Quotation Explorer - 'Suffocate'

Words know how to suffocate lies to exhale the truth. - Munia Khan
My advice to any girl ... read and learn about sexuality and surround yourself with people who you can talk to and who can support you through your journey. Be comfortable with who you are. Connect with others as you get to discover you are not alone. Don't suffocate yourself ... - Rena Otieno
Whatever the questions that trouble you just get up and ask, don't let them suffocate you. Because questions not asked will stay questions unanswered. - Mansi Soni
One sure way to kill a dream, is to suffocate it with worry. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Don't suffocate your spirit for the lessons that were only passing through spring. - Nikki Rowe
Stagnancy will suffocate a business… Leadership must be dynamic and evolving to ensure successful growth, enhancement, and longevity. - Steve Maraboli
Injustice coupled with racism is a highly explosive mixture, in which the world, threatens to suffocate. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
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