis Carroll
A man wants to see a woman as an angel of imagination, but a woman wants to prove that she is a person. - Debasish Mridha
In the end, a lack of compatibility is what ruins relationships. You can't force someone to be an eagle when they are a duck. Nobody wants to fly solo. Dreams were meant to be shared together. - Shannon L. Alder
Be an optimist. Nobody wants to follow a sourpuss.
Whenever God wants to intervene in the affairs of the earth, he intervenes through light, illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding, wisdom - Sunday Adelaja
It' like he has the ability to take on some of my pain. I feel so much better around him. Stronger. And he is willing to take my pain. He wants to bear it with me. I can see it shining in his eyes. I'm more than a duty to him. I'm more than his literal dream girl. I'm so much more. - Cynthia Hand
God isn't about making good things happen to you, or bad things happen to you. He's all about you making choices--exercising the gift of free will. God wants you to have good things and a good life, but He won't gift wrap them for you. You have to choose the actions that lead you to that life. - Jim Butcher
No-one wants advice only corroboration. - John Steinbeck
If someone wants to be in your world then they will be anything you want them to in it. - Stephen Richards
Prayer is not about asking what you want, but what God wants. - Shannon L. Alder
And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know. - K. Borun
So the unwanting soulsees what's hidden,and the ever-wanting soulsees only what it wants. - Lao Tzu
No woman really wants a man to carry her off; she only wants him to want to do it. - Elizabeth Peters
Judge a person not by how he treats you, but how he treats others. The former reflects what he wants you to think of him, the latter truly reflects who he is. - Betty Jamie Chung
A woman should always know her place, and it's exactly wherever she wants to be. - Kierra C.T. Banks
God doesn't want to be a mystery to us, God wants to be known. - Roxanna Aliba Kazibwe
Everyone wants a prodigy to fail; it makes our mediocrity more bearable. - Harold Bloom
but i've slammed the door to my inner self; if he ever wants to force the lock again, he'll have to use a harder crowbar! - Anne Frank
The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything. - Friedrich Nietzsche
God wants you to face the reasons why you separate yourself from Him. He will show you what you fear, what you need, and what you desire. He will inventory your beliefs and values, and help you line them up with His truth. - Michael Barbarulo
The human heart needs only the bare elements to survive, the human brain wants to the limitlessness of tolerance. Finding yourself is a matter of pitching your tent in the middle. - Zephyr McIntyre
Good luck in a way is bad luck not occurring, but the world wants stories of how bad luck happened, and how good luck played a savior. - Daya Kudari
There are men who wants only the woman; such are tagged, 'real men', and there are ones who want only their bodies; such are tagged, 'fake men', and there are others who wants neither the woman, nor the body; such are tagged, 'GAY MEN - Michael Bassey Johnson
War is a need by a country that wants power, but the USA is already great - Tim Clisch
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. - Susan B. Anthony
Look here, said Will. When a man comes to me for advice about an idea, I know he doesn’twant advice. He wants me to agree with him. And if I want to keep his friendship I tell him his idea isfine and go ahead. But I like you and you’re a friend of my family, so I’m going to stick my neck out. - John Steinbeck
You know that if I were reincarnated, I’d want to come back a buzzard. Nothing hates him or envies him or wants him or needs him. He is never bothered or in danger, and he can eat anything. - William Faulkner
It’s sometimes difficult to align our wants with our needs, for old programing and new paradigms vibrate at very different levels. - Glenn A. Maltais
It is not the greatness of a man's means that makes him independent, so much as the smallness of his wants. - William Cobbett
I find that I keep offering God my service when what He wants is my fellowship - John Paul Warren
Everyone loves it, everyone wants it, But someone who has enough guts to take it are considered as sluts...Why? Why does world has to be full of double-faced hypocrites? - Nirja
I think that one wants from a painting a sense of life. The final suggestion, the final statement, has to be not a deliberate statement but a helpless statement. It has to be what you can't avoid saying. - Jasper Johns
Coz life, you see, is not a fairy tell. Just have faith in yourself and God. Let the life take you where it wants to. - Saumyaa Suneja
The idle mind knows not what it wants. - Ennius
I just want to say this. I want to say it gently but I want to say it firmly: There is a tendency for the world to say to America, "the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out," and then to worry when America wants to sort them out. - Tony Blair
In the end there doesn't have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to. - Robert Brault
When you do what someone else wants you to do, you are wasting your time. Don’t get tricked by other people’s thinking. The life is yours and so are goals. Believe in your own intuitions, speak your own voice, and follow what your heart says. The rest is secondary. - Ashish Patel
in prayer, God does want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul. - Todd Stocker
A tormented mind wants to forget, what a broken heart will always remember. - Anthony Liccione
He understood (what so many fautlessly polite people do not understand) that a stiff apology is a second insult. He understood that the injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt. - G.K. Chesterton
God wants you to begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are - Sunday Adelaja
Live like you want to, not how anyone else wants you to. - Sebastian Loving
All is but lip-wisdom which wants experience. - Sir Philip Sidney
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it. - Andy Rooney
Don't trust the heart, it wants your blood. - Stanisław Jerzy Lec
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where GOD wants you to go. - D.A. McBride
What your precious life wants to be or do—it is only up to you. - Debasish Mridha
ONLY' having the Gift, people appreciate this madness as Art. Everybody wants to have Art in their lives, but no body wants to have what the Art came out from in their lives... - Hiroko Sakai
The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the time. - Francis Chan
...And so we go and I meet his parents. And it's a very strange thing meeting your girlfriend's boyfriend's parents for the first time. Part of you is angry for obvious reasons and part of you still wants to make a good impression. On a side note, they seemed in perfect health. - Mike Birbiglia
No one wants to read poetry. You have to make it impossible for them to put the poem down--impossible for them to stop reading it, word after word. You have to keep them from closing the book. - Muriel Rukeyser
A girl who truly knows herself is a girl everybody else wants to know - Mandy Hale
Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of its filling a vacuum, it makes one. - Benjamin Franklin
God, what a ghastly enterprise to be in, though--and what an odd way to achieve success. I'm an exhibitionist who wants to hide, but is unsuccessful at hiding; therefore, somehow I succeed. - David Foster Wallace
A bureaucrat is a Democrat who holds some office that a Republican wants.
