Being human means throwing your whole life on the scales of destiny when need be, all the while rejoicing in every sunny day and every beautiful cloud. - Rosa Luxemburg
For if you do not wish to be ‘just a number’ then do not measure yourself accordingly. Bank statements and scales are instruments employed by society that confine you to a limited summation of yourself – born is the human void. - Nicole Bonomi
If love wants you; if you've been melted down to stars, you will love with lungs and gills; with feathers and scales; with warm blood and cold. - Anne Michaels
REASON, v.i. To weight probabilities in the scales of desire. - Ambrose Bierce
Rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on the scales.
There are no little events with the heart. It magnifies everything; it places in the same scales the fall of an empire of fourteen years and the dropping of a woman's glove, and almost always the glove weighs more than the empire. - Honore de Balzac
...I gotta burn these scales... sigh* - Hiroko Sakai
"Where there is a will there is a way," is an old and true saying. He who resolves upon doing a thing, by that very resolution often scales the barriers to it, and secures its achievement. To think we are able, is almost to be so - to determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself. - Samuel Smiles
That it should be the questions and shape of a life, its total complexity gathered, arranged, and considered, which matters in the end, not some stamp of salvation or damnation that disperses all the complexity into some unsatisfying little decision - the balancing of scales... - Tony Kushner
Feelings are relative. And at the root, they're all the same, even if they grow from different experiences and exist on different scales. - Becky Chambers