Quotation Explorer - 'Secondary'

From our primary schools to secondary schools, to tertiary institutions, there must be a mass campaign to educate our people in the value of labour. - Sunday Adelaja
It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things. - Theodore Roosevelt
It's often about the simple things, isn't it? Painting and photography are first about seeing, they say. Writing is about observing. Technique is secondary. Sometimes the simple is the most difficult. - Linda Olsson
I considered the case and realized that if something can exist in opinion without existing in reality, or exist in reality without existing in opinion, the conclusion is that of the two parallel lives, only opinion is necessary not reality, which is only a secondary consideration. - Machado de Assis
The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought. - Peter Medawar
failure is normal expression of an action's re-action. learning is secondary in this process .it is only prime to recognize true capacity within ourselves.it is a tool to transform the same person in new one with new value and outlook towards the same old world. - ratna m.munshi
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, antagonistic, or materialistic ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
You can't be a good writer in the States anymore because to be a good one you have to have a country where you can be poor and still eat, and still make your living standard secondary to your writing. Thoreau himself couldn't do that in the States today. - Nelson Algren
The main thing is to be full of life. Everything else is secondary. - Marty Rubin
the glory of the protagonist is always paid for by a lot of secondary characters - Tony Hoagland
When you do what someone else wants you to do, you are wasting your time. Don’t get tricked by other people’s thinking. The life is yours and so are goals. Believe in your own intuitions, speak your own voice, and follow what your heart says. The rest is secondary. - Ashish Patel
Women have traditionally took secondary roles to men. I want to be the boss not the secretary. - Bianca Frazier
Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, or materialist ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
I’m not beholden to the confirmation of your prejudices; to be perfectly frank, the prospect of confining the female characters in my story to placid, helpless secondary places in the narrative is so goddamn boring that I would rather not write at all. - Scott Lynch
Love is the only reality, everything else is secondary. - Debasish Mridha
A journey of 1000 miles starts with asking God for guidance & protection... 'a single step' is secondary! - Mwirigi LG
If there is to be any hope for the world, indeed if you really want to find satisfaction and happiness in your life, you must regard the return you will receive as a secondary consideration, if a consideration at all ……seek money first and you will ruin your land, or betray your profession… - Sir James Darling
Language is fossil poetry. As the limestone of the continent consists of infinite masses of the shells of animalcules, so language is made up of images, or tropes, which now, in their secondary use, have long ceased to remind us of their poetic origin. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
let's forget the hope, it's the secondary thing to motivate.the primary one is to approach for it. - kurbhatt
Scoring well on tests is the sort of happy thing that gets the school district the greenbacks they crave. Understanding and appreciating the material are secondary. - Libba Bray
Success is secondary to impact. Success is a list of what you win, gain and attain - it may pass it may remain. Impact is the test; the hearts, minds and lives you touch, enhance and forever change... - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The only thing necessary in this world is love. Everything else is secondary. - Kamand Kojouri
The top 10% of the people who are most creative, constructive and thoughtful, do not have much to do with churches. To them the canons of reason come first, making faith secondary and questionable. - Joseph Fletcher
A good story or a book is all about it's power to hold it's readers still till the very last word of it's climax - complexity in language, dialogues, descriptions, everything else is secondary! - Mehek Bassi
The face is not a secondary billboard for our internal feelings. It is an equal partner in the emotional process. - Malcolm Gladwell
Start looking at the glass as half full and not half empty, a positive life is secondary to you being positive. - Unarine Ramaru
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