Susie: Doesn't it make you feel kind of awesome that the world is beautiful for no other apparent reason than that it is? Like beauty has its own secret reason. It doesn't need human eyes to notice. It just wants to be glorious and unbelievable. - Martine Leavitt
I must be really ugly or something, because nobody wants me. Not even God wants me. That's why he makes me stand out here in the cold. - excerpt from: freefalling - Darlenne Susan Girard
No story lives unless someone wants to listen. So thank you, all of you. - J.K. Rowling
It's just human. We all have the jungle inside of us. We all have wants and needs and desires, strange as they may seem. If you stop to think about it, we're all pretty creative, cooking up all these fantasies. it's like a kind of poetry. - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider
Caveman used to be a hunter-gatherer...Modern man hunts for jobs(if he wants to be an employee) and for heads (if he is an employer), and later gathers paper in the form of currency notes, contracts, policies or shares. - Ankala V Subbarao
Everybody wants to own the end of the world. - Don DeLillo
Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights. - Ronnie Coleman
Sometimes you know you've got a chance with a girl because she wants to fight with you. If the world wasn't so messed up, it wouldn't be like that. If the world was normal, a girl being nice to you would be a good sign, but in the real world, it isn't. - Nick Hornby
Who wants avocado? - Wendy Lustbader
The devil attacks you today, because you have got a future. He wants to destroy you for that very reason, because he is scared of your future acts and exploits. - Sunday Adelaja
Everyone wants to see a falling star and make all their wishes come true. My wish is to see only you, because you are the only star in my life. - Karel Hrošek
The Heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care - Emily Dickinson
We are going to have that thing everyone talks about, that indescribable, indefinable thing that everybody wants to find...Here's to endless stargazing. - Ella Harper
Don’t ever feel bad for making a decision about your own life that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. You’re responsible for your own happiness. Anyone who wants you to live in misery for their happiness should not be in your life anyway. - Isaiah Hankel
This is my time, I don't own anyone but every one wants to get owned by me - Piyush Negi
If one candidate is appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you’d better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope! - Bill Clinton
The writer wants to be understood much more than he wants to be respected or praised or even loved. And that perhaps, is what makes him different from others. - Leo. C Rosten
It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. - Aesop
You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants. - Stephen King
The world is not interested in titles and positions, all it wants is your creative mind and the genuinity of the work your hands. - Euginia Herlihy
The universe doesn't command that we love. That would be forcing it. But the Universe does have a heart and when it looks from within it wants it's components to the do the same with unconditional love. Through it's own inner guidance and thus ours. - Matthew Donnelly
The world is not interested in titles and positions, all it wants is your creative mind and the genuinity of the work of your hands. - Euginia Herlihy
True humanity demands that every human should be loved equally, but if that's not possible for you then at least love whoever you wants to but respect everyone. - Amit Kalantri
So many people from my past taught me that it's not everyone that's in my life wants to see me achieve my goals and be great, but I thank God they're no longer in my life because I moved on a long time ago, welcome to my present. - Werley Nortreus
At twenty a man is full of fight and hope. He wants to reform the world. When he is seventy he still wants to reform the world, but he knows he can't. - Clarence Darrow
Anyone who has got a book collection and a garden wants for nothing. - Cicero
Missionaries are going to reform the world whether it wants to or not. - Oscar Wilde
Marriage isn't for life any more -- life is too long. Marriage is for love. Love gladly accepts responsibility. Love wants commitment. Marriage should be celebrated as the optimistic and glorious thing that it is. We can't call it a failure if it doesn't last forever. - Jeanette Winterson
Thoughts might not be solid and always obtainable, but they become your reality when emotions are attached to them. Over time, they become your wants and form an attachment to your behavior. - Shannon L. Alder
2AM where do i begin,Crying off my face again,The silent sound of lonliness,Wants to follow me to bed - Christina Perri
The mind has the ability to trick the body into believing it is happy and that all is well - the heart however, feels it. And as the saying goes, 'The heart wants what the heart wants'. Anything else just wouldn't do... - Charles R. Mackriel
Every reader wants the same thing: to open the cover of a book and watch the words explode like fireworks off the page. - Kim Lehman
Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants. - Esther de Wall
I am not a philosopher but a friend, who, with great love and care, wants to share his thoughts. - Debasish Mridha
A person tends to say to the people anything with the word 'YOU' in own voice, only when one wants merely others to DO often excluding oneself from that very same thought. - Anuj Somany
Max Lucado says that ‘A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.’ That is true and a man who wants to find out the truth must also do the same thing! - Mehmet Murat ildan
I was reading in the paper today that Congress wants to replace the dollar bill with a coin. They’ve already done it. It’s called a nickel. - Jay Leno
Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can't figure out what from. - Mae West
The magic of reading happens when an author’s written work strings you along until your imagination, aware of your wants, molds the tale into an extraordinary world to be visited frequently—perhaps dwelt in for years. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Nobody wants to enter the jungle, but everyone wants to be called Rambo. - Mircea Popister
There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book, and a tired man who wants a book to read. - G.K. Chesterton
Every time you try to do something that anxiety wants to stop you from doing, you've struck a blow that will make the anxiety weaker. - Jamie Blyth
There are two great rules of life, the one general and the other particular. The first is that everyone can in the end, get what he wants, if he only tries. That is the general rule. The particular rule is that every individual is, more or less, an exception to the rule. - Samuel Butler
All things seek for comfort and no one wants discomfort. A sound mind does not just improve speed; it increases efficiency and joy, and bond the body and the soul perfectly as well! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Not everyone who has helped or is helping you wanted or wants to help you. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
My God can do it! My God will do it! My God wants to do it! My God has done it! - Kathy Degraw
Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man wants to make a million dollars, the the best way would be to start his own religion. - L. Ron Hubbard
He who writes in blood and aphorisms does not want to be read, he wants to be learned by heart. - Friedrich Nietzsche
The perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our possessions, our ambitions to our capacities, we will then be a happy and a virtuous people. - Mark Twain
There is nothing wrong withdeciding that you don’t wantsomething, but if you do want it,go out and get it! - Domonique Bertolucci
Life is a piece of art drawn by love on the canvas of hope with the colors of desires, wants, and needs. - Debasish Mridha
You become a real teacher when your understanding of the wants and needs of the student results in the student revealing her inner beauty. - Debasish Mridha
Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game and do it by watching first some high-school or small-town teams - Jacques Barzun
Nobody wants great things for you. They all want you to be something they deem important for them. - Abhijit Naskar
A woman always wants to change her man but a man wants her to be unchanged. - Debasish Mridha
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
God hasn't called you to walk in someone else's shoes (purpose). He wants you to walk in the shoes that fit you, for which He made you. You aren't going to succeed walking in another woman's shoes. - Beth Moore Jones
Note to the wise: whenever someone insists that he wants to buy something from you, but tells you there’s no real value in it yet, two things are happening: he’s lying, and you’re being taken. - Mike Stackpole
When you only know your faults and failures, you allow yourself and others to downgrade your dreams and belittle your wants. - Shannon L. Alder
Sometimes a woman will look back on what she had, not because she wants to go there but to motivate her to do better. - Reuben " Mulah Truth " Holmes II
The people are that part of the state that does now know what it wants.
A prose writer gets tired of writing prose, and wants to be a poet. So he begins every line with a capital letter, and keeps on writing prose. - Samuel McChord Crothers
Everyone in the world is constantly fighting an internal battle. A battle between what the brain knows is right and what the heart knows it wants. - Oprah Winfrey
If an artist wants to use his mind for creative work, cutting oneself off from society is a necessary thing - Glenn Gould
A wise person is silent and rarely wants to show his wisdom. A fool is always vocal and uses every opportunity to show his foolishness. - Debasish Mridha
There is a blue bird in my heart that wants to get out. - Charles Bukowski
God wants you to always have a hunger in your heart to learn something new. - Sunday Adelaja
God will walk beside us in hell if he wants us to remember the type of the people he needs us to help. Our suffering is our training for the hardest job he could ask us to do. - Shannon L. Alder
It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear. - Dick Cavett
Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?
Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. - Thomas Paine
Where nothing wants that want itself doth seek. - William Shakespeare
My Body Wants to Crave Healthy. I Just Need to Give it the Opportunity. - Pooja Mottl
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wishes to die. The same could be said about success. Everybody wants to achieve it but few are willing to pay the price of success. - Michael A. Contés II
Why does a man take it for granted that a girl who flirts with him wants him to kiss her - when, nine times out of ten, she only wants him to want to kiss her? - Helen Rowland
I'm in love with a girl who knows me better.Fell for the woman just when I met her.Took my sweet time when I was bitter.Someone understands,She knows how treat a fella right.Give me that feeling every night,She wants show love when I wanna fight,Now someone understand me. - Juxtaposition
...everyone wants to be excited by something magical and wondrous - to be reminded of how they once saw the world ... - John Geddes
I know I'm an acquired taste - I'm anchovies. And not everybody wants those hairy little things. - Tori Amos
Religion does not care about your purpose or determination; it just wants you to live like hell. - M.F. Moonzajer
...when you hate someone so much, a part of you wants desperately to forgive them. But you can't decide if it's because you really want, or if you just want to stop hating. I still don't know if forgiveness is generous or selfish. Maybe both. - Miguel Syjuco
To be real is to be who you are according to the purpose which God wants you to accomplish but not to be who people want you to be according to what they think you should be. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When you are being judged by someone that has no idea who you are always remember this: Dogs always bark at strangers and usually there is always some wacko neighbor that wants to try out their new gun on an intruder. - Shannon L. Alder
The higher a tree wants to rise, the lower its roots must grow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and a tired man who wants a book to read. - G.K. Chesterton
I and my public understand each other very well; it does not hear what I say, and I don't say what it wants to hear. - Karl Kraus
Now, nature, as I am only too aware, has her enthusiasts, but on the whole, I am not to be counted among them. To put it bluntly, I am not the type who wants to go back to the land; I am the type who wants to go back to the hotel. - Fran Lebowitz
Almighty God, thee only have I; thou steerest my fate, I must give myself up to thee! Give me a livelihood! Give me a bride! My blood wants love, as my heart does! - Hans Christian Andersen
During childhood, it’s about trying to help develop who your kid’s going to be. During adolescence, it’s about responding to who your kid wants to be. - Jennifer Senior
Be out of the mainstream. I'm out of the mainstream. I enjoy it, who wants to be in the mainstream? - Bill Maher
My tears of joyhear the raindrops crying,as the rain never wants to pourdown on my cloudy dayswhen I makeour love-dreamsfor the sun to dreamonly for you....(From the poem "Only For You" By ) - Munia Khan
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? - Groucho Marx
God wants us to delight in living His purpose for us, which is why our passion plays a huge part! - Paige Omartian
You are a seed; that is why God plants you in adversity when He wants you to grow. - Matshona Dhliwayo
The brain is full of lonely ideas, begging you to make some sense of them, to recognize them as interesting. The lazy brain just files them away in old pigeonholes, like a bureaucrat who wants an easy life. The lively brain picks and chooses and creates new works of art out of ideas. - Theodore Zeldin
No ethical person wants to be a king or a queen, because there is no ethics and honor in putting yourself in a place higher than others! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first. - Shannon L. Alder
It is only man's egoism that wants to keep woman like some buried treasure. - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
People are so cheap. Everyone wants quality, no one wants to pay for it. Here's the suburban dream-- to hire great workers who are such meek morons that they don't have the guts to ask for a living wage. - Joan Bauer
A real man wants two things: danger and play. Therefore he wants woman as the most dangerous plaything. Man shall be educated for war, and woman for the recreation of the warrior: all else is folly. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Our consciousness is primitive; it is dependent on wants and needs. - Debasish Mridha
Always carry with love to share because no one wants complaints..! - Vivek ashok chavan
God wants the whole person and He will not rest till He gets us in entirety. No part of the man will do" (101) - "The Pursuit of God - A.W. Tozer
I was so scared that all the big things I wanted would never be anything more than wants. - Julie Murphy
Are you a witch?Belonging to her clan ... that woman is evilShe stole the wolf's heartShe can keep it, eat it, and do whatever wants to doThe Wolf will never mind - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Honesty is my true nature, but if people wants to use it that is their nature. - - Abhinav Rajput
How long does it take man to realize that he cannot want what he wants? You have to live in hell to see heaven. - William S. Burroughs
You're my rose and I am the dew sticked to you who never wants to fall apart. - Himanshu Singla
In the world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. - Oscar Wilde
The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open. - Groucho Marx
When you love yourself, then you are at peace. Wants or needs cannot destroy it - Debasish Mridha
I often think of you all, one cannot do what one wants in life. The more you feel attached to a spot, the more ruthlessly you are compelled to leave it, but the memories remain, and one remembers - as in a looking glass, darkly - one's absent friends. - Vincent Van Gogh
Hope and faith goes hand-in-hand, because without hope there is no faith. The same goes with want and needs, without any wants, there no need to have a need - Temitope Owosela
Everyone Wants everyone to be perfect for them but they don't wanted to be perfect for others... - Naveen Kumar
Whoever wants to be an overnight success must be willing to sweat for it during the day. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A winner knows how much he still has to learn, even when he is considered an expert by others; a loser wants to be considered an expert by others before he has learned enough to know how little he knows. - Sydney J. Harris
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
Jesus came to serve, and He wants you to follow His example. - Jim George
A man limits his abilities himself according to his created interest, and then he pays very little attention to unliked things. Understand that man can become whatever he wants to be, just Interest and Want play the role. - Faisal Nawaz Maitlo
I ascribe to Mark Twain's theory that the last person who should be President is the one who wants it the most. The one who should be picked is the one who should be dragged kicking and screaming into the White House. - Bill Hicks
You're flattered because he wants to sleep with you? Who doesn't he want to sleep with? - Donna Lynn Hope
Life wants you to be complete unto yourself, generally enjoy and expand consciousness, open, explore, love. - Jay Woodman
The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing. - David Viscott
The school of suffering never graduates any students, so ask God to teach to you the lessons He wants you to learn. - Warren W. Wiersbe
Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures. - Dalai Lama XIV
If you do not question everything, you may never find the true answer, you will only find the answer everyone wants to believe.That it called being another sheep in the herd, that is why the people who question things are considered black sheep and the people who give you the answers, Wolves - Theodore Coldiron
First, stop making formula films that people have already started rejecting.This year, several big budget films haven't been entertained by the audience.Still stars continue to dictate terms.The youth wants new good content.From htcafeSaturday,Dec.20,2014 - Anurag Kashyap
Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes. - P.J. O'Rourke
Everybody wants a perfect face, which able to attract others, but without perfect teeth you can’t show yourself to others but everything is possible if you have strong desire to change your look,So Cal Dental care presents Cosmetic Dentistry treatment in North Hollywood. - So Cal dental
Coming into your powers can be a very confusing time. Perhaps there is a book on the subject. If you like, we can go see Marian."Yeah, right. Choices and Changes. A Modern Girl's Guide to Casting. My Mom Wants to Kill Me: A Self-Help Book For Teens. - Kami Garcia
When I think of talking, it is of course with a woman. For talking at its best being an inspiration, it wants a corresponding divine quality of receptiveness, and where will you find this but in a woman? - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with is"Sure" said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour - Cassandra Clare
You don’t need a sad soul to feel the beauty of a dead graveJust stay with the pale moonwhen darkness wants the night to be brave - Munia Khan
But one wants the idea of Death, you know, as something large and unknowable, something that allows a person to stretch himself out. Especially one wants it if one is tired. Or perhaps what one wants is simply a release from sensation, from all consciousness for ever.... - Stevie Smith
Everyone wants to change the world but nobody wants to start with themselves. - Moosa Rahat
No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. - Andrew Carnegie
The world wants to be cheated. So cheat.
