Quotation Explorer - 'Fortified'

I only drink fortified wines during bad weather. Snowstorm, hurricane, tornado--I'm not particular, as long as it's bad. After all, any storm for a Port.
He was fortified by a memory which kept only the good things and rejected the ill. Despite his sorrows, he had had a fair share of joys and these were ever fresh and accessible. - Evelyn Waugh
The best thing you can ever have is peace of mind, it is a basking fire to keep a cold heart in warmth, and a fortified confidence to be proud of. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The heart of man is vulnerable to negativity, but it could be easily fortified with positivity - Michael Bassey Johnson
To march over dead man, to hear without concern the groans of the wounded, I say few men can stand such scenes unless steeled by habit or fortified by military pride. - Nathanael Greene
Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. - Sydney Smith
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