Quotation Explorer - 'Cinderella'

Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing." ~ Sam (), A Cinderella Story - Hilary Duff
If I could have any job in the world I'd be a professional Cinderella. - Susanna Kaysen
...he is constantly reminding me that real magic doesn't come from achieving the perfect appearance, from being Cinderella at the ball with both glass slippers and a killer hairstyle. The real magic is in the pumpkin, in the mice, in the moonlight; not beyond ordinary life, but within it. - Martha N. Beck
It's our journey to search for that piece of our soul with our life's purpose written on it." Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
Being --- a state that is open to life yet connected to this moment" Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
We all want to feel like the most beautiful woman in the room, to be chosen and loved forever. The Cinderella story gives us hope of our impossible dreams becoming true. - Beth M Jones
That's when it hit me. I had to go through a lot of bad relationships first, but I'd finally found him. My very own Prince Charming. Turns out they do exist.Touché, Cinderella. Touché. - Cindi Madsen
Life’s heartbeat...the soul seeds of opportunity" by Cinderella in Focus - hlbalcomb
We mature not by years, but by stories…" Cinderella In Focus:Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
Change requires one to start now here or nowhere. Both places require one to pass through the same starting point today, right now from Cinderella In Focus - H.L. Balcomb
A soul wound doesn't grow a new layer of normality overnight" Cinderella in Focus: Cindy'Secret - hlbalcomb
Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress. - Kiera Cass
Remember: There's a reason the fairy godmother gave Cinderella two glass slippers. - Michael Callahan
If you don't like Cinderella because she seems so "naive" and "weak," listen to this quote from the Walt himself: "She believed in dreams, all right, but she also believed in doing something about them. When Prince Charming didn't come along, she went over to the palace and got him. - Walt Disney Company
Little Red Riding Hood was stalked; Cinderella was abused; the Beauty had to live with a hideous Beast; Snow White was poisoned; Hansel and Gretel were meat for a cannibal… and then we wonder why our kids grow up with problems. - Ashwin Sanghi
Solitude the space between thinking from Cinderella In Focus. - H.L. Balcomb
Our Higher Self: The part of us that is connected to nature and also humanity" from Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
Soulful intent...A perspective that reminds us that our understanding is not the only way" from Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
Follow the sincerity of your heart, it will always lead you on the right path" Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret - hlbalcomb
An anniversary is where you look back at having either fulfilled Cinderella or Lord of the Flies. - Fernando A. Torres
In stories like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, they always say the heroine is 'as good as she is beautiful.' I wondered if people just wanted that to be true, wanted the beautiful to be good. I wondered if they wanted the ugly to be bad because then they wouldn't have to feel bad for them. - Alex Flinn
Peace’s gravitational force a force of possibility! from Cinderella In Focus - H.L. Balcomb
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