The average man does not know what to do with his life, yet wants another one which will last forever. - Anatole France
Everything's going to be okay', because that's what I wanted him to say and it's what he wanted to say and that's what you do when the curtain is falling you give the line that the audience wants to hear. - Rick Yancey
Never lie to the one who wants you safe. - Damond Jiniya
Good writing takes more than just time; it wants your best moments and the best of you. - Gordon Atkinson
What I had to face, the very bitter lesson that everyone who wants to write has got to learn, was that a thing may in itself be the finest piece of writing one has ever done, and yet have absolutely no place in the manuscript one hopes to publish. - Thomas Wolfe
Like the he-man movie stars who turn out to be queer . . . or the silent-film actors whose voices sound terrible recorded--the audience only wants a limited amount of honesty. [ellipses original] - Chuck Palahniuk
I may not beleive in God, but I believe in guilt and no one wants to dick around with eternity, even if it isn't there. - johnathon trooper
My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can. - Frank Zappa
When the devil wants to punish his worshippers, he uses the trick of karma. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Nobody wants to know how you feel, yet, they want you to do what they feel. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Write from the soul, not from some notion about what you think the marketplace wants.The market is fickle; the soul is eternal'. - Jeffrey Carver
True philosophy must start from the most immediate and comprehensive fact of consciousness: 'I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live - Albert Schweitzer
The proud person always wants to do the right thing, the great thing. But because he wants to do it in his own strength, he is fighting not with man, but with God. - Søren Kierkegaard
One wants to tell a story, like Scheherezade, in order not to die. It's one of the oldest urges in mankind. It's a way of stalling death. - Carlos Fuentes
A classic is a book that has never finished what it wants to say. - Italo Calvino
A beautiful woman can have almost any man she wants. A rich man can have almost any woman he wants. - Oliver Gaspirtz
God is alive, real, and wants to heal you in every aspect of your life where you are hurting. - Robert A. Schuller
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. - Epictetus
the serpent if it wants to become the dragon must eat itself. - Francis Bacon
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
I don't believe that the public knows what it wants; this is the conclusion that I have drawn from my career. - Charlie Chaplin
We are defined by how we choose to exist. Responsibility towards and contribution to society is part of how we make a difference. Every human being wants to make a difference; one of the ways we might do this is through our contribution to communities . - Sameh Elsayed
Love is the innermost energy, innermost fire which wants to come out always and spread all over. - Debasish Mridha
That place I'm talking about ain't nothing but a bloody slit in this world of His. But everybody wants to rule over it. It ain't for the white man to rule. Ain't for any man to rule. - Jonathan Odell
No one wants to die alone, even though that's how it happens to all of us, even though we pretend there's some other ways. - James J. Frey
Logic only gives man what he needs, he stammered. Magic gives him what he wants. - Tom Robbins
A woman has got to be able to say, and not feel guilty, 'Who am I, and what do I want out of life?' She mustn't feel selfish and neurotic if she wants goals of her own, outside of husband and children. - Betty Friedan
Woman wants control, man self-control . - Immanuel Kant
Organize your life the way God wants it to be. When you pray, ask God for counsel on matters and you will get the wisest advice directly from heaven - Sunday Adelaja
Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. - Socrates
One must work and dare if one really wants to live. - Vincent Van Gogh
Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those who wait, too short for those who finally find peace, but for those who love, time is eternal. For nothing is ever lost that God wants you to find. - Shannon L. Alder
Jesus girls! Wake up! If a guy wants to drain you of your energy, emotions, and life force he won’t sparkle in the sunshine, he’ll just marry you. - Nick Shamhart
God wants to use His Church to establish His Kingdom on the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
Any child who can spend an hour or two a day, or more if he wants, with adults that he likes, who are interested in the world and like to talk about it, will on most days learn far more from their talk than he would learn in a week of school. - John Holt
A friend is someone that asks, 'how are you,' and really wants to hear the truth. - Tonny K. Brown
Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance. - Kurt Vonnegut
When a man only rings you late at night, when he only wants to see you late at night, when he doesn't take you out for dinner, or introduce you to his friends, or spend any time or attention on you, then this is not a relationship. This is sex. - Jane Green
Trying to become something in a world where everyone wants to become something is a thing that needs God's programming. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The love and hope that we are born with is what keeps us relentlessly moving toward joy. We get the most happiness from the simplicity of being devoid of wants and needs. - Debasish Mridha
The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants beyond everything else is safety. - H. L. Mencken
Whoever has the power takes the noun while the less powerful get an adjective. No one wants her achievements modified.We all just want to be the noun. - Sheryl Sandberg
How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself? - Anaïs Nin
I suppose what one wants really is ideal company and books are ideal company. - Anita Brookner
A Man can Choose what he wants to be. A Gentleman doesn't have a Choice. - M.G. Hardie
It is never hard to convince a man of something he already wants to believe - Tonny K. Brown
The deeper you go in ministry, the more the enemy wants to be an irritant in your marriage. - Kevin Thoman
A true lover never wants anything but gives with all his heart. - Debasish Mridha
The paradox of life; I wish to have healthy long life. But no one wants to show the glory of the grey hair. - Lailah Gifty Akita
If a person wants to be a part of your life,they will make an obvious effort to do so.Think twice before reserving a space in your heartfor people who do not make an effort to stay. - Sham Hinduja
Every author really wants to have letters printed in the paper. Unable to make the grade, he drops down a rung of the ladder and writes novels. - P.G. Wodehouse
You know you’re successful when your wants and needs are in harmony with your current situation. - Debasish Mridha
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do. - Walter Bagehot
…if you have someone who wants to heal, sometime they will respond to the unconventional. Their minds are more open to healing, so their bodies become more willing too. I believe that medication, while a wonderful thing, has its limits. That there are answers to be found in the unconventional. - Daisy Whitney
My life is the story of a man who always wants to carry too much. My spiritual quest is the painful process of learning to let go of things not essential. - Gordon Atkinson
No one wants advice, only collaboration. - John Steinbeck
No man wants his daughter to be the kind of girl whom he liked in high school. - J. Richard Singleton
Everyone has their opinion and everyone loves it. Nobody wants to accepts others opinion. So to make them happy be diplomatic and speak unclearly, let them interpret your thoughts by themselves, let them think what they want to think - Jagdish Poudel
You can't make footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time? - Bob Moawad
The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Everyone wants to know how you can tell when it's true love, and the answer is this: when the pain doesn't fade and the scars don't heal, and it's too damned late. Jonathan Tropper, from The Book of Joe - Madelon Phillips
The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
Life wants each of us to live on the 'A Team' - Wider, ever more intense Acceptance of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Awareness of good in our lives. Wider, ever more intense Action for good in our lives. Laura Teresa Marquez - www.upwardjoy.com
Wishes and wants do not transform a person; actions and reactions do so! Show the world your plans by the actions you take progressively and consistently. - Israelmore Ayivor
If a person wants to be a true Christian, then he will endeavor to know Jesus and press towards being like Him in all things in order to reveal Him to the world. - Sunday Adelaja
Everyone wants to be wanted and if all people wait for someone else to invest in them, the world will be stuck in an eternal stalemate: nobody moves and nobody wins. - Laura L.
When one does not have what one wants, one must want what one has. - Sigmund Freud
The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes. - Jonathan Swift
In simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up, and goes.
If the United Nations wants to do something to be remembered forever, I guess that would be freeing people from insanity of religion. - M.F. Moonzajer
I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music. - George Eliot
It’s important that you keep asking God to show you what He wants you to do. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. - Stormie Omartian
When fear raises it's head, don't freak, look it in the eye, ask it its name and what it wants to teach you, then invite it to dance, pull it in real close and let it know that this is your life and your dance and you'll be taking the lead. - Les Dossey
God is in the business of shattering our dreams...God wants to shatter every dream we have that is not of Him. God wants us to have the very best, and the very best happens to be Himself. - Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison
Man is indeed the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma); it is possible for infinite divinity to arise within. The moment he has a desire, he becomes a human! Otherwise, he can acquire whatever he wants, but he is unable to do so because of impediments (antray). - Dada Bhagwan
We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is. - Elisabeth Elliot
It’s only the ego that wants to surrender the ego; the real meaning of surrender does not involve anything external. It means to surrender to your true nature. - Enza Vita
Everyone wants a piece of you. The trick is what piece to give. - Solange nicole
Anyone who still wants to experience fairytales these days can’t afford to dither when it comes to using their brains. - Robert Musil
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan
Who wants to be used? I love to read, so books are my main friends. They're always available, always friendly, and always interesting, and they never make me choose sides. - Lurlene McDaniel
What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.
So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants to stop living on account of the cost. - Kin Hubbard
i am learning that when love wants to stay it will stay.i am learning that when love wants to go it will go. - Ava
Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed. - Coco Chanel
As a teen I was totally that dumpy overweight nerdy girl that nobody wants to be in the stories you’re told. And now I am a dumpy overweight nerdy adult and life is beautiful like a song. I’m not a flower that bloomed in the mud. Just a girl who stayed steady on the path of determination. - Lauren DeStefano
Even a brick wants to be something.A brick wants to be something.It aspires. Even a common, ordinary brick... wants to be something more than it is.It wants to be something better than it is. - Louis Kahn
Single Ladies Tip: No man is too busy to go after a woman that he really wants, he will make time even if it is 2 minutes. #NoMoreCrumbs - Samantha Gregory
A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse. - Stephen Dooley, Jr.
He wants to give you the best. Wait until the fruit gets ripened to relish completeness forever. - Steven Chopade
I believe it is the woman in the relationship that drives the relationship to what she wants it to be - Lori Colombo-Dunham
It is better to be a beggar than ignorant; for a beggar only wants money, but an ignorant person wants humanity.
I have a suspicion that the definition of "crazy" in show business is a woman who keeps talking even after no one wants to f*** [sleep with her] anymore. - Tina Fey
Let us be kind and compassionate to all beings. Everyone wants to enjoy their lives, everyone has sufferings, and everyone wants peace and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
Arguing with one's self is beneficial.Out of all the million voices in my head screaming for your death, you're lucky I heeded the one that wants to spare you this time. - Kevin Bascon
When everything has gone down, God wants youto look up - Richmond Akhigbe
It's music rage, which is like road rage, only more righteous. When you get road rage, a tiny part of you knows you're being a jerk, but when you get music rage, you're carrying out the will of God, and God wants these people dead - Nick Hornby
No book can be written till it wants to be written, till it shouts to be written, and raises up a persistent din in the writer's head. And then, if you want peace, you just have to pull it out and freeze it in print. Nothing less would do. - Jyoti Arora
No one wants to get hurt but without pain how can we win? - Debasish Mridha
Public education was not founded to give society what it wants. Quite the opposite. - May Sarton
It's a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust... No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away. - Solange nicole
Her past is colliding with my present, future. Some of us wants to sleep under the blanket of lies rather than getting naked with truth. - Jay
The American political system is like fast food--mushy, insipid, made out of disgusting parts of things...and everybody wants some. - P.J. O'Rourke
Why people want stuff which make them transcendent or transcendence?? And then they just destroy it?? Why Humanity wants something and then destroy it?? THere are a lot of examples one of them is the film "Transcendence - Deyth Banger
Can you feel it? I asked her...my heart beating so hard, so strong that wants to get out of my chest, and travel trough the distance just to feel your heart beating so close to join on a single rhythm. - Elkin Salcedo
My kid, her life. I want for her what she wants for herself. - Laura Castoro
A writer is someone who, needing nothing and no one, wants everything and everyone. - Neel Burton
If a woman does not want she actually wants, if she wants she certainly wants it! - Thiruman Archunan
The body, I had been taught, wants only to live. Suicide, I had understood, is an act not of the body against itself but of the will against the body. Yet here I beheld a body that was going to die rather than change its nature. - J.M. Coetzee
I think that when we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we wind up attracting even more love. If one person really wants us, everyone does. But if we’re alone, we become even more alone. Life is strange. - Paulo Coelho
Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry. - Dorothy Dix
If you can still write in spite of the fact that you're not getting paid, that nobody cares about what you're writing, that nobody wants to publish it, that everybody is telling you to do something else, and you still want to and you still enjoy it and you can't stop doing it...then you're a writer. - Joanne Harris
What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan
There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read. - G. K. Chesterton
He who has nothing and wants something is less frustrated than he who has something and wants more. - Eric Hoffer
Think of it." Now he is speaking to you, no one but you. "It may not matter what we want for science, or what we think is ethical. All we must do is provide the right environment, and let the heart do what it desires. The heart wants to beat. - Stephen Kiernan
The matters we or the world might consider trivial, He cares about and wants to remedy. He longs to relieve our worries and has promised to supply our most fundamental needs. - Charles R. Swindoll
We want to develop the nationWe want to develop the stateWe want to develop the society,But very few of us wants let the neighbor grow.Then how could the world will grow. - Jovieal James
When a person wants nothing, it's evil to tempt them with something. - Marty Rubin
Your mind is a wonderful tool for creating what your soul wants. Use the tool, don't let it use you. - Dan O Donnell
Love does whatever it does, whenever it wants to do it. - Camile Souza
I just can't get with this idea that literature is a 12-step program. If someone wants to read a book to see good people get rewarded and the bad people get punished, essentially what they want is a fairy tale. - China Miéville
When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of advice he wants, and I give it to him. - John Billings(Henry Wheeler Shaw)
Patience is the inclination to control the racing mind, which wants to jump ahead. - Balroop Singh
You can put off your dreams, your desires, your careers, your farms. You can avoid your responsibilities, obligations, promises, and sovereign rights. But any person who wants to make music, and doesn't, is a goddamned fool. - Jenna Woginrich
I have notice most writers wants your honest opinion but not your true honest opinion, therefore become upset. Sorry, I will always give my true honest opinion... - Lin
No one wants their stuff stolen. No one wants their physical person harmed. If you understand the implications of those two truths, you can come to see the egregious moral and practical problems of a state-managed society. - Jeffrey Tucker
Everybody will get their wants, when they heartily want. - Santosh Kalwar
God wants to bless us in many ways that require faith. We must trust that He is answering our prayers even when we can’t see it. - Stormie Omartian
Science gives man what he needs.But magic gives him what he wants. - Tom Robbins
Sometimes you're not ready to give the world quite what it wants. And that's okay, because the Earth is generously patient. - Jaree Francis
Small Moth...She's slicing ripe white peachesinto the Tony the Tiger bowland dropping slivers for the dogpoised vibrating by her foot to stop their fallwhen she spots it, camouflaged,a glimmer and then full on-happiness, plashing blunt soft wingsinside her as if it wantsto escape again. - Sarah Lindsay
Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.
You can't make footprints in the sand of time if you're sitting on your butt, and who wants to make buttprints in the sand of time? - Bob Moawad
Of course she wants him to forget her. The last place she wants to reside is in his thoughts. What an unpleasant place to be. - Donna Lynn Hope
Needs are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
By fulfilling our divinely appointed jobs as parents, we can be God's tools that define and refine our children as they are sculpted into the individuals that He wants them to be. - Tamara L. Chilver
Everyone deserv a chance maybe 2 or 3, but always this guy wants something and before he didn't made it don't mean that now again won't reach a conclusion. - Deyth Banger
Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So many wants distract man from his divine purpose. - Lailah Gifty Akita
True gentleness is founded on a sense of what we owe to him who made us and to the common nature which we all share. It arises from reflection on our own failings and wants, and from just views of the condition and duty of man. It is native feeling heightened and improved by principle. - Hugh Blair
You can feel like he wants to own you,-not like an object but like a good dream he wants to keep having. - Melissa Bank
Creation exists to be a place for the covenant that God wants to make with man. The goal of creation is the covenant, the love story of God and man. - Pope Benedict XVI
Painting in watercolor is like walking a tight-rope; one must achieve a perfect balance between what the paint wants to do and what the artist wants to do, or all is lost. - Mary C. Taylor
No one wants to die or even plans to die, at least not when you are young and living life on top of everything, stepping on gold, running the miles with hot chicks on tow, but even if I wasn’t a rock star, and just a normal civilian, I still wouldn’t plan to die young. Death is so boring. - Sofea Shah
Go ahead and point out my flaws and weaknesses to me. In doing so it's just something to get excited about! Knowing there's a flaw that my Heavenly Daddy wants to make beautiful is rather exciting! - Melissa Bradley
All the bruised lives, searching hearts...Everyone wants a love story but few will risk what it takes to live one. - Donna Lynn Hope
The invention of the teenager was a mistake. Once you identify a period of life in which people get to stay out late but don't have to pay taxes - naturally, no one wants to live any other way. - Judith Martin
If he only wants your breasts, legs & thighs then send him to KFC. - Sujish Kandampully
God wants to lead you to places you cannot get to without Him, and He does that by the power of His Spirit. He can bring you into the realm of the miraculous—not as a show, but as a demonstration of His love and compassion for the lost, hurting, or needy. Who among us doesn’t want or need that? - Stormie Omartian
if he wants to be a whore then let him. if he chooses to degrade and demean himself, just walk away. you can’t make a man respect you, the relationship or himself. - R.H. Sin
No one can insult me, because I do not want respect.No one can defeat me, because I have given up the idea of winning.How can you defeat me? You can only defeat someone who wants to win. - Lao Tzu
I am telling himwhat he wants to hear: antsdying of love underthe constellation of the dandelion.I swear that a white rose,sprinkled with wine, sings.I am laughing, tiltingmy head carefullyas if checking an invention.I am dancing, dancingin astonished skin, inan embrace that creates me. - Wisława Szymborska
It's political, sir. Apparently he wants a return to the values and traditions that made the city great, sir." "Does he _know_ what those values and traditions _were_?" said Vimes, aghast. - Terry Pratchett
The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever. - Anatole France
He who wants to go to moksha (Final Liberation), he will have to realize his own self. Otherwise no matter how much of anything else he does, he will not attain moksha (liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
God loves us. He's watching us, he wants us to succeed, and we'll know someday that he has not left one thing undone for the eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, there are heavenly hosts pulling for us -- friends in heaven that we can't rememer now, who yearn for our victory. - Ezra Taft Benson
Though you should still let her do what she wants, don't let her take total control of you or you won't be making the most of your experience. - Auliq Ice
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken
If someone wants to be in your life they will find you. If they don't they will find an excuse. - Shannon L. Alder
In order to fulfill our wants we get busy to make our living comfortable and we forget about our needs, and we make our life uncomfortable. So, add " life " in our living. - Dev Samudre
When a man finds the woman he really loves, the one he respects and wants to call wife, there is nothing on earth he won't do for her. No mountain he won't hike. No river he won't wade. No door he won't open. She is Eve and there's not a snake crawling that can keep them apart. - Yolanda Joe
A man who wants time to read and write lets the grass grow long. - Sloan Wilson
Home is— Where the heart wants to dwell, Where the mind wants to dance, Where the air is always pleasant, And where love is always abundant. - Debasish Mridha
No man has been able to do everything he wants without experiencing failures first. - Dave Shepp
It hurts to let go. Sometimes it seems the harder you try to hold on to something or someone the more it wants to get away. You feel like some kind of criminal for having felt, for having wanted. For having wanted to be wanted. - Henry Rollins
Sometimes our wants or needs have nothing to do with being ungrateful and everything to do with making a mistake. - Shannon L. Alder
My friend is my friend, even if he wears rag, even if he wasn't born with a silver spoon, even if nobody wants to be his friend, i will hurt his critics by remaining his friend. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Anybody who wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office. - David Broder
Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness. - Thomas Paine
Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. - Oprah Winfrey
Pornography won’t be enough. Because it never is. Sooner or later, all niggers want to touch the real thing. All dogs want to smell and taste the true information. All artists want to make their fantasies reality. And everyone with a cock wants to use it to fall in love. - Peter Sotos
He is rich enough that wants nothing. - Polish Proverb
But when one does not complain, and when one wants to master oneself with a tyrant’s grip one’s faculties rise in revolt and one pays for outward calm with an almost unbearable inner struggle. - Charlotte Brontë
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. - Mark Twain
Home is where the love is and where the heart wants to dwell with ease. - Debasish Mridha
When you walk in distinction, you don’t compete with anyone but competition wants to compete with you. - Onyi Anyado
Everyone wants to look great in the summer... Don't just dream, take action!Your journey to being a summer yummer starts today. - Steve Maraboli
Everyone wants to be happy.So love everyone like a happy puppy. - Debasish Mridha
I was born a heretic. I always distrusted people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows. - Susan B. Anthony
Don't love someone who wants to be loved, love someone who needs to be loved. - Vanshika Dhyani
Man has to fight for what he wants, any way he can. - Walt Morey
When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you, then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret. - Shannon L. Alder
Keep your mind free and independent even when someone wants to imprison your body. - Debasish Mridha
If you know what life really wants, and if you know what you really want, you can begin to create the relationship. - Darrell Calkins
If you think you are unworthy to pray, that thought is not coming from Jesus Christ. More than anything, He wants us to approach Heavenly Father, to have our prayers heard and answered. - Toni Sorenson
Walk the midway and hear the carnival barker.Come see the freak named after his deceased father.Come see the prince who wants to abdicate his throne.Come see the son whose name is carved on a gravestone. - Sherman Alexie
It's so common, it could be anyone. The trouble is, nobody wants to talk about it. And that makes everything worse. - Ruby Wax
It is so hard to stay afloat in a world that just wants to drown you. - Schuyler Peck
Everybody in the world wants to be understood and to have others appreciate them.Being different is scary. Solitude is pain and loneliness. - Mizuki Nomura
You are loved by your maker not because you try to please him and succeed, or fail to please him and apologize, but because he wants to be your father. - Max Lucado
Everyone who wants to know what will happen ought to examine what has happened: everything in this world in any epoch has their replicas in antiquity. - Niccolò Machiavelli
Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the - he said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules - unchain Wall Street. They're gonna put y'all back in chains. - Joe Biden
Purple Mike promises to be an intriguing read that will teach anyone who wants to know about the highs and lows of drug addiction. Purple Mike is a legal, natural high. Enjoy reading. - Sin Mils
Everyone wants everyone to be perfect for them, but they don't want themselves to be perfect for others... - Anonymous
You are a reader, and therefore a thinker, an observer, a living soul who wants more out of this human experience. - Salil Jha
Magic is just energy that wants to be something different - Danielle Paige
Your mind can go ahead and imagine what it wants to imagine, but a true friend will always remain true, in spite of the false messages running through your mind. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Despite your best efforts, not everyone wants to be helped. Make a difference where you can and be at peace with the rest. - Gary Hopkins
There is a mathematics to all his relationships, underlying each and every one. He wants it to all add up in his head and he wants to do the adding. And should someone step outside his ciphers, the circle his mind has drawn, his trust evaporates. - Geoffrey Wood
When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, 'It's in the script.' If he says, 'But what's my motivation?, ' I say, 'Your salary.' - Alfred Hitchcock
Negative people offer no hope to the person who wants to pursue their goal. They are a hinder to positive thinking and plans for a brighter future. - Ellen J. Barrier
A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. - Vince Lombardi Jr.
We only have one desire, which wants to manifest in thousands of ways,like a flower who blooms in billions of shadesto express her only one desire...to be beautiful - Debasish Mridha
No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God! - T.D. Jakes
In the struggle between the needs of the soul and the wants of the body, satisfy the soul first for it carries also the riches of the body. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do. - Bob Dylan
Happiness is there where wants and needs are small, but the desire to give is big. - Debasish Mridha
The poor fool hadn't realized that if all mankind shares a folly or an illusion, and likes to share it even knowing what it is, then the illusion is much more valuable and fine a kind of thing than the ass who wants to upset it. - John Dickson Carr
10Sometimes life is getting so complicated; yet you have to STAND UP gallantly and SURVIVE your life. Allah has written your ENDING GOAL, and he wants you to do your BEST for getting His blessing. - itsnaini
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown. - Chuck Palahniuk
Shy and unready men are great betrayers of secrets; for there are few wants more urgent for the moment than the want of something to say. - Sir Henry Taylor
Live each day like you are celebrating your birthday—that is what life wants for you. Engage with family and friends. Indulge in good food, music and dance. You are precious to life. - Pooja Ruprell
The duty of the one who wants to be silent is to be silent, period! Give little thought to the cacophony of the masses when silence is the best option and silence will speak for itself - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The paradox of life; I wish to have healthy long life. But no one wants to show the glory of the gray hair. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. - George Bernard Shaw
It will be a great day in this world when nobody wants anything because everyone has given and there is nothing left to take. - Anthony Labson
An artist that makes art merely to meet a demand is a slave to what his patrons wants to see, or, hear. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant. - Cary Grant
In prayer, God doesn’t want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul. - Todd Stocker
If you want to be strong, smile! He who can smile, even when he's so sad that he wants to die, when it's so painful that he wants to give it all up and run away, is the one who becomes strong. - Atro Spiker
Everyone wants to protect their heart, but without pain, one can never have joy. - Jaycee Ford
Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black. - Henry Ford
You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children. - Madeleine L'Engle
Fame, girls, fast cars, penthouses and what not; the whole problem is because everyone wants the same things from life. - Daya Kudari
Forget vampires, he laughed dismissively. Who wants to drink blood for eternity? What we have discovered is far more seductive and a great deal more dangerous… - Pat Spence - Blue Moon
To take away a man’s sanity, answer all his prayers and solve all his problems. Or give him everything and everyone he wants. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I found out that when you get married the man becomes the head of the house. And the woman becomes the neck, and she turns the head any way she wants to.
I'm not the kind of faggot who wants to put a rainbow sticker on a machine gun. - CA Conrad
It is impossible to satisfy self. Self always wants more and more. It is an ugly monster that will devour you if you don't devour it. Stop feeding it an watch the pressure be released. Self deprivation is much more fulfilling than self gratification. Who Knew? - Randa Manning-Johnson
In the past imagination and enjoyment were the religions. What is religion? It is the evolution of life power. What a man is wanting to know? He always wants to know the infinite power latent in his body. See what an immense power this human body holds! - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
Nobody wants justice.
Nobody wants to fall into a safety net, because it means the structure in which they've been living is in a state of collapse and they have no choice but to tumble downwards. However, it beats the alternative. - Lemony Snicket
The best way to compile inaccurate information that no one wants is to make it up. - Scott Adams
The price an artist pays for doing what he wants is that he has to do it. - William S. Burroughs
Anyone that wants to live a successful life and a prosperous life has to know that life is wired in such a way that for you to survive and make it in life, CHANGE must be your constant companion. - Sunday Adelaja
A fool is someone who wants you to apologise for your intelligence - - rassool jibraeel snyman
She feels lonely all the time, she wants to be accepted, by anyone, on any terms, but she feels apart. As if nobody who really got to know her would trust her. - L.J. Smith
God wants to be seen on earth through His devoted servants. - Sunday Adelaja
People in high life are hardened to the wants and distresses of mankind as surgeons are to their bodily pains. - G. K. Chesterton
There once were four sistersWho were exceptionally ordinary,But desired more than a maiden should desireRavaged by their shameful wantsTheir loving hearts never bloomedInstead four wicked bramblesGrew in their placeEach taintedWith poisonous magic - Elissa Sussman
No one wants to take the risk.They just have to... - Bushra Satkhed
For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty people who don't want to learn--much. - W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman
Nearly everyone wants as least one outstanding meal a day. - Duncan Hines
Everyone Wants to Be as Free as a Bird, but None is so Freely - Jan Jansen
No mother ever wants a war, they want to see their children grow up in peace, surrounded by love. - Debasish Mridha
When our heart wants to live in purity & do the right thing, God will keep us from falling into sin. - Stormie Omartian
True love never wants to get, just give. True love never can hurt because it always forgives. - Debasish Mridha
Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. - Thomas Paine
Children are bad enough--children are rude, selfish, greedy, and unthinking individuals who are unable to distinguish between their own selfish wants and needs and the wants and needs of others. And adults are children with money, alcohol, and power. - Ian Sansom
He should be most proud that the PMRC wants to put their obscene lyrics sticker on his `Jazz From Hell' -- which is an instrumental album.
'I wish life was not so short,' he thought. 'Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about.' - J. R. R. Tolkien
The universe wants you to succeed. So listen to her deep driving desires and be a great success. - Debasish Mridha
If there's a god, it knows exactly what it would take to convince me and has refused to provide it. In fact, it has gone to great lengths to hide any evidence of its existence. That doesn't seem like a deity that wants to be worshiped to me. - David G. McAfee
If one wants to be loved and return it full score dagger of silence closes the door. - David W. Earle
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. - Oprah Winfrey
True prayer is pleading with God for that which He wants to do anyway. - Todd Stocker
A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. - Mark Twain
Take man's most fantastic invention- God. Man invents God in the image of his longings, in the image of what he wants to be, then proceeds to imitate that image, vie with it, and strive to overcome it. - Eric Hoffer
There are problems and there are problems. One big problem and a great paradox in the arena of life is the problem of where or how a person is now and where or how he wants to be tomorrow. Had it not been this problem, we would have been relaxing all day long - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
If a man wants to get married to a woman, it's a human right.If a man wants to get married to a man, it's a human right. If a women wants to get married to a woman, it's a human right.You can take anything away, but not a human right. - Mekiah Johnson
I love men. I also hate men; I wouldn't want to be in a world without them but I have to say, it's not a compliment to know a man wants to sleep with you. It's only a compliment when he will go to great lengths for you. - Donna Lynn Hope
Everyone is longing for love, everyone is suffering from the needs and wants, so be loving, kind, and compassionate to everyone. - Debasish Mridha
The first rule of book club - is that nobody wants to talk about book club. - Douglas Lewis
Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. - Fran Lebowitz
Oh the beauty of nature! Oh the magical heart touching flower.My heart wants to bloom like you with love, joy, and laughter. - Debasish Mridha
Our levels of consciousness and awareness define our wants and needs. When we achieve higher levels of consciousness, our wants cease to exist. - Debasish Mridha
Doing evil to another person doesn't prove your love and loyalty to another person; it proves your significant other wants you to walk away from the light because they are lonely living in the dark. - Shannon L. Alder
We hate each other by race, color, tribe, wealth, gender etc because everyone wants to feel special and different than the other. I do not however have a solution on how people can stop having an ego that makes them specially superior than the other. - Robert Kodingo
Don't be a leader to dictate, but be a person whom everyone wants to emulate and follow. - Debasish Mridha
Petronius says that ‘Mundus vult decipi - The world wants to be deceived.’ That is very true, otherwise there wouldn’t exist any religion! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.
Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear; all he or she needs is to talk it out. Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for his or her suffering can be a big comfort. - Roy T. Bennett
It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because ofthe need to assuage an unusual power drive. - Robert Greenleaf
A stupid is one who thinks that those in power today had clandestine means of getting there, yet wants to get there without thinking of the clandestine route they would be taking. - Michael Bassey Johnson
An artist is someone who, needing nothing and no one, wants everything and everyone. - Neel Burton
The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. - Theodore Roosevelt
The light in meonly wants toreach the darkness in you. - Vivid Darkness
To an ignorant lady, she wants to look attractive and beautiful while some conscienceless men prey on her life. - Sunday Adelaja
. . . anyone who wants to elaborate relevant liberation theology must be prepared to go into the 'examination hall' of the poor. Only after sitting on the benches of he humble will he or she be entitled to enter a school of 'higher learning. - Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff
Everyone wants to ride the train but not everyone wants to lay the tracks - AJ Joshi
The master mind is the mind that thinks what it wants to think, regardless of what circumstances, environment or associations may suggest. - Christian D. Larson
Where lowland is, that's where water goes. All medicine wants is pain to cure. - Jalaluddin Rumi
A lot of lip service gets paid to being honest, but no one really wants to hear it unless what's being said is the party line. - Colin Quinn
You'll never fly, if you're too scared of the height,You'll never live if you're just too scared to die,Everybody wants heaven, I knowBut darling freedom ain't free, it's a long roadYou'll never find your place up there in the skyIf you never say goodbye. - Hardwell & Dyro & Bright Lights
Two people that have the same wants are two people that should be friends. - Shannon L. Alder
Ok, I see. When they say Charles Wovenu is passing by, everyone wants to see Charles Wovenu. But when they say to a child that "Bibi" is passing by, every child is hiding for "Bibi". What makes the difference is the impacts. - Israelmore Ayivor
The genius inside a person wants activity. It’s connected to the stars; it’s connected to a spark and it wants to burn and it wants to make and it wants to create and it has gifts to give. That is the nature of inner genius. - Michael Meade
For any writer who wants to keep a journal, be alive to everything, not just to what you're feeling, but also to your pets, to flowers, to what you're reading. - May Sarton
He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gates open. - Rabindranath Tagore
When a man wants to murder a tiger, it's called sport; when the tiger wants to murder him it's called ferocity. - George Bernard Shaw
…breaking the heart of someone you still love is a rare horror, not funny to anyone, except perhaps Satan…and even his pleasure would be spoiled by not having had a hand in it, by the dumb, wasteful accident of the thing. The Devil wants meaning just like the rest of us. - Glenn Duncan
There’s a fine line between trying to be everything your mate wants you to be and wanting to be loved for who you are. - Brownell Landrum
Society wants to believe it can identify evil people, or bad or harmful people, but it's not practical. There are no stereotypes. - Ted Bundy
Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know. - Alan W. Watts
It's too good, she is. She wants to find the good in others, and sometimes her way of finding that is to trust them, hoping she'll not be disappointed but she sometimes is. - Claire Keegan
If someone wants a sheep, then that means that he exists. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The world wants to be deceived. - Sebastian Brant
The public wants work which flatters its illusions. - Gustave Flaubert
I leave the outdoors to you. It is too warm out there to read comfortable, and summer, like many uncomfortable things, is as welcome as a dim woman. It is tolerable to look at, but after being made to interact with it, nobody wants anything to do with it. - Michelle Franklin
If you are walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go. - A.A. Allen
He who wants a rose must respect her thorn. - André Gide
You will know who wants you to succeed by the way they see the good in you before they ever see your flaws. - Adam Smith
I don't want Church to be like all those dead pets! she burst out, suddenly tearful and furious. I don't want Church to ever be dead! He's my cat! He's not God's cat! Let God have all the damn old cats He wants, and kill them all! Church is mine! - Stephen King
Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be. - Thérèse de Lisieux
Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. - John F. Kennedy
No one wants to die with vacation time on the books. - Andrea Goeglein
Nobody wants to be nothing. But that's the greatest thing in the world to be. - Marty Rubin
If anyone scolds you.,just receive it thankfully.Because,they wants you to become a best person than before. - Satyaankith
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man; it is what he wants and must have to be good for anything. Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. - John Neal
The urge to create a fictional narrative is a mysterious one, and when an idea comes, the writer's sense of what a story wants to be is only vaguely visible through the penumbra of inspiration. - Adam Johnson
She cries cuz shes lost and she doesn't even know what she wants. Her eyes grow cold as she begs the world to just let her go.lines from Love Vs Destiny... - Atul Purohit
A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty, until found effective. - Edward Teller
I don't own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they just say 'Mitch,' and I say 'what?' and turn my head slightly. - Mitch Hedberg
When God closes a door He does not always open a window. Sometimes He wants you to sit in the quiet darkness while He transforms your fear into trust. How long that takes, is often up to you! - William Branks
Know the one who wants nothing to be the wealthiest. - Radhe Maa
It's excellence in leadership when everyone wants to manufacture a black shoe and you manufacture a designer black shoe with gold medal on top. Do something new; do something better! - Israelmore Ayivor
Every seed wants to die in the soil! Every umbrella wants to live in a perpetually rainy world! Every mirror wants to see its own face in another mirror! Everything in this universe has dreams they wish to realise! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If everyone wants to be somebody, I want to be somebody else - Benny Bellamacina
If our life is a dream, let it continue; who wants the reality? If our life is a reality, let it continue; who wants the dream? Unknown is unreliable! - Mehmet Murat ildan
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