Stories are epically important to how we view and interact in the world around us. We define ourselves, our abilities and even our goals by the stories we believe and share. These stories become part of our personal view of our world. - Lyssa Danehy deHart
Working with women is such a rewarding experience because as you interact with them, you realize that although they face various struggles, women have one goal, to see the world change for the better. - Gugu Mona
I leave the outdoors to you. It is too warm out there to read comfortable, and summer, like many uncomfortable things, is as welcome as a dim woman. It is tolerable to look at, but after being made to interact with it, nobody wants anything to do with it. - Michelle Franklin
You can now interact with Sheriff Derrick Decker on Facebook. Just look up Derrick Decker! - Laney Smith
Interact with others as if you are radiating happiness and healing from within. - Franklin Gillette
There is a huge college about how men and women interact with each other after marriage. But people get married without learning. - Dada Bhagwan