Quotation Explorer - 'Festival'

Fatuous words I don't trust you I trust silenceMore than beauty more than anythingA festival of understanding - František Halas
Describing current human mindsets reflecting our ignorance and cowardice and non action-oriented mentality:"I'm going to do nothing but escapist drugs and hop from one party or festival to another. I will dance my way out of the harsh realities of Planet Earth. - Mark Passio
Celebrate Life. To truly live, Celebrate each day of Life. Let each day be a Festival of Joy.- - RVM
Live every day as if it is a festival. Turn your life into a celebration - Radhe Maa
Spend your time with family and people you love. Don't wait for festivals be with them, each moment you're with them, that's a festival. - Sarvesh Jain
The truth is Christmas evolved from the Roman holiday Saturnalia, a winter festival where men gave gifts to each other. They also would get drunk, have sex with each other and beat their wives - Huey Freeman The Boondocks
Y'know, when I first started listening to punk rock music, I used to get my fucking ass kicked for it! I was known as a fucking freak! But now I'm amongst many many many freaks here with me tonight! - Billie Joe Armstrong,Stay The Night, Reading Festival 2013 - Green Day
When men and women produce a baby together for the first time, it's an absolute festival of mutual incompetence.From The Wife Drought - Annabel Crabb
I know when a festival comes,I'm just searching for a beautiful birthday quote for her. - Balakoteswara Panchakshari
There are people who think they can dance out of slavery. I’m going to do escapist drugs and hop from one party or festival to another. I will dance my out of the harsh realities of Planet Earth - Mark Passio
On Twitter, people who had read my book followed me and I could see what else they were reading, why they'd liked what I'd written and by the by, more about them than I'd ever elicit from two minutes in a tent at a book festival, stuck behind a signing desk. - Sara Sheridan
If god is the root cause for our degradation destroy that god. If it is religion destroy it. If it is Manu Darma, Gita, or any other Mythology (Purana), burn them to ashes. If it is temple, tank, or festival, boycott them. Finally if it is our politics, come forward to declare it openly. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
The Truth Is That Existence Wants Your Life To Become A Festival Because When You Are Unhappy, You Also Throw Unhappiness All Around. - Osho